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Boobs and whipped cream, please?
I was told that a chaste kiss at Holly’s door or some scandelous hand holding wasn’t going to cut it so here’s the epilogue of the boob saga.
Gail found herself sitting at Holly’s kitchen counter as she watched the woman that had captivated her heart and mind quietly stir chocolate sauce into milk at the stove. The silence was both comfortable and nerve wracking at the same time. After their kiss in the park all Gail could think of was doing it again. She wondered how it feel to have her hands on Holly, how Holly’s skin would taste… she needed to know. Holly took the pot off of the burner and reached for two mugs, one that she’d specifically bought for Gail that had mini donuts painted on it. Filling the mugs she snapped her fingers as she remembered, “I almost forgot the whipped cream.”
She set the streaming mugs on the counter and walked to the fridge, not noticing that Gail had gotten up and had followed her. Holly grabbed the can of whipped cream and turned to find herself face to face with Gail. Feeling bold, Gail took the whipped cream from her and gently shook the can, she couldn’t help but notice the hungry look in Holly’s eyes. She popped the cap off and sprayed a bit onto her finger and proceeded to suck it off, all while looking deep into Holly’s eyes. “It’s good.” Gail said as her voice dropped a few octives. She licked her fingers clean, “Want some?” Gail asked innocently. Holly nodded slowly, as she took a step towards her but Gail held her hand out and stopped her by pressing against her chest just below her breasts. “Not so fast.” Gail teased as she took a step back and set the whipped cream on the counter. She smiled as she pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it away, she loved the way Holly’s face betrayed her, showing her all the lust, amazement and desire that she felt in that moment. It only spurred Gail on more as she unfastened her bra and let it fall to the floor.
Gail wouldn’t be Gail without a little teasing, “See something that you like Lunchbox?”
Holly could only nod as she took a step closer, effectively pinning Gail against the counter. She finally found her voice, “I like everything I see but I think I need to see more.” The tone of Holly’s voice sent chills down Gail’s spine and she leaned in for a kiss but was surprised by Holly lifting her onto the countertop instead. It was Holly’s turn to take a small step back as she shucked off her own shirt, Gail’s eyes zeroed in on the pale blue bra that barely contained the glorious boobs that Gail had been thinking about non-stop.
Holly went to take it off when Gail shook her head, “Let me.” She husked out as she reached for Holly, earning her a lopsided smile. Gail’s fingers were clumsy as she found the front clasp, her fingertips grazing over already stiff nipples. A moan echoed through the kitchen and Gail didn’t know if it had come from her or Holly, it didn’t matter. She snapped the clasp open and slowly slid her hands up the sides of Holly’s breasts to slip the bra off. She let her thumbs circle the dark nipples, feeling her heart race as she took in the sight in front of her. “You are so beautiful.”
Positioning herself between Gail’s legs, Holly shook her head. “No, you are. God Gail look at you. Do you have any idea of how many times I’ve dreamt of being with you like this?”
Gail shook her head this time as she looped her arms around Holly’s neck. “How many times?”
Holly smiled as she leaned in, “Try every time I saw you.”
Placing a light kiss on Holly’s waiting lips, “That’s a lot, you must really like me.”
With a chuckle, “You have no idea.”
There were no more words as Holly captured Gail’s lips. The cop had been kissed a few times in her life but nothing had ever felt so good. Her hands tangled in Holly’s hair as she drew her closer. She ran her tongue over Holly’s and savored the faint whiskey taste as she felt Holly hold her by her hips.
Holly pulled back to take a breath, “Wow.”
“Oh we’re just getting started nerd.” Gail promised as she reached for the whipped cream. She sprayed a dollop on each of her boobs. “Still want that taste?” Holly didn’t answer with words so much as a moan as she dived in and took Gail into her mouth. If Gail thought that kissing Holly was otherworldly she was wrong and it had her wondering how that magically mouth would feel lower. Gail squirmed as she tried to find a little friction, her jeans feeling uncomfortable as her soaked panties clung to her.
