luvinus · 2 years
Hello! I'd like to request for househusband headcanons with the octotrio please! What's your interpretation of them as househusbands? :D
Househusband Headcanons - Octavinelle Edition
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: The waiter being an absolute SIMP for these fish men
Waiter’s Note:
Azul Ashengrotto
Ever since you two got married, he's always been in charge of meals. Not only because he wants to watch his diet, but also to arrange the most luxurious dinner for the both of you. I sincerely wish I was you.
If you like to cook, he'd happily invite you to help him. It'd make things much faster, and you two could spend some time together while you're at it. <3
As you open the door and step into your shared home, the exhaustion of the day hits you like a truck. You take off your coat and leave your shoes by the door when you notice the absolutely delicious aroma coming from your kitchen. Your husband peeks into the hallway at the sound of your arrival. There he stood, cooking utensil in hand and sporting apron over the comfortable clothes he put together this morning. Azul gives you a smile, sensing your fatigue. "I'm almost done over here, Angelfish. Take your time and wash up," he says before resuming his work back at the stovetop.
OH AND WAKING UP NEXT TO HIM FWUOINRU. He'd look so pretty; hair tousled and voice soft while he's still blinking away the sleep in his eyes. Azul would nuzzle his face into your neck, refusing to get up when you had to leave for work early in the morn.
But, he'd never admit to it. He adamantly refuses your claims when you tease him about it, saying that he doesn't know what you're talking about, all with a pink dust on his cheeks. I'm losing it over this man.
Jade Leech
I feel like he'd love to clean and keep his living space organized. Also, he'd always rearranging his little terrariums and potted plants around the house. You didn't realize how many there really were until you noticed that they changed about every week or so-
On that note, with all the moving around and cleaning being done, he'd most likely move and organize your things too. You're not sure if he hides your things on purpose just to keep you in the house for longer, but now you can't find your favorite pen. Huh, where did your signed documents go? You swear you had your phone around here somewhere... This little brat would INFURIATE me, but I love him, so I guess I'll forgive him.
Checking the clock, you realize that if you weren't up and gone in the next 10 minutes, you'd be late for work. You rush to stand up from your seat at the table, where lukewarm pancakes adorned with berries, chocolate chips, and syrup were found. You stuff one last big bite into your mouth before sprinting for the door and sitting on the ledge to put on your shoes.
Suddenly, you feel a weight atop your head, and you look up to see Jade standing with a playful smile, his lips parting to say, "Hurry along now, or you'll be late, my darling." He plants a kiss on your temple before pinching your nose affectionately. You give him a peck on the lips, tasting of sweet maple syrup, and hustle out the door.
Ok, hear me out: massages. I just KNOW this man gives the best massages ever. His big, strong, soft hands moving up and down your back, kneading at the tough spots of taught muscles along your shoulders and lower back. I just got shivers.
On days where you're really worn out, he'd simply cuddle with you in bed while running his hands up and down your back. He'd whisper words of affirmation and sweet nothings into your ear until you finally fell asleep.
Floyd Leech
Very, VERY cuddly. This man would run towards you and latch onto you the moment you came home; he missed his little shrimp so much!!! It's so cute when he does this, like having a big puppy constantly circling around you like a shark. lol
Still somewhat helpful around the house. Your shared room will forever be messy though, so say goodbye to your favorite pair of socks. Floyd would probably steal your clothes too, so much so that your side of the closet seems noticeably emptier than it used to be...
You sigh as you dumped the big pile of warm, freshly-washed clothes onto your king sized bed. That's right, it was laundry day - the day of your triumph after finally wrestling Floyd to clean the room and whisk away all of the dirty clothing. While dividing the laundry based on who it belonged to, you hear Floyd come in.
Turning to look at him in his green and gold eyes, a spark flies between the two of you. It was always a race to see who could finish their side faster, you or your tall eel husband. "Hey, hey, are you ready now, little shrimp~? I won't go easy on you, 'kay~! Just don't go crying about how you lost to me!" "Oh, we'll see who's gunna lose this time!"
OH MY GOSH, he would totally make a game out of matching the socks together. He'd make a competition or game out of anything; that's the ONLY way he's even slightly tempted to fold the laundry.
On a different note, he'd probably also hide things from you, just to piss you off. <3 Not only that, but he'd put them in places you'd never expect. Like, why is your hair brush in the kitchen cabinet? Why is the jar of strawberry jam in the bathtub???
