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lunardagon20 · 24 days ago
ngl i 100% thought peri would be an antagonist
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he's the first fairy in thousands of years, born directly under the lineage of what has to be the most powerful fairy family line in current existence
(cosmo is a von strangle, and also the very reason fairies stopped having babies in the first place. he's incredibly powerful and nobody talks about it for some reason. it's clear peri inherited that destructive potential)
the second he was born, entire fairy species (including his own kin) were out to get him to use his volatile magic for their own selfish goals. he's nearly kidnapped thrice, and almost ends the universe on the same day
the threats keep coming, and he's being dragged to countless adventures that put him at risk. he literally ceases to exist more than once
anyway, i wouldn't be surprised if some form of expectations were placed upon him growing up. maybe not by his family, but he's famous (a teacher described him as such once); in fairy world, he's automatically adored and celebrated by adults and peers alike, which foop antagonizes (and tries to kill) him for
cosmo and wanda would, realistically, of course try to shield him from all this, but no matter what they do, he's inevitably isolated
people either want to use him, put him on a pedestal, or is a universally infamous human godchild who will forget all about him in a matter of years
(cosmo and wanda becoming godparents and learning (choosing) to eventually let go of their kids is one thing, but it can be assumed poof was still a young, underdeveloped child by the time timmy (+chloe, for what it's worth) got his memories wiped
and he sees that timmy's able to live his own happy life without him in it. he lost his brother just like that, and there's nothing he can do despite all his godly powers)
there's so, so many ways he could've gone wrong
thus, my initial thought was that peri was going to be a somewhat petty, "spoiled brat," and him becoming a godparent would be the result of spite or rebellion, which cosmo and wanda would feel entirely responsible for. I HATE MY PARENTS!! yada yada yada
it was a pleasant surprise to see all those clips of them loving each other. and it's not even because i doubted for a second that cosmo and wanda are bad parents, it's just what you usually expect when seeing shows from the 2000s, even if it doesn't make sense
all things considered, i'm very glad they went for the lighthearted silly family trope. not every show needs such conflicts, and showing healthy dynamics are better for kids overall
still, i find it interesting to think about if they'd gone down another route instead. i love me a pathetic cringy villain who tries (fails) to hate the people they love the most
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lunardagon20 · 1 month ago
So... Hannah showing up was a day to say the least (part 1)
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I tried to combine my style with the shows style. I also refuse to color this in. I've got too many things to do. I might as well just get my ideas out there. You guys don't mind, right?
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lunardagon20 · 1 month ago
Lately, You're All I Need
Peri was just trying to survive shis first godkid, she never expected to be working for her father or run into shis former godsister, let alone learn a truth that throws everything she believed was true out the window! As if that wasn't bad enough not only is she falling for Dale, but shis feeling for Timmy are changing in ways she never would've thought possible. Add family drama and possibly having to save a world or two, this is not what she signed up for when training to become a godparent.
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lunardagon20 · 2 months ago
Extended Omegaverse
Enigmas are extremely rare even more dominant Alphas, even being seen as Gods. They are calmer than Alphas, not needing to show signs of dominance, but they are even scarier when angered. Even dominant male Alphas fear an angry Enigma. Their power is so great that others feel their power from their mere presence. Enigmas ruts last longer than Alphas, Gammas, and Epsilons, which is one of the reasons they’re good matches for Taus. Enigmas can get anyone with a reproductive system pregnant regardless of assigned genders.
Rhos (Ρ) are extremely rare and dominate Betas to the point that they often clash with Alphas. Rhos are advisers to Enigmas and are often appointed as bodyguards for Taus. Like Betas they provide calming qualities, however while these qualities can calm Enigma or Tau, they can cause others to fall into a hypnotic dream-like state. Like Betas with Alphas and Omegas, Deltas with Gamma and Sigmas, Kappas with Epsilons and Iotas, and Xis with Phis and Chis, Rhos will often help Enigmas and Taus with their respective ruts/heats if they do not have a partner. Rhos can get anyone pregnant or get pregnant by anyone no matter the assigned genders, depending on their partner's parts.