Gail pulled Holly closer as the woman nipped and soothed as she suckled the blonde’s breasts. She was close to coming and nudged Holly back. “I need more.” Gail pleaded. Holly licked her lips as Gail popped the button on her jeans and leaned back to push them down. Gail looked up and gulped, “Holly?”
Seeing Gail laid out naked on her counter was almost enough to made her come on the spot. She bit her lower lip as she took in the sight of the growing dark spot on Gail’s red boyshorts. This was really happening, Gail was here and she wanted… no needed Holly. It was everything that Holly had ever wanted. She ran her fingers down the sides of Gail’s trembling torso, she lingered at hollow been Gail’s hip and tense abs. She was torn between savoring the moment and diving in, Holly wanted to pull each and every sigh, moan and purr from the blonde beneath her.
“Holly… don’t make me beg.”
Not wanting to torture Gail, there would be time to do that later, Holly took the whipped cream and drew a line from the valley between Gail’s breasts to the waistband. She took her time licking and kissing her way down as she slide the drenched underwear off. She took a testing lick just off to the side of Gail’s throbbing clit and watched her stiffen. Gail sat up on her elbows, “Don’t tease me Holl…oh!” She yelped as Holly sucked on her clit with gusto. The blonde dropped back onto the counter. “Never mind carry on…oh fuck…”
Holly smiled to herself as she ran her tongue down to Gail’s core, the tip darting in before circling it. She repeated the action three times before plunging in. Gail’s hips bucked in times with her thrusts, Holly felt intoxicated with Gail’s taste that coated her tongue and face. She knew that the cop was close as her movements became erratic, she increased her speed as she rubbed Gail’s clit. Holly was rewarded with feeling Gail’s body clench around her as a string of what Holly assumed was French or Latin profanities spewed from Gail’s mouth. She eased Gail down from her high slowly, drawing it out until she finally stilled. Holly placed a kiss on Gail’s stomach and each boob before Gail pulled her into a deep kiss.
The kiss ended and Holly smiled as she pulled back and grabbed them both a bottle of water from the fridge she turned back to find Gail sitting on the floor leaning against the cupboards under the counter. Holly joined her on the floor as she handed Gail the water. “That was…” Gail started but paused to take a gulp of water, “incredible. I’m so completely gay, I mean so gay. Gayer than flannel on Ellen…gayer than Kate McKinnon for Gal Gadot…gayer than…”
Holly shut her up with a kiss, “I get it, you’re gay. So it was good?” She asked nervously.
Gail took her hand in hers, “Did you not hear me before? Incredible…four out of five of your girlfriends agree.”
“Well your first girlfriend was an idiot that was scared of your awesome boobs.” Gail stated as she took another sip of water.
“Yeah but I had said three out of four…” She was cut off by a kiss.
“I’m number four you idiot, unless you don’t want me as your girlfriend.”
Holly practically tackled Gail to the ground as she kissed her. “Of course I do.”
Gail rolled them over so that she was on top, “Good now as soon as I can feel my legs I’ll gonna have you show me how to do that trick with your fingers.”
Holly ran her hand through Gail’s hair as she eased her down into a kiss, “That could take all night.”
Gail kissed her lightly, “I’ll call out sick tomorrow, now where’s that whipped cream?”
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How about for that prompt you let Gail feeling as if she entered the darkside? Maybe Holly tricking her into eating something healthy and she liking it better than the junk food she was having? Is silly really but I read your tag and came up with that. I love your fics btw!
“Lies! Blasphemy!” Gail cried as she guzzled water.
Holly rolled her eyes, “You liked it until I told you where I bought them. In fact you said that they were the best you’d ever tasted.”
Gail glared at her wife, “That was before I knew that you’d forced me to join the dark side against my will! You’re like an evil Sith!”
“Dark side? Really? You compare me to Darth Vader when all I did was buy my pregnant wife healthy cheese puffs instead of the chemically drenched snack that she insists on eating by the party size bag, seriously?” Holly said as she stood toe to toe (or as close as she could without bumping Gail’s pregnant belly). “Forgive me if I want my wife and child to be healthy and for the baby to not be born with a Trump orange tan.”