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luvinus · 2 years
Hello (≧▽≦)
Can I request an angst to comfort/fluff about a lioness reader that gets cornered by some students that want to touch her ears/tail on her way to the Savanaclaw dorm to see Leona? And the teasing of the students reminds her of how she would be teased as a kid in her other school and starts to feel uncomfortable when Leona shows up?
It's ok if you don't want to do this request. Hope you have a great day, stay safe! <33
-shy anon 🖤
“Don't Touch”
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Lioness!Reader, Recalling of undesirable memories, Flashbacks (kind of?), Basically harassment
Further Details from the Customer: “HI, I'm the anon that requested the angst to comfort/fluff about the lioness reader feeling uncomfortable about her tail/ears being touched. I forgot to mention that if you can, please make it a scenario. Tysm 😅🤍”
Waiter’s Note:
“Seyngrfsoierugbwoigwg this was so cute to write. <3 Thank you for ordering! Apologies for the long wait, and I hope you enjoy your stay! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))"
As you made your way to the Savanaclaw dorm, the sun shone down on you. You walked a bit slower, deciding to take your time and bask in the sun a bit more.
'A nap would sound very nice right about now...,' you thought to yourself as your tail swishes back and forth. Leona would probably be napping, enjoying the feeling of the light tingling on his skin, just as you did. Though, it wasn't a rare occurrence. Almost every afternoon, you'd lie down next to the lion and take in the midday warmth, side by side, or sometimes, with you lying down on top of him.
Ears twitching, the sound of someone, or some people, approaching drew you back to reality and out of your thoughts. Stopping, you turned halfway around, ready to leave if needed. You were met with about four or five students, with strangely eager looks on their faces.
"Hey! Sorry, do you mind if we touch them?" one of them said. Another one came forward and added, "We just think your tail and ears are very cute and fluffy! C'mon, just a touch.."
Your lips twitched downward, and your ears pressed down flat against your head, "Uh, no thank you. I'm not-"
"Don't be rude. It's only one touch, nothing more! Just let us," a third one said, approaching you.
This felt weird. This felt uncomfortable. It made a deep pit sink in your stomach as you remembered how your old classmates used to treat you. Their teasing, their taunts, their coos; treating you like a housecat that was simply meant to be played around with. It made you feel helpless and guilty for something you couldn't control.
"Oi, what are you herbivores doing? Get away from her," a voice growled. Your ears shot up and your head snapped to the right, towards the source.
There stood Leona, in all his glory and messy hair, baring his teeth towards the cluster of students. They quickly backed off, apologized, and scurried away. His expression softened when he turned to you.
Lowering your voice as he came closer and closer, you nearly whispered, "What're you doing here?"
You wrap your arms around him and breath in his scent. He smelled like the sun. While he pulls you closer into his arms, you swear you heard a miniature purr from his throat. "You were late."
Feeling him press a kiss near your left ear, you figured he must've missed you. After all, Leona usually isn't this gentle with you. Or maybe, he sensed that something was bothering his queen.
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luvinus · 2 years
love your works! wondering if you can do this but the tweels please !!
“Words hurt”
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Bullying, Guilt/Insecurity, Tweels being intimidating (especially Floyd)
Waiter’s Note:
“I'm crying right now because I got so busy that I completely forgot about this blog. I'm not dead, I promise. ♡~\(´͈  ᵕ `͈ ) Please enjoy your stay!”
Jade Leech
Well this scene is almost impossible. Honestly, who would ever think to hurt you when you're under his care? How foolish of them...
Jade was absolutely not going to tolerate this kind of behavior being directed towards you.
Trust me, they're not even going to last five minutes after he gets his hands on them. ( ^ω^)
'It'll be fine, it won't be so bad!' That's what you told yourself when you agreed on helping Jade round up some students who had yet to fulfill Azul's contracts. Still, here you were: your body dead tired and your legs begging for a break. Not only that, but you'd completely lost track of where the composed Leech twin was. Catching up with Jade was hard, though that's unsurprising considering how long his legs are and his tendency to work fast and efficiently.
Needlessly to say, a small huddle of rather rude-looking students approached your sitting stature on the bench while you were taking a quick rest. A few teases from them was all it took to get you upset, you were already feeling useless in this endeavor. In your watery eyes' reflection, a menacing Jade could just barely be seen.
Usually, Jade would simply let Floyd deal with minor pests like these, but oh boy are they in for a surprise. :]
Once he finishes his long monologue of not-so-subtle threats, he takes you to Mostro Lounge, where he keeps a close eye on you. If you really wanted it, he'd have you relax and wait a bit in his room.
He makes you a little terrarium to make you smile. <3
Floyd Leech
Your assailants should've really thought it through before approaching you.
