Words: 2408 | Rating: T
Series: AOT
Pair: Annie Leonhardt & Eren Jaeger
For ereannieweek 2022, Day 1: Drama / Comedy
Vice Commander Leonhardt secretly trails after her underling, Falco as he leads Reiner Braun to a basement where an old friend awaits.
Read on AO3 / Read on FF.NET
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It seemed obvious they were being led into a trap.
Annie would've suspected her fellow compatriot to use his common sense as to why he had been asked to trail after their underling to some unknown area, "How much longer, Falco?" Reiner grumbled, scrubbing a hand over his cropped blond hair.
"It's right around the corner Mister Braun!"
Annie stayed hidden within the shadows, keeping her distance as she followed the two on silent feet towards their secret location. The little warrior and candidate for the Armored titan, Falco Grice, had asked Reiner to accompany him— "Mister Braun can you come with me for a second, it's really important!" He exclaimed with a broad smile on his face, just as they were filing into the outside auditorium with rest of Marley's Eldian soldiers'.
Annie Leonhardt had given Falco a look of suspicion. But their Chief, Zeke Jaeger, however, was unperturbed. "Go on ahead, we still have time." He spared a glance to his wristwatch.
Annie watched them leave, trepidation coursing through her. She stayed a minute longer before making the excuse of having to escort her handicapped father to the ceremony. Zeke warned her that she'd miss the opening for the Helos play, but she waved him off. It is not that she didn't trust Falco Grice, he was a good kid, a hardworking soldier if not a bit naïve, but there was an inkling that his innocence was being preyed upon.
It was that he suddenly appeared to… preppy as the celebration grew nearer. She assumed it was merely for the festivities and unbridled childish excitement for fried foods and balloons. But it was more than that. Falco had been running off somewhere every weekday, usually after drills. She paid no mind to that at first, because she'd imagined the boy was meeting with his parents, an uncle or an aunt. Eager to spend time with his family.
It wasn't until she spotted Falco rushing to deliver a note outside of the Liberio Gates that she figured something was out of the ordinary for the little warrior boy. Mail that was distributed within the internment zone was usually sent to the Post office. Mail that was to be sent outside the internment zone was dropped off at the P.O box just outside the entrance.
Falco had no family outside of Liberio, it was only curiosity and slight suspicion that drove Annie to wait until the boy was out of sight to approach the gates. She retrieved a napkin from her pocket and folded it to pass it off as a letter, making up the excuse that she was delivering a love letter to a boyfriend at a guard who merely rolled his eyes in response.
The mailbox was filled to the brim with letters, some likely stuffed full of money and some lumpy, containing trinkets and family heirlooms. Whether they'd be in transit by tomorrow is a gamble. Mail is always passed through a security check before being sent off to Eldian families around the country.
Falco had dropped his letter right atop the stack of others. No one had come after him besides herself, and so she was able to retrieve his letter without much trouble. It was also easily identifiable because it hadn't been addressed to anyone. Annie stuck her arm into the box and plucked out the blank envelope.
She turned to look behind her, and watch the tall guards who shuffled about, their attention more so on their shiny boots than on her. Annie swiftly opened the letter and scanned for a name, an address, anything. She didn't recognize any of the surname's addressed in the letter.
The contents discussed the celebration that was going to be had at Liberio, the time, the date, the important people that would be there. But what was damning was that it had been written in shorthand. Falco had never succeeded in writing shorthand, and this was almost perfect. Had it been written by a family member?
The letter was addressing a group— but there was no mention of distant Grice brothers, sisters, aunts or uncles. Annie would have assumed it friends. But it's to… formal, as if… as if speaking to a superior.
"And last, I look forward to seeing you all at the Liberio Internment Zone, Southside. 20:00." Annie mumbled. Quickly rereading. There was that ticklish feeling in her chest. Feathers brushing over the innards of her breastbone—Falco is just a kid… trained a soldier, yes. But he's still a child. Even she had made mistakes as a brat all those years ago.
Falco was also loyal to the Marley as that Gabi girl, or at least she'd have to assume he was. But he's susceptible to the trickery of others. Falco Grice wouldn't risk his hide and the livelihoods of his family to secretly deliver letters to the enemy, would he? And this letter, that was clearly not written by him… could have equally been written by an enemy and given to Falco to deliver. The surnames could even be codenames.
The boy wouldn't willingly do it. She wanted to give Falco the benefit of the doubt. He was being used, for sure. And the writer, was hiding within these very walls.
At that point, one of the guards behind her spat, "What are ya' doing?! Ya' better not be stealing. I'd have to hand you in!"
Annie quickly folded the letter back into its envelope, "Oh no, Sir. I was just rereading the letter I wrote to my beloved. I miss him oh so dearly."
The guard scoffed and ushered her to hurry it up. And without any doubt, Annie had dropped the letter back into the mailbox, assuring it'd be delivered to its unknown recipients, unsealed.
She did not dwell on why she hadn't simply kept it and foil the plans of whomever was conspiring against them.
She told herself, it would be bait, to lure them out. Annie had been right to follow Reiner and Falco. As now Falco was leading the man down into the cellar of a tenement building just overlooking the stage. As if that wasn't suspicious enough, Reiner made no comment of it, too much in the dreary state that he was.
Annie would've stopped Reiner and Falco in their tracks before they'd even head down into the wolfs den; turn them away. Go down herself; but she was afraid of being in dark underground spaces—rather she was cautious of them.
And she didn't know if she herself was being followed, despite looking over her shoulder more than once. All she needed was confirmation that they were meeting with the recipient of the letter.
Annie came as far as the stairway; and approached the door as soon as it shut, very briefly she'd glimpsed Falco & Reiner being bathed in an orange glow by a single lamp lit within, and a seated silhouette before them, just as the door obstructed her view.
Annie pressed herself against the wooden door. Mindful not to put all her weight on it and strained to hear above the raucous noise of the families above them.
It proved to be difficult. But she did hear a gruff voice that did not belong to Reiner. Though that voice blended so well with Reiner's, she practically couldn't tell the two apart. She didn't hear Falco. The thunderous applause above was deafening. So, those two were trapped in there now with an island devil. Annie sighed; will she have to make herself seen? Confront whoever was behind that door and reveal their involvement with Falco. With Reiner? Or… or she could report it to the Chief—as she should have done from the start. Stupid. She clenched her teeth in frustration. She'll go now.
Annie heard Reiner give a pleading cry, a thump sounded as if a body fell to the ground. She backed away, but it was too late. The door was being opened, creaking on its hinges, and she was bathed in that fiery orange glow as if standing in front of the mouth of hell.
"Come in Annie, don't be shy." Spoke that gruff voice, Annie looked down to see Falco holding the door open, tears staining his botchy red cheeks. "I'm sorry Miss Annie I didn't…" He whimpered.
He didn't know. "it's alright." She reassured him, and herself. Annie walked into the cellar, masking herself in confidence to the face that she remembered from four years ago.
"I should've known it was you, Eren." Annie spared a glance to Reiner's trembling form on the floor by Eren's feet, he was hunched forward, sobbing quietly. The idiot. But she couldn't condemn Reiner without condemning herself as well.
Eren was standing before her, above Reiner. His hair was long, messy around his shoulders, and bandages covered his right eye, he was unkempt and dressed haphazardly as a veteran soldier. Eren held his hand out to her—as if beckoning her to take it. Annie eyed the blood that pooled in his palm and dripped red onto the floorboards. She flicked the ring of her middle finger.
"Don't." Eren narrowed his eyes. "You'll kill them all."
He meant the families above.