Holly’s words caused Gail to break her glare, “When you put it that way…okay the healthy evil puffs can stay until the nerdlet is born but I had better not see any kale slipped into my donuts.”
With that Gail went back to her video game and Holly laughed to herself as she walked to her office. “Too late for that.” She muttered under her breath as she pulled out a book hidden behind a medical journal entitled ‘How to Hid Veggies From Your Kids’, she flipped a few pages to find a recipe on making baked cauliflower fries and turkey burgers. “Hey hon, you want burgers and fries for dinner?”
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Different universe. Different haircut. Same love story.
Not gonna lie. Drew this for a fanfic.
*le shrug*
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Hi, my name is Steph and I like to update at really strange times.
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I hope you enjoy this.
@talentedgemx @ragingscooter @gail-shark @auntchappy @appalachiansprung @reckless-deception @magic-scissors @jedihedaroot
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"Can I touch your boob?"
“Can I touch your boob?” Gail doesn’t wait for an answer. She just goes for it.
Your eyes widen at the unexpected sight of fingers contracting and expanding as they come towards you. It’s disconcerting how much Gail’s hand resembles a claw crane from one of those vending machines you’d normally find at a video arcade. Your breasts are definitely not toys. It doesn’t matter how much you like them being played with.
Keep reading
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I dunno. I’m just enjoying writing this one.
Fun fact: It probably won’t come across much because I’m writing 3rd person limited from Gail’s perspective but I’m writing Holly in this as also being unsure about her sexuality. I love writing Holly as being 100% sure of her sexuality before meeting Gail but I dunno I do that all the time so I wanted to do it different in this one. I actually wrote a little side thing that’s just Holly talking about Gail with her sister for this if anyone wants me to post it.
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Enjoy the continuation of this ridiculous fic.
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Golly prompt: Gail wakes up in the hospital and discovers she can read her doctors (Holly) mind.
Okay so I kind of took the idea of this prompt and changed it a bit. But this was a lot of fun to write and I honestly might write more when I get home from work because the idea is hilarious. Please excuse any mistakes because I legit wrote this an hour before getting ready for work.
“Hey Gail, some guys think battle wounds are sexy,” said Chris. “They want a girl who can stand up for herself.”
“I got drunk and smashed my head into the coffee table. In what world is that a battle? Or sexy?”
Gail reached up and lightly touched the bandage on her forehead. There was nothing like waking up with a hangover at three in the morning to discover blood running down her face and that maybe her pounding headache was more than alcohol related. A crying Chris, four stitches, a stack of pancakes, and a couple of pills later and they were in uniform headed down into the bowels of the labs to retrieve information on a body for Swarek. Dov had they day off so he had naturally stayed sleeping at the lair in a small coma.
“You’re a cop, Gail. You don’t have to tell anyone what actually happened. Try it with Dr. Stewart. She’s like a guy.”
“She is not like a guy,” snapped Gail a little more harshly than she originally intended.
“I mean she likes women.”
“I know what you meant, Chris. That doesn’t make her like a guy.”
“I’m just saying, she’ll probably think it was hot. A woman in uniform busting up a robbery. Getting hurt in the process but still finishing her job. It’s definitely a turn…”
Gail stopped walking toward the double doors into the lab that Holly usually used and held her hand out in front of Chris to stop him. She glared over at him.
“How often do I make friends?”
Chris paused for a minute and thought about it.
“Okay, so can you please keep your strange fetishes away from this one? Thanks.”
Chris nodded so Gail let her hand fall and continued walking. Despite taking a little over the recommended dose of headache medicine her head was still pounding and it was making her normal tolerance for Chris’s stupidity even shorter. The last thing she needed was Chris saying something incredibly dumb and even remotely offensive to Holly especially while they were on the job. It was a friendship and HR disaster waiting to happen. Actually, that was a pretty good description of Chris.
As they walked up to the double doors, Gail spotted Holly through the glass and subconsciously smiled. The doctor was hunched over the lab table in front of her while bobbing her head to the loud music that could be clearly heard from the hallway. Holly always told her that the reason she prefered the lab furthest from everyone else was for this very reason but Gail had never actually seen it with her own two eyes before.
