lunaracee · 6 hours
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"For You, babe~♥"
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lunaracee · 12 hours
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lunaracee · 12 hours
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My most popular piece is the yaoi jesus I made a year ago, I love him 💕
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lunaracee · 1 day
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lunaracee · 1 day
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lunaracee · 3 days
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lunaracee · 3 days
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Koujaku and Beni!
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lunaracee · 3 days
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minimum wage jesus + retail shenanigans wahhhh
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lunaracee · 3 days
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Recent dmmd art
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lunaracee · 4 days
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Kouao Week Day 5 || Cannibalism as a form of love
Please don't ban me
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lunaracee · 4 days
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lunaracee · 4 days
Different colors of Aoba💙🩷❤️🩵
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lunaracee · 5 days
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twitter meme + morphine route
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lunaracee · 6 days
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I love Asato very very much <3<3
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lunaracee · 6 days
Nitro Direct Tokuten / Nitroplus Benefits Direct Drama CD / Virus & Trip's Daily Life
Please excuse that it's, like, 3 in the morning where I live...
I wasn't aware the entirety of this drama CD wasn't translated (only track 3 by user ancestralmask, right here!), so I wanted to give it a go.
The official title is quite long: ニトロプラスダイレクト特典 ドラマCD「ウイルスとトリップは碧島のヤクザだが、普段は一体何をしているのか…… その日常をちょっとだけご紹介」
Or, in English: Nitroplus Direct Bonus Drama CD — "Virus & Trip are yakuza of Midorijima, but what do they normally do...? Introducing: a glimpse of their daily lives!"
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Virus: "Salutations. I'm Virus..."
Trip: "And I'm Trip!"
Virus: "As I'm sure you all know, we are the so-called yakuza of Midorijima."
Trip: "That's right~"
Virus: "That being said, a sole question remains: what exactly do we usually do on the island?"
Trip: "A question like that... I don't understand why we need to answer that at all."
Virus: "I agree, but today, I'd like to take this opportunity to share a bit about a situation that happened not long ago."
Trip: "Fine by me."
Virus: "Well then, let's begin right away. And... start!"
*Virus & Trip are casually walking down the street; the sound of cheering can be heard vaguely in the background.*
Virus: "Well then... where should we go today?"
Trip: "Let me think... hm?"
*They stop their stroll as the bantering voices from the background grow louder, indicating there is a large crowd in a nearby alley.*
Avid Rhyme Fan: "Hey! It's Usui! A Rhyme match is gonna start!"
Trip: "Over there... oh, a Rhyme match. Do you think it's in that alley today?"
Virus: "Good grief... whenever a Rhyme match starts, a flock of idiots simply cut loose and show no restraint."
Trip: "As much as it is bothersome, it IS interesting to watch."
Virus: "And it IS an excuse to skip out on work... new plan; let's go, Trip."
Trip: "Yeah, yeah."
*They walk over toward the crowd of excited Rhyme players, watching the spectacle. Usui is already on the field, preparing the match for the crowd.*
*The crowd of Rhyme fans cheer, while Virus and Trip silently keep watching.*
Usui: "GAAAME... START!!!"
*The Rhyme match begins as the crowd keeps the hype going.*
Virus: "Hm... for now, there aren't any problems. It's quite peaceful, actually."
Trip: "Remember the guy we caught yesterday that was acting up? What happened to him?"
Virus: "I let him go. Even though I just gave him a gentle threat, he kept apologizing, over and over. He was like a broken record; it was getting annoying... so eventually, I made him pass out."
Trip: "That's what too much Rhyme can do to someone, huh? Things get worse when Rib's involved too."
Virus: "Once someone plays Rhyme all the time, they fall into the myth of them being the strongest person alive, invincible from anything and everything..."
Trip: "Is that so... hm? Hey, is that...?"
Virus: "Ah... it looks like trouble has come at last."
*During the match, a fairly vocal Ribsteez player approaches the area.*
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Hey!!! Quit playing Rhyme here! Don't you know it's just a bunch of nonsense, you big-headed nerds?"
Avid Rhyme Fan: "Tch, who do you think you are? You're just some loser who goes out of his way to ruin everyone else's fun."
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Really? It's not my fault that me and my fellow Rib guys can't seem to read the room, given there's NOTHING to read in the first place!"
Avid Rhyme Fan: "What did you say?!"
*The avid Rhyme fan and the rude Ribsteez player were at each others' throats at this point; calmly, Virus claps twice to get their attention.*
Virus: "Alright, alright, that's enough. This is becoming quite a nuisance, so could you please cut it out?"
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Tch, what?"
Avid Rhyme Fan: "It's the yakuza..."
Trip: "That's right, we're the local yakuza."
Virus: "We're your friendly, neighborhood yakuza. It would be very troublesome if conflicts like this ran wild on our lovely island, don't you think?"