"You'll do the same." Annie was caught between a rock and hard place. This wasn't a negotiation setup, but a trap. There might have been a time where she and Eren can talk. That time in Stohess… Where he and Armin pleaded for her to come down into a dark confined tunnel—just so she could be captured.
She could almost laugh at the irony now.
"Where is everyone?" She looked around the dark corners of the basement.
Eren cocked his head, the green of his eye was dark and twinkling like a dying ember in the light of the lamp. "You didn't tell anyone did you, you came here alone."
He said it as if it were fact. But he couldn’t know for sure. She didn't have to reveal anything. She could bluff. Annie stepped forward, speaking louder to be overheard against the booming voice of Willy Tybur above. "I told Zeke and Commander Magath, they've already prepared an ambush to trap you, and all who came with you to this country as we speak."
Eren hummed. "That's no good. I don't think I can take my brother in a fight. Much less you, and Reiner…" he looked down at said soldier who winced at his attention, "that's quite an unfair advantage."
"Then surrender." Annie lifted her chin, "Whatever plan you have, let it go. And the soldiers who came with you won't suffer."
"Generous. That must be the Vice Commander side of you talking, it certainly doesn't sound like the Annie I knew."
She scoffed, "You never knew me."
Eren's bloodied hand shot out capturing her own, taking Annie by surprise. The slick of his blood coated her skin, she grimaced and tried to pull away, but his grip was iron.
"Let go."
"Don't I know you? I know you all were forced into this." Eren's single murky green eye bore into Annie, the pity he was conveying unnerved her. "You were four clueless kids, sent off to that island without knowing a thing."
Reiner choked on a sob, "Eren, please… Just punish me instead. Take me prisoner, leave… leave them out of this… I'll pay the penance." The blond man's head dropped low, fists clenched on the floorboards, "That day Marcel died… Bertolt and Annie wanted to abort the mission, but it was me who pushed forward with it, I convinced them not to abandon our goal… I made them keep going… yes, I wanted to survive, but—But I also wanted to be a hero! That's why I always acted like everyone's big brother too… I wanted people to respect me. To notice me."
Reiner's golden eyes were wide, wet with tears as he stared up at the other man, "I wasn't shaped by Marley's history or my environment… it was my selfishness that made the choice. It was my fault! Your mother was eaten because of me! Thousands died because of me! Bertolt died because of… because of me." He sniffled; trembling hands reached out to clutch onto the cuffs of Eren's pants. "Just kill me… I beg you… I want to disappear."
Annie couldn't speak, staring down at the grieving man. Her tongue heavy as lead in her mouth. Up above on the stage full of spotlights, Willy Tybur declared war on the island devils. His voice righteous, and hysterical. Tears shone in his eyes as well.
Below. Eren Jaeger, the island devil, smiled woefully.
"Annie." His unusual soft tone made her snap at attention to him, "Why didn't you turn in my letter to authorities when you had the chance?"
She opened her mouth, no sound coming out. Eren's bloody grip on her hand loosened some, but she knew she was already caught.
He then turned to Reiner, "Stand up Reiner. I get it now." Annie could feel the tension shift in the room—the crackle of electricity being shot from their joined hands, jolted straight down her spine. She gasped.
"I'm the same as you."
The hairs on her neck stood, "Falco!" She turned to the stunned boy by the door, "Forget about us, run. Go! Go!"
"I think… we were born this way."
Reiner rose to his feet as if hypnotized. Falco hadn't fled yet. He was paralyzed with fear. Everything was happening too fast, and too slow. Too late.
"I just keep moving forward…"
Her hand slipped from Eren's, stained with his blood. The trick ring on her finger glinted red in the lamplight, the needle stabbed into the thin skin. Reiner made a movement in her sideview.
A piercing bolt split the air.
"Until my enemies are destroyed."
#attack on titan#shingeki no kyojin#annie leonhardt#Eren Jaeger#reiner braun#falco grice#ereani#ereannie#ereannieweek 2022#J&Sfic
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I love your short stories! You haven't written for wwwy anymore?
Thank you so much! 😊 I haven't recently, I think my last one shot for WWWY was in June last year. But don't worry, it's a one-shot collection so I haven't abandoned it, I just update it spontaneously.
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Did ever read a fanfiction titled "Is Freedom Worth It?" By Hesoyam on FanFiction?
The story are 16 chapters long but isn't finished yet.
It's an AU where Eren become a Warrior and it has quite good EreAnnie moments in it.
Maybe you could finish it?
Here is the link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12617675/1/Is-Freedom-Worth-It
I think I may have come across that fic, I feel like I’ve come across every ereani fic to be posted. 😅 But no I haven’t read it, I haven’t been interested in Reading SNK fics for awhile now, we’ll maybe some of my mutuals at times.
Also, I’m not sure what you mean by ‘finish it’? I am not the story’s author, I have no idea how the structure of that story goes, how it will it reach its climax etc. And since I haven’t read it I don’t even know the plot much. That being said, as a writer, I would only ever continue another authors story if they had put that story up for adoption, which this writer has not.
Just give this author some time, and they’ll get back to it soon. Maybe they’re stuck at a part, or they got interested in another fandom etc. I’ve got my own ereani multichap stories I haven’t updated since 2018, but I haven’t abandoned them, I’m just stuck at some parts and taking a well needed long break. haha
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Ereannie 43, 54, and 64... heheheheheeheeh
Dialogue prompts #43 “And you wonder why you’re single.” / #54 “Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.” / #64 “Do i regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
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The General consensus of athletes says It’s always better to work out with a partner than alone—hence why Annie decided to bring Eren along with her to the new gym that opened up two weeks ago.
It was a small compact building, and since it was brand new, not lot of people came by it, which meant more weights and machines were available, and the showers weren't all taken. A good find for Annie, it was only a car ride away from her home too.
She entered the gym, Eren in tow; the sudden blast of the AC immediately sent shivers down their spines.
“Shit, it’s cold in here.” Eren rubbed at the goosebumps on his arms. “Where’s the Men's locker rooms?”
Annie adjusted her gym bag, “In the back, by the water fountain, I’m going there too, the Women’s locker rooms is right across.”
As expected, the gym was sparse of members, only two women occupied by the treadmills and there were a few guys occupying the machines meant to train the arms, one skinny red-head sat on the Chest Press bench more focused on his phone than putting the machine to use.
Annie was quick to change into her spare shorts and tank top—she'd usually opt for a sports bra, but she’d learned from the last public gym she went too, a sports bra usually warranted unwanted attention.
She stuffed her clothes into a locker, clicked the number lock tight and was good to go, water bottle already at hand.
Eren was known for taking his sweet time in the restroom; so, Annie went ahead and started her routine, beginning with the Leg Press machine. The strongest parts of her body were her legs, she intended to keep them as fit as possible.
She was putting her water bottle down onto the mat when the red-head who’d been preoccupied with his phone sauntered over to her.
Annie glanced at his equally red sneakers momentarily, slowly raising her head to meet a rather smug looking face. “Hey?”
“I saw you come in a couple of minutes ago, you new here?”
Annie perked an eyebrow, righting herself onto the seat of the machine. “This gym opened up two weeks ago, I think most of everyone is new here.”
“Right, right.” He laughed.
Annie began her work out, holding onto the seat and as she pushed out with her legs.
The red-head eyed her with his chin in hand, as if he were some damned coach. Annie did her best to ignore him as she finished one set of ten reps.
“Do you need any help?” The red-head inquired with a smile.
“Nope.” Annie grunted, starting again.
“You sure?”
“I’m... sure.”
Then it was silent for a bit save for the loud clanking of weights being pushed—before he opened his mouth again.
“Y’know, I’m a runner, I used to do track back in High school, had to do all these exercises for the legs, was a real trip.”