“Never pegged you for trashy metal music, Dr. Stewart,” shouted Gail. Her head was banging in pain along with the drums yet for some reason it didn’t irritate her as much as Chris’s talking.
Holly jumped slightly as she looked up.
“Gail!” Holly’s eyes quickly fell on Chris and Gail could swear she looked a little disappointed. “Officer Diaz.”
“You can call me Chris, ma’am,” shouted Chris.
Realizing why he was shouting, Holly quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket and turned off the music blasting through the speakers. It came as only a small relief to Gail’s pounding head.
“Well, if that’s the case you really don’t need to call me ma’am.”
Chris nodded.
“What can I do for you…” Holly trailed off as her eyes fell on the bandage on Gail’s head. “Oh my god what happened?”
Before Gail could actually open her mouth to answer Holly was across the room and a lot closer than Gail had ever consciously wanted. She actually had to take a step back to keep Holly from running right into her as the doctor reached out to inspect Gail’s forehead. Holly’s touch was so soft and careful Gail found herself unable to form words. She blamed the fogginess in her head on the metal concert that was still raging in her head.
“She stopped a robbery this morning,” chimed in Chris.
“What!?” Holly looked like she was about to have a heart attack.
Gail quickly pulled Holly’s hand away from her head in order to get her ability to think back. It felt like a thousand voices were yelling in her brain at once. As her headache started to dissipate the din grew clearer and it honestly felt like thousands of people were just yelling at her at once.
“No I didn’t,” said Gail as reassuringly as possible for her. “We got drunk last night and I hit my head on the coffee table after I fell asleep and fell off the couch.”
Holly backed away slightly and crossed her arms across her chest.
“You’re lucky you woke up.”
Silence fell in the lab. Gail couldn’t think up any defence of her actions and Chris was probably stunned into silence after hearing someone effectively chide Gail Peck.
“So, what brings you two here today?” asked Holly.
“Swarek. Said you have some files for him,” said Chris.
Gail decided to just stay quiet. Who was Holly to be mad at her for hitting her head? Yeah, okay, sure Gail could have ended up a lot worse than a headache and some stitches but it wasn’t like she was trying to hurt herself. And it wasn’t even like they had been friends all that long. And on top of that, Chris and Dov barely cared so why was Holly so upset?
“Oh, I didn’t expect anyone to actually come down so soon. I’m still working on a few things while Dr. Norwell finishes going over the skeleton. You’re welcome to take what I have to Swarek but you’ll probably just end up having to come back.”
“I can stay,” said Gail a little quickly. “I mean, Chris can take back what you have and I can relay the rest when you’re done. This case has been all Sam’s been going on about for weeks now.”
“Well, a man could be in jail for something he didn’t do,” added Chris.
“Which is why I can stay and you can take whatever Holly has ready.”
“You could end up here all day,” said Chris.
It took everything Gail had to hold in the laugh building in her chest when she saw the offended look on Holly’s face at Chris’ insinuation that whatever she had left to work on would take the rest of the day. Thankfully Holly didn’t say anything. Gail didn’t want to have to take her new friend’s side against her partner and roommate. Because she would have.
“I’ll take that chance,” said Gail as she patted Chris’ arm.
Without a word, Holly shoved a couple of files into Chris’ hands. Confused he half stumbled out of the doors. As he headed down the hallway he half waved to Gail and she smirked in response.
“God, he’s an idiot.”
Gail couldn’t help but laugh. Holly’s voice was clear as day but Gail had never once heard Holly speak so harshly about anyone. The doctor was one of the sweetest people she’d ever met so hearing her berate someone was like Christmas coming early to Gail.
“He might be stupid but he’s like a golden retriever,” said Gail as she turned to Holly. “You can’t really stay mad at him.”
Holly had already sat back down at the lab table in the middle of the room and had gone back to going through the files spread out across it. When Gail spoke she looked up and cocked her head to one side. For a second Holly’s look had her wondering if Holly had said anything at all and if Gail hadn’t just spoken in complete silence. Maybe she hit her head harder than she had thought.
