Luna's Trashtalk
18K posts
Live fast, Live free, Love life. 26, Aussie/Irish travelling dancer and creative artist Fire performer, hula hooper, aerialist, contortionist, yogi and showgirl. Crafter, fashion and graphic designer. World traveller, currently based in Berlin with my partner Sol.
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lunatrash · 6 years ago
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It's my last day in Bali for a little while... I can't believe it's December already. This time last year I was heading to Sweden to start my journey towards reclaiming my health after being poisoned by my breast implants. It was one of the darkest times in my adult life, feeling the cusp of death, the entrapment of my body as it refused to function, the self hatred for making a decision when I was younger that destroyed me so much, being a burden on my partner and losing my independence.... the healing journey has been a full year of work and investing in myself. Taking time to learn, expand, grow, and get help. It is amazing to feel healthy again but the trauma has left me paranoid that any moment it could be taken from me again and I will be bedridden again. The fear is the hardest to conquor and it will take more time. This time last year I was a freelance circus artist, now I am not. Now i have a new journey, a new business, a new aim. I've gone deeper, not just in myself but in my work. And next year will be a full deep dive as i commit to training more in sexuality, coaching, healing, liberating. I'm commiting to doing the work and coming into my power fully. I know I have a lot to offer and I can really help people and change lives if I can focus and aim and put my head down a bit. The journey to the depths and the blissful heights continues... You can follow that journey on @sensual.artistry if you want to also explore conscious sexuality and aspects of yourself that you might be hiding from...
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lunatrash · 6 years ago
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Is it ever possible for a circus girl to ever just sit on a swing like a normal person? Must they always pose dramatically without proper warm-up first? Swipe right to find out 😂 Lovely second night on Ceningan before heading back to the Ubud jungle vibes (after a fun trip to immigration!) (at Nusa Ceningan)
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lunatrash · 6 years ago
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New dates are up for the @sensual.artistry Sensual Arts Retreat in Bali, and also a cheaper option to come to the retreat without staying in the luxury villa accommodation if you're on a budget 💖 Learn about conscious sexuality, shibari, dance, Acro yoga, massage and more sensual goodness at a beautiful private villa in tropical paradise 🌴🌸 you have until the end of the year to get your deposit in and reserve your space to get the early bird discount! (Perfect xmas present Yeah!) 🌸 @123avalon teaching shibari 🌸 @yobliss teaching Tantra, massage and yoga 🌸 @solfaetish teaching Acro yoga, conscious kink and cuddly connecting goodness. 🌸 I will be teaching sensual dance, meditations and yoga plus guiding cacao ceremonies, contact dance and other goodies. And more being announced soon 💖 Also looking at a weekend option for those who cant take the whole 5 days off for work/school so you can join for the first few days and get back in time for your commitments if necessary. If only some of these topics interest you then you can just do that, so if you want to just focus on shibari for 5 days that's totally cool too! The only compulsory segment is the consent and safety workshops so that we can be sure to have a safe and positive environment! Check it out and see if it is something that interests you, this retreat is singles, couples and poly friendly, queer and trans friendly and also Sex worker friendly if you want to learn some new skills for your business! PM me for details and questions.
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lunatrash · 6 years ago
A little clip dancing around when we were staying at a super lush hotel the first couple of days back in Ubud. Couldn't resist getting on the stage and getting a bit bendy (also so happy to be able to put weight on my wrist after a few months of broken-hand blues!) Video thanks to @solfaetish #flexibility #slowflow #contortion #bendy #flexygirls #ubud (at The Mansion Resort Hotel & Spa ~ Ubud ~ Bali)
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
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From my fire performance on Saturday night in Ubud 💋🔥 I think the last time I had ate fire before then was in Feb! Thanks to @tlowton for the images (and her amazing silks performances!) (at Ubud, Bali, Indonesia)
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
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Another mermaid shot 💙🐚 From Ubud, Bali. I'm super excited to already be making plans to be back in Bali in August and September after working for a while in Australia 😋 I'm collaborating with some total goddesses to put together something really special, I can't wait to announce more when the time is right!