Annie ignored him.
“So, if you want any tips, I could offer you some?”
“No thanks.”
The red-head laughed then waggled an eyebrow at her, “Come on, maybe you can teach me than?”
Annie stopped abruptly, dropping her arms. “Look I don’t know who are, or what you want but you’re not getting anything from me.”
With that she fixed the cocky red-head with an ice-cold glare.
He shrank away a bit, “Jeez, I was just trying to make conversation.”
“I’m busy, or do you not see me trying to exercise in peace?”
“People don’t usually mind chatting when they work out.” He huffed, as if that was a valid reason for being so invasive.
Annie scoffed, “And men like you wonder why they’re single.”
"Well that’s pretty rude of you.”
She rolled her eyes, “Go away now.”
“Hold on! I didn't mean to come off too strong, I’ll start over!”
Annie slapped her forehead.
“My name is Floche, and—”
“I don’t care. I have a boyfriend.”
Yet the red-head continued to talk over her, he hadn't even heard what she’d said. Annie slumped into the seat, frowning. Irritation and the urge to kick the man’s teeth in rising.
------------- --------------
Back in the Men's locker room, Eren had just finished changing into a pair of cargo shorts and a gray T-shirt after a refreshing warm shower. He always preferred to bathe before and after an intense work out.
Beside him another young man was struggling to put his own sweatshirt on—his arms weren't bending all the way to make the task any easier, and he was groaning in pain.
“You good, bro?” Eren looked over at the other whose head was currently stuck inside his sweatshirt.
“Yup! Yeah, I’m— I’m good!”
The young man's head eventually popped out, he sighed in relief than winced as he slowly lowered his arms.
Eren smirked, grabbing his water bottle from inside the locker. “First time?”
The other groaned, shaking his head “You don’t even know. Everything aches.”
“Yeah, it’s like that in the beginning.”
The young man held a hand out, “I bet. You look like a pro dude, I’m Connie by the way.”
Eren took his hand giving it a solid shake. “Eren.”
Connie nodded, slamming his locker shut. “How long have you been working out?”
“Eh, four years, I think? I usually do exercise at home though; I don’t really like gyms.”
“I bet. I don’t really like’em either, people stare at you if you’re a struggling newbie.”
Eren made his way outside the locker rooms with Connie who feebly rubbed at his sore biceps.
Eren chuckled, “Already regretting it?”
“Do I regret it?” Connie sighed, “Yes. Would I do it again? Probably. I don’t know. I can’t feel my fucking arms.”
Eren snorted.
Across the gym area, there was a sudden loud crash followed by a girlish shriek. The two caught sight of a small seething blonde squeezing the life out of some red-headed man with her thighs.
The red-head seemed to be the one who was shrieking.
Connie whistled low, “Damn, wish I were in that guys place. Huh, Huh?” He grinned, nudging Eren with an elbow.
Eren blinked, sipping from his water bottle before handing it to Connie who awkwardly took it.
Eren shook his head, watching as the gym staff tried to intervene with the raging blonde.
He exhaled loudly, “Excuse me, I have to go make a scene before my girlfriend gets us banned from another gym.”
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“Since my dog likes you then i guess i like you.” but with a cat?
Dialogue prompt #2 “Since my dog CAT likes you then i guess i like you.”
Eren delivered food for a living. Rather he was a driver, and took orders from customers on a smartphone, and went to fetch their food they ordered from a random restaurant for them.
He wasn't bothered in the slightest by his job, he usually got good ratings from customers. He thanked his speeding skills and his tendency to avoid the traffic cops whilst speeding. Plus, the tips were not all bad. That’s saying quite a lot for a delivery boy.
That’s what made it good though-- what made it great, was the fact that twice in a row he somehow managed to snag orders from a cute small blonde living in the upper east side of Sina City. The first was an order pick up from McDonalds, A cheeseburger, large fries and a diet coke. A driver doesn't usually get the same orders from the same customer, especially when they’re so many coming in by the hour. Yet he did.
The second time was an order pick up of two dozen donuts from a Krispy Kreme. He remembered he had laughed as he handed her the boxes,
“Are you throwing a party? I know you’re not gonna’ eat all these yourself.”
And she had stared blankly at him, answering, “Yeah I am.”
And then it got awkward because he hadn’t meant to sound like a judgmental asshole, he just wanted to joke around to break the ice but failed doing so.
Right now would be the third time he has gotten an order from a certain blonde, and he intended to not screw up.
‘Just say, Oh hey, fancy meeting you again! Give her the food, then fuck off.’ Eren tapped idly at the steering wheel as he neared a familiar looking neighborhood. He circled around the block twice looking for a parking space.
He found one, somehow managed to fit his trusty BMW into the tight space, set it in park, and grabbed the food that was safely secured by a seat belt in the passenger seat.
‘No funny business this time.’ Eren was quick to tap a text as he neared that same door announcing her food arrival.
Even so, he rang the doorbell in case the message didn't go through. He ran a hand through his tangled hair, he never gave it much attention, always haphazardly tied it into a bun, but he may start giving it more care… Just because.
The sound of the door unlocking made him stand up straighter, and then he was face to… Well chest to face with the blonde, considering she was a foot shorter than him.
“Your food.” He held out the bag. She took it with a small thank you. Simple. That’s it. She tipped him extra, and that was another reason why he may have liked coming to her, and then he was ready to go. She was halfway to closing the door when a white splotch darted out of her home.
“Crystal!” The blonde tried to block the little creature with her legs but it jumped over her foot.
Eren looked down as he felt something rub against his ankles. A white fluffy cat was busy leaving it’s mark against his dark jeans.
Ah well. Eren smiled at the cat, kneeling to pet it, the cat didn’t seem to mind him at all. So weird, he was mostly use to customers’ pets barking or hissing at him.
“Sorry about that.” The blonde sighed.
“It’s fine, she’s cute.” He scratched at the felines ears, watching her tail swish back and forth as she assessed him.
The cats eyes were a pretty marble blue, much like her owners.
“She likes you.” The blonde commented. “Crystal is a stubburn bitch sometimes so I’m surprised.”
Eren had to laugh at that. “Maybe I just smell like catnip?”
“Ah, the delivery man brings something for all of us then.”
He looked up at the blonde. She was leaning against her door frame, eyeing him with a small smirk on her lips.
He flushed, and chuckled awkwardly. “Yeah.”
“Well, since my cat likes you then I guess I like you.” The blonde shrugged, as if what she’d said didn’t make Eren’s green eyes go wide as saucers, a light pink dusting the tan of his cheeks.
And then she added, “‘l’ll be sure to look your name up more when I’m ordering food.”
Eren deflated, “Ah, right. Thanks.”
He stood, the cat becoming bored with him as she darted back into the house.
“My name is Eren, by the way.” He turned to look at the small blonde.
“I know.” A smile played at the corner of her lips. “I’m Annie.”
“I know.” He laughed.
And then with that the front door clicked shut, and Eren was ready to make his next delivery. With thoughts of marble blue eyes and blonde hair.
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Words: 1,638 | Rating: T
Pair: Eren Jaeger & Annie Leonhardt
For ereannieweek, Day 6: Predator and Prey
I’m using my timeskip au for this one! The timeskip au is just an au I made up in which Annie never crystallized herself and is saved from Paradise and thus grows up along with Reiner & Co- and she is the one who is hailed as Vice Commander instead of Reiner etc.
[ FF.net / AO3 ]
– —————— –
Boots splashed into pools of water, one set of feet trailing after the other. Rain pit-pattered softly on the cobblestones, and on the trash bags that littered the narrow path. Forgotten quilts hung on a clothesline two stories up between the two tenements. The stench of mildew, damp linen and moldy food permeated the air.
