(PERMANENT HIATUS) Body contains a human SOUL.
572 posts
ind. sel. kris from deltarune. controlled by landon. infrequent activity. read rules before interacting. all art is not mine unless stated otherwise.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
So, I’ve basically lost all muse for Kris at this point for a multitude of reasons I don’t wanna get into, so for the foreseeable future until when/if I get it back, this blog is on a permanent hiatus.
I’m gonna try increasing activity for my other blogs in the New Year, a list of which is below. Sorry for anyone I owe replies to on here, if I get muse back for Kris after while I can try getting to them again. 
@mothflannel (Deltarune OC)
@featheredgamer (HC-based / canon divergent Berdly from Deltarune)
@girlnextdoe (Noelle Holiday from Deltarune)
@bloodbrew (Flesh Monster from Monday Dusk Monolith)
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
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                                           hello   ,   my  old  heart.                                                         by king.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
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                               forgettable little bluebird of misfortune.
                          HOME | RULES | ABOUT | VERSES | CREDIT
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
❝    right  of  cours―    ❞   you  stop  yourself   /   the  moment  your  eyes  saw  their  hand  reaching  out  for  you.   ah   /   your  cheeks  flushed  rosy  pink  again.   what  was  with  this  atmosphere   /   the  world  was  going  to  crumble  against  your  back   (   &   yet  all  you  hear  is  the  speakers  playing  such  a  silly  song   /   while  the  two  of  you  ride  together  in  a  swan  boat   ).   you  place  a  hand  at  your  heart   /   steady  yourself   (   a  garden  wishes  to  burst  with  life   /   but  you  can’t   /   not  yet   ).
❝    r―right…   of  course.   thank  you   ,   kris.    ❞   you  take  a  couple  steps  closer  to  them   /   your  flushed  cheeks  never  fading  with  time.   though  when  you  reach  for  their  hand   /   your  eyes   ,   they  could  never  falter  from  that  bruise  that  they’ve  been  hiding  on  their  cheek.   without  much  thought   /   about  your  feelings  or  the  fact  you’ve  gotten  so  close  to  kris   (   much  more  than  you  had  realized   ).   you  gently  placed  your  palm  against  their  cheek   /   caressing  them  in  your  hands.   a  familiar  light   /   warm   &   gentle   (   the  pain  melting  away   &   leaving  kris  with  nothing  but  the  feeling  of  comfort   /   at  least   /   you  hoped  so   ).
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❝    sorry  i―   i  just  couldn’t…   um…    ❞   stop  staring   ?   /   no  that’d  just  be  weird  to  say.    ❝    couldn’t  help  but  notice  the  bruise.   does…   does  this  feel  any  better   ?    ❞   it  might  of  been  the  first  time  you  were  able  to  directly  look  at  kris  throughout  this  whole  ride   /   worry  in  your  eyes.
suffice  it  to  say   /   it  seems  you’ve  momentarily  forgotten  about  the  weight   (   that’s  been  crushing  on  your  tiny  little  body  for  years   ).
gloved fingers interlace with ralsei’s, gripping just a bit tightly to ensure the hold on his paw is secure enough for when he stepped off to his side of the island. however, hidden eyebrows perk in curiosity when another paw is raised. before they can question it however, it finds it’s resting place on their cheek.
it stings at first, and kris is tempted to move their head away, but then there’s a light and.... oh. it’s gone. the bruise disappears, and in it’s place, their cheeks are coated in a darker blue as they gently lean into the paw.
frown appears at his apology, but it disappears when the prince asks them if they’re feeling better.
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━━ ♡ “.....Yes.”
after another ten seconds or so of standing there, just. staring at ralsei from behind their bangs, they shift a bit more towards his side of the ship, ready to keep the prince from falling whenever he stepped off onto the island.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
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                  [ LISTEN . ] [ NO . ] …VERY WELL THEN.
                                       ( art credit && template credit . )
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
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“I-I guess that makes sense, now that you mention it! Maybe you will have to worry about the doorframes someday, fahaha…!”
She expected that question, but she still has to think about it for a moment. There’s…well, there’s probably been nothing like this that’s happened before. She doesn’t exactly have a lot of knowledge to go on.
“W-well, um…maybe! I-I don’t know for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you did grow a bit. O-or a lot. Your parents are some of the tallest people in town, so…maybe you’ll end up being taller than me again!”
