lunathefiremoth · 3 months
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Severus x Student! Slytherin! Reader
Note : Reader is 18, 7th year.
"I have dirty thoughts about you"
My birthday was yesterday, so now I'm finally 18. I celebrate in my mind, trying not to show my excitement. I've had a big crush on one of my professors, but I'm not sure how to tell him, if I do at all.
I try to get through my classes like usual, then dinner rolls around and I catch sight of Severus sitting at his usual spot, eating nimbly.
'Why does Severus have to look so perfect? God I wish I could rip his clothes off and press my body against his. I wonder if he's hung like a horse . . .'
As I think to myself, I see Severus choke on his food and he looks around, seeing a few curious stares and glances. He just sternly asks what the matter is and everyone goes back to talking, eating and laughing.
I steal a peek at Severus, and see him looking at me with an unreadable expression. I can sense he's embarrassed, and confused.
I get a mischievous idea and imagine a vivid daydream while locking eyes with him. I imagine him pushing me against a wall and making out with me, then attacking my neck and feeling me up. I see his eyes widen and I grin, further thinking about him fucking me roughly against a wall in a closet.
I see his brows knitted in confusion, shock, and utter disbelief. I casually go back to eating, glancing at him every now and then. I continue to let my imagination continue, imagining him and I in various positions.
I see him blink rapidly and shake his head, trying to focus on his meal and not my filthy, imagined scenarios.
The rest of the day, and several days after he was awkward and a little off, understandably.
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lunathefiremoth · 4 months
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Short n' funny
Severus x reader
Severus : *Existing peacefully.*
[Y/N] : Hey, I burned myself on maybe accident
Severus : *Pinches nose and says boredly.* Tell me you're joking . . .
[Y/N] : No, I'm being Sirius.
Severus : *Glares at you.* Really?
[Y/N] : Yeah, you mind if I Lup-in another?
Severus : *Groan at you, annoyed as Hell.* I know you did not just do that . . .
[Y/N] : Oh I Dumble-did. *trying not to laugh.*
Severus : Merlin help me . . .
[Y/N] : You know you can never e-Snape my jokes. *busts out laughing.*
Severus : *Buries face in hands with pained, annoyed groan.*
[Y/N] : I love to annoy you, it's fun. *smiling and giggling.*
Severus : *Nods, face still buried in his hands.* Yes, you do.
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lunathefiremoth · 4 months
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Professor Snape x Guardian! Fem! Reader
"What are you doing in here?"
The night has fallen, the cool air becoming rigid and biting to exposed skin. The stars begin to shine, and the moon rises high, shining its beautiful light over everything ot can.
I sigh softly, closing my eyes as I stand leaning on a stone window sill, breathing in the crisp, cold air.
My nearly skin tight, almost masculine looking suit accentuated and emphasised my large breasts and curves, the red X's on the upper arms of my suit sleeves glow softly in the dark. The calm yet biting wind blows through my black cloak, making it lift and flutter. The soft sounds of thick fabric are heard from it, and the large red X on the upper back of my cloak glows softly in the dark just like my sleeves.
I've known since the beginning that my uniform, my outfit, was out of the ordinary here. I stuck out quite a bit, but I've never minded, I've never cared for the whispers and curious looks I've gotten my way. I've never cared about the insults or rumours of me being a spy for the Dark Lord.
My keen ears pick up footsteps and I look in the direction they're coming from. Quickly, quietly, I walk away, my cloak billowing behind me as I do. I swiftly move into a darkened, shadowy corner and remain silent. I hear the footsteps turn down another hallway, so I quietly step out, then begin to speed walk to the Potions Classroom.
I get there and quietly slip inside, closing and locking the door behind me. I peer around the room, my eyes scanning the entirety of it, making sure there's no one amd nothing in here that might give me away, tattle on me. Soon, a small, almost smug smile graces the corners of my mouth as I see the coast is clear.
I walk over to the ingredients that Severus has, and scan through them. My eyes land and lock onto the ones I'll need and I grab them. Soon, I have the ingredients and walk over to the demonstration table and set them down. I grab a cauldron and my deep red coloured wand.
