“I don’t think it’s silly.” She added with a grin. “I like thinking that I’m dependable. As for Sirius giving dancing lessons… I’m certain that the hell would freeze over before that ever happened. Well that or he’d step all over your feet.” She mused before heading into the room. “Alright, so what kind of dance were you looking for?”
“well you don’t have to think too hard because you most certainly are.” He replied before laughing at her comment. “I don’t think he’d be as bad as me.” He followed her in, taking a look around as he thought about it. When he came to blank conclusion he realized he really did know nothing about dance. “Whatever you think suits me. I’m really as ignorant as it gets when it comes to this.”
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Remus didn’t feel that hungry. He had had been starting at his plate of food for quite a while now before his concentration was broken off by Blaise. Dumbledore had spoken to him about his shared condition and with the full moon quickly approaching he figured that would be the subject of his question. Remus excused himself shortly after and walked over to the entrance of the hall. “Are you feeling it too?” He asked as kindly as possible with a half smile.
Needless to say, with the next full moon nearing, Blaise was starting to be on the edge. A month ago when Dumbledore had convinced him that everything will be fine, he had believed him, or atleast willed himself to believe him but the morning after the previous full moon when he woke and looked at the state of the cabin he had been locked up in, knowing he had been the reason for the chaos made him scared and angry. Nothing was ever going to be the same for him again even though he wanted to believe it will be. he was beginning to lose his mind and knowing that there was only one person he could talk to, he made his way to the Gryffindor table that morning and went to Remus. “Hey, when you done eating, can I talk to you? I’ll wait over at the Entrance Hall.” With a smile at him and a wave at his friends he made his way out of the Great Hall. @lunedelupin
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“Homework this late? Or are you doing some kind of extra project?” Doe asked curiously, although she didn’t actually try too hard to get a look at the papers Remus had been looking at. She figured everyone deserved a little bit of privacy if they were in an abandoned classroom to work. “I don’t want to interrupt you if this is important or anything,” she told him, although she was already entering the classroom and hoisting herself up into a sitting position on one of the desks.
“Uh... it’s actually a bit of both.” He finished gathering the articles and put them away. “I’m just trying to get a head start, I’ve noticed that if I do then I have more time to focus on other things.” He explained with a smile before shaking his head. “Not at all, if you had not come in I would have lost track of time. What is it that you have to work on?”
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“It’s alright, I’m actually just getting done.” He said, quickly putting away some of the werewolf sighting articles he had sprawled around the floor. “I lost track of the time, but you can come in if you want.”
Doe realized a little too late that she had wandered into the wrong empty classroom and she quickly spun, turning and retreating back into the corridor. “My bad, my bad. I didn’t realize that this room was already occupied,” she announced, grinning impishly.
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“You know… I’m not entirely sure.” She said with a laugh, following after him. “No, no. It’s a welcome distraction. I’ve been throwing myself into my studies and well… one can only study so much until they feel burnt out. I need a little fun and what’s better than doing it with someone you enjoy spending time with?”
“As silly as it may sound, I knew I could count on you for this.” He smiled, wondering if he really was someone she enjoyed spending time with, but didn’t say anything about it. “Could you picture me asking Sirius for dance lessons?” Remus chuckled at the thought before moving aside to let her enter the empty classroom first. “After you.”
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Marlene bounced a little as she sat on his bed, eyes twinkling in amusement at the boy’s confusion. “I have got the perfect person.” she said, skating past the question of whether he’d actually, technically agreed to do this with her. “And if you don’t get out of this bed right this instant and go bask in the glory of the sun with me then I’m going to assume you’re a boring friend who’s not interested in truly living. And I’ll hex you. So there.”
Remus swayed back and forth as he still tried to come into full consciousness. “But-” He sighed, bringing a smile into his face before pushing the blankets away. “You know I’m already boring, right?” He mused. “But fine, I’ll go, but only if we get some hot chocolate afterwards.”
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“I could use one. Well one that won’t get me into trouble.” She said with a laugh. “Hmm, I think the music room is probably our best bet. The sound quality is probably better there.” Emme laughed once more. “You don’t need to pay me, although I will take the chocolate.”
“Do such parties even exist? All the ones I’ve attended always involve trouble. Nothing like Halloween though.” He commented as he led the way to the music room. “Sure, but still take it as a thank you. I don’t want to take too much time away from you.”
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‘wake up?’ Remus’ unconscious tried to decipher whether he was dreaming or whether there was actually a girl in the room, which wasn’t surprising considering who his roommates were, but still. “What sunrise? When?” He said, finally sitting up slowly as he rubbed his eyes. “Marlene? How did you get in? I don’t think you got the right person.”
