lunamonsune · 5 years
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I was thinking about FNAF. Then it was Easter. So I thought, why not?
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lunamonsune · 5 years
I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I think I’m going to delete my Tumblr. The community here is just incredibly toxic and I feel like this site is running me dry. My Kik username is Kendra2208. If y'all are either my friend or have wanted to be my friend, hmu so I can keep talking to you. Tbh, if you’re one of my friends (you’ve had at least one actual conversation with me through pms or reblogs) and you just like, pm me on here before I delete, I’d be 100% willing to give you my phone number # so we can just text if you don’t have Kik. I just really can’t be on here anymore. If you wanna be my friend but haven’t talked to me before, now’s you’re chance. I’ll probably delete it in like, 2-3 days, just to make sure everyone sees this.
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lunamonsune · 5 years
I'll be leaving Tumblr tomorrow night, so I'm reblogging again just in case. And to be clear, I'm not deactivating my account. I'm deleting the app and won't be logging in on PC. I'm more of just going inactive.
I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I think I’m going to delete my Tumblr. The community here is just incredibly toxic and I feel like this site is running me dry. My Kik username is Kendra2208. If y'all are either my friend or have wanted to be my friend, hmu so I can keep talking to you. Tbh, if you’re one of my friends (you’ve had at least one actual conversation with me through pms or reblogs) and you just like, pm me on here before I delete, I’d be 100% willing to give you my phone number # so we can just text if you don’t have Kik. I just really can’t be on here anymore. If you wanna be my friend but haven’t talked to me before, now’s you’re chance. I’ll probably delete it in like, 2-3 days, just to make sure everyone sees this.
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lunamonsune · 5 years
I also just made a discord if anybody would like to stay in contact that way!
I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I think I’m going to delete my Tumblr. The community here is just incredibly toxic and I feel like this site is running me dry. My Kik username is Kendra2208. If y'all are either my friend or have wanted to be my friend, hmu so I can keep talking to you. Tbh, if you’re one of my friends (you’ve had at least one actual conversation with me through pms or reblogs) and you just like, pm me on here before I delete, I’d be 100% willing to give you my phone number # so we can just text if you don’t have Kik. I just really can’t be on here anymore. If you wanna be my friend but haven’t talked to me before, now’s you’re chance. I’ll probably delete it in like, 2-3 days, just to make sure everyone sees this.
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lunamonsune · 5 years
I've been thinking about this for a while and I think I'm going to delete my Tumblr. The community here is just incredibly toxic and I feel like this site is running me dry. My Kik username is Kendra2208. If y'all are either my friend or have wanted to be my friend, hmu so I can keep talking to you. Tbh, if you're one of my friends (you've had at least one actual conversation with me through pms or reblogs) and you just like, pm me on here before I delete, I'd be 100% willing to give you my phone number # so we can just text if you don't have Kik. I just really can't be on here anymore. If you wanna be my friend but haven't talked to me before, now's you're chance. I'll probably delete it in like, 2-3 days, just to make sure everyone sees this.
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lunamonsune · 5 years
I have something extremely important to say
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lunamonsune · 5 years
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My baby is too dumb to bring bad omens. However, I also just find this interesting because there's a lot of "black cats bring bad luck" but in MOST cultures they themselves attract bad luck, so if you see one, it's actually good luck because they're taking your bad luck from you.
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lunamonsune · 5 years
So a while ago my sister was telling me about a concept she heard about, where you’re attracted to masculinity of femininity, but not really “I’m straight or gay” I’m not going to go too much into it, but I looked her dead in the eye and said “I’m a slut for a woman who can kick my ass in less than 2 seconds.” And we were about to watch RWBY so she KNOWS I was talking about Yang.  
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lunamonsune · 5 years
If a girl feels uncomfortable hanging out with you alone, and you get so offended by that, it makes you angry, she probably made the right choice.
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lunamonsune · 5 years
Holy shit. It is not that hard to block people. Or idk? Not follow someone you don't like?? Why? Why anon, do you feel the need to act like this. It's completely unnecessary. Also "we"? You don't get to talk for others. Most of Gabbi's followers DONT FEEL THE SAME AS YOU. Get a life.
We were hoping you would never come back
Then block me u fucking coward. I know my brain tells me shit sometimes but my friends do love me and I’m glad I came back for them^^
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lunamonsune · 5 years
I occasionally think about the fact that when she was a kid, my wife’s neighbor traded her his legendary Pokemon so he could restart his game without losing it. And she was 100% going to give it back, but before they traded back he decided he was going to be a huge asshole to her (I won’t go into details, but it was pretty basic bully things) So my wife never gave him back his legendary and she actually still has it. And I just feel like that is amazing revenge. 
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lunamonsune · 5 years
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🌲Green n brown n gray n blue n gold BIG PINEY BOIS hh🌲
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lunamonsune · 5 years
I’m finally getting my characters a bit more flushed out!! yay!! 
So if anyone wants to ask about 
Kye, Raylen, Corinn, Devien, or jack, I could use the questions to figure them out more! ( Devien and Jack I haven’t thought about nearly as much as the others, though.)
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lunamonsune · 5 years
honestly this extremely unbalanced likes/reblogs ratio is a problem on pretty much every post on this site now and while i’m not trying to say that a 10-second shitpost is worth the same as a piece of art that the OP spent hours of their free time creating for no financial gain what i am saying is that it’s a widespread and generalised problem and it really is killing all your favorite content creators, regardless of the type of content they create
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lunamonsune · 5 years
kids irl: *forced to read books by the educational system, forced to pay for books they have no interest in, forced to read books they find offensive or disturbing and if they opt out of it are dealt a failing grade, literally are forced to read so much they lose desire to read books they like*
some weird ass political cartoon about millennials and gen z: “uhhh dad someone printed out so many tweets….it’s a book? what’s a book?”
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lunamonsune · 5 years
basic anime girl: *sigh* i’m not as pretty as my sister (。•́ ‸ •̀。)
her sister: *has the exact same face and body*
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lunamonsune · 5 years
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I still have hopes to hear more of Soren’s poetry~ xD
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