it was literally the magic school bus with ms frizzle but instead of ms frizzle it was gandalf and or was it dumbledore either way it was an old dude and he took me and a couple of people on a magic trip in this tiny buys that only seats like 2 people for a whole row in the bus . it was like a smart car turned bus it was tinnnnnnnnnnnny. the driver was also some magic oriented dude because he tried to drift in the snow and we ended up falling off this bridge and into the freezing water below and he looked back at us like " oh well guess we die" but we didn't die instead the old man dude enchanted the bus and we saw deep in the water and there was a literal monster the size of a mountain and he snorted the bus and we ended up in this sorta eden looking place with a giant tree that was shaped like the great deku tree from legend of zelda . and dumbledore was like " welcome to your new home"  so we go into this building nearby and everyone got their own rooms. but the land was enchanted and like forcing everyone to be like too comfortable with each other? or just uncontrollable and inappropriate? like all the guys started stripping and the girls were like unaffected and tryna beat back the boys because theyre i guess going crazy for the girls wondering why they haven't joined them. so i took one of the girls who was apparently my closest friend and went back to the place where the bus flew in and i apparently had magic powers too so i made me and her a bubble we could use to escape but since i just got my magic it was weak and the bubble popped right as we got out of the mountain monster but still under freezing water. i got so scared but the first thing i could think of is i can't give up on the friend so like i traded some of my life span to make the bubble again and we finally made it back to like this mall complex? and a bunch of strangers gathered around us asking if we're all right because they saw the bus fly into the freezing water. i walked off since most of them were ignoring me and just helping the friend and passed out and woke up but not without seeing the friend trying to find me while falling down lmao dreams are weird
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dream starts in some school maybe trinity i dont know the entire place was very dark and not well lit. students are packing away things as if its the end of the year. graduates all planning to go someplace very fun exotic and far like europe in a giant red limo. i walk up stairs and find a bunch of art students and ask them how i could find some of the graduates i know so i can see if i can’t go with them to the grad party. i see angelique in the corner of my eye. they can’t help me and continue taking down all their art. i walk away and down the stairs only to hear someone calling my name. turn around to see angelique catch up with me. she hesitates and doesn’t look me in the eye and tells me to “ close my eyes” i think shes going to kiss me so i do it anyways . i feel her hands around my face and i lean in. only to feel a small pat that i think was supposed to be a slap. she laughs and i open my eyes and shes laughing at me a little. i laugh along out of courtesy and we start to “catch up” talk about how each other has been etc. i wake up because my mind instantly triggers saying “ no you shouldn’t be enjoying this, this is weird.”
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lunacyandsweetdreams · 10 years
Dream # 7
I was korra . The story was like seconds where things felt as if they repeated themselves . There was a guy where his weapons would react if he whistled but they were like swords . I was dancing in some sort of fucked up play about a dysfunctional family . There was a dream world where rihanna was my room mate and she was getting these stupid advances from a huge 4 story tall cuddly monster that looked like it was from barney . There was another flash of a monster almost like a biology entry about the ancestor of all monsters . It looked like a kaiju but skinny, reddish brown , on all 4 legs with no eyes just a mouth with teeth in circles like an eel or something and it shot giant balls of plasma . Anyway i was in the basement when the 4 story giant was like pushing through the windows to hit on rihanna but like the house was made of rubber and it just bend around his face and for some reason i was terrified of it and like did my best to hide it from me . When it left i could see it like it was a tv show and he goes like " wtf was that ralph?" Goes back to the house but like i try and hide under the bed but the bed suddenly turns see through and the giant stalker monster sees me with these huge scary ass eyes along with 2 small human sized mascot looking people from barney are staring at me like five nights at freddies bullshit . So they wave and say HEY RALPH at me . I run away and a voice in my head says i have to repeat everything the original way to make it all better . But i end up having to kiss myself and then i woke up .
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lunacyandsweetdreams · 11 years
Dream # 6
I only remember bits and pieces but there was a part with this family . A daughter , a brother, a mother and father . They were trapped in a sort of castle and i was the son of the family . They were separated to these different rooms where this russian government kept them under security but was nice and gave them things they could do i.e games and tv . Somehow they met up but only the son and daughter got to see the governor/ king who kept them in those rooms . I was forced out of the throne room but broke back in using all my strength and these 2 short swords made of maybe obsidian? I dunno. The door had this weird magic eye as the lock so i stabbed it with both blades and it exploded, then i wedged the door open with the blade and the king almost shit himself from being scared . He tells me a bunch of shit then the dream goes to 2 flash backs ( i know its weird) one flashback is where naruto and all the jinchuuriki are fighting someone and all the bijuu get sealed and their power cannot be used ( not taken just sealed back inside them) and the jinchuuriki along with sasuke and all of naruto's side characters are sucked into some weird dimension . The second flashback is where these bunch of kids is thailand have huge dreams like one wants to be a master archer and stuff . They get sucked into a dimension too. Somehow we all meet up and some escape the dimension . Then i switch bodies to a random monk passing by and the one boy who wished he was a great archer saw this newspaper stand/ steamed bun shop that had this little booklet on how to do archery with him on the cover. Apparently all their dreams came true but this is a parallel universe where their names are different . So i help them and do this weird spell that opens up the portal to the dimension were everyone else is still trapped . But the government from this world that serve the king attack us and madara uchiha goes into the portal to save the last few people stuck there . Im exhausted and close the portal and everyone out . After wards we all go our separate ways but i switch bodies again. This time im at this sort of club where theres a face off between 2 groups of people or crews w.e and im pretending i dont dance . I sit down and this girl lets me lie down on her with my back on her lap and my head at her chest . She puts her arms around me and i feel really fucking nice inside but then the other crew disses her and i get pissed and i get up in between both crews and school EVERYONE there . Then it flashes forward or back idk man its weird . And quinn from league of legends volunteers to dance or something (shes not wearing weird armor but shes wearing like normal clothes like an off the shoulder shirt , loop earrings etc) but then this nerdy looking pink haired chick keeps saying "quinn? Dance? Thats fucking hilarious" so i get pissed like " she can dance just let her do her thing " so i get up and dance with her , guide her along and stuff and just leave the nerdy girl in awe. I look in a nearby glass to see my face AND IT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE VINCENT FROM THE GAME CATHERINE . From the shaggy hair to the beauty mark under the eye . Then i wake up once quinn kisses me .