The two strangers stopped walking. Or rather the first one had halted suddenly, that then caused the second one staggering to a stop before they collided into the others back.
He sighed, “How long are you going to follow me?”
She countered, “How long are you going to keep ignoring me?”
“Annie…” He turned to look at her, running a hand through his wet hair, his face a mask of indifference except for the crease between his brows that gave away the irritation he was feeling than. “Go. Home.”
“I should be saying that to you.” The small blonde folded her arms, drenched and as agitated as he was. They were both such stubborn people, neither wanting to back down. He hated how similar they’d become.
He sighed again. He was too exhausted for this.
“If it helps you sleep at night, I will be… soon.” He turned from her, “Now, go home. I’m sure your father must be worried.”
He didn’t get to take one step before he was pulled back by the little force behind him. He nearly fell on top of the damned woman if not for catching himself.
“Get. Off.” He growled, trying to wretch himself free from her hold. Annie clutched onto his overcoat tighter, her pale knuckles tinting whiter than the starch overcoat he was wearing, now soaked gray from the rain.
“You think I’m going to believe you’re just going to leave like that?” She narrowed icy blue eyes, “You have a plan, I know you do…”
He squeezed his eyes shut as he exhaled. He was irritated. Wet. Tired. “I don’t want to hurt you… Just let me go, please?”
“Hurt me?” Annie loosened her hold on him, and he pulled away instantly. She cocked her head, “How exactly are you going to hurt me?”
“I’m not.” He shook his head. “I don’t want too… Just, stay away.”
“Why should I stay away?” She pressed. “What is it that you’re planning?”
He blinked, his clothes felt like they weighted tons, the dress shirt he’d stolen was sticking to his body like a second skin—he was so tired.
“I know you don’t trust me,” she stepped forward, boots sinking into a rain puddle by his feet, “And I certainly do not trust you. But I have never been loyal to the Marley, I do what they tell me to do because I have no other choice, because the odds are against me. Do you understand?”
“If you’re trying to empathize with me, it’s not going to work.”
“I’m not.” She was closing in on him. “My point is, I do what I do for survival. To make a living in this cruel world. And you… there is a reason you’re here, and I want to know if you’re going to be disturbing the peace here, otherwise hindering what years I have left in this world.”
“Peace?” He scoffed. Pausing for a moment just to peer down at her, take in her questioning icy gaze and down turned lips. She was probably afraid of the outcome of his plan—even if she did not know it.
But with Eren, she knew things always ended in guttural screams, and fire. So, she was taking an educated guess, and she was right too. But he will not relent. So again, he told her to go home. And again, she pushed, and prodded him for information.
And again, and again, and again.
“Is it so catastrophic that you’re not willing to tell me? Does the Survey Corp even know of this? Do they even know that you’re here?”
“Why do you want to know?!”
“Maybe I want to help.”
That sentence stunned him into silence. He could only open, then close his mouth because no words were coming through. Yet he managed one— “Why?”
And Annie, nonchalant as ever, shrugged. “I’m not going to live very long, so I want to spend every second I can with my father—and if your grand scheme involves leading a revolt against the Marley, it’s going to put me and him in further danger, I don’t want to be on the losing side if that’s the case.”
“You’re making a gamble with me?”
“Why not?”
“This isn’t a game Annie.”
“If you have a big secret plan—then you’ve already made it into a game. And you’ll be gambling lives… is that it?”
He looked away.
“I don’t want my father’s life to be thrown into the fray, the Marley has ruled for years… and I know, I can feel— you’re going to change that.”
“… You’ll take back those words, once you see.”
At this, Annie glared at him, “Then tell me what your plan is, and who is involved.”
He huffed a laugh, “Go home, Annie.”
She was on him before he could react, grappling his damp shirt collar and forcibly tugging him down. But he did not cower—instead he wrapped his hands around her thin wrists, and shoved her back, he was stronger than her, he always had been, she was just more technical than he was. Not this time, though.
He pushed her against the dirty brick wall—using his height to his advantage. Annie craned her neck so she could stare him in the eye, intensifying her glare, hands still fisted at his collar.
She blew wet blonde tendrils from her face. “Let go of me.”
“You let go first.”
She did, slowly. At the same time and same pace, he released her wrists, but opted to instead rest an arm above her head, leaning over her. His damp hair fell limply over one shoulder.
He grumbled, “You are so very persistent.”
“It gets annoying doesn’t it?”
Eren cracked a small smile at that.
“I’m not going to tell you anything, don’t you know that?”
“I’m not going to leave until you do.”
“You’re going to make me hurt you.”
She straightened her spine against the brick wall, hands limp by her sides, her nose upturned to stare at him in defiance. “I’d like to see you try.”
He just shook his head, not because he was refusing her challenge, but because of the sheer audacity that was Annie Leonhardt.
He leaned down, got in her face, so they could see eye to eye. “What… you’re going to make me shift right here? Right between these two buildings? Don’t you care about what happens to these people? Do you ever think about anyone else but yourself and your father?”
That got a visible flinch out of her. Still she spat, “Speak for yourself, you don’t give a shit about these people, you only care for the Eldians back on that island.”
She shoved a finger into his chest, baring her teeth, “Actually, I’m going to guess that you don’t even care about those back on the island. No, to you, they’re expendable. You do care about your friends though, don’t you? You can sacrifice anyone— everyone in the world, as long as it’s not Mikasa or Armin, or anyone else in your precious little circle of a family. Talk about hypocrisy.”
Their names on her tongue felt wrong to him. Yet everything she said was true… but she was only attempting to get under his skin with those jabs. So, he was just going to have to get into hers.
He tilted his head, so instead of leering at her face, he breathed hotly onto the pale skin of her neck. The sudden change of position made Annie stiffen, “What’re you doing?”
“Why don’t you just go home?” Eren with his free hand, played with the collar of her uniform—the Marley’s uniform, that was hanging off her lithe body like a loose skin from all this wet weather.
“I already told you—”
He roughly pulled at her collar before sinking his teeth into the juncture of her neck. She gasped, blue eyes widening, her hands immediately coming up to his chest, but she didn’t shove him off, just rested them there. Unsure of what to do, unsure of how to react.
He applied pressure, locking his jaw, until he could feel the supple flesh give way—he could taste the slight tang of copper, and warmth in his mouth. He could hear Annie make a soft— “Uh!”—sound.
He didn’t stop until the steam flooding his mouth made his eyes water, only then did he tear himself away from her. Wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his coat.
Annie was clutching at the fresh wound on her neck, staring at him incredulously.
Eren licked his lips, tasting blood and rainwater. “Go home, Annie. Go back to your father. Forget you ever saw me, and don’t worry about what I have planned.”
He turned his back to her, started walking down the alley before stopping halfway, looking over his shoulder to where she was still standing, still holding her neck like a toddler who’d just been struck.
“And… don’t go to the Liberio Festival.”
Annie furrowed her brows, puzzlement and fear washing over her at his words. “Why?”
But he had already continued down the narrow path, leaving her there in the light afternoon drizzle with his teeth marks melded into her healing flesh.
She didn’t follow him this time.
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Gotta say, I love the Human AU's Charlastor shippers make! They're all so creative and interesting.
Though in plenty of them Alastor is described as this attractive and suave gentleman, and while I do love that, I can't really get into it too much. I feel like Alastor even as a human would just be so off-looking and so forward, that his face just scares people away, the only way people will listen to him is through the radio, or if he forces them too.
It's only little human Charlie who see's him through rose tinted glasses as this charming handsome fella, and literally everyone else is like, "Charlie you're fawning over a creep..."
