lunakrm-blog · 8 years
“Ugh, you’re such an elitist. Just because you have a high tolerance,” Luna rolled her eyes, but shot a smile in his direction nonetheless. She looked at Andre, unable to deny the fact that he made a fair point. “Well, speak for yourself — I was raised by the nanny.” She said, only half joking.
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“I’ll be proud the day you’re at 4 shots. Call me when that happens and maybe I’ll be convinced into hanging out with you again.” He shrugged, a slight smirk quirking the edges of his lips. “Ridiculously well-adjusted? Have you met our families?”
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
“you’re fine, huh?” luna repeated, her tone bordering on mocking. rolling her eyes, she shook her head at him. “pretty sure no one in this city is ever fine, dom.” she reasoned, giving him a wry smile. luna almost choked on the alcohol at his words. “shut up —” she said between fits of giggles, “y’know not everyone finds your puns as charming as i do, right? and a juice cleanse is a type of diet, nerd.” 
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“no things,” lied dominic, tipsy. “i’m fine, just weary.” he listened to her complaints and nodded. “you vodkat to be kiddin’ me. what the shit’s a juice cleanse? are they giving some oranges bubble baths or somethin’?”
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
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“it’s just because you’re here — when i show up solo they roll out the red carpet.” luna said smugly, sarcasm dripping from her words. “maybe you can be a good samaritan, recommend them whoever designed the interior of your PRIVATE JET,” she suggested, giving a non-committal shrug.
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     “CHRIST, you’d think after all this time, they’d learn to spruce up the place a bit,” samuel remarked as he sauntered through the entrance, his judging gaze cast upon the unfortunate soul nearest to him.
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
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“my dad got my mom onto it. it’s gross — and honestly it’s all bullshit. i’m pretty sure it’s just made them more annoyed with each other.” luna grumbled, her face the image of dissatisfaction. however, the alcohol seemed to be somewhat aiding in allowing her to loosen up a little. “i have to deal with it until i can go back to my own place, i guess.” she sighed, shrugging her shoulders. “well, they’re all pretentious douchebags, if that’s what you’re trying to say.” luna said, snickering a little. she gave him a smile, setting the bottle back down on the table. “relax — as soon as i can be bothered, i’ll buy you a bottle of whatever you want, as compensation for this.”
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romeo barely had time to pass her the bottle before she was grabbing it from his hand and taking a long sip. “a juice cleanse. health freaks always make me wonder who hurt them enough for them to do that to themselves.” it made him wonder why luna had to be on a juice cleanse with her parents. surely she was old enough to put her foot down and do whatever she pleased. at least, that was what he would do if he was in her position. “why the hell would they give away the grey goose? their friends must be il meglio del meglio.” he grabbed the bottle after she placed it back on the table. “my turn? well, i’m just running out of vodka. lord knows i need it.”
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
📱 ‎( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Keep reading
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
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"ugh, give me that,” luna mumbled, reaching for the bottle and taking a long, drawn out sip. “you have no idea the hell that is my house right now — both of my parents are on a juice cleanse.” she complained, wincing from a combination of the alcohol and the sheer idea of a juice cleanse. “they gave away all the grey goose to their friends — isn’t that FUCKING rude?” luna rolled her eyes, placing the bottle back on the table. “anyway, your turn — what’s got you down in the dumps as of late?”
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
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name: leon d ☠️
ringtone: mission impossible theme song
# of calls this week: 2
[ 9:45 AM ] : for $$$ will u tell me what my parents hired havok for last week
[ 3:10 PM ] : some sh*t has gone down might need some help
[ 8:15 PM ] : u work for havok u must know if aliens are real tell me leon it’s really important
[ 11:11 PM ] : it’s 11:11 leon even havok agents need to make a wish
[ 12:10 AM ] : can havok get me a date with taylor swift just asking
[ UNSENT ] : i rly gotta ask it’s killing me what’s the worst thing my parents have asked u guys to do
[ UNSENT ] : is havok hq a pokestop??? IS IT A GYM ?????