Several minutes pass of me experimenting and I continue to work silently and diligently to perfect a new potion you had an idea for that will help-
My train of thought is interrupted by footsteps approaching. I feel tension rise but I continue to work, making myself remain calm. The footsteps close in and stop just outside the door of this room. Still, I don't stop, I keep working and it's finally done. I let another, small smile tug on the corner of my mouth as I fill a small veil with the semi-translucent, pale blue coloured liquid and cap it.
Carefully tucking it into my cloak pocket to keep it safe, I flick my wand and wordlessly everything returns to their to rightful place. Just in time time as well because I hear a whispered spell and the door unlocking and being pushed open. I manage to dart silently to Severus's desk and crawl behind it, hiding.
The door opens but silence reigns supreme. Soon, slow, deliberate footsteps are heard walking towards the front of the room and I remain calm, silent, and still.
Soon, the footsteps suddenly halt, and I can almost feel the gaze of the-no doubt-Professor in my direction. Then the slow steps approach the desk and I close my eyes and hold my breath. Soon, the steps stop, right next to me, and I can hear and feel the person crouch low.
"What, are you doing, in my class, after hours?" A slow speaking, deep voice sounds right next to my ear. I know I've been caught and slowly open my eyes and look up at Severus himself. I say nothing, but I lock eyes with him and can't help but admire his black eyes and how they seem to see everything and show nothing, like two, beautiful dark voids.
I remain silent, but I slowly scoot out from under the desk and stand, not looking away from him. I keep my face neutral, cold, and blank. His cold, stern look doesn't intimdate me as easily as it might others.
I say nothing before casually turning on my heel with precision and walk in a disciplined, military manner. The smoothness of my moves, the suddeness of it almost makes him flinch slightly, obviously not expecting it. My lack of words or explanation rouses a potent, suspicious look to appear on his face. He tries to do his usual speed walk but finds I'm a little faster than he is. He's almost ready to jog before he raises his wand and utters an incantation to make the door shut and lock. I stop nearly in my tracks as this happens and I slowly, almost threateningly turn around to face him with my empty, blank expression.
Understandably, he looks slightly unnerved, but more, he's curious and suspicious. He wants answers.
"What, are you doing here, Grey?" He speaks my name with slight emphasis, showing me he knows it isn't my real name.
That was about three months ago I first arrived here. Suspicion towards me is still great amongst most here, but Dumbledore is smart and wise enough he can see through any act and read anyone. He saw my desire to protect and trusted me.
No here I stand in front of Severus, just another person who doesn't trust me, just another man in the crowd. Yet there's something about his eyes that pulls me in again. I try to force down my hot, steamy, bubbling emotions and keep my cold expression. I feel heat rush to my cheeks bit I push ot away, I refuse to let this man know how he makes me feel.
He slowly walks towards me, his brows knitted together a little more as if he is being told something he can't believe. I stand I place, refusing to let him intimdate me. I keep my breathing under control, but he slowly raises one hand up towards my face, I flinch. I'm expecting a strike or a reprimand.
But the second his cool hand cups my cheek, I melt. My extreme touch starvation kicks in and I find myself unable to pull away. He sees this but his expression doesn't change very much except for a slight twitch in his brow as he scrutinses me. I try not to look into his eyes, but a strong temptation in my mind wins and my eyes flicker to his, expect when they collide, I'm trapped, unable to look away.
I try to tell myself I'm here to guard the students, staff, and the building itself, I don't have time for love. I try to force myself to pull away, to turn around, to leave. Suddenly, he pulls away and my gaze flickers to his hand. My eyes widen slightly and I put on a cold, angry expression when I see he tricked me. He got close to me to fish out the veil I tucked into my cloak.
I try to approach him to get it back, but his hand flies up and he wraps his fingers around my neck to prevent me from getting closer. My eyes widen, my mask cracking.
"What is this?" He says in a suspicious, monotone voice.
I don't answer, swallowing my words.
"If you don't answer, I'll cast the Crucio curse on you until you do." His threat is clear, and his voice in an authoritive, bold, and confident, almost cocky and smug tone.
Still, I remain silent as we lock eyes and he slowly raises his wand, pointing it at me. My gaze briefly flickers to his wand before returning to his enchanting eyes.
He holds his threat up, taking a step back before saying, "Crucio." Instantly, I feel it hit me in the form of an almost painful tingly feeling all over.