“He seems very nice,” said Holly with her crooked smile.
Gail smiled back and then moved to take up the seat the desk in the corner. If she was going to be there all day she certainly wasn’t going to stand.
“I can’t believe she dated him.”
Gail’s head shot up from her phone and she looked at Holly. She was about to open her mouth to respond when she noticed that Holly wasn’t actually speaking to her. Holly wasn’t speaking at all and yet Gail could hear her as clearly as if she was.
“That’s kind of mean. But god she’s so…and he’s like a walking talking G.I.JOE doll. Good looks but an empty plastic head.”
Gail stared at Holly in confusion.
Maybe she’d hit her head a LOT harder than she had thought.
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Look What You Made Her Do
Legit silliest thing I’ve ever written.
“Gail, you have to change your voicemail message.”
“I don’t have to do anything, Diaz,” said Gail as she carefully considered the different muffin flavors in the box left next to the coffee pot. “It’s one of the few perks of being an adult.”
“What if someone important calls you?”
“Like who? The Superintendent? The Inspector?” Gail plucked the best looking blueberry muffin and shoved her way passed Chris. “They don’t call much anymore.”
“That’s not what I mean,” sighed Chris as he followed after her. “It doesn’t seem professional.”
“It’s my personal phone and I already have a job. So what?”
Gail plopped down into her desk chair and began to carefully peel off the wrapper on the muffin in order to save her uniform from as many crumbs as possible. Sure she was on desk for the rest of the day filing paperwork but she didn’t feel like looking like a mess. Chris sat at the desk across from her but nudged his monitor to the side to keep talking to her.
“Maybe, given your job and things that have happened to you, some people wouldn’t find it all that amusing.”
Gail paused and looked at Chris, really looked at him. His face seemed almost pleading. For a few moments they stayed like this. The tension of their past near death experiences hung between them.
“I’m not changing it,” shrugged Gail before taking a bite of her muffin.
“What is she not changing?” Oliver stopped walking just next to Gail.
“Her voicemail,” sighed Chris as he slumped back into his chair in defeat.
“You mean her twisted T Swift impression?” Oliver smirked and rolled his eyes.
“Wait. What?”
Gail looked over at Chris with a bemused smile. It actually wasn’t all that shocking that Chris didn’t recognize the reference but the fact that he actually thought she would just come up with her current voicemail message all on her own was quite flattering.
“Chris, watch a youtube video some time. She’s just copying that line from T Swift’s new song,” laughed Oliver as he eyed Gail’s muffin. She turned away from him and pointed over to the coffee machine and the box of muffins.
“How do you know that?”
“Chris, I have daughters. I know too much honestly.” The last part was more mumbled to himself than said to anyone in particular as Oliver walked toward the free food.
Gail watched Chris stare at her with quiet indignation while she finished eating her muffin. She tried her best to look innocent, flashing her baby blues with a small smile.
“It’s not going to work,” said Chris. “Why didn’t you just tell me it’s some dumb pop song reference.”
“The old Gail can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Because she’s dead,” mimed Gail. “You actually thought that was something serious, Chris? I’m dramatic but give me some credit. No one is going to take that serious except you.”
Gail got up to toss her wrapper when she stopped in her tracks while her brow furrowed. Either she was imaging things or Holly Stewart was talking Chloe at the desk. She tossed the wrapper in the general direction of a trash can as she walked forward not taking her eyes off Holly just incase she was marage. Holly was a vision Gail didn’t want to vanish. She stopped a few steps away from Chloe still staring at Holly.
Holly noticed Gail and turned to face her. Holly shifted her weight to one leg while crossing her arms and pursing her lips. Chloe looked between the two women and quickly busied herself helping the new person in the small lobby.
“What did I do?” asked Gail as she immediately recognized that body language to mean she did something that had annoyed her ex.
“You need to change your voicemail,” said Holly without a hint of amusement.
For a moment Gail didn’t know how to respond.
“Did you just fly all the way to Toronto to scold me for my voicemail?” asked Gail.