And Charlie is like, "I just think he's neat!"
Meanwhile Alastor is standing in a dark corner somewhere just:

#hazbin hotel#charlastor#charlie x alastor#myposts#she has the shallow hal effect when it comes to alastor 😂
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Thank you for Jade and Sapphire. I'm a cook, and that collection of top tier stories got me through these slow days at work and was something I loved to read during intoxicated nights like tonight. Here's to you coming up with more wind to blow the sails of our ship, and to you and your loved ones staying safe from this pandemic.
Thank you very much! I’m glad my stories helped you passed the time! 😄 One of the best things about writing is knowing I can entertain readers and keep them hooked, it’s one of the few things that compels me to write more.
lol But yes, I appreciate this message, And likewise do be safe out there!
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Request (if they’re open): Eren & Annie reincarnated into StarWars and meeting again
You mean a Ereani Star Wars AU? I am not taking requests currently. But I will put your suggestion into my list of Ideas!
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Words: 2,774 | Rating: G
Pair: Eren Jaeger & Annie Leonhardt
I just thought of Eren & Annie having a mind chat via the PATHS dimension like Rey and Ben having a chat via the force. idk I'm thirsting for eren/annie interaction
[ FF.net / AO3 ]
Every bump on the road jostled her body as the small blonde tucked herself further into the corner of the wagon. And each time she was nearly thrown off before she could grab a hold of something, Annie wondered if this choice she made was a good one. Perhaps it wasn’t a good one, but it seemed that the world threw her a bone and like a hungry dog, she had no choice but to take it.
At the very least she had left something for Hitch. Annie hoped her former roommate would not resent her for leaving so early when they had just reacquainted, albeit forcefully. This trip would’ve been too dangerous for the sandy-haired MP soldier anyway.
Annie sat near a barrel at the very end of a four-wheeler supply wagon being manned by Armin Arlert, the movement at the back was more erratic. Every whip from Armin had the steeds galloping as if they were being chased by man-eating giants. She could have made herself a spot at the front where she wouldn’t be thrown around so often, but that mousy haired girl—who had big eyes vaguely like a boy she once knew—gave her wary looks. The little fair haired boy called Falco would occasionally toss curious glances her way too.
Those two kids were part of the warrior unit—like she had been. That’s what the little girl—who had introduced herself as Gabi Braun— told her. Gabi had been next in line to inherit the Armored titan, with Falco who had been competing against her.
But certain things went astray before Reiner could choose who to pass the torch too.
And now Falco has inherited the Jaw titan. Annie doesn’t remember Porco Galliard much, but she did remember his courageous brother, Marcel. She wondered if both brothers harbored secret feelings for Reiner, considering they both had risked their lives to save him. She’s sure she wouldn’t have done the same in their place.
She still has some grudges against the armored titan for the years of manipulative abuse he pulled on her. In fact, if she ever saw his face again, she just might kick it.
Fortunately for her, the destination they were heading was a run-down home that Gabi said she had left Reiner to heal in.
“So, what happens after we find Reiner?” Annie had asked Armin as he was packing the food supplies for the trip prior. He had turned to Connie then, with a determined look in his ocean eyes. “Then we find a way to go after Eren.”
Mikasa had been silent, sitting in the coach seat. But her down-turned face told Annie she had agreed with them, surprisingly.
So, they were basically on a suicide mission. How splendid, Annie had sarcastically thought then, only nodding in return. It’s always one battle after the other, one fight after the other, one war after the other.
Would she ever know peace for once? Could there even be peace in a world like this?
Whatever it takes to go back to father, I suppose. Annie huddled into the corner, watching the blur of ruined homes as the wagon raced by. I did say I would do it all over again…
A feathery light feeling touched upon the crown of her head, Annie blinked, watching the smoking charred remains of the small town. The thick smoke burned her eyes some, so she rubbed at her eyes trying to repel the sting.
She rubbed until she saw stars—and when she opened her eyes again, she really did see stars. Bright white shining dots in an ink black sky.
There was a streak of greens, blue and purple lights cutting across the night sky, like someone had taken a paint brush and smeared it across a dark canvas, the lights flickered and glowed brighter than the stars. It stole her breath away, Annie tried to recollect herself.
She breathed in, eyes widening in disbelief. She no longer felt the rumble and tumble of the wagon floor beneath her—but, a soft shifting ground. Sand. Annie looked down digging her hand into the white grains, watching it fall from her palm.
She stood up slowly, dusting her old uniform of the sand.
“You’re awake now, huh?”
That voice behind her made her freeze, Annie’s heart skipped a beat, out of trepidation, and because she knew that voice.
“… Eren?” She turned around, cautiously, hiding her ring-fingered hand behind her back. Always ready.
There he stood a few feet from her, in that same tan tunic that was just a bit smaller on him, dark pants, and long hair that fell around his shoulders. And like Armin—like all of them really except for her. His face was grown, more angular, sharp, serious. Dangerous.
She suddenly felt trapped in this vast out known space.
“Where am I?”
“It’s been four years, nice to see you woke up from your little nap.” He tilted his head, peering down at her.
“Yes well, your loud voice was a suitable alarm.” She retorted, glancing to her right, then left. She turned back to him. “What is this place?”
“It doesn’t exist to outsiders; this place is where every Eldian is connected. And where shifters go when they die, and when they are born. It’s our end and our beginning.”
She felt chills course through her. End and beginning? What the hell was he talking about?
“Are you…”, she took a hesitant step forward, “you’re not really, here right?”
“No. And neither are you.”
She’s stunned for the moment. Annie did not know whether to take a chance striking him, making a run for it, or both. She settled for neither in the end. She did not know if she could take him alone anymore, and certainly not in some magical dimension. Eren was watching her studiously. As if he were mapping every contour and curve of her face, it unnerved her greatly. She dropped her hand that had been ready to flick the trick ring on her finger. She figured he had known about it already, considering their last battle.
“You,” Annie cleared her throat, “You never visited me.”
Why did she say that? She hadn’t meant to speak it out loud, but it was one of the thoughts that circulated in her brain upon laying eyes on his face again.
“When I was crystallized.” She elaborated when he quirked an eyebrow.
“And how do you know if I didn’t?”
“Because I was lucid the entire time. It felt more like passing dream.” She took careful steps towards Eren, having to her crane her neck the closer she got to him to look him in the eye. “I can see and hear. Nothing was ever a clear image however.”
Annie folded her arms, “I do know that Armin had visited me a number of times.”
“I’m aware of that.” Eren turned from her, he started to trek across the sandy terrain, he gestured for Annie to follow without looking back. Annie was still for a minute, before she started after him, struggling to keep up with his long strides.
“Do you want to know what he talked about?”
“His special feelings?”
Annie blinked, flabbergasted, and only slightly pink in the cheeks. “What? No.”
“He talked about you.”
Eren faltered somewhat in his gait. But continued as if nothing had happened. Annie pressed on, noticing the chink in his armor. “That’s all he ever did. Hitch went on and on about boys—but Armin, all he did was ramble about you. About your crazy ideals, about how you were drifting further away from everyone.”
Annie stopped herself, considering all the stories Armin had told her as she lay in an immovable state. She remembers the way his voice would tremble as he uttered Eren’s name.
“What happened between you two, exactly?”
Eren glanced to her momentarily not pausing in his stride, “I made up my mind. We had a fight. That’s all.”
Obviously, that was not all. But this Eren was not like the one she remembered—the one she trained with who wore his heart on his sleeve and was an open book to her. Annie regrettably found herself missing that loud fiery youth.
