lurkinglink · 1 day
Voa Marketplace Audio!!!
I think Ill just go ahead and add this here... I made some audio of what the marketplace where the Voa live might sound like! Audio clips of people talking in actual Voa'li is off the discord (hey, maybe you should come join it, ey? Theres actually a ton of good info, images, audio and more- even stuff by Toasty themselves! Its still an active discord btw. ) Anyways, here ya go!
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lurkinglink · 1 day
Actually my answer to "would you do it permanently" isn't nuanced but it is more complicated than just "yes" and I'm curious if others have the same stipulations, so here—
*Poll is open to both physical humans and physical nonhumans if you have any kind of physical or social species dysphoria at all. It's meant for animals mostly but the title was getting too long so if you're a mythical being then you can just apply your own versions to the answers.
My answer has always been the second one, because I wouldn't hesitate for half a second to change to a (fully) raven, hawk, mustelid etc. body, because my dysphoria is mostly physical; my hesitation has always been about the fact that the response is always given as "I'd change permanently and go live fully as an animal." I like my life, my friends and family and being an artist and listening to music and everything, and I'd be so chill with being physically a bird but everyone knows it's me, is OK w/ it, and I get to continue doing the things I love.
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lurkinglink · 1 day
No little therian don't post your age online!!!! Don't even put your grade or what level of school you're at!!! It's not worth it!!! Little therian!!!!
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lurkinglink · 2 days
i spent the day reading "Call of the Wild" by Jack London, which is an experience for a lot of reasons. i cant account for any of the in-depth aspects of the story. i can say its gritty, kinda sad, but definitely interesting.
ill talk a bit about it, but just for post length's sake and also if anyone else wants to read it (i recommend a lot) ill put this in another section :]
call of the wild has things about the brutalness of nature, out of the comfort of a regular domestic home, and also the harshness a human can put onto a dog, yet the love they can give too. overall in the story the main character, a dog named Buck, slowly begins to feel a pull towards something out in the woods when he's removed from his old home and life. he was already domestic in the regular sense, but is especially domesticated, or maybe disciplined, once joining a sledding team. i guess what interests me is the difference between those two points, into Buck much later retreating into the woods once the story is over and he has no more ties to humanity. his first interaction with a wild wolf has it skiddish and afraid, Buck is nervous too, but he's curious because the call nagging at him since ever going up north feels like this is the epitome of that call. a wild wolf, which is opposite but not by much, is mentioned many times over in a feral and natural instinct brought out in him that was supressed otherwise. he befriends the wolf, he begins acting like a wolf, when the wolf pack finds him and challenges him, they eventually accept him as their own because ultimately he's the same.
living a destined life like his bloodline in human homes, but throughout that all he still yearns like the same as his ancestors. i feel a similar sensation, maybe not as strong to make me run into the wilderness, but something tugs at me deeply when im able to be out in real nature. like something misplaced would be satisfied if i roamed among trees and hunted in rivers and slept looking at the stars. like being in a cage and that taste of freedom when wiggling the gate open a tad. not to say this is my genuine goal in the future, but in a different universe i would, because something about existing in the normal state of the earth instead of city buildings would make me feel very alive.
who knows, i can guess some of this "nostalgia" i feel about these concepts can come from a lot of things, not limited to the fact i originally read White Fang when very young, a very similar story by the same author but its the inverse of domesticated to wild, and so reading something close to that experience a long time ago might be the cause
either way, reading the story was very entertaining and im definitely not talking about as much as i could be, and im arbitrarily deciding to write these thoughts here since maybe someone in the same community might give the story a try
i might add more to this when i have more collected thoughts since i JUST finished reading about 30 minutes ago at time of posting
if for some reason you read this improvised ramble, then thank you :]
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lurkinglink · 2 days
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by Vladislav Trushkov
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lurkinglink · 2 days
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lurkinglink · 5 days
dragonkin culture is the urge to dive into the ocean and catch fish in your own teeth
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lurkinglink · 15 days
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⤷ light fury moodboard for @maggie--pie
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lurkinglink · 15 days
Im not supposed to be a human when its this nice out Im supposed to have wings and beautiful white and silver scales that make me blend into the clouds while I fly around.
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lurkinglink · 15 days
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⤷ night fury moodboard for @corvidcanidae
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lurkinglink · 15 days
flying close to the surface of a large body of water and reaching one of your paws out so your claw just barely skims the water >>>>>>>>>>>
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lurkinglink · 15 days
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lurkinglink · 15 days
Normalize bunting as a love language
Lions will often greet each other with this head bunting behavior when returning to a pride after a hunt.
I love doing this to my mom, I feel so happy!
And my kitten does this to me, I do this to him; the harmony.
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Bunting is a form of animal behavior, often found in felids, in which the animal butts or rubs its head against other things, including people. Bunting as a behaviour can be viewed as a variation of scent rubbing.
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lurkinglink · 16 days
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Just day on the beach kinda day, don't even worry about it
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lurkinglink · 16 days
Dragon in motion
This is what my dragon masks look like with some motion, as the scales are all attached individually they move with more character. I'd normally put face paint around my eyes for these masks, but as it's a commission I didn't want to get paint on it
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lurkinglink · 20 days
nightfury > 🐟🏞🌌♠️
wolf/werewolf > 🐾🌲🥩🌕
voa > ⚪️🦬🌊🌿
Show me your aesthetic emoji combos for each of your main kintypes! You may have up to 6 emojis in each one and must have at least 3 minimum.
This is my 50 follower ask game though I'm a little late (we're almost at 75!).
Otherkins, Therians, Fictionkins & any other Alterhumans are all welcome to join in! You can submit in the comments, by reblogging or in my ask box (anon is enabled).
I'm using #packmeeting on my account for all my ask games now.
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lurkinglink · 20 days
*said with a loud, rumbling voice that shakes up your bones*
hey, can you open this water bottle for me? this human vessel is weak and my hands are too small :(
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