Rude Ribsteez Player: "... Hahah, YOU'RE the yakuza? Why should I be worried; you guys are buddies with us Rib guys, aren't you? Look at you, thinking you can get everything your way just by using violence."
Virus: "You're technically right, but, hey, rules are rules. Trip?"
Trip: "Mm."
*Trip casually walks over and lifts up the rude Ribsteez player without any trouble, making him unable to leave. He struggles for a bit, clearly agitated.*
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Gh—! Let go of me!"
Trip: "Nah."
Virus: "No need for the pointless arguing. You don't want us to expose you as a pathetic little brat in front of everyone, do you? Hm?"
*Trip's grip tightens on the rude Ribsteez player, causing him to slightly groan in discomfort.*
Trip: "Tell them you're sorry, then I'll let go. Come on, spit it out."
*His grip begins choking the rude Ribsteez player, making him struggle to breathe.*
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Gh... ack... I-I'm sor...ry...!"
Virus: "I can't seem to hear you."
Trip: "Say it clearer."
Rude Ribsteez Player: "Ugh...! Haugh—! I-I'm sorry...!"
Virus: "Alright! You did such a good job~"
*Trip lets go of the rude Ribsteez player, who gasps for breath, followed by rough coughing. Some of the Rhyme fans are watching in silence, even though a Rhyme match continues in the background. Virus takes notice and addresses them without missing a beat.*
Virus: "Ah, sorry to have disturbed you! As long as you behave yourselves, you all have nothing to worry about."
Trip: "Right, right."
Virus: "Now then, don't mind us. Feel free to continue your Rhyme match."
*Virus & Trip are again walking down a road, presumably a different one from before.*
Trip: "Where should we head to next?"
Virus: "Good question... oh?"
Trip: "Eh?"
Virus: "Over there... it's Aoba-san!"
Trip: "Oooh!"
*Both walk toward Aoba's direction, who doesn't notice their presence until they call out to him.*
Virus: "Aoba-san!"
Trip: "Yoo-hoo!"
Aoba: "Oh, it's you guys."
Virus: "Today must be our lucky day, bumping into you like this."
Aoba: "What're you talking about? We see each other pretty often."
Virus: "Nonsense; any day we see you is a lucky day, Aoba-san. Anyways, are you working right now?"
Aoba: "Yeah; delivery in progress!"
Trip: "What was the name of that store? Heijitsu?" (平日 = heijitsu: meaning weekday, regular workday, non-holiday, etc.)
Aoba: "It's Hei-BON." (平凡 = heibon: meaning mediocre, humdrum, ordinary, etc.)
Trip: "Right, right, that's it."
Virus: "We're also in progress, patrolling our turf."
Aoba: "Your turf, huh? So, how's that going? Are you guys keeping the peace in the Old Residential District today?"
Virus: "Ah, it's been good, somewhat. As usual, though, Rhyme and Rib players can't seem to get along and see eye to eye."
Aoba: "Hah? Did another fight break out?"
Virus: "They've been nonstop; now that I think about it, I can't recall a day where there HASN'T been a fight."
Aoba: "Has it gotten THAT bad?"
Trip: "Especially lately."
Aoba: "It must be tough work for you guys... Take care of yourselves, try not to get hurt, okay?"
Virus: "Thank you for worrying about us. Ah, but it's fun when we patrol sometimes."
Trip: "Like that one cake shop."
Aoba: "A cake shop?"
Virus: "There's a new one near Delivery Works, towards the end of the street. A young couple is running it."
Aoba: "Eh?"
Virus: "If you have any spare time one day, we can go there together."
Trip: "Let's go~"
Aoba: "Three guys going to a cake shop together...? Don't you think that's... a little embarrassing?"
Virus: "Not at all. Even men like us want to eat delicious things, so there's nothing to be ashamed of... don't you think?"
Trip: "Right, right. I ate a 'Pink & White Fluffy Heart♡Love Sweets!!!' cake the other day. It looked delicious."
Aoba: "The name sounds like it caters more toward women..."
*Despite Aoba's tone, Virus lightly chuckles at his response.*
Virus: "Aoba-san, it's a date, then. Let's go one day together."
Aoba: "Hahah, yeah. I got it."
Trip: "I'm looking forward to it."
Aoba: "Yeah, yeah."
Virus: "Well then, we didn't want to bother you during work for too long, so we'll take our leave."
Aoba: "See ya, then!"
Virus: "Yeah, see you."
Trip: "Bye-bye!"
Virus: "... Alright! That's all for your small glimpse of the daily work of Virus & Trip!"
Trip: "That's all~"
Virus: "Well, even with all that, we do a lot of other things as well. But for now, this is what our lives look like."
Trip: "That's right."
Virus: "That being said, let's meet again someday. This has been Virus and—"
Trip: "Trip."
Virus: "It's been fun!"
Trip: "Bye-bye!"
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lunaracee · 6 days
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yaoi jesus🙏🙏
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lunaracee · 6 days
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