lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
“I think there’s some ice cream in the kitchens… But, the tan and the beach… Well, I guess that would have to wait for now…”
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“Is there? I must find it! I will find it. Or convince someone to get me some. But for how long? I have barely been here a week and am already missing it.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
Olivia chuckled nodding “so summer pretty much- but I completely agree. It’s way to cold in this place. The fight to keep warm is real.”
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“I have been wrapping myself in a million layers and still find myself shivering.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
“Those all sound like very desirable things at the moment.”
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“Oh, how I can just imagine sitting on the deck and feeling the summer warmth. I want to leave here already.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
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“All you won’t get here. I mean, there are beaches here but it’s kind of too cold to go there or get tanned. But the good part is it’s never too cold for icecream.”
“That’s what I presumed, since it’s cold everywhere here. Well, I need to find some or I might just go insane.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
“I’m so cold. Yet all I want is some icecream...And a tan, and a beach.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
Not even remotely, are you? because a shot of tequila will take care of that fear for you. 
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W-Well, yes. I don’t think I’ve ever been skinny dipping unless for...well, you know, bathing. I’m more of a wine person, and at dinner. 
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
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‘ i would, if it wasn’t my own fault. i came too early, by like two days, due to safety reasons.— okay, thank god i didn’t snore….wait, i didn’t snore, right? ’  
“I see, still, you’d think that due to the circumstances we’re all under they’d have rooms ready to go. I mean, I could lie and say no, or be honest and say yes, but it was cute quiet snoring, not the hog-king.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
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“See that’s what I’m wondering though I’ve kinda received a census that it’s the latter. Which is somewhat of a let down. It’s not suspicious at all but like, it’s totally suspicious, and heck yeah you can! I’m still debating on plans right now, but having you would really help focus on one. Especially ‘cause I don’t want it to be basic. But I would also enjoy getting drunk before, because then it’d be just be like ten times funnier.”
“You’d prefer a physical rule book? Sure thing, I just need a place to explore right now, so hopefully we can do something that includes that. What have you got so far? Drunk? Why does everyone here want to get drunk? But alright, I have some bottles of merlot.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
“I haven’t, either. Isn’t there someone who can do that for us?”
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“No kidding. Just imagine if someone were to get sick. We’ll probably all catch it. Hopefully, they have plenty of medical staff around here. Nice to meet you. I’m Victoria.”
“I’m sure if you put up enough of a fuss they will send someone to help you. Oh could you imagine all of us getting sick at the same time? The staff would quit on us. Lovely to meet you too, hopefully this place gets a bit better for us.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
“Sounds about right. As if it weren’t bad enough being locked up at home. Now, we’re stuck here. I don’t even have half of my belongings, and who knows how many guards are lurking around, preventing us from doing nearly anything.”
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“I hope all of my belongings are here, I haven’t unpacked yet. We better get vacations or something, surely it’s bad for our health to stay stuck somewhere for too long. I’m Luna by the way, Luna Madijevci.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
“Have you been here long? Is it as awful as it seems?”
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“Just a day, though it seems a little longer--so yes, it’s not too great. But I’m someone who enjoys travelling and adventures, and you can’t do too much of that while locked up here.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
“Bloody hell. I thought I was going to get to avoid having to come here.”
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“Me too, but not even a princess gets what she wants it seems.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
Going skinny dipping, you coming?
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Like...nude? Aren’t you worried someone might see?
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
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‘ did i fall asleep? my apologies, the last couple of days have been a tat hectic. and on top of that, i haven’t been set up with a room yet. ’
“You haven’t been given a room yet? I’d protest! No sense of hospitality. But you weren’t asleep for long, maybe a few minutes tops.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
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“i’m so glad it finally snowed. grey is such a depressing colour and i would not have been able to stand it another week. actually speaking of snow  and winter and all the sweet things. do you think it’s too early to start planning for christmas?”
“hopefully it’ll snow even more so we can build snowmen and build snow forts and just–everything snowy. i believe that november is perfect for planning christmas, december is way too late to start.”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
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“Hey you wouldn’t happen to have this places, um, rule book, would you? Or like the code of conduct or any knowledge of what happens if you do certain things. Like what are the laws here…exactly? It’s just a question, nothing suspicious. I promise.” 
“I’m not sure whether there’s a specific set of written down rules, or if we are just expected to act...professionally. But regardless of it not being suspicious it sounds pretty suspicious--can I join?”
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lunamadijevci-blog · 8 years
omg what r my posts doing i just realised
omg omg omgomgomgomgomgogm SCREAAAAAAAMING
ok brb while i fix
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