&. come and fade me.
54 posts
i bet you kiss your knuckles right before they touch my cheek.
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
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                        ❝ Who knew poison could be so                                                                 sweet? ❞
original character ; literate ; selective
              ( reblog ! follow ! )
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
ok i’m back on tumblr and gonna be active soon but i’m changing my fc and stuff first so i have to change some things around. UH, i know i owe some replies and i’ll get to those too. ok thank u for not unfollowing me.
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
                      「 ☩ 」 she has witchcraft in her lips.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 original character. literate. selective. nsfw.                                                                                                                      ( ★ FOLLOW & REBLOG. )
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
white sheets, bright lights
crooked teeth and the night life
you told me this is right where it begins 
but your lips hang heavy underneath me
and i promised myself i wouldn't let you complete me 
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
( junismo. )
“It so is. But fine, you can keep on living in denial.” Jun gives a small shrug, a huge shit-eating grin on his face. So what if she only said yes only for the meal? Maybe there was a loophole in his plan, but a yes is a yes, so he’s not going to complain. “Ah, but self-flattery is what I do best, babe. I thought you caught onto that by now!” He drapes an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him because, hey, if he has a hot babe like her by his side, why wouldn’t he flaunt it? “I’m obsessed because you’re playing so hard to get. And you’re kinda pretty, I guess.” 
“I’m not gonna say it again, get it through your thick skull.” Lola snapped, drilling a finger into his head. The female lets out an exasperated sigh, gripping onto his wrist and aggressively prying his arm away from her body. “Hey, if you don’t want a broken nose then I suggest you keep your hands to yourself tonight. And at least stay approximately two feet away from me.” She distances herself from the male, keeping her arms crossed over her chest as a way to protect herself. Biting down on the inside of her cheek to prevent a grin from forming on her face, she laughs sarcastically. “I’m playing hard to get? Have you ever considered that maybe, I’m just not interested in you?” That was a small lie, she was a tad bit interested in him but just a little. She cocks an eyebrow at Jun, a look of disbelief etched onto her features. “Kinda pretty? You guess? My god, is this how you expect to get girls? By giving them half-assed compliments? Jesus, you are the true definition of a fuckboy.”
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
( soojeuz. )
` fine. just don’t take me to some sketchy place … ` her voice trailed off as she began to listen to lola’s reasoning. it was indeed true and soojin was awfully thankful that she even thought about her. upon reaching the store with the EXTREMELY adorable little puppies, soojin could not help herself but to smile. the smile was so bright and displayed appreciation; she hoped it got through to lola. ` you know what? you’re the best. they are ridiculously cute. ` her eyes enlarged whilst her hands tapped the glass that was separating her and the puppies. ` hey, did someone ever tell you that you look like a puppy? `
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“me? take you somewhere shady? probably.” she can’t help but chuckle at the other’s comment, it did sound like something she would do. a smile tugs on her lips when she witnesses soojin’s reaction to the puppies, playfully rolling her eyes as she nudges her side. “i know i am.” she crouches down slightly to get a better look at the cute animals, her finger gently tapping on the glass to capture their attention. lola furrows her eyebrows as she glances at her friend. “i look like a puppy? oh come on, puppies are all cute and fluffy and i’m like the opposite. mean and hot.” as much as the eighteen year old wanted to be recognized as sexy, she knew she was doomed with an innocent, baby face. “want me to ask a worker if we can play with them?”
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
( zeflandi. )
        The bottle was cold in her hand when she tipped it over to watch the fizzy liquid fill the champagne glass. She spent over 100 dollars on the bottle of Rose Imperial champagne that was currently being poured into another cup. She wanted Lola to have the best time she could. It’s not everyday that a young 18 year old is invited to an after party where a lot of influential and rich people would be. Natalie had gotten her in saying she was her younger sister, how young she never told them. She would have been truthful but that would mean that Lola wouldn’t be able to go with her Unnie some place fun so she fibbed a bit, left a part of the truth out.         Bringing the two full glasses to the living room of her home, stilettos clacking on the hardwood as she walked. They were all dolled up for the occasion, Natalie’s red dress, short and fitted showed off her hourglass body, dark brown hair put into an elaborate bun on her head. “Lola, dear” She called out to the younger girl, not bothering to wait for her reply. She leaned against the door way and looked at her young friend. She was almost like a sister in Natalie’s eyes. One that she would be there for no matter what the mischievious girl got into. “Here is a very expensive, very delicious glass of champagne. To loosen any nerves you may have and just because its so fucking good.” She hands the girl the glass and brings her own to her lips, the red of her lipstick staining the glass as she sips the drink slowly.
Lola walked around Natalie’s living room barefoot, her heels laying somewhere around the couch as she studied her surroundings with curious eyes. When the older girl had invited her to a party, naturally she couldn’t reject the offer. The eighteen year old lived for parties, if she wasn’t at home then you would most likely find her at a party. She had even gone shopping a couple of days before to purchase a nice dress for the special occasion. Although she had attended her fair share of parties, she has never gone to a fancy one. She didn’t know what to expect but she hoped that she would at least enjoy herself.
Maybe she should have brought a comfortable pair of shoes because her feet were already killing her and she hadn’t even been wearing the heels for more than an hour, thus why they were currently laying on the ground. Hearing her name being said by the other, she turns around and walks towards Natalie, a hand reaching out for the glass of champagne. She accepted it gracefully before taking a small sip of the liquid, smacking her lips to get a better taste. “Oh wow, this is really good. I feel like if money had a flavor, it’d taste like this drink.” Lola chuckles and tucks a loose curl behind her ear, fingers tapping the glass. “So, how exactly is this party gonna be? It’s not really my style and I doubt there’s gonna be people doing drugs or having sex everywhere.”