Taus (Τ) are extremely rare, even more submissive Omegas. Often referred to as Goddesses, while Enigmas can get anyone pregnant, Taus can get pregnant by anyone with the right parts regardless of assigned genders. They have an extremely sweet scent. Taus are very kind and caring, doing their best to make those they care about happy and comfortable. Their heats last longer than Omegas, Sigmas, Iotas, and Chis which is one of the reasons they are a good match for Enigma.
Gammas (Γ) are socially submissive Alphas, they’re not as stubborn as their Alpha counterparts and are usually on the gentler side, but that doesn't mean sweet Alphas are automatically Gammas. Gammas usually refrain from fighting and other shows of dominance, but don’t hesitate to smother Omegas or Sigmas with love. Like Alphas, Gammas go into ruts, but are not as violent as Alphas. They often either pair with Deltas or Sigmas, whom they often spend their time with.
Deltas (Δ) are socially submissive Betas. Betas tend to be the right-hand man/woman/person and then Deltas are assistants to Betas. They don’t provide calming qualities like Betas do, but they are almost hyper-ken to things like attraction between two people, when a heat or rut will occur, and what exactly an Alpha/Gamma should do to win over an Omega/Sigma. They are most often seen with Gammas or Sigmas. But will also hang out with Betas, Rhos, Kappas, or Xis.
Sigmas (Σ) are socially dominant Omegas; they are just as aggressive as Alphas, and they often fight with one another. As children, Sigmas and Alphas do typically fight, they’re still weaker. Sigmas often tease their Omega friends about their nesting habits, as Sigmas do not nest much outside of heat and pregnancy. Sigmas often but heads with Iotas. Their more dominant personalities make them good matches for Gammas.
Epsilons (Ε) are considered the bridges between Alphas and Betas. They are typically seen with Zetas, Kappas, and Iotas. They are like Alphas, but their sents are closer to Betas. They do not have typical shows of dominance, but it’s very common for Epsilons to be cunning and trick people to show their dominance (which is why people don’t trust Epsilons often.) As such this along with the fact that they go through shorter ruts make them good matches for Iotas.
Kappas (Κ) are the go-to between Epsilons and Iotas. They are some of the few who trust Epsilons despite their cunning and trickery, often acting as enforcers for them. Kappas will also act as confidants to either Epsilons or Iotas. They are loyal to those they consider their friends or family and will not hesitate to stand up for them or take a hint for them to protect them. Kappas also take loyalty extremely seriously and as such do not take betrayals lightly.
Iotas (I) are the bridges between Omegas and Betas. They go through shorter heats and have scents closer to Betas. Iotas typically need to be forced or tricked into submission, which is why it’s very common for Epsilons and Iotas to be mates. They do not nest, they don’t care for it, preferring sent pile of either blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals/plushies the former two being made into forts rather than nets when pregnant.
Phis (Φ) are considered to be mutated Alphas, as unlike the others in the upper part of the hierarchy they don’t have a set way of showing dominance. As they can be either temperamental and stubborn as Alphas, as cunning and tricky as Epsilons, or sweet and gentle as Gammas. Phis are considered unpredictable to the point that others do not know how to react to a Phi they do not know personally. Phis are seen with Xis or Chis as they are some of the only ones who are not immediately put off or nervous about Phis unpredictable nature.
Xis (Ξ) are considered mutations of Betas, with them often acting as nanies or caretakers, most notably for Betas, Deltas, or Kappas. They are often hyper aware of people’s feelings and EXACTLY what Epsilon/Phi should do in order to win over an Iota/Chi. They also know exactly how to talk to Phis despite their unpredictability. Something that makes Phis often look to Xis when having to deal with others.
Chis (Χ) are considered mutations of Omegas, unlike Omegas however they are not openly sweet and gentle, but unless provoked they’re not aggressive like Iotas or Sigmas. Due to this Chis are good matches for Phis as they are not bothered by their unpredictable nature. Chis are extremely observant and able to pick up on things others often overlook, as such they do not consider Phis as a whole to be completely unpredictable only some.
Zetas (Z) are the truly neutral. They don’t have pheromones or any special skills, and were actually considered genetically deficit until the late 20th century. Because of this it is not uncommon for those who don't agree with being assigned a secondary gender feeling as if they don't actually have them to consider themselves zetas, making it the omegaverse version of being agender. Typically people will tell you Zetas are exempt from the hierarchy. 