“No,” replied Holly immediately. “That would be ridiculous. I heard about what happened with…everything and I wanted to see you. I tried to call you but it went to voicemail.”
Gail just stared at Holly in confusion for a moment before looking back at Chris who had apparently followed her over to the front counter.
“Does no one listen to the radio?” asked Gail with a huff.
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The faint sound of snickering prompted Gail to stop what she was doing and look down between her legs. For some unknown reason, Frankie was hiding under her desk.
“I swear, it’s not what it looks like.” Frankie’s lack of meaningful eye contact contradicted her protestations.
“Good. Because the last time you were this up close and personal with my vagina you sneezed.”
“Definitely not one of my finest moments,” Frankie grumbled as she shifted from one uncomfortable position into another. “Mind you, neither is this.”
Read on FFNET
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International Day of Peace
For @ragingscooter and @gail-shark
The day had started out bad, but it was finally looking up. She walked into holding, hands in her coat pockets, smirking at the annoyed woman sitting in a jail cell, holding an ice pack to her chin.
“Do you want to explain how you got in a fist fight on International Day of Peace?”
“The Penny isn’t under UN oversight,” replied Holly, peevishly. “And how did you know about that anyway?”
Gail smiled and leaned on the cell bars. “Because Andy McNally called to tell me my ex punched out my other ex.”
“No, I mean about today being International Day of Peace.”
“I’m not wearing this suit because I like it,” Gail remarked, feeling her good mood slither away. “I was actually at the UN hootenanny. In lieu of other Pecks being in jail and all that.”
“Oh,” said Holly in a small voice. “Sorry.”
“You heard?”
“It made international news.” Holly took the ice pack off her chin for a moment and touched the growing bruise. “Look… This is not how I wanted this conversation to go.”
Gail rolled her eyes. “Were you going to haul me into the Penny bathroom and kiss me without warning?” At Holly’s immediate blush, Gail laughed. “Oh my god. Is that why you punched out Franken-moron?”
“This is really spiraling out of control,” grumbled Holly. “She’s a horrible person. You deserve better.”
And yet Gail suddenly understood what the hell had happened. Mostly. She didn’t know exactly why Holly was back, but clearly she’d run into Frankie, who had made the usual flirtatious comments. No doubt Gail’s name had come up, and Frankie had remarked on their little fling (disappointing though it was). And somewhere in it all Holly had, in a pique of jealousy, picked a fight.
When Nick had done shit like that it had been annoying. Possessive even.
It was different here. Holly was clearly not saying the ‘better’ Gail deserved was Holly, but anyone at all.
She could only laugh. “Yeah, well. I figured that out on my own, thanks.” Turning, Gail caught the eye of the officer working the desk. “Wanna spring the jailbird here for me?”
Holly startled. “Isn’t that illegal? Gail, I punched a cop!”
“You punched Frankie,” Gail pointed out, dismissively. “Who admitted she deserved it. You’re out on bail. The court will see you next week, slap you both with a warning and a fine. Done. Nothing to mess up your job.”
“Bail? How– who?” The pathologist blinked as the door opened. “You?” She pointed at Gail. “Why would you pay my bail?”
Gail sighed deeply. “Because. You punched out Frankie. Because I’m actually vain enough to think you wanted to talk to me. Because … I miss you.”
A myriad of confused expressions crossed Holly’s face, along with a healthy dose of embarrassment and chagrin. Finally she settled on hope. “Maybe … we can have a drink? Talk?”
“Sure.” Gail gestured for Holly to follow her. “Just not the Penny.”
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National Just Because Day
“You should take off your shirt.” Gail said as if requesting that Holly change the channel on the television.
Holly quirked an eyebrow, “And why’s that?”
Gail shrugged, “Just because. I like your boobs, do I need any other reason?”
“Fair enough.” Holly said as she unbuttoned her shirt. “Take off your pants.”
“Any particular reason why?” Gail asked as she was already shimmying out of her jeans.
“Would you believe for sciencey reasons or just because I adore your ass?”