━━ ♡ “Taller than you again.... huh.”
it’s something they have to spend a moment to register. for a long while, noelle’s been taller than them, always. to think they might reach the heights that asriel or even toriel can.... it’s something that excites them even more, now that they think on it.
wait. asriel...
━━ ♡ “Oh, shit. Asriel’s gonna freak when he sees this when he comes back.”
mom would too, but, they’re much more excited to show off to him than her at the moment.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
Hey! I’ve made a carrd listing all of my blogs and their activity levels.
Check it out here.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
With all the excitement that comes with the lightners coming & the adventure that followed , there soon would come a time of rest. A rest the prince had come to fear once before in his life, but now? His head rests gently into kris’ shoulder & tired eyes slowly shutting. His hand clings to their arm, it looks like kris won’t be able to go anywhere until the prince wakes up again.
a moment of quiet was always nice. after all, they had just gotten back to castle town from sealing yet another fountain, how was the knight so fast at opening them? they wonder.
but, a nap wouldn't hurt anyone. susie was off in her own room, probably for the best, considering her snoring. but, ralsei had decided to join kris in their room. they could think of a few reasons why.
and so, they sat there, on their bed, the prince resting into their form. the rise and fall of his chest, the peaceful expression on his face as they laid into their shoulder, the grip on their arm that locked them together.... they wonder why they ever thought it wasn't easy to fall for him.
sleepiness falls over the human as well, leaning against the wall, they decide to give the prince one last gift before they joined him in mutual slumber.
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kris leans ever so slightly towards him, and kisses him on the forehead.
not too long after, their own head rests on top of ralsei's.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
* Once the suggestion is given, Susie actually isn’t sure if Kris will be able to do it. She’s not going to back out of it of course, but she’s not expecting them to go through with it either. It’s a pleasant surprise when they do, and she can’t help but laugh as they struggle to lift her, only to start cheering them on once they actually get her off the ground a bit.
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* And then they drop her. Susie just barely catches herself, but Kris isn’t so lucky. She stands over them, trying not to laugh, and reaches out her hand for them to grab.
* “You okay, Fluffy?”
━━ ♡ “Yeah.”
is this what it felt like to be called “fluffy”, they wonder? all the times they teased ralsei about it seem to be biting them back now, as they can feel their cheeks warm up underneath the fur.
padded hand grips at susie’s own scaled one, hoisting themselves up. once they’re repositioned back up, they’re scratching at their chin in thought.
━━ ♡ “Damn... can’t believe I was able to lift YOU.... wonder what else I could...”
speech stops though, as their head perks up. 
━━ ♡ “...My dad was able to lift a car once.”
mischievous grin spreads on their snout.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
Hey, if you like the goat thing enough, nothing saying you can't spin it off into a permanent verse if you'd like!
you know what maybe ur right anon
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
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“R… Really…?” Just… Just like that? Was Kris some sort of Saint that the shark didn’t know? Did they just like to give people money even if they didn’t know him? It was certainly off putting, and it was enough to make Will’s guard slip a bit. Normally, he wouldn’t even question why, but… He needed to know. What was the point of that? “… Um, why, though…? You, uh… Um… Don’t, you know, know me. Not to mention, I’m, uh…” He looked down at his hoodie. The Shark certainly isn’t going to win any awards for appearance, what with his stained and dirty hoodie, along with torn jeans. 
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━━ ♡ Seemed like you needed it.
they sign back, finishing with a shrug. the appearance of the other gives them some... hints, of the reasoning why they’re needing to ask. but for now, they won’t prod.
━━ ♡ What’s your name?
they ask through hands.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
holds kris’ hand & with the power of magic a warm soft light glows from his beans onto their palms.
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eyes watch curiously, as the magic flows out onto their paws from ralsei's own. the glow gives off a relaxing, comforted feeling to the lightner. almost as much as the feeling of their fingers intertwining.
a calm unlike any other takes over the boss monster, as they feel wounds from past battles seal up and dissipate.
━━ ♡ "Thank you, Rals."
the usual neutral tone of voice is replaced with a gentle, soothing one.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
* To be honest, Susie didn’t think they would actually be able to do anything. So she has no idea how to answer when they ask what they should do next.
* “Uh.”
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* Suddenly, inspiration strikes! It’s a pretty ridiculous thought, but then again so is this entire activity. The girl grins.