Thetas (Θ) are actually super dangerous. Thetas have a genetic mutation (that assumedly is a mutated Beta gene) that causes their “calming scent” to knock people out entirely, with the exemptions of Enigmas, Rhos, and Taus, and it’s not uncommon for Thetas to be recruited by the army as soldiers. Thetas are required to take medication that blocks their scent, but they can pass for Zetas or Betas in public. Typically exempt from the hierarchy.
Etas (Η) they are the omegaverse version of nonbinary, as such it is not a gender that someone can naturally present as. But rather regardless of their primary gender, if they feel as if their secondary gender is outside of the typical genders that one may present as.
Primes: The top dog of top dogs. In a dominance fight only a higher ranking Prime can beat a Prime. All the traits are stronger than normal. They smell stronger, and for Enigmas, Alphas, Gammas, Epsilons, and Phis their Alpha voice is nearly irresistible.
If an Enigma, Alpha, Gamma, Epsilon, or Phi is a prime are the ones with the most money and best cars, best looks, and best jobs. But while they have the best if any of the other members of the hierachy are primes then they have money, cars, good looks, and good jobs. Depending on whether they're on the higher or lower part of the hierarchy Primes have much more intense ruts/heats. When a group is formed everyone will turn to the Prime to be the leader. However since Omegas Prime, Sigma Primes, Iota Primes, Chi Primes, and Tau Primes are seen as elites and perfect wife/male wife material they are actually lower on the hierarchy the their regular counterparts. While an Enigma is seen as a God and a Tau as a Goddess, an Enigma Prime is The top God and a Tau Prime is The top Goddess.
Primary Genders: When it comes to the primary genders, while the hierarchy mainly focuses on a person's secondary gender, males still tend to be put above females in most cases. With male Alphas often being viewed as perfect leaders, while female Omegas are often viewed as perfect house wives thanks to old fashioned/outdated societal views. Hence why females are usually lower on the hierarchy then males.
Complete Hierarchy:
Enigma Prime
Male Enigma Primes
Female Enigma Primes
Male Enigmas
Female Enigmas
Alpha Primes
Male Alpha Primes
Female Alpha Primes
Male Alphas
Female Alphas
Gamma Primes
Male Gamma Primes
Female Gamma Primes
Male Gammas
Female Gammas
Epsilon Primes
Male Epsilon Primes
Female Epsilon Primes
Male Epsilons
Female Epsilons
Phi Primes
Male Phi Primes
Female Phi Primes
Male Phis
Female Phis
Beta Primes
Male Beta Primes
Female Beta Primes
Male Betas
Female Betas
Delta Primes
Male Delta Primes
Female Delta Primes
Male Detas
Female Deltas
Rho Primes
Male Rho Primes
Female Rho Primes
Male Rhos
Female Rhos
Xi Primes
Male Xi Primes
Female Xi Primes
Male Xis
Female Xis
Kappas Primes
Male Kappa Primes
Female Kappa Primes
Male Kappas
Female Kappas
Male Chis
Female Chis
Chi Primes
Male Chi Primes
Female Chi Primes
Male Iotas
Female Iota
Iota Primes
Male Iota Primes
Female Iota Primes
Male Sigmas
Female Sigmas
Sigma Primes
Male Sigma Primes
Female Sigma Primes
Male Omegas
Female Omegas
Omega Primes
Male Omega Primes
Female Omega Primes
Male Taus
Female Taus
Tau Primes
Male Tau Primes
Female Tau Primes
Exceptions from Hierarchy:
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lunardagon20 · 2 months ago
Does Timperi Count As A Friends to Lovers?
I've been researching things for a fic I'm writing and I found out that in the friends to lovers trope it's not uncommon for childhood friends to have a sibling like bond and even for one if not both to be close enough to the other's parents that they think of them as their own child. So that got me curious does that mean that for those who ship timperi that it counts as a friends to lovers trope? I'm just curious, so I wanted to ask.
Also this isn't related to the first question, but when I was rewatching old episodes from the original series, in the gland plan it's stated that anti-fairies can be used as donors for surgeries that need at least a sibling relationship. I'm not trying to bash any ship or say it's wrong to ship them, I'm just wondering does this mean that perirep is technically incest? Again not trying to bash or insult anyone I'm just curious.
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