“Wake up!” Marlene hissed in a voice that could barely be called a whisper. The first dregs of sunlight were beginning to make themselves known through the cracks in the curtain, but Marlene was already on her second thermos of coffee, which she clutched in her hands. Sneaking into her friend’s dorm had been surprisingly easy. “You promised me you’d watch this sunrise with me. Now scoot. I refuse to miss it for your beauty sleep.”
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She’d been keeping to herself since the ball. If anything, she was going through the motions to feel any semblance of normalcy. When she heard Remus’s voice, she lit up. It was nice, dancing with him during the ball at to hear he wanted to spend more time with her was nice. Normal and nice. “Always. We need you prepared for the next party.”
“Well I wouldn’t push it that far, but I definitely need a distraction, don’t you?” He said with a half smile. “I heard the music room is open, if you want to go there. Or we could just go somewhere else, up to you.” Remus commented as he searched through his pockets for something. “Do you take chocolate as payment?”
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“I know.” he grinned widely. “Well, it’s allowed to be a surprise till yesterday. But today is my birthday, so not anymore.” Sirius insisted. “So what is it? What is it? Tell me, Moony, you know how I hate not knowing.. anything.”
“What?” Remus couldn’t help but laugh at his friend’s antics. Seeing him act that way didn’t surprise him but it definitely left him wondering. “It’s a secret, and you know how I am about secrets. You’ll have to wait, unless you ask Peter, maybe he’ll tell you.”
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“You are honestly too demanding for your own good, did you know that?” Remus said, shaking his head as he laughed. “I told you before that it would be a surprise, don’t try to spoil it.”
“What do you mean you don’t have my present?” Sirius said, feigning shock. “It’s my birthday! I want my present!”
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The events at the Halloween ball left Remus with much to think about. Joining the war after leaving school was now a set in stone, so it was all a matter of time. Time he had to wait out by preparing, studying, and trying to live a semi normal life. Not many things came to mind when thought about normal, but then he remembered a conversation he had with Emmeline so he waited for her outside the Great Hall after dinner. “Hey are you still up to give me some dance lessons?”
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Samara was standing with some other girls from the Ravenclaws, shamelessly analyzing some costumes of the professors, who seemed to have the worst taste. “Oh god, I feel like every year they get worse and wo-…” She was cut off as someone bumped into her, making her spill her drink on one of the girls. “Oh shit.” She winced, quickly turning away to see who it was. “Remus?” She said, and quickly grabbing his hand she leads him away from the soon to be an angry girl pack. “ First, don’t call me Lily. Just because it’s red hair, doesn’t mean we’re the same and second, hey!” She grinned.
“Sorry, sorry, the masks have been throwing me off all night.” Looking over her shoulder to see if there was a group of angry girls coming after him. “I’m also sorry about that, by the way.” he said pointing towards the girls she had been talking to. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” He commented with a smile. “And uh... hey!”
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“no no no.” tilden said, laughing and shaking his head. “i know who you are and i love your costume. oh! thanks. these things really are amazing.” he said, grabbing a couple to pop into his mouth.
“I like yours too, Star Wars, right? I watched a few scenes of that once, didn’t get it though.” He chuckled, handing him some more. “They are! And I’m sure they overcharged me for them but it was worth every pound.”
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“It’s probably because my parents made me take lessons for years.” She said with a laugh. “I could give you lessons though. Start out small, you know?”
“You’ll have to be really patient with me.” He couldn’t bring himself to just say yes, even though he really wanted to. “My body is usually not up for dancing that often, it’s got a mind of its own sometimes.”
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“The point of masks is to add some mystery, not allow people to act like they have never been in public before.” She sneered, eyeing the man next to her. It took her a moment to compose herself and stand up straight again. “Which excuse are you using tonight?”
“None, I just wanted to do something different for once.” He mused with a shrug. "So are you actually planning on having a good time or are you just going to ponder the meaning of masquerades all night? Not that there’s anything wrong with doing that, but it gets boring don’t you think?”
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“That’d be a cute couples costume. A seeker and a snitch?” She offered up. “And what is your definition? A good book and a cozy couch?” Hestia mused. “Did James and Sirius drag you here?”
“I suppose, if you want someone chasing you around all night?” He commented though with a shake of his head as an attempt to stop the lame quidditch jokes. “You know me so well,” he chuckled. “No, not really... okay, yes.”
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