I mean really, almost the whole school knows that you and Floyd are glued by the hip.
Truly, this was not a very bright idea on their part,... but whatever. Floyd will just have to teach them a lesson for insulting his dear, little shrimpy.
Here you were, standing by the vending machine for quite some time now, waiting for Floyd to show up. Azul had assigned him a few tasks, so he rushed off to complete them and asked you to get him something yummy. A few other students saw you holding all of the sweets that were meant to be shared between you and your partner in crime, and decided to make a few comments on your diet.
You watched as a tall, shadowy figure leaned over their shoulder and gave them a glare. You swore they jumped a few inches into the air from the fright Floyd gave them, sprinting away as fast as they could, albeit stumbling a little. Floyd gave you a big hug, then grinned as he popped one of the candies you were holding into his mouth.
No one's ever going to mess with you again, that's for sure.
And what about the rude students, you ask? Well,... let's just say you won't have to worry your pretty little head about it.♡
Floyd will stick by your side 24/7 and might go as far as sleeping in the Ramshackle dorm for a few days, just to make sure you're safe! ^v^
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luvinus · 3 years
May I request a Yuu reader who is adept with using a spear to fight with + tends to be defensive with Jack, Rook, and Leona? Tysm!
"The Sharp Side of Things"
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Weapons (spears)
Waiter’s Note:
"I know absolutely nothing about spears, but I'm gunna try to do this with a crap ton of research and a whole lot of spirit! o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡╮(。ᐤヮᐤ。)╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ Here's your order! Thanks for visiting!"
Jack Howl
He admires your skills with the spear. It takes a lot of strength to do that!
He likes working out with you, even if it took so much convincing to get you to come with him. I'm talking him knocking on Ramshackle's door every morning and asking if you'd like to join him on his morning jog.
Jack respects the distance you put between the two of you; he isn't going to go much farther than jogging with you. He keeps in mind your boundaries and pays attention to his actions.
He does, however, try to slightly give you some tips concerning your stamina consumption and muscular usage.
If you are going to fight someone with that spear, then you need to control your strength and focus your power on multiple different points of your body. It's these miniscule tips and pieces of advice that brings you to bond with Jack over time.
Rook Hunt
Oh? What's this? A new student that uses a spear? Well, I hope you don't mind a spectator!
Seriously though, he always gets so transfixed on you when you're in the picture.
Just look at how you gracefully swing your spear! The precise aim of the sparkling blade, ready to fend off any attackers! The balance of both your body's and the spear's movements combined! Beauté! 100 points!
He does eventually approach you to lavish you in compliments and sing you praises. What spectacular and extraordinary skills you have!
Rook truly admires your skill, and wishes to continue admiring your elegant form, even if he must do it from afar due to your constant rejection of his words.
Leona Kingscholar
Ah, great. Yet another menace he needs to worry about.
The first year group by themselves already bothered Leona, but now there's a new member of the batch, with a spear too!
He thanks the Great Seven that you have absolutely no interest in him. Just thinking about handling you and your spear gives him a headache. Not to mention, he finds your attitude incredibly annoying.
Leona does kind of think you're intriguing, though, only from afar. The spear isn't exactly the most common weapon; the only weapons on campus that he can possibly think of are swords.
He watches you train with Jack and company from the comfort of his room. He has to admit, you have skills. Well, it's not like he has the patience to break down your dexterous movements.
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luvinus · 3 years
Hello there!
Can I request a platonic headcanon with glamrock freddy? She/Her!
Reader is like 5 or 6 Years Old and it's kind of their first time in the Pizzaplex since she's not exposed to arcades or any malls, she wears frilly dresses with little black ribbons like it's 1982 cause her mother's kind of a dress-up dollie- and she's kind of scared when she sees him but at the same time curious.
Thank you! Have a great day!
“Doe-eyed Doll”
Genre: Platonic, Fluff, Slight Angst/Comfort(?)
Warnings: The lightest hints of fear you've ever seen, Implied that reader is lost, Reader is super confused
Waiter’s Note:
"I literally had to search up a map of the entire Pizzaplex because I could not, for the life of me, remember where anything was located. ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ Anyways, enjoy your order! Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon!"
Glamrock Freddy
Even when he saw you from afar, he went soft for you. Extremely soft, considering he's already a big softie.
I mean, you're so tiny! And look at your puffy dress! You look like you came straight out of the past!
Once he got over the initial burst of serotonin (can he even get any?), that's when he realized you looked a little lost and overwhelmed.
