uhhh……did tumblr just turn Extremely Dark with ugly font for anyone else?
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Tumblr is getting a facelift
Some time ago we took a long, hard look at how we stacked up to the recommendations outlined in the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium. This is the initiative that sets standards for accessibility for people who may need assistance using the internet. It outlines steps to take and tools to use to create as seamless of an experience online as possible, whether you have auditory, visual, or neurological disabilities, are using a limited device, are on a slow connection with limited bandwidth, or…well, a whole bunch of other reasons.
The result of that long, hard look? Not great. We needed to make sure Tumblr was accessible to anyone who wants to use it.
Over the past few weeks we’ve been making changes to do just that. Our inaccessible menus are more accessible, we fixed our poorly described elements, and increased overall readability. You can read more about all that in our most recent @javascript post about the mobile web.
Part of making Tumblr more accessible involved upping the color contrast in our UI, most notably on the dashboard and everywhere else that familiar blue touches. The light grays and muted blues had a contrast ratio of 2.02:1. What does that mean? Bad. It was bad, and we needed to do better by people with visual impairments.
Enter your new dashboard:
It looks…cleaner, doesn’t it? Like someone dusted off the poorly accessible bits. The blue is darker, the grays are lighter, all the buttons and icons are brighter with our new brand colors, and it has a contrast ratio of 7.87:1 What does that mean? Good! Very good.
The switch to your brand new, higher contrast, less dusty dashboard has been slowly rolling out this week. If you haven’t seen it yet, you’ll get it sometime in the next few days.
A note: We know that this color change on the dashboard negatively impacts the beautiful bluespace art so many of you have created over the past few years. Seeing these older posts lose the utilization of the dashboard—something that made them so special and unique to just Tumblr—is certainly not a great feeling. There’s no way around that. We hope, however, that this change only means newer, more bluespace art will be created, and that this time around it will be easier for everyone to experience.
Goodbye, #36465D. You’ve treated many of us well, but #001935 will treat every single one of us even better.
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I was gonna browse through my messages during lunch But Now I Have An Honest To God Headache And Cannot
like, how the fuck are people supposed to stay on a site designed to cause them actual physical pain
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Me: I have ADHD. Every Neurotypical Person in a 5km Radius: Hahaha don’t we all! One time I forgot what day it was XD
Me: One time I burnt my hand because I forgot I was holding a lit match. Get on my level or get out.
#ever get to point 2 of a 3-point list and immediately forget what the third point was?#no?#okay how about pondering the weird physics behind why the larger pot of water boiled before the smaller one#joke's on you the smaller burner isn't on#how about spending three hours over-complicating something because your brain was literally incapable of processing the A-B-C linearity of#that's me with work and dirty clothes and housecleaning and errands#I'm sorry you forgot the day that one time#I've lost entire months
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“why bother writing bisexual characters if they just end up in a m/f relationship”
my dude
my guy
my pal
stop talking forever
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All that work I put into this over the year was totally worth it. Having that opportunity to fangirl over Susan Wokoma and seeing her geek out over me was a dream come true. I am honored for the moment and it was humbling to see the joy in everyone’s reaction to my work.

I’m still gathering photos from Blizzcon but I just had to share the excitement!!
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I put all of my dumb art from today in one post. The dishes can probably wait another day, I guess.
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As a hero she seems cool, and the short was fantastic.
But personally the combo of “yet another sexy sameface white lady” and “shoving in a past female love interest for a character the LGBT community has embraced” is rankling me a bit.
That’s all I have to say for right now.
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So last night I got a weirdest dream part, where in Overwatch there was a new line for McCree where he says ‘I like my men like I like my coffee…’; and the other character’s had responses, but my dream only showed me ‘Strong and keeping you up all night?’ with Reinhardt.
And when I told this to @linuana and then @fonbless, I realised that I really want to see/hear what other characters would like to say about it. So! Full post of reactions we gathered together!
McCree: ‘I like my coffee like I like my men…’
Reinhardt: ‘Strong and keeping you up all night?’ McCree: ‘Well, if you put it like that, haha…’
Sombra: ‘Strong, hot and black?’ McCree: ‘And here I thought you knew everything! But yes.’
Widowmaker: ‘Ground up and in a freezer?’ McCree: ‘…what a way to ruin the mood.’
Tracer: ‘Ohhh, I gotcha! They gotta be full of energy and go down easy, right?’ ;) McCree: *snerks*
Hanzo: ‘I like tea better.’ McCree: *gasp* ‘You ruined the joke!’ (BONUS ZENYATTA): ‘So Hanzo, you like them sweet, warm, and green?“ Hanzo: ‘WHY IS THIS MY LIFE’
Genji: ‘All over yourself?’ McCree: *starts laughing and can’t stop* Genji: *chuckles in answer*
Lucio: ‘Black, with spoonful of sugar?’ McCree: ‘You get it ;)’
Reaper: ‘Dark and bitter?’ McCree: ‘Perhaps.’
Angel: ‘At least once a day?’ McCree: ‘Wouldn’t be against that kind of prescription.’
Pharah: 'Bland, tasteless and often easily forgotten?’ McCree: ‘Whaaat’. Pharah: ‘Sorry, being realistic here’.
D.Va: ‘Finished in a minute?’ McCree: ‘…how old are you again?’ D.Va: ‘Old enough to question your taste in fashion, food and men!’
Soldier 76: ‘Sweet and creamy?’ McCree: ‘W O W, old man. Just. Wow.’
Torbjorn: ‘With a nice cognac, after dinner, while relaxing in the armchair?’ McCree: ‘Someone here is a romantic of old… or just old.’
Roadhog: ‘In large amounts?’ McCree: *sweats*
Junkrat: ‘Wait, what? How could you even like this fuckery of a drink, eh?’ McCree: ‘Nevermind.’
Ana: ‘Steamy and in bed?’ McCree: ‘Both at the same time, you got it!’
Winston: ‘First thing in the morning?’ McCree: *laughs* ‘Well, I did not think of that, but would love it.’
Zarya: ‘In your mouth?’ McCree: *starts coughing like a dying man*
Mei: ‘To keep you awake at night and help in work!’ McCree: ‘Not usually my type, but sometimes…’
Symmetra: ‘Rich, with a good taste?’ McCree: ‘Don’t mind if I do!’
Zenyatta: ‘Readily getting you up?’ McCree: ‘…how do you even know these things.’
And finally, if no one is to response…
McCree: ‘I like my coffee like I like my men…’ McCree: ‘I just– I just really like them. I like coffee. I like men. Period.’
Thank you for reading!!
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The reason I stay up late is because I don’t want my free time to end and tomorrow to start
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Guess what I found in one of my lost file~ Hmmmm need to draw something with that actually…
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