;party and bullshit’
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
me: i won’t get jealous me: who…that… :-)… .…
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
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10 minutes
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
( jaebumie. )
     There was nothing about this that was a good idea, but something about her intrigued Jaebum way too much. He was a stubborn man with things that kept his interest because he would always return for more. To him, it did not matter if this friendship was not in his best interest. He knew how tough South Korea could be on people who were even acquaintances to bad people, but he did not see her as bad.
     She just did not grow up in the right circumstance and that should be counted for. Maybe that was it too– Jaebum felt like he could be a good figure in her life. Not that he would let her know that, she was too independent of a young lady to agree. He also knew her brother would do anything for her, so really she already had a guardian. However, he felt that as an outsider without a history he could show her that there was more to life than this underground recklessness. 
     Though Jaebum was well aware she was bored of regular life. “You shouldn’t be messing with those types of thing,” he said in hushed voice to not attract any on lookers in the restaurant. It was bad enough a fan or two had shyly asked for his signature meaning he was already being spotted. 
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     “I don’t see what’s so crazy about pills anyway, medicine is for when you’re sick or in pain.” He waved his chopsticks around to emphasize his point before he dipped them into the bubbling hot pot. He often treated her like this, but she would not agree every time he asked. Because the conversation usually led to this.
How she ended up befriending an idol was beyond the girl. Not like she cared about his fancy title or anything like that. In all honesty, she didn’t even pay any attention to the Korean music industry so when she met him, she had no idea he was even “famous.” She didn’t understand why he would hang out with someone like her, someone who could easily taint his squeaky clean image. But she never questioned it because she enjoyed his company.
Maybe hanging out in a public place with the male wasn’t such a good idea. Some people in the restaurant had recognized Jaebum and were blatantly staring in their direction. He didn’t seem to notice though, or really care. He may have been used to the constant attention but Lola wasn’t - it made her uncomfortable. When the fans came up to him to ask for an autograph, she shifted in her seat awkwardly and poked at her food until they went away.
“It’s not a big deal,” She insisted, picking up a piece of kimbap and shoving it into her mouth. “It’s not like I’m addicted to them or anything and trust me, there’s drugs out there that are much worse. I could be on meth, for example. Now that wouldn’t be pretty.”  
She brought her drink to her lips and took a long sip before setting the cup down and leaning closer towards him. “You’re only saying that because you’ve never taken any before. They’re great. Pills make you feel really relaxed, like on a whole ‘nother level. Any anxiety you have will literally disappear and you literally give no fucks about anything. It’s basically just super chill. Not all pills get you high but they make you feel stress free. You’d like it, you always seem tense.”
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
( soojeuz. )
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` where are you going  to drag me this time? `
“can you stop asking so many questions and just trust me?” lola says, tugging the female along with her. “i know you’ve been feeling all down lately so i thought this would cheer you up a bit.” she enters a pet store and pulls her towards the puppies.
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
                      !! please reblog this if you’re an OC / AU muse                             who doesn’t mind pre-established relationships !!
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
( yoonalt. )
“i swear to god, if you do this again i am going to kill you!”
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lola looks down at the spilled drink on the floor, a hint of guilt in her eyes. “chill out, it was an accident. it’s not like i meant to make a mess and make your life harder.”
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
( augustjpg. )
He wondered if that was a trick question. The words ‘because you have rancid taste’ were on the tip of his tongue but he decided to swallow it down. August wasn’t in the mood to get the ‘’sass’’ slapped out of him. “Is your goal to live off of me for the rest of your life? That’s pathetic, I’m a fucking delivery boy. You need to do something with yourself.” It was just talk, he knew that when she came around asking for money he’d give it to her without a second thought – just because he could afford to. At the mention of the word ‘’mom’’ his shoulders stiffened. He could physically feel the blood drain from his face. “Lola…” August sighed, eyes falling down to the floor. How could he dare look at her now? “You know how I feel about name tattoos. They’re tacky and everyone grows to regret them, but if that’s how you want to remember mom then I’m not going to stand in your way. But there’s other things you could get too.”
Her mouth drops at her brother’s words, eyebrows furrowing together angrily as she shoves him. If she had known that asking him for money for a tattoo would just lead to an argument, she wouldn’t have asked in the first place - she hated fighting with August. “Why are you being so mean right now? You’re acting like I’m a burden to you! No, I actually don’t plan on living off of you forever, I just don’t know what I want to do right now.” She scoffs lightly, a dry chuckle slipping past her lips. “Well, your job as a ‘delivery boy’ is sure paying you well, huh?” Lola wasn’t stupid, she knew he was doing something else on the side to get more money. Was it legal? Probably not. Did she care? No. She chews on the inside of her cheek while fiddling with her fingers, knowing that every time they talked about their mom, the atmosphere became tense. “I don’t think I would regret it, it’s not like mom was some guy I thought I was in love with then end up hating later on. She was my mom and I don’t have anything to remember her by. I want her name to be the first tattoo I ever get.”
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lunlita-blog · 10 years ago
LANA DEL REY - National Anthem
I’m your National Anthem God, you’re so handsome Take me to the Hamptons Bugatti Veyron
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