Eyes wide with excitement, confusion, and a little bit of fear, you looked around the brightly colored mall. It was huge; bigger than you could've ever imagined! The hallway you walked through had many big, open windows that showed the inside of the animatronics' rooms. You could still hear the music played by DJ Music Man in the West Arcade, and the commotion of people in the Atrium was certainly audible. It was so much to take in, so many new sounds, so many new people, places, colors; way too many things to comprehend at once. The concert had ended, and the Glamrocks were now out entertaining guests and children, so you weren't very surprised that about 6 to 10 kids were crowding around Freddy.
Spotting you, Freddy quickly granted the children whatever they wanted and made his way to you. You, on the other hand, could only stand there and be astounded, and intimidated, by just how tall he was...
He'd mostly likely notice your discomfort and scan your guest profile. After having a good idea of what you like, he'd offer you something to your tastes.
You'd quickly become friends right after. Now you've got a big animatronic bear wrapped around your finger!
He would 1,000% carry you on his shoulder with your permission. Freddy wants to make sure you have a great time at the Mega Pizzaplex!
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luvinus · 3 years
➤    FNAF: Security Breach Orders ⬎
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ Animatronics·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Glamrock Freddy ⬎
✧ Random Personal Headcanons
✧ "Smart with Style"
✧ "Doe-eyed Doll"
Glamrock Chica ⬎
✧ Random Personal Headcanons
Roxanne Wolf ⬎
✧ Random Personal Headcanons
Montgomery Gator ⬎
✧ Random Personal Headcanons
✧ "Smart with Style"
Sun ⬎
✧ Random Personal Headcanons
Moon ⬎
✧ Random Personal Headcanons
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luvinus · 3 years
➤ Twisted Wonderland Orders ⬎
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ Students .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Tumblr media
Riddle Rosehearts ⬎
✧ "Words hurt"
✧ "Creepy, yet Alluring"
Trey Clover ⬎
Cater Diamond ⬎
Ace Trappola ⬎
Deuce Spade ⬎
Tumblr media
Leona Kingscholar ⬎
✧ "Words hurt"
✧ "Creepy, yet Alluring"
✧ "The Sharp Side of Things"
✧ "Don't Touch"
Ruggie Bucchi ⬎
Jack Howl ⬎
✧ "The Sharp Side of Things"
Tumblr media
Azul Ashengrotto ⬎
✧ "Words hurt"
✧ "Creepy, yet Alluring"
✧ Househusband Headcanons - Octavinelle Edition
Jade Leech ⬎
✧ "Words hurt"
✧ Househusband Headcanons - Octavinelle Edition
Floyd Leech ⬎
✧ "Words hurt"
✧ Househusband Headcanons - Octavinelle Edition
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Kalim Al-Asim ⬎
✧ "Creepy, yet Alluring"
Jamil Viper ⬎
Tumblr media
Vil Schoenheit ⬎
✧ "Focus on me, Love"
Rook Hunt ⬎
✧ "Focus on me, Love"
✧ "The Sharp Side of Things"
Epel Felmier ⬎
✧ "Focus on me, Love"
Tumblr media
Idia Shroud ⬎
Ortho Shroud ⬎
Tumblr media
Malleus Draconia ⬎
✧ "Words hurt"
Lilia Vanrouge ⬎
Sebek Zigvolt ⬎
✧ "A perfect success!"
Silver ⬎
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ Staff .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Dire Crowley⬎
Divus Crewel ⬎
Mozus Trein ⬎
✧ "A life with you is all I could ever ask for"
Ashton Vargas ⬎
Sam ⬎
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luvinus · 3 years
Hi I'm here for a part two of the last request I made. Can I have it with riddle and malleus this time please? (I think that's how you spell his name sorry I'm bad at spelling.)
"Words hurt"
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Bullying, Crying, Hints of anxiety, Fear, Use of rude words to describe bullies
Waiter's Note:
“Welcome back, and I’m so sorry for the wait! Malleus is my absolute favorite character in Twisted Wonderland, so thank you for the great opportunity to write for him when coming back from my break. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ꇴ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ Here's your order!”
Malleus Draconia
He was rather upset, and you could tell by the deep frown on his face.
No one had ever said things akin to that towards him. They were all too intimidated and wouldn’t dare to say such things to him. 
Barely anybody speaks to him, however everyone on campus knew Malleus was fond of you. Or at least, that’s what he thought.
Peaceful. That’s how all his midnight strolls were. It was always just him, the bright moon in the sky, and, occasionally, you. He was mindlessly wandering, completely unaware of the depreciating comments being flung towards you. It hurt. It hurt you that your efforts to find a place at the school were all cast away because of the fact that you lack magic. Especially by the Diasomnia students, who were nothing less than powerful and skillful with their magic. You tried so hard, yet all you receive are insulting words and watery eyes.