She huffed, “I don’t get you; I remember when you were so determined to kill every titan outside the walls. And now you want to kill every human outside the walls?”
“Pure titans were Eldians who were prisoners of the Marley. Did you know that? Did you know they brought prisoners to the island and turned them into mindless titans?” Eren shot her an accusatory look.
Upon seeing Annie avert her gaze, he scoffed, “Yeah, I thought you would know that.”
“Not everyone is your enemy, Eren.”
“You’re my enemy.”
The way he so blatantly stated it made her made halt for a couple seconds. “I was… but I don’t want to keep fighting, I just want to go home.”
It was easier said than done. Annie briefly wondered if Eren knew that she was going to be apart of the suicide mission to cease his war on the entire world. He probably did. He probably knew what was going to happen before it even happened. She didn’t know how—but she got that, strange feeling.
“I want to be able to still have a home to go back too.” She mumbled more to herself than anything. “… were you serious about it?”
Finally, Eren stopped walking. His bare feet buried into the sand as he stood just before a towering tree. It had an ethereal glow about it, blinding her vision in white. Annie could not believe it—had that tree been there before? She hadn’t been paying much attention to where she was walking, she had only been following him.
This place—this place was wearing down her grip on reality.
She shook herself from her stupor. “Were you serious about destroying the world. Everyone? Everyone outside of Paradise? Innocent people too? Woman and Children?”
Annie waited for Eren to respond, but he did not speak a word. Staring at that glowing tree like he was entranced by it. Captivated.
Growing frustrated, she trudged through the sand to stand in front of him. He was whole foot taller than her now, but height never did intimidate Annie, she was adamant as ever. “My father is still in Liberio. In the Marley nation, he’s all I have and I—”
“He’s not your father.” Eren interrupted her without taking his eyes off the tree.
Annie choked back on her words, “H-how did you—” She bared her teeth, shaking her head. Stupid magic bullshit. Bastard! “No, he isn’t. But he’s the one who took care of me, who made me strong.”
“To be a tool for war?”
Her hands automatically clenched tightly into fists, she hissed “What you’re doing is wrong.”
“I don’t think it’s wrong, and I don’t it’s right either. But it is just.” Eren peered down at her then. His gaze a stormy gray, cutting through her defenses. “I have to protect this island from enemy nations that want us annihilated. We’re a prime target, Annie. Don’t you know that?”
Eren spread his hands, “I have a family too. Maybe not a mother or father anymore, but my friends… my friends who I’ve grown up with, who I’ve battled alongside with. When I think of them, what I can do for them to live peacefully, to be happy. I can do anything, no matter how gruesome. No matter what blood is shed.”
He sighed, “I just want them to be free.”
Annie scrutinized him, “At the cost of everyone else’s lives?”
He stared down hard at her. “Wouldn't you do the same for your father? For someone you love?”
Annie thinned her lips, looking away. Eren shook his head, “Don’t answer that. I know you already have… and would again.”
The knowledge he has of her scared Annie to no end. This Eren truly did not feel like Eren Jaeger. But it was, according to his… former friends. It was him, and she must accept that. No matter how much she hated it.
“There’s nothing I could do to stop you anyway.” Annie lamented.
Not alone, at least.
“I hope we don’t run into each other. I don’t feel like challenging whatever hideous form you’re in right now.”
Eren cracked a smile at that—though a small one. There was a twinkle of mirth in his grey eyes.
“Likewise.” He tilted his head, gazing down at her with softer look. “Y’know, I did want to visit you. Many times.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Unlike Armin, I don’t talk to rocks.”
Annie folded her arms with a pointed look, “Even one that can hear you?”
“Especially that kind.” He leaned down so his face was at level with hers, “Never know what secrets might slip out.”
A seed of anxiety blossomed in Annie’s stomach; her heart beat quickened. Eren was too close—she didn’t consider her proximity to him, as it had never been a thing to consider in the past.
He was so close she could feel his breath on her cheek, their gazes were locked on each other, stormy gray on clear blue. There was a sudden heat she had never felt before present too. She was becoming uncomfortable
But they had been sparring partners. They had always been close, always touching, always grappling.
So why did it matter now?
Annie abruptly turned from him, facing the tree.
“I guess I’ll say my thanks now.” She heard him step beside her.
“For what?” Annie put a hand to her chest to placate her erratic heartbeat.
“Teaching me how to fight. Your techniques always came in handy when I was in a tough spot. Reiner was strong… but not quite as strong as you.”
Annie shrugged off the compliment. Eren watched her curiously, “Why did you teach me by the way?”
That question caught her off guard. Annie tried to think of a reason, “I don’t know. I… “
She trailed off, she realized that was a question that she had mulled over herself many times. And often she had figured It was the same reason as to why she had spared Armin, why she had saved Connie. But truthfully, she just… didn’t know.
“I just… wanted too.” She shrugged again. “I didn’t really think you of all people would survive that long once we graduated anyway.”
Eren snorted at that. “Ah—so you did it on a whim?”
“I guess so.���
“You are an enigma, huh?”
“Not really.” She turned to him, only to see a little blonde girl in his place. The little girl was dressed in rags, staring up at her behind a fringe of straw-colored hair.
Annie blinked, stunned. “Eren?”
The little girl waved at her.
Alarmed, Annie could feel herself floating—falling into an inky abyss as the sands parted like the sea to swallow her whole. “Eren!”
And as she fell into darkness, she heard his voice whisper in her ears— “See you on the other side.”
At the blink of an eye, she was once again back in the wagon, that had now stopped its journey in front of a run-down cabin. Annie felt dizzy, she rubbed more furiously at her eyes until she saw colorful shapes—but no stars. No white sand, no glowing trees. No Eren.
None of that came again. It felt like dream—but she knew that it wasn’t.
“Huh?” Annie looked out from the wagon, she spotted Mikasa climbing down from the coach seat of the other supply cart. Armin appeared in her vision than, he held his hand out to her, “Do you need help getting out? I know it was bumpy trip, I tried to take the most stable roads.”
“I’m fine.” She stood up, but her legs wobbled, and she nearly fell off the side of the wagon.
“Careful!” Armin caught her elbow, “I know your body must be pretty tired after staying in one place for so long.”
“I’m fine.” She said more tersely but allowed Armin to help her down from the wagon. “Is this the place?” Annie nodded to the ruined cabin, Falco, and Gabi were at the entrance with Connie.
“Yeah. Reiner’s in there. Once we get him, we’ll work further into our plan.”
Annie cracked her knuckles. “Let me be the one to wake him up than.”
She decided to keep quiet about her little venture into the unknown. It wasn’t as if it would come in handy in their suicide mission anyway.
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On the 13th Day of Christmas
Words: 2,430 | Rating: T
Series: Hazbin Hotel | Pair: Platonic Alastor & Charlie | Charlie & Vaggie
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one belated hazbin holiday fic. Happy holidays!/ New year!
The princess huffed, putting her hands on her hips as she surveyed the lounge. “Anybody seen Angel by the way? Having his extra arms around would definitely help with decorating.”
Vaggie scoffed, unfurling a coil of pentagram shaped Christmas lights, “Don’t count on it. He snuck out before everyone woke up, as usual. Bruto.” Vaggie shook her head, “I’m assuming he’s either pimping himself out to another sleazebag or making jack-off videos.”
“Ah, welp.” Charlie dropped her arms, she turned to the Radio Demon who had been about ready to pour a pitcher of water he produced from thin air on Husk— “Hey Al, you’ll help right?”
The pitcher of water vanished from his hands as quickly as it came, he swiveled to the Princess grinning, “Why, of course, Dear!”