* “Why don’t you try picking ME up?”
eyebrows perk at the suggestion, hidden eyes gazing her form up and down. her? pick up her? she was bigger than them! head barely made it up to her shoulders!
but hey, they can at least make an attempt. hands reach out and grab her sides, before attempting to lift her up just as they had the rock.... she doesn’t budge. but, they’re not ready to call it quits yet.
they step forward, arms wrapping around her torso as they try again... and this time, there’s results. slowly, with strenuous effort, susie is lifted up and off her feet, dangling up as the boss monster’s legs began to wobble.... and they’re promptly falling backwards, letting go and letting her fall to the side as they toppled back onto the grass beneath them.
━━ ♡ “Ow.”
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
@dark-duo​ asks: Will bites one of his fingers out of sheer anxiety as he walks up to Kris. "Um... Uh... Do, uh, you have any, um... Money for the school lunch...?" The Shark asks, hoping it isn't too innocuous enough to warrant suspicion.
a surprise overcomes the newly formed monster, eyeing down the shark. kris had seen him around before, but never had the chance to get to know much about him... or anything at all. and it’s especially curious that he’d only now approach, for such a reason, after the human had turned.
skepticism is initially present, but, kris jabs a clawed hand into their pocket, scrambling around before pulling out five bucks and twenty five cents. handing it over to will and signing back.
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━━ ♡ Here you go.
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
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“Oh! H-hey, if you already have some, that’s good. It’ll probably make fur maintenance a lot less of a headache.” And gosh, could it be a headache for Noelle, especially when her winter coat was in…like it was right now.
There are some downsides to being fluffy.
“U-um…I wouldn’t worry too much about it, I think. Your horns will probably stay small enough that it won’t be a concern. P-probably.” She wonders to herself if Kris is going to start growing thanks to boss monster genes. She envisions a seven-foot-tall Kris and is kind of terrified. “D-do boss monsters ever shed their horns like reindeer monsters shed their antlers? I-it’s a yearly thing for us.”
the dreemurr shakes their head at that last part.
━━ ♡ “How do you think my dad got his so big?"
memories flash to times when he would accidentally bump them into the roof or doorways, that classic yelp. heh. .. wait. big? eyebrows perk up in realization. boss monsters were tall as hell. and if they’re a boss monster now.....
━━ ♡ “Do you think I’ll get bigger, Noelle?”
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
with the goat kris M!A slated to end tomorrow, im actually gonna cheat a lil and extend it by 1 day.
i was really excited to do it when i saw this in my inbox but then i got carried away with other muses and spent most of the M!A on ellis and neil’s blogs, so now i feel bad about not doing much else with it...
so! if any mutual wants to send an ask or wants a starter or whatever with goat kris before nov 13th, feel free to or hit that like for a starter
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lv2tactician · 3 years ago
* When Kris reaches towards her, Susie flinches away a bit. She relaxes after a moment though when all they do is gently brush her hair out of her eyes. She almost averts her gaze, but catches sight of their own first. It’s gentle. Nobody has ever really looked at her the way that the human is looking at her now, and she knows how big of a deal them showing their eyes is, too.
* Even after all they’ve been through together so far, the trust they’re showing to her in these moments feel undeserved. She finally looks away, rubbing the back of her head before giving them a small, almost timid smile.
* “Okay, Kris.”
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* The situation is a heavy one, there’s no denying it, but maybe Susie can say something to make it seem a little less so.
* “…It’s hard to say no to those puppy-dog eyes you’re giving me, anyway. Heh.”
that smile. oh, that smile. it’s a rare one seldom seen from her, and that alone wipes the frown off of kris’ face. 
and immediately, the smile that had been growing bursts into a grin, which bursts out into a very short, raspy chuckle at her last statement.
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━━ ♡ “Thanks. I had some good practice as a kid.”
and now, the nudge from earlier is returned with a playful elbow jab into her own arm. and it’s after that they remember just what they were doing beforehand, eyeing the sizzling steaks on the pan.
━━ ♡ “Oh. Right. Those are gonna need a few minutes before we flip them...”
for a moment, there’s not much else, just. kris staring at the pan. before turning back to susie, eyes now facing her with curiosity instead.
━━ ♡ “Wanna watch something to pass the time?”
finger points to the living room beside them, couch resting temptingly in front of a TV.
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