Malleus had finally come to one of your favorite parts of his walk. It was where you two had frequently met up countless of times before. Even so, he scowled. He would’ve been happier if he knew about the offenses being told to you sooner, as he could’ve dealt with them sooner.
After scaring the rude students away, he invited you to his dorm with a smile both sweet and sad.
That night, Malleus treated you oh-so kindly and delicately. He listened to your worries and comforted you. He never once let a tear fall from your eyes as he gently told you all the things that he loves about you, and trust me, that’s a lot.
Riddle Rosehearts
Oh, he’s absolutely going “Off with your head” on their butts. No mercy whatsoever. None at all.
You are the best person he could ever ask for, and he will have no one tell you otherwise. 
You’re perfect in his eyes, and if anyone says otherwise, Riddle will make sure they got some sort of punishment, whether administered by a teacher or him!
Hands shaking, you carefully placed the tea set on the counter. You never really liked helping with big unbirthday parties when Trey was unavailable. Of course, it had nothing to do with cooking or the unbirthday party itself; not at all! It was more so the unfortunate company you had seemed to have always been paired up with. Ill-mannered was the nicest way to describe them, and the worst way... was better left unsaid. Yet, somehow, they still managed to shoot even nastier words into your heart. They made your chest sink and your shoulders slump as the guilty thoughts intruded. Three loud, noisy, and rude students begrudgingly aided in preparing the sweets, and the rest of their time was spent nagging at you.
Furious. That’s what he was. He could come up with various insults and labels for them. Impolite, discourteous, insolent, audacious, disrespectful; he could go on and on. Storming into the kitchen, with his face almost as red as the locks on his head while positively fuming, he gave a harsh glare to the students.
You’d most likely have to get him away from the idiots before he sends them flying across the school.
Well, that was an exaggeration. He’d punish them sternly, but he wouldn’t go against the rules. With that said, you still have to get him away from that tense atmosphere.
Instead of having that big unbirthday party celebration, you two decided to have a smaller, more private party in his room with some of the sweets and tea you had prepared. He asked you for the whole truth about the bullies, and promised to assist you in any way he could.
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luvinus · 3 years
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙Announcement.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Apologies for the long wait for content! Due to personal emergencies, the waiter was unable to complete requests for a period of time. Starting either this week or the next, posts will resume.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
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luvinus · 3 years
Hii! New to your blog :) can I request a Sebek x reader scenario where Malleus tries to get them together in secret but fails miserably and now the 2 of them thinks the other doesn't like them? You can do whatever you want after that as long as Sebek and the reader confesses to each other in the end hehe
"A perfect success!"
Genre: Romance, Fluff, A hint of Angst if you squint
Warnings: Overthinking, Misunderstandings
Further Details from the Customer: "Hello sebek x reader anon here where malleus tries to get those 2 together, I forgot to specify that I wanted the reader to be male :)"
Waiter's Note:
"You will not believe the amount of giggles that escaped me when I so much as read this request. Sebek might be a bit OOC since I've never written for him before, sorry! Enjoy your order! (´∀`)"
          Normally, Sebek would enjoy the peace of the Horseback Riding Club, but he felt something was off. It was an odd feeling he couldn’t describe, but he felt more upbeat than he usually was. Maybe it was because Malleus had been asking him questions on his schedule and locations at certain times. Sebek liked being helpful towards his young master.
          Speaking of Malleus, the last time Sebek saw him, he was on his way to the forest, saying he would take a walk a bit earlier than usually. He thought nothing of it, deciding that his young master simply wanted to stop worrying him and Silver.
          And then (Y/N) showed up, his smile never faltering, whether it’s a grin or a small upturn of his lips. He saw Sebek and smiled, waving as he walked over to the latter. Sebek immediately went back to his boisterous way of speaking, greeting (Y/N) with a smile mirroring his.
          "Nice to see you, Sebek," (Y/N) said, now a couple feet away from him. "What did you need help with?"
          "Help? I never asked you to assist me," he replied, maybe a bit too sternly. (Y/N) dawned a nervous expression as he felt his heart sink a little.
          "Ah-, is that so? I see... I was told you needed me for something.. Sorry, there must've been a mix up." He started talking faster, signaling that he wanted to get out of this uncomfortable situation as soon as possible. Not long after finishing his sentence, (Y/N) all but rushed out of the stable and towards the direction of his dorm as Sebek only watched in confusion.
