lunatonedd · 26 days
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you’re just like the rest of them
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lunatonedd · 29 days
It is currently 1990, in Lyon, France. A professional drummer, known as Savi had heard about this new app known as "Tumblr" from her band member that traveled to America for a business trip. Out of curiosity, and wanting to her promote her band known as a Lunatone, she downloaded the app.
This blog is mainly based around my oc named Savi, a drummer, and building up more character for her. Is she a Metallica oc? Maybe. Maybe not.
- Keep reading for the rules , and etc⬇️
- No full blown smut. Idc about nsfw jokes, or a lil bit of smut, but something that is fully nsfw is a no-go.
- Dont spam my asks. I have the right to ignore something if I wish. Dont spam the same thing over and over again.
- Just have common sense. Dont be super rude, I dont mind mean jokes, but being actually rude is taking it too far.
- Another reminder, im a real person! I am real person w a life behind this little rp blog I made. I may not be online all of the time, but dont demand anything of me. Dont pressure me either.
~More Shit and hcs~
- Savi dont got no friends on here (mostly bc idk any of the rp blogs on here, this my first one lmaoaoaoaoa 😭😭)
- Shes a gatekeeper. She likes to gatekeep underground french bands bc she doesnt want them to become “sellouts.”
- Savi plays the guitar also, but likes to stick to the drums.
Also heres what Savi looks like 😁😁😁😁😁😁
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if u wanna talk to me ooc (yoyo wassup im ky !! <3), my main blog is @pseudocider ‼️‼️🔥🔥
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