lunarsquidstuff · 4 months
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Pal taking a train home to the last stop.
The sound of the gulls shouting and the train clacking on the tracks.
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lunarsquidstuff · 4 months
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BBC Merlin + Text Posts
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lunarsquidstuff · 4 months
having a merlin phase in 2024...who up rn
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lunarsquidstuff · 4 months
Hahahaha 3 people that’s it
OK new game. Use this website to see how common your first name is, and then put that number in the tags. 
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lunarsquidstuff · 4 months
Imagine you're like 20 when you realize 'i'm sorry' and 'thank you' are not just plain cold formalities, but words with a meaning, because until then everyone said these only cause you're the prince and they're afraid when they see you and they'd speak kind words even if they despised you. Then there comes some twink who's visibly sick in the head and disrespects you whenever he judges you deserve it, but then he turns around in his little chair in his little blanket after you both just saved each other's lives and he looks at you and he means it when he calls your name and he says 'thank you'.
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lunarsquidstuff · 4 months
My favorite Merlin head cannon is that Arthur knew Merlin had a secret that they didn't talk about because it would get him in trouble with the law
but he always just assumed the secret was Merlin that preferred men.
feat: this scene
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lunarsquidstuff · 5 months
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Shadow always follows the Sun
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lunarsquidstuff · 5 months
GUYS Merlin is not the one that makes dark jokes or casually drops some traumatic lore. It’s arthur. He says the most out of pocket things and doesn’t address it afterwards. This isn’t even a hc he actually does this.
“Look at the bright side Merlin chances are you won’t have to wash this again”- Arthur joking about the fact he’s going to die.
“is it for me to fall on”- Arthur talking about his sword
he also casually mentions how his father brought him to the woods and basically traumatized him.
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lunarsquidstuff · 6 months
Uther: who's that?
Arthur: my ... Friend. Merlin. We met in college.
Uther: he just tripped over his chair.
Arthur: he's clumsy.
Uther: he's eating soup with a straw.
Arthur: ...
Arthur: I desire him carnally.
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lunarsquidstuff · 7 months
This is beautiful
Merlin often has to order stuff for Arthur at the market or open and pay the tab at the tavern...
Of course, that's his job. As it used to be the Job of the manservants before him. But of course, with all the manservants shifting so much, the sellers wrote down their names and who they were coming for, so they'd know which manservant had to pick up what item.
It was usually marked down as Pendragon - Morris, Pendragon - George, Pendragon- Colin etc . Naturally, with Merlin, it became Pendragon - Merlin.
Once it became clear that Merlin was going to stay, people got more slack with the names. It turned to: Pendragon Merlin, Prince Merlin (as Merlin usually bought for Arthur and not the King), later it turned to King Merlin. Some only wrote him down as Merlin, but most thought it was quite funny.
After a while, Merlin found out and joined the fun. He starts signing stuff as King Merlin, or Merlin Pendragon.
It takes a while, but one day, royal guests hear about it and are shocked that Arthur was married to his manservant.
Then, finally, Arthur hears about it. As allegations that he's secretely married to Merlin...
And the worst part is, everything Merlin signed with King Merlin or Merlin Pendragon has been taken seriously so far. Those were legitimate signatures! And they count nearly everyhwhere! At the market, at the tavern, even during mail exchange and when people hand Merlin the laws that Arthur is meant to sign.
The entire Kingdom knows Merlin under those names. So much, that most of them started believing it true.
So, when Arthur tries to clear things up, his people think he's going through a divorce. Secretly, Arthur is pining through it all while Merlin can't contain his laughter.
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lunarsquidstuff · 7 months
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I mean it could be worse at least I know what goncharov is
Hiya tumblr take my uquiz
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lunarsquidstuff · 7 months
I am helping write my first fic yay
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My second fill for @theterrorbingo is up! Well, the first chapter is, at least. The prompt was The Butterfly Effect
Sir John stands.
“Men,” he declares, with the familiar sort of zeal that means he’s about to bluster religiously through any protests. “In another lifetime we were frozen into the pack, but today The Lord has seen fit to bless us. He has granted me the certainty that one week hence, we will find the Northwest Passage, and we will sail through it and return to England victorious!”
The crews of Terror and Erebus get a warning. Or perhaps it's a threat. But either way, it is certainly an opportunity.
Multichapter, 1/?
Rating: T
Warnings: Chose Not To Warn
Relationships: Francis Crozier/James Fitzjames
Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Written in conjunction with my sister @lunarsquidstuff!
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lunarsquidstuff · 9 months
merlin: oh by the way, it’s really muggy outside today
arthur: merlin, i swear, if i step outside and all our mugs are on the front lawn…
merlin: *sips coffee from bowl*
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lunarsquidstuff · 1 year
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are you still listening by abbie bosworth
(my merthur playlist that’s like ten years in the making)
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lunarsquidstuff · 1 year
Can you Imagine Lucifer stealing Chloe’s cheese puffs imagine it that’s what I think about
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lunarsquidstuff · 2 years
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I like him a normal amount
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lunarsquidstuff · 2 years
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I found a bug yesterday.
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