Gail tossed the pants and situated herself onto Holly’s lap and moved her wife’s hands to cup her ass cheeks. “I’ll accept both reasons. We should stop talking now.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Holly asked as she pressed a kiss along Gail’s jaw.
Gail nudged Holly to lie down, “Just because.”
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Prompt: Gail never forgets a face, especially when it belongs to someone she once arrested. A.K.A. The One Where Gail Meets Holly's Mother For The First Time But Really It's The Second Time
Gail clenched the sheets as Holly kissed her inner thigh. “Gail…babe…can you do me a favor today?” Holly asked between kisses.
“Anything just don’t stop!” Gail moaned as Holly smirked and went back to giving Gail a really good morning wake up.
“When I said anything I didn’t think that meant picking up your mum from the airport Lunchbox. I thought you would ask me for something simple like solve world hunger not meet your mother for the first time without you!” Gail said with her arms crossed and a slightly terrified look on her face as Holly poured them both coffee.
Holly laughed, “It won’t be that bad, I would go get her myself but I have to testify in court today, she was supposed to be coming in tomorrow but her plans changed last minute. Besides I met your mother for the first time without you.”
“You met Elaine before we were dating and she thought you were a secretary named Jasmine. Your mother is going to take one look at me and know that I spend every day trying to defile her daughter. Big difference Hols.” Gail countered as she sat down on one of the kitchen stools. “She’s going to hate me, I don’t make good first impressions.”
Setting down her coffee mug, leaning down Holly kissed Gail lightly on her lips. “She’s going to love you because I love you. Now please go get her, I have to go or I’m going to be late. I should be back this afternoon. I texted you my mother’s flight details. Love you bye! ”
Gail watched her girlfriend rush out the door, she dropped her head onto the counter top, and to think the morning had started out so well.
Holding a sign saying ‘Fiona Stewart’ Gail waited at the baggage claim; to say she was nervous was an understatement but she was determined to not fuck this up, Holly was too important to her to not try to make a good impression on her mother.
She was checking her phone to make sure that she had the right flight number when she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Well you’re not my daughter, you must be Gail; I’m Fiona.” An older version of Holly said. Fiona’s dark hair had a few gray streaks in it and her face was slightly rounder but there was no denying the family resemblance.
Gail offered her her hand, “Gail Peck ma'am; do you need help with your luggage?”
Fiona accepted her hand, “I’ve got it but thank you. How about we get out of here, I’m starving. Any decent diners close by?”
She tried to make polite conversation on the drive to her and Holly’s favorite diner but something was bothering Gail. There was something about Fiona that was familiar, it wasn’t that she looked similar to Holly it was something else. Gail never forgot a face and then it hit her and inwardly she groaned; this wasn’t good. “I arrested you!” She didn’t mean to blurt it out but once she remembered she couldn’t hold it in.
Fiona frowned for a moment and then a look of recognition crossed her face as she laughed. “I thought it was you but I wasn’t 100% sure. Great first impression.”
Their lunch went by mostly as a blur for Gail as she ran through the possible outcomes of breaking the news to Holly ranging from her breaking up with Gail to laughing it off and proposing on the spot.
“It’s okay Gail.” Fiona snapped her out of her thoughts. “I don’t hate you or anything like that. If anything I could see where you might not have a lot of respect for me. I assure you that I don’t make it a habit to break the law.” This surprised Gail she expected the elder Stewart to be upset not act remorseful. Fiona took a sip of her ice tea, “I was a guest lecturer at the university, I was crossing the courtyard when I got caught up in the protest. I don’t know if you remember but the day before a student had been suspended for five days for assaulting another student and the university was expelling the victim because she engaged in underage drinking. When I got involved all that was happening was some chanting and sign holding; I should have seen that things were escallating. I had no idea that they were going to set the Dean’s car on fire. Needless to say I haven’t been asked back to lecture there again.”
Gail ate her last fry, “I remember, we arrested the suspended student later that week, he’s serving an eight year sentence. We probably wouldn’t have known about the assault if the protest hadn’t gotten out of hand.”