Vaggie groaned, obviously for her distaste of him. Not that he cared, it was quite fun to rile up the bear cat of a demoness by just being near her or coddling the princess. Which was what he decided he was going to do. Alastor plucked the sparkly poorly made pentagram from Charlie’s fingers, throwing an arm over her shoulder as he did.
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hell is still worthwhile, if you just smile
Words: 2,977 | Rating: G
Series: Hazbin Hotel | Pair: Platonic Alastor & Charlie | Charlie & Vaggie
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Charlie huffed, the sclera of her eyes reddening along with small horns beginning to protrude from beneath her voluminous hair. She pulled herself free from his claws, though Alastor had already loosened his hold on her.
“Did you really come here just to troll me?” Charlie threw her phone onto the bed, glaring at the tall red demon from over her shoulder.
Alastor’s eyes twinkled maddingly, “Maybe.”
“Well, quit it! I’d like to be left alone… So, get hell out of my room… Please!”
Her need to be overly polite overrode her want to be as angered with him as possible. That got a few laugh-tracks out of the radio demon as well.
He materialized his mic-stand, using it as a cane to lean on, “Very well. I will leave you to your pitiful reminiscin’… If!”
Charlie slapped her forehead, “No… No if!”
His grin widened, “If… you give me a genuine smile!”
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Lmao 71 sounds like an Eren and Annie thing! If you're still taking prompts could you do that one?
Me: *actually writes the prompt 2 years later* yah, I’m sorry for lateness. I mostly saved all the prompts given to me forever ago, so I do still have them, forgive me 🙏
Prompt 71: “You have a cute nose,don’t make me break it.”
Canonverse trainee ereani!
Close quarter combat training was always difficult, combat training in general was difficult. Combat training with Annie Leonhardt was not only difficult, but dangerous. She didn’t have a limit to how much she could subdue her opponent, the petite blonde always opted for full force. even for a defensive move that shouldn’t hurt so much.
“Couldn’t you let up a little?” Eren panted, wiping sweat from his brow line. Over-exerted and aching all over from constantly having to block Annie’s powerful kicks to his shins.
Annie tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, patiently waiting for him to regain his composure. Just so she could kick his ass all over again.
A couple of yards from them, Jean sparred with Marco, occasionally throwing a nasty look Eren’s way. He was waiting for the day Eren would challenge him to an actual fight. Eren just liked to humor the taller boy by choosing to spar with Annie so close to the spot where Jean and Marco would train.
Of course, this meant Jean got a full show of Eren eating mouthfuls of dirt every time Annie knocked the brown-haired youth off his feet. A dumb idea popped into Eren’s mind than.
“Hey Annie,” Eren beckoned to her, “C’mere for a second.”
Keep reading
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Words: 7,912 | Rating: T
Series: Hellsing | Pair: Alucard & Integra Hellsing
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Alucard took in a breath he did not need, completely baffled by his master’s boldness. His shadows receded within him, but his midnight hair still coiled and danced curiously above. The moonlights silver rays once again poured into the dark room, illuminating his master who bared herself to the vampire.
His mouth opened, his rose-tinted eyes luminous as he observed the patchwork on her skin. Thin lines, lighter than the rest of her, decorated her back in a myriad of jagged crisscrosses. There were more than there had been on her legs. Some were a pale pink, and slightly puckered. Some looked chillingly like the claws of a wild animal.
He could tell by the manner of which the scars had healed, some were old, and some had happened not too long ago.
There was one that caught his eye from the rest, however. One that looked so grotesque, it irked him to see such a disfigurement on his otherwise perfect master. It was not very big, the scar was three centimeters long, a half centimeter wide and a darker tone, it left a nasty shriveled indent on her skin; suggesting a sharp penetration. He recognized scars like this one, for he had suffered them many times before, in his past life.
He stepped closer to her, lowering himself slightly to peer down at her scarred flesh.
Integra whispered, “Can you see it?”
“This is a sword wound…” he inquired, more to himself than her.
“Yes.” She breathed softly, “… from my own sword no less.”
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I'm listening to Fight for Me right now and my god I'm getting Ereani feels right now.
Right?! Right?!
First time I listened to it, I just imaged HS Punk Annie singing that while watching Eren throw hands with some dude. *in my fics case it was Jean lol*
I love these aggressive dorks.
Oh! I should recommend listening to the Heathers Musical in total. Like they made some fun adjustments compared the movie, and the songs are so catchy!
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Hey, Mister No Name Kid
Words: 2,121 | Rating: G
Pair: Eren Jaeger & Annie Leonhardt
i was a bit inspired by the song “Fight For Me” From Heather's the Musical. So here's some HIgh school AU!
[ FF.net / AO3 ]
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Why was it that High School fights seemed to garner more attention than most tussles that happened outside of the school vicinity? Was it that teenagers were just more generally aggressive, and full of raging spirit and hormones? Was it that the loud hooting coming from the ring of Freshmen, Juniors and Sophomores surrounding the two boys grappling at each other incited the hype? Was it that the teachers attempting to break up the fight only caused more of a commotion that further riled the kids up?
The cafeteria became more of a screaming jungle the moment a fist collided with a cheek.
Annie found it ludicrous, annoying… And yet so-very intriguing. Being a senior, she sat with the rest of the disgruntled older teens at the back of the Cafeteria, she sipped idly at her milk, watching with the slightest bit of interest as the darker haired youth tackled the taller blond boy, knocking him to the ground. Loud “Ah’s!” and “Oh’s!” erupted from the crowd of teenage spectators.
“Check it out. Jean punched that kid out twice, and yet he still gets up! Kid’s got more fight in ‘em than anybody here.” Reiner, the famed quarterback of Maria Highschool commented, folding his arms.
Bertolt, a tall quiet young man who looked more twenty-five than eighteen shook his head solemnly.
“They’re so loud. It’s almost the end of the year. Couldn’t they have waited until schools out?”
“As if!” Reiner chortled. “What would they have to fight about then?”
Bertolt shrugged, he stood grabbing his tray. “I’m going to head to class early, meet me after school.”
“I’ll tell ya’ who won!” Reiner called after him as Bertolt slipped away among the chaos.
Annie could see the dirty blond youth, the one called Jean who tried so hard to be the bad boy of the school, trying desperately to break free from the darker-haired boy’s chokehold. His gasping red face almost made him resemble a fish out of water. The corner of her lips curled just slightly.
Not bad…
The darker-haired boy seemed to have the upper hand now. He blew strands of chestnut hair from his face, his forearms tight around the other boy’s neck. Annie shifted to the side as another student got in her line of vision.
That kid does kind of have nice arms…
Reiner tutted. “Shit. Look whose coming.”
Annie turned her head, just as the raven-haired dean of Maria Highschool strode through the cafeteria doors, looking for all of intent and purposes, pissed off. The crowd of students sensing impending doom hastily stepped out of the dean’s way as he made a path through to the center of the excitement with a hard-earned glare.
The darker-haired boy still had his arms wrapped around Jean’s neck, but Jean had rolled them both onto their backs, so that the other boy was pinned underneath him, Jean tried to elbow him in the gut when two finely polished leather shoes stopped in front of his face.
“Jaeger. Kirstein.”
The boys inclined their heads to meet the steely gray eyes of Mr. Ackerman. The taciturn, short yet terrifying when furious dean of Maria Highschool. She couldn’t see too much, what with the sophomores milling about, but Annie was sure both boys had gulped the moment Mr. Ackerman spoke their names in that calm tone of his.
“Both of you. In my office. Immediately.”