          Malleus frowned from the window from which he was watching from. According to Lilia's guidance, they should be happily hanging out right now, not rushing to get away from each other. Did he not take everything into account? He had arranged both your schedules to alight with one another and made sure you were both free and in high spirits. While Malleus was contemplating this dilemma, Sebek had already left his spot and was returning to Diasomnia.
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . The next morning .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Now it was morning once again, yet Sebek still hadn't figured out what he had done wrong. Did he do something to make (Y/N) hate him? Was it something he said? Flurries of questions found themselves in his head, but he didn't have the answers to any of them. He could only make out one thing from (Y/N)'s behavior throughout the school day, he did not want to be near him.
On (Y/N)'s end, it was chaos. He was in full-on panic-mode in his head. The bitter sentence that Sebek had said to him rung in his head, stirring up endless questions. He was sure he had done something to make Sebek mad. Was it because he ran away from him the other day? He was so embarrassed in the moment that he hadn't even realized the consequences of his actions. At the understanding, (Y/N) figured that Sebek now thinks that he hates him. He mustered up some courage, putting away the doubt lingering in the back of his mind, and headed towards Diasomnia's mirror.
Finally at the dorm, he briefly greeted some of the members, including Malleus. It was a miracle that he wasn't wandering out and about in the forest, but (Y/N) didn't think much of it. He disregarded it with a small wave and went to the door of Sebek's room. He knocked a couple times before it opened.
"(Y/N)!," Sebek said, a bit caught off guard by his surprise visitor.
"Look Sebek, I want you to know that I really didn't mean to give off the impression that I didn't like you the other day, because I really like you and I really don't want to drive you away and-," (Y/N) began to ramble, eyes looking at anywhere but the man in front of him, until he was cut off.
"I like you too."
Stunned, (Y/N) looked straight back at Sebek, who seemed to be flabbergasted that his own vocal cords would betray him. Small, shy smiles appeared on both of their faces as they both turned light shades of pink.
"So,.. would you maybe like to... go horseback riding with me sometime?," Sebek questioned with a bit of hope in his voice, breaking the silence. (Y/N) only chuckled and nodded as they began discussing their plans for the weekend.
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luvinus · 3 years
Headcanons of the dorm leaders with a y/n that draws like juni Ito?
"Creepy, yet Alluring"
Part 1, Part 2 (coming soon...)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Very light implications of fear, Short headcanons to avoid repetition(?)
Waiter's Note:
"I did a little bit of research and assume you mean Junji Ito. Since it was a lot of characters, I’ll split this request into two parts; the second part will contain Vil, Idia, and Malleus. Thank you for requesting! Here you go!"
Riddle Rosehearts
Definitely did not expect this to be what your art looks like. Not in a bad way though, he was just caught off guard.
Riddle honestly doesn't know what to think. He thinks your art is really cool, but it kind of makes him a bit uneasy looking at it.
Show him one of your artworks that focuses on a rose and he might just come around and start loving your art.
Leona Kingscholar
Thinks it's neat. I mean, it's probably better than anything he could've ever done.
He wonders what on Earth goes on inside your head for you to be able to come up with these things.
Probably asks you for the meaning behind some of them and ends up staying awake 'cause he's way too intrigued. Congrats! You managed to get his attention for more than a minute!
Azul Ashengrotto
Another one who's asking about the meaning behind your pieces.
He really thinks your art is amazing, he truly does. But... he'd be lying if he said your art didn't raise small goosebumps across his skin; he doesn't know if it's out of fear or something else.
But he still wishes to see more of your art. It left a haunting impact on him, and he loves it.
Kalim Al-Asim
He thinks your art is the coolest thing on the planet. Constantly asking you to show him more of your works. 
You’ll show him all of them, won’t you? Just look and how excited he is!
Probably asks you to make him a piece so he could frame it and keep it in his room or somewhere else around the Scarabia down. (Most likely his room though; part of him wants to keep the artwork for himself ‘cause you gave it to him, but the other part of him says it deserves to be shown to the public.)
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luvinus · 3 years
Want a cup of tea? I’m going around tumblr asks with a pot and giving out tea.
"Thank you so much! A cup of tea was very much needed with the workload I have at the moment. Thanks for stopping by~!°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°"
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luvinus · 3 years
Hello (⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)ˆ。☆
I saw that requests are open and that you also write for Fnaf: Security Breach so I hope this is ok to request ^^
Can I request Freddy/Monty with an gn!s/o who likes dinosaurs (specifically carnivores) and has a dark academia style? Maybe they even take care of an animatronic dinosaur around the pizza plex for entertainment.