Fiona nodded, “At least some justice was served. You know what I recall the most from my arrest?”
“What? The incredible accommodations in holding?”
“You. I remember how you managed to calm everyone down, it could have gotten really ugly when the cops showed up but you took control of the chaos and rounded all of us up without anyone getting hurt. I also remember you telling me that I was a little old to be a irresponsible freshman.”
Gail cringed, not the best first words to say to her hopefully future mother-in-law. “Sorry if it helps you look great for your age.”
Fiona laughed, “Holly was right, you are a charmer. You know my daughter thinks the world of you. I’ve never heard her gush about anyone the way she talks about you.”
It was nice to know that Holly talked her up to her family but a heavy thought crossed her mind, “I have to tell Holly, we don’t have secrets, I need to tell her about this.”
Fiona rose from their table, “Now I know that my daughter chose well; I wouldn’t want you to keep this from her. Let me be the one to tell her; this should come from me.”
~Later at Holly’s townhouse~
“Mama!” Holly cheered as she ran into her mother’s arms to hug and kiss her.
Fiona kissed Holly’s cheek, “It’s so good to see you baby girl, let me look at you.” Holly took a step back for her mother’s approval. “Happiness looks good on you darling.”
Holly smiled as she pulled Gail into her arms for a kiss, “We are happy. Let’s sit, I want to hear all about what’s going on at home and your conference this week.”
With a laugh Fiona sat down on the chair across from the couch where Holly sat. Gail decided to go into the kitchen to get them something to drink. Fiona cleared her throat, “We’ll get to that but there’s something I need to tell you first.”
Holly sat up straighter, “Is dad okay?”
Fiona reached across the gap between them and squeezed Holly’s hand, “Dad’s fine, everyone is. You remember about four years ago when I got arrested? You were still in Vancouver finishing up your residency.”
Holly smiled, “Of course, how could I forget; you framed your mugshot.”
“It’s a great picture of me!” Fiona justified. “Never mind that, do you remember what I told you about my arrest?”
Gail stood in the entry way, not wanting to intrude and a little scared about how Holly would react. Holly looked deep in thought as she said, “You told me that you met my future wife; that I needed to get my behind to Toronto because she was perfect for me.”
Fiona nodded as Gail felt very confused, who was Mrs. Stewart talking about? “You laughed when I told you because you thought it was ridiculous that I would want you to fall for the woman that arrested me but joke’s on you because you fell for her anyway.”
It took a moment for it to dawn on Holly but then she turned and looked into Gail’s eyes. “Gail was the one to arrest you?”
Gail slowly nodded, “I did, I told you I make lousy first impressions.”
Both Stewarts laughed and Gail felt a lot better, her second impression went a lot better, no handcuffs involved.
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@talentedgemx @auntchappy @appalachiansprung @magic-scissors @ragingscooter @gail-shark @reckless-deception @lambocalypse @drhollyfan
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I wrote a thing but I forgot to post a link before I left for work this morning.
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I don't know whether it's true but I read that today is Block your cousin on Facebook day. Could you do a Golly piece please?
“Are you seriously going to block your cousin Sara just because the calender says that it’s national block your cousin on Facebook day?” Holly asked as she sat down next to Gail on the couch.
Gail nodded as she tapped a few times on her phone, “Yep, but I would have blocked her anyway.”
“Why’s that?”
Gail set her phone down and crawled onto Holly’s lap. “She got drunk and flirted with you at Christmas and then had the nerve to say homophobic slurs when I took her home.”
Holly kissed her girlfriend, “Block the biatch. Let me see your phone.”
Gail reached behind her to grab her phone, “Why are you going to block one of your cousins? My vote is for Allen, he ate all the tarts at your grandparents anniversary party.”
With a laugh Holly shook her head, “No, I want to check to see what is tomorrow’s national day of topic is so I can prepare myself for your insanity.”
Gail handed over the phone, “I didn’t hear you complaining when it was national orgasm day or move in with your girlfriend day.”
Holly realized that Gail was right and dropped the phone onto the couch cushion, she’d let herself be surprised by what adventures the next day would bring.
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