lupus-ln-fabula · 11 days
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833 notes · View notes
lupus-ln-fabula · 11 days
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89 notes · View notes
lupus-ln-fabula · 11 days
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8K notes · View notes
lupus-ln-fabula · 16 days
Нищо не може да бъде извратено,
мръсно или неприлично,
когато между двама души съществува
ненаситно умствено и физическо привличане.
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
Да допуснеш някого. Не физически, а емоционално. Да се довериш без да се страхуваш дали ще пусне ръката ти. Когато види болката, белезите и раните, които криеш и да ги обикне.
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
Relationship tip: don't be doing shit you wouldn't want your significant other doing
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
Relationships get stronger when both are willing to understand mistakes and forgive each other.
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
It is important to remain an individual even in a relationship.
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
laughing uncontrollably together is a top tier love language
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
В т р у д н о т о
разбираме дали някой ни обича,
или просто сме запълвали
нечие време.
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
just be you. someone is going to love that.
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
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Nele Azevedo - The minimum monument | 2005
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
I just want you all to know, that if and when this site does experience a real exodus and/or get sunsetted for good, even if we don't keep in touch I'll remember you so fondly. You're the online equivalent of the other kid on the beach where we built sandcastles together; the girl at the campsite where we explored the trees. You're the man next to me on the train who chatted cheerfully to pass the time when we got delayed. You're the drunk person who shared kind words in the bathroom at the club, you're the talented artists at the life drawing class or the poetry night in a city where I don't live anymore. It makes me sad that maybe in the future our paths won't cross so easily, but even when we leave this little shared piece of cyberspace, carried away on our briefly intersecting trajectories, just know I still love you
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
People that reply to all 7 parts of your message >>>>
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
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Sometimes all you need is a little regrouping
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lupus-ln-fabula · 1 month
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