He sees I don't seem to be responding to it, and becomes confused. He tries again, "Curcio." I didn't prepare for it fast enough, because I feel pain shoot through me. But strangely, the pain melts into almost unbearable pleasure and my legs weaken. My open mouth releases a weak crosk before I collapse to the ground, trying to keep quiet.
He watches in confusion, intrigue and feels a tinge of arousal as my helpless squirming of my body and the desperate attempts to keep quiet. Licking his bottom lip slightly, he crouches and observes me closer, seeing my eyes rolled back and my brows furrowed upwards. My expression is one of intense pleasure and he smirks slightly before it disappears. He ends the curse, then carefully, he reaches out, cupping my cheek again.
As he does, he feels arousal slice through him like a wave. He gasps softly, trembling. He can't stop himself from leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. I hum and kiss back.
Eventually, the magic of my sexual influence of my Succubus nature proves too much for him to resist and he gives in, kissing me deeper, trying to part my legs and begins practically clawing at his trousers to undo them. Soon he pulls down my panties and throws my legs over his shoulders and he begins to tremble. Soft whimpers escape him as he keeps kissing me, then kissing my jawline, then my neck. He bites down and begins to suck on my neck.
I squeak and arch my back, feeling the burning hot pleasure shooting through me, spreading through my veins like molten gold.
I still try to keep quiet, but it gets harder as he grinds his hardened budget against me while sucking on my defenceless neck. I moan amd squirm pathetically as he then moves his pants down too and frees his cock. He finds my entrance after some shaky fumbling and lines himself up, and slowly sinks himself deep inside of me.
My head throws back with a loud-ish, trembling sigh. He pulls away enough to slap me across the face, hard.
"That, was for sneaking around where you weren't supposed to."
He slaps me again, "that, was for stealing my potion ingredients."
"And this," he begins to move his hips, going hard and fast, making my back arch. He leans in next to my ear and speaks into it, letting his hot breath tickle my cheek and neck.
"Is for being such a fucking tease, you little minx."
He intended to sound insulting, but it sounded and felt more like he was complimenting me.
"Fuck it."
Is all he says before he goes to town, letting go and letting loose his intense, lustful emotions like Hell reading loose. He pounds hard and fast, releasing desperate grunts, whines, and whimpers as he does while choking me midway, holding me down.
My eyes have long since rolled back, and my thinking long been seemingly turned off from the intense pleasure roaring through me like violent tsunamis.
"S-Severus . . . " I breathe shakily, uttering my first word in almost a year. He noticed my vocalisation, and knows I have spoken a word in the three months I've been here. This only excites him further, making him more aggressive and forceful with his actions. He drops his wand altogether and grips one of my wrists tightly, almost bruising it. His other hand finds my neck, squeezing tightly.
"You, little Minx." He growls aggressively, then his face softens and his voice too, leaning into my ear again.
"My little . . . Temptress . . . "
Soon, his finish feels near and he tries to speed up more, his forehead beaded with sweat from his agressive and intese output. He raises his chin up, closing his eyes while his brows knitted together.
Just before he's about to ejaculate, he pulls out and grabs my arms, pulling me to my knees then stands in front of me, his body trembling as he grabs my head and shoves his cock past my lips and proceeds to skull fuck me.
He throws his head back and lets out a loud, quivering moan as he shoots his semen into my mouth. I begin to swallow it all greedily, feeling some of my energy replenish as I feed on every drop. He stills for a moment, his eyes still closed. As he slowly opens them, he beings his head back up, and looks down at me, chuckling darkly and amusedly at the sight of me on my knees.
Soon, he slowly withdraws himself, and stakes a shaky step back. Still breathing heavily, he tucks away his softening dick and cleans himself off, buttoning up his trousers and redoing his belt. Straightening out his clothes and his cloak, he smirks smugly, then simply walks past me.
He gets to the door, stops, and slowly turns."
"Oh and, [Y/N], my Dear, you better not sneak through and steal my things, or I'll punish you again."
His tone was cold and and threatening.
"One more thing, next time you write down one of your . . . sexual fantasies . . . don't sign your name on it and leave it in such a place I could easily find it."
He takes out a paper from his cloak and throws it carelessly at me, walking away and out of the door.
I'm left a sweaty, used, and tired mess on the floor, and next to me, a paper with a sexual scenario I wrote of him and I.
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