The boys released each other. Staggering to their feet, Jean nearly tripped twice over those steel-toed boots of his. Both appeared haggard and out of breath. Sporting scratches and bruises here and there. Jaeger’s shirt collar was stretched across chest, and two band patches hung from loose threads of Jean’s biker jacket. Mr. Ackerman fixed them with that clipped stare, before turning to the audience who watched them with rounded eyes.
“if any of you wish to accompany Jaeger and Kirstein then I suggest you get back to your tables.”
Even if the threat seemed far-fetched to Annie’s ears considering there was no way Mr. Ackerman could apprehend all of Maria Highschool’s students, Mr. Ackerman had enough of that cold ferocity in his eyes that he could scare students back into their seats. Soon all the Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors were back to conversing with their friends, eating their slightly cooled down lunches and sneaking peeks as the dean marched both boys out of the cafeteria doors.
Reiner blew air out of his nose. “Damn, just when it was getting good.”
Annie looked down at her own forgotten lunch as the jungle became a forest full of ambient noise and mindless chatter once more. A Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a fruit cup. She sighed, Annie had to survive just a couple of more months before it was bye-bye to this hectic zoo and hello to the fresh start of University. She was sure there was not one thing she was going to miss here.
“Hey Annie?” Reiner gazed down at her as she fiddled with her straw, a smirk playing at the edges of his lips. “Who do ya’ think would have won that fight? Jaeger or Kirstein?”
“Bold of you to assume I care.” She droned.
“Aw, don’t lie. You totally do. I saw you checking out the fight. That Jaeger kid was copying some of your moves too!”
Annie blinked.
He was… He was copying my techniques, wasn’t he? Or at least trying too.
“More like he was fumbling around trying to land a hit.” Annie tucked platinum fringes behind her ear, before standing up with her tray. “And don’t compare him to me.” She side-eyed Reiner as he snatched the fruit cup from her tray.
“Fine. Fine. But y’know… Maybe he has eyes on you. You never know.” Reiner waggled his eyebrows. Annie sneered at him, walking away from the big oaf.
Sure, he does. Not. If he did, he would’ve noticed that I had my eyes on him all along…
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
The skin beneath his left eye was an ugly plum color, bad enough that his left eye had swelled to the size of one too. It still ached, and he could barely see through it.
Eren slammed his locker shut, the metal clatter echoed throughout the near empty halls of Maria Highschool. Mr. Ackerman had kept both him and Jean—the horse-faced asshole—Kirstein after school hours, berating them, and even calling Jean’s mother since he had claimed to insinuate the fight, much to Jean’s horror.
Their detention lasted until 6:00pm. When the afterschool activity clubs where finished. Eren was glad to see that Jean had all but ran out the classroom the moment the last bell rang.
Good. I would’ve kicked your ass out of school anyway.
Unfortunately, while they weren’t suspended or even worse… Expelled. The two still had to attend another week of detention and be forced to sit near each other because apparently it was suggested by Miss Hange, their biology teacher, that the boys wouldn’t be so hostile towards each other if they spend another week in each other’s company.
Fat chance. Eren gritted his teeth at that.
The hallways were mostly empty now, with only one or two afterschool students gathering their things from their lockers, office attendees clipped posters for summer events onto the boards that lined the hallway, and the school custodian was busy mopping up some spilled Pepsi while jamming out to 70’s rock.
At least it was more peaceful during this hour. Eren exhaled as he pushed through the heavy double doors of the school entrance.
Eren startled, whipping his head to the voice. He saw a blonde girl sitting crossed legged to his right, on the stone steps. She held a busted looking guitar in her hands, wearing her usual ripped stockings, a checkered skirt and the school standard shirt. One of her ears were pierced several times.
Oh. Eren came a little closer. It’s her.
“Hi.” He stopped just when she looked up at him with those clear blue eyes. That punk girl.
She narrowed her eyes at him, looking him over in a way that felt he was being assessed. Eren didn’t like being judged by anyone… But, for once he kept his mouth shut about it.
“You’re that kid that fought Jean in the cafeteria.” She stated matter-of-factly.
“I am. What about it?”
She shrugged. “Nothing. What was that all about anyway?”
Eren tilted his head. He didn’t even know this girl’s name, yet he saw her all the time. Sometimes in the hallways, sometimes in the school yard, sometimes in the cafeteria line or even the gymnasium. He knew she was a senior. He knew from his dear cousin Ymir, that she was bred a fighter too. The best of the best when it came to women’s lightweight. Eren knew this girl had better things to do than involve herself in childish confrontations. Yet his seventeen-year-old mind couldn’t fathom not showing off in front of the punk girl.
He shrugged casually, playing it cool. “We just exchanged a few words, some insults, it got out of hand when I said something about his mom, then he swung at me. I obviously didn’t mean it, but Jean’s a big softie for his mom.”
At this, the blonde girl snorted. “Most boys are.”
“So, uh—” Eren shifted from one foot to the other. He nodded to her guitar. “You play?”
She looked down at her beat up instrument. “I wouldn’t bring a guitar to school if I couldn’t play it.”
“Ah—right, right.”
“Hey, why don’t you sit down. You look fidgety.”
“Sure.” Eren mentally slapped himself. Looking nervous in front of a senior girl. Jean would laugh that hyena laugh of his if he saw this.
He plopped himself down onto the second stone steps, not too close to her, but not too far either. The blonde began mindlessly strumming the taut strings of her guitar. The spring breeze picked up and ruffled their hair, more afterschool kids were piling out of the school, some parents were parked in front of the building, waiting for their sons or daughters.
“So, Jaeger. Huh?”
“Huh?” He raised a brow at her.
“Jaeger?” She inclined her head, peering at him through light colored fringes. “That’s your last name. right?”
“Uh… Yeah?” Eren became puzzled. “You, uh—don’t know my name?”
“Should I? I don’t know most Junior names, honestly.” She pursed her lips in thought. “Hm, but I do see you around a lot.”
“You do?!”
“Oh, yeah. You’re that quiet kid, always keeping to himself. Not really getting involved with any cliques or clubs. A real nobody.”
Eren deflated. “A nobody?”
“Don’t worry.” The punk girl waved a hand. “It’s good to be a nobody sometimes. You don’t get into much drama er—” She looked closer at his bruised eye, “—at least not too much drama.”
Eren flushed. More at their proximity than anything else.
Her eyes are a very bright, and cool blue. Pretty…
“Mister no-name kid.”
“Huh?” He turned to her again. She had gone back to strumming her guitar, only this time the uneven notes took to a soft tune.
“It’s what I call you. Because I never knew your name, yet I always seem to notice you out of everyone in this school. I don’t even care for the seniors I hang out with much, so it’s kind of… Strange.”
Eren felt something like butterflies burst in his gut.
God, I hope that’s not gas…
“Strange, huh?” He cleared his throat. “Well I—I’ve always noticed you too. But I don’t know your name either.”
She stopped strumming for half a second, and in that half-second, he saw something akin to a smile adorning her pink lips.
“You can call me Annie. Leonhardt, Annie.”
Eren grinned crookedly. Smiling made his left eye ache like a bitch, but he was feeling a tad to giddy right now to care. He held out his hand to the punk girl—to Annie.
“Annie. I’m Eren. Eren Jaeger.”
She took his tanned palm into her own. Surprising Eren by just how small her hands were.
And yet they can pack quite a punch or, so the tale goes.
“You sort of held your own in that cafeteria earlier, but your grappling was sloppy.”
Eren laughed. “Heh, yeah I mean—I wasn’t really putting any effort into it, y’know?”
“How about,” She tugged at his hand, so she could lean in to him, “I teach you a thing or two about real fighting, Eren?”
Eren swore he could hear his own heart beating like a drum in his ears. “I—I would like that.”
This time she gave him a genuine smile.
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