[ UNSENT ] : leon what hogwarts house are u in
[ UNSENT ] : can havok catch me a pikachu in pokemon go?
[ UNSENT ] : does havok consider pluto a planet i need the answer to be yes so i don’t have to end the professional relationship i have
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
“bitch tits?” luna repeated, a little incredulously. “if there’s a character in that movie named bitch tits, i really should’ve made it past the credits.” she listened to what he was saying, before emitting a noise of discontent. “alright, take it easy — you know what else was a cultural revolution? the live action scooby doo films. and they were snubbed, don’t even try to fight me on that one.” she pointed out, probably more serious than she should’ve been about a franchise aimed at children.
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honestly he probably should have been more upset that she didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about. but the fact she knew enough about it was good enough for him. “i’m not talking about the actual fight club, i’m talking about tyler, the not meat loaf one. while it hurts that you fell asleep and missed out on a cultural revolution, i forgive you for knowing that meatloaf is bitch tits.”
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
“Hey! Cut me some slack, I couldn’t help being a lightweight. You should be proud of me now, it takes more than two tequila shots to get me drunk-texting and slurring my words.” She said, a tinge of satisfaction in her words. “Don’t be so morbid, you’ll be fine. She’s going to be one of those ridiculously well-adjusted kids that thrive, or whatever.”
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“About time, too.” Andre quipped. “I don’t think I could handle watching you and your shitty tolerance any longer.” He added a moment later. “Mmm, well, monitoring depends on being around her long enough to take her to one of the functions or you know, monitor.”
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
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name: domidick 🐸
ringtone: words words words by bo burnham
# of calls this week: 30
[ 10:20 AM ] : i’m really glad we’re friends because if (when) bunny becomes a murderer she won’t kill me first anymore
[ 1:15 PM ] : can you put your Mad Skillz to good use and draw a portrait of me as Dat Boi ????
[ 4:20 PM ] : BLAZE IT !!!!!!!!! 🌿
[ 9:42 PM ] : today i saw a raccoon that looked kind of like u
[ 2:00 AM ] : i just wanted u to know i love and respect ur puns even if the rest of the world doesn’t
[ UNSENT ] : can u and bunny be my parents bc mine suck
[ UNSENT ] : when i was in middle school i told everyone i was team edward when really i was team jacob and i really needed to confess that it was weighing me down
[ UNSENT ] : aliens are real my mom is a politician Trust Me on this
[ UNSENT ] : i stepped in my dogs poop today don’t tell anyone i feel ashamed my dog feels ashamed
[ UNSENT ] : i feel like this right now ( IMG ATTACHED )
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
Send me a “📱” and I will answer the following:
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
What my muse saved your number as?
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
How many times my muse has called your this week?
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
“If you think that is going to do anything, you clearly haven’t added me on Snapchat.” Luna laughed, a somewhat smug expression on her face. “But it’s fine — I’ll let you have this one. I can even sign it for you,” She joked, “Free of charge!”
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“AH-HA! Gotcha!” Harper exclaims with a chuckle, camera in hand as she backs away, “And might I say how LOVELY you look mid sneeze. I need to upload this at once. Post it on Ebay and hopefully get millions off of it.”
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
what’s my age again? | blink-182
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lunakrm-blog · 8 years
hey !!  gotta head out for school but when i’m back i’ll do replies & post a starter & stuff !! but i can probably reply to ims in the meantime if u wanna plot or just talk or smth !!
ok au revoir wish me luck i h8 school
0 notes
lunakrm-blog · 8 years
“As far as I’m concerned those little indiscretions just built up my tolerance. Now I can actually handle my Moët.” She reasoned, giving a shrug of her shoulders. “Besides, I’m sure you’ll actually monitor Chels. My parents haven’t really cared what I do as long as I do it quietly.”
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“Well, then I’m worried.” Andre snorted. “I remember those damn family benefits when we’d sneak out with champagne to drink near the fountain. If Chels ends up repeating those events…”
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