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
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Another mermaid shot 💙🐚 From Ubud, Bali. I'm super excited to already be making plans to be back in Bali in August and September after working for a while in Australia 😋 I'm collaborating with some total goddesses to put together something really special, I can't wait to announce more when the time is right!
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
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Some beach photos from earlier in the Bali trip when I was fully functional 😂 attempting to find good poses on a dodgy shipwreck was harder than I though! We tried doing an acro flip up on the top and almost fell so decided to give it a miss... 😅 Photos by @_weecreature 📷 (at Nyang-Nyang Beach Uluwatu)
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
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Romantic spa day 😍 full body massage, coffee scrub and ending with a lush flower bath! I need this in my life every week. Feeling the goddess energy returning after such a down period over the last year or so, feels amazing to be back in the flow and so grateful for every moment! (at Sedona Spa Ubud)
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
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Acro jam! Met lots of beautiful people yesterday to play with.... so much to do here in Ubud, and so much epic food 😍 With my.cute base @solfaetish (at The Yoga Barn - Bali)
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
Celebrating world circus day with a little montage of 3 of my favourite circus disciplines... aerial hoop, contortion and hulahooping! Circus has been such a transformative and amazing part of my life.... It has made me happier and healthier than I could have ever imagined! My circus family across the world are a bunch of the most amazing, funny, weird, beautiful and caring humans on the planet who open their hearts, homes and happiness to share with each other, our passion for getting in the flow, moving, creating and being living works of art has created such a beautiful community everywhere I have gone It's helped me to channel my creative energy in a way that gives me a state of meditation, lots of motivation and a feeling of magic! It helped me conquer my depression and want to be the healthiest version of myself so i can reach my goals. Circus has helped me travel the world and meet so many amazing people. It's definitely not always easy but circus kids are a bunch of masochists so we push through the pain and keep doing our thing ;p So massive love to all my circus family all over the world, thanks for continuously inspiring me, teaching me, helping me grow as a performer and as a human and really making my life full of playful and powerful energy! #circus #circusaroundtheworld #circuseverydamnday #worldcircusday #aerialdance #aerialhoop #contortion
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
Did a little video before I took the LEDs off my aerial hoop 😘💫 costume made by me too 🤗 #aerialhoop #ledaerialist #ledaerialhoop #ledlyra #aerialdancer #lyra
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
Blissful day today 🌹💞 a morning of handstand coaching and stretching... amazing lunch, but of volunteer painting then getting some awesome aerial practice in! Took 4 takes of the video messing up but finally got some good shots of this sequence! Ps. Padding my lyra with an old yoga mat was a terrific idea! #aerialhoop #aerialistsofig #aerialbeauty #aerialcontortion #aerialhooptricks #lyra #aerialdance #circusinspiration #circusaroundtheworld #circuseverydamnday #luftakrobatik (at TADAH Artist Habitat)
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
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Another shot from my little shoot day with @seeyinghoopspirit 💖💪wearing @faetish_ #chairdance #acrochair #chairacro #split #chairacrobatics #chaircontortion (at TADAH Artist Habitat)
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
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Magical fairy splits! Had a little shoot today with @seeyinghoopspirit 💖🦄 wearing @faetish_ bodysuit and hood that I happily adopted when they didn't sell 😜 It was hard shooting without an assistant to make me stay facing the right direction and to make the silks even 😂😂😂 #aerialsilks #tissu #aerialbeauty #aerialistsofig #Silks #aerialacrobatics #luftakrobatik #circuseverydamnday #contortion #flexibility #splits (at TADAH Artist Habitat)
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
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Almost back to usual flexibility... mission oversplits starts again! Just over 2 years ago I tore my hamstrings really bad and it's been a pain in the ass getting the flexibility back. #aerialyoga #yogahammock #aerialhammock #splits #aerialsplits #flexibility
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lunatrash · 7 years ago
A little clip from Saturday night... didn't realise my camera man was as drunk as he was so only got half a shakey clip but its something... probably my favourite act I have done in a while, I love the song and my costume turned out pretty rad for being made mostly from duct tape! And luckily my tiny slip was perfectly timed with the music 😂 #kasaisthlm #theobscenefamily #chairdance #chairacro #acrochair #sevdaliza #fusiondance #lunafaetish #showgirl #fetishperformer
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