Take care and have a good day/night! o((*^▽^*))o*.✧
"Smart with Style"
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Jealousy, Slight crack because the waiter wrote this at like 12 A.M., The waiter not realizing dinosaurs and alligators are basically cousins
Waiter's Note:
"As someone who loves Freddy, Monty, and dark academia aesthetic, this ask speaks to my soul. Also, not sure why, but I got slight paleontologist vibes from S/O. ┐(´∀`)┌ Here you go; enjoy!"
Glamrock Freddy
Even at first glance, Freddy thought you were really cool. You were rocking that black turtle neck and gray coat before you were told to get into uniform. They should've let you keep rocking your style but, it is what it is.
Now that you're dating, Freddy thinks you're even cooler.
Because he gets cool, free dinosaur facts and he had never heard of before. B)
If you have a dinosaur plushie or have some small models in your room, he's going to think they’re super cool and asks you for details on them.
He’s a tad bit envious of the attention you give the dinosaur animatronic, but if you make sure to give him even more attention, he’ll be a happy bear.
Montgomery Gator
Probably trying to subtly convince you to love alligators more by telling you all sorts of cool things about them.
But it backfires when you just enthusiastically respond with a ton of dinosaurs with the same set of characteristics or traits. He’s frustrated, but seeing your cheerful face rant on about different carnivorous dinosaurs is just very cute to him, so he can’t stay mad at you for long. <3
Enraged when he finds out there’s a dinosaur animatronic. Even more enraged when he’s told you are the one who takes care of them.
He’s the only one you need! Leave that dinosaur and come to him! Only he deserves your love!
Probably throws a fit and becomes even grumpier and a bit huffy, but when you come to calm him down and reassure him that you’d never leave him for that dinosaur, he’ll relax about it. Just don’t be surprised if you feel or see him glaring at you two from far away.
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luvinus · 3 years
Hereby I specify: your own
Random Personal Headcanons on the SB Animatronics
Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Warnings: Pure crack/silliness
Waiter's Note:
"Alrighty! Here are some of my favorite ones! They’re all pretty lighthearted ones, but I can’t help but imagine them this way. Thank you for requesting!"
Glamrock Chica
She loves making Kandi bracelets, and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Also makes loom bracelets.
She likes giving them out to her bandmates and the children. In addition, she had one of the employees give one of them to the Daycare Attendant. No animatronic left behind!
Once, Chica showed up with so many bracelets that you could barely see her arms. Everyone was so confused as to how she even found the time to make all of them.
Glamrock Freddy
Alright, hear me out:
He keeps cute, brightly colored band-aids in his chest compartment.
Monty laughs at him, Roxy finds it kind of amusing, Chica thinks it’s adorable. Even so, Freddy continues to rock on with his Hello Kitty band-aids. He was programmed to be good with kids, so of course he has some emergency supplies if one of them gets a small scratch in his room or something.
A little girl once discovered his little stash and proceeded to absolutely cover him in cute little stickers and band-aids. Monty never lets him forget that day.
Montgomery Gator
I couldn’t find the video, but you know the one where the dude recording tells the other dude to close the door to his room, so he does. But then it’s just like a small corner of the door because the rest of it was broken off?
Yeah, Monty did that once to his own door when having one of his tantrums.
Freddy and Chica were pretty concerned, while Roxy was laughing so hard her voice box was glitching a bit. Monty himself was a mixture of angry, amused, and a tad bit embarrassed.
His room had to be blocked off from the public to prevent kids from going in there. No idea where he ended up staying for the duration of that though. (゚ー゚;)
Roxanne Wolf
She has inspirational sticky notes all over her room; on her vanity, her door, the walls, her charging station, even a couple on the window.
Sometimes they fall off so she just writes more of them.
So now, there’s probably like over 500 fallen sticky notes hidden in her room. Don’t be surprised if you just spot them in the crevice between the couch or vanity and the wall one day.
In my mind, Roxy also went to Freddy and Chica for quotes and reassuring statements to put on the sticky notes since they were the kindest people she knew of.
Oh my god he has BINS and BOXES of glitter and stickers.
He’s always putting sparkly, yellow star stickers on the foreheads and cheeks of good children. I want a sticker.
Similar to Chica, he like making things with his hands. Sun makes those 3D snowflakes and butterflies with glitter glue for the kids and they LOVE IT. 
He’s also super happy every time he receives bracelets from Chica. He’ll attempt to make her some bracelets too, but they come out a little wonky. He’s trying his best though!! He just needs a bit of practice. :]
He sleep talks. A lot.
And it’s absolutely hilarious.
One day during naptime, Moon fell asleep along with the children. But children are children, and most of them were actually awake, just being very quiet as not to disturb Moon’s sleep. He began sleep talking, throwing out the most hilarious insults the kids have ever heard.
No one knew who he was insulting, but the kids were practically dying of laughter. When the kids were gone, and Sun let Moon out in their room, Moon just stood there like “...I have a very bad feeling that I did something I shouldn’t have done,” and then proceeded to try and remember just what the heck happened. Eventually, he figured it out and has never spoken about it to this day.
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luvinus · 3 years
Can I request Leona and Azul - where the reader gets corned by some bullies that are being rude to them almost to the point where they are in tears. (Thank you! ❤ also I don't mind what gender you put for the reader)
"Words hurt"
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Bullying, Crying, Hints of a panic attack in Azul's part, Implications of fear/guilt
Waiter's Note:
"Since you didn't specify, I tried to not use any pronouns for the reader other than than 'you'! I also tried a bit of a different format for this, since I really wanted a little scenario in there. Thank you for requesting! Enjoy!"
Leona Kingscholar
To put it short, he's pissed.
You can feel the anger radiating off of him; it's almost incredible he hasn't rampaged through the whole school now.
Only he’s allowed to poke and tease you, and even he knows your limits.
You wanted to get out of here. These people who you’ve only seen when passing down the hallways were the only thing stopping you. They were being so aggressive, throwing insulting comments on your ability to do simple things like correctly completing tasks in Alchemy class and the like. You didn’t know them, yet what they said made your stomach sink and your eyes fall to the ground. You could feel your eyes watering, tears threatening to spill at any moment.
Luckily, Leona was walking nearby and heard the commotion. He sauntered over until he heard a familiar name. Yours.
As soon as he caught wind of what was happening, he rushed over and was so close to punching one of them right in the face. That is, until he saw your face.
Your tearful, guilty gaze broke right through the anger and sent a pang to his heart.
In the end, he let them off with a gruff warning and probably a few threats. You were way more important to him right now.
Azul Ashengrotto
It broke his heart hearing those things be directed towards you.
It insinuated a physical pain in his chest because he knows how it feels; he knows how bad it hurts.
Decides to get you out of there and brings you to Monstro Lounge as soon as possible.
It was one of Monstro Lounge’s busy days, and, of course, something had to go wrong. You had offered to help out at the lounge out of the pure kindness in your heart and your desire to help Azul. While carrying a tray with a drink on it, you had spilled a bit of it onto a particularly rude customer. You had offered to help them by handing them a napkin and a bit of money to compensate them, but they slapped your hand away and decided to instead insult your ability to do anything right. You knew you were a bit in the wrong, but you didn’t think they needed to react like this. Nonetheless, your eyes started watering and your breathing got a tad bit faster; too fast for your own comfort.
Azul had stepped out of his office and power-walked to where you were as he heard a bit of the conversation. He grabbed your wrist and nearly dragged you back to his office.
His number one goal now is to calm you down and make you forget about that whole ordeal.
Azul will bring you all your favorite snacks and will prepare your favorite beverage, he’ll even cuddle you if you ask for it. He wants to make you as comfortable as can be.
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luvinus · 3 years
Hi! Can you do a Mozus Trein x wife! Reader? Pretty please
"A life with you is all I could ever ask for"
Genre: Domestic fluff
Warnings: None!
Waiter's Note:
"I've never thought about Professor Trein until I got this ask. Here you go; please enjoy!"
Mozus Trein
-sobbing in domestic fluff lover-
Domestic life with Professor Trein is calm and peaceful, save for the occasional escapades of Lucius.
Ever since you came into the equation, Lucius has gotten a bit more...daring, might I say.
Trein thinks this is a bit of a hassle, but he still loves you, nonetheless. <3
THE STUDENTS ARE AMAZED AT HOW YOU COULD EVER APPROACH THIS MAN. Like, almost everyone fears him, yet you, a sweet, caring ANGEL married him.
He loves it when you come up behind him with a cup of his favorite tea when he's working at his desk. It yet again reminds him of how lucky he was to have met you and loved you.
He absolutely swoons over the small smiles you give him while doing literally anything; he thinks you're so, so beautiful.
Please cherish him.
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luvinus · 3 years
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  Requests are open!·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙✩*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
“The Moon Tree’s humble café is officially ready for business! Don’t hesitate to stop by and order a snack or drink! You can refer to the menu here. Please note that I will point out if your request is against our policy. See you soon!”
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