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lunacyandsweetdreams · 11 years
Dream # 5
So the dream starts off with me and a sort of research team investigating this abandoned ship and like everythings frozen . When we looked at it with a microscope it turns out to be like these genetic spider things that go to an empty area and like take it over , freeze it and turn it into metal and it just keep spreading . Somehow i turn into superman and can fly and break the sound barrier and im like fuck this im not getting infected . Then half the world gets infected and people's skin gets covered in these spiders turning their skin into armor and creating this weird kind of animal for them to like mount and it looks like wild mutt from ben 10 but covered in metal . Next thing i know im in this sort of hunger games style tournament with this cool looking guy that looks like a slightly asian or native finnick odair . We start this sort of training shit where we have to survive on our own but in like teams of 2 just like the hunger games . The first round of this tournament ended up being like a multiplayer assassins creed game where we gotta blend in and find each other and kill each other . We were given like these small ass scissors but they could cut through anything with ease . So me and my partner find one of the guys but he tries to resist and my partner holds him against the wall with his back to us and i fucking cut his spinal cord so he becomes completely disabled and it counts as a kill . A few more rounds pass and we end up having to drive to the next arena but all the cars around us were ice cream trucks and it was hot as fuck outside . There was also a shit load of traffic and i go fuck this, and take my partner and fly all the way to the arena . So with about 7 groups left the people holding the tournament decide to split the groups up. One half gets to participate and the other doesnt and is killed . So for some reason this one team had this asian girl who was teamed up with me " they made the groups smaller by eliminating half of them" was named akali as in the assassin champion from league of legends . Of course she wasnt exactly comfortable with me but she was a good partner . But now the remaining participants had to work together to defeat the sons and daughters of the people who created the tournament and they were some fucked up people . Like a killer clown looking fuck, an emo as hell princess, a terminator looking guy , and a bunch of others . Of course we win but i suddenly flash forward to the future . Im outside having a conversation with my old partner who was alive for some reason saying that apparently im getting married to akali and congrats an shit .
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lunacyandsweetdreams · 11 years
Dream #4
Im in a classroom arguing with a teacher about otters or something . I go home to an empty house that looks a lot like my sisters really nice house . Then i get like teleported to this kind of aztec ruins where theres a waterslide leading to god knows where . I slide down to see this sort of amazonian rainforest kind of river with some weird ass japanese chanting in the distance . Some reason im dressed like a modern day ninja with a v neck and some ninja pants and shit . So im swimming through the river and arrive at this wooden fort where these guys talk in Japanese but i understand them. They say theres some tournament going on an for some reason i rush in feeling like im a huge part of it . Next thing i know im sitting with one of the 2 leaders of this war between 2 guilds/clans. The leader was this hot as fuck red head , think of real version of erza from fairy tail. So im suddenly some like second in command and in the distance ( the battlefield is this giant fucking plain with a few hills and a fence in the middle ) theres like an army of people ( no weapons just balls? Like the kind of plastic balls you get at walmart or target that have those graphics of famous toys like barbie and ben 10) and they start using volleyball tactics to throw and hit us with the balls . Of course our side gets pissed ( i think this was the main method of winning this guild war, beat each other up with rubber balls ) then erza gets hit with a stray ball and i get super fucking hulk angry , rip out a part of the fence , grab the guy who hit erza with the ball hold him over my head and slam his sorry ass in the ground back first . Then the entire tournament goes into a fist fight frenzy and they start attacking erza but for some reason shes fighting while holding a candy container? I have no fucking clue . So she ends off not being able to fend off the enemies properly so i toss 2 guys aside, ask her if i can hold the candy for her, put it in my jacket pocket , and we both kick some serious ass . Then i wake up to record this on a sticky note ONLY TO WAKE UP IN REAL LIFE AGAIN. WTF
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lunacyandsweetdreams · 11 years
Dream #3
Okay starts off with me and my mom talking about this weird course in this really far ass fuck school . The course didnt need textbooks or anything . Just show up. So im on my way and i end up at some sort of train station. Im lost because i only planned how to get as far as the train station so i panic , walk around and sit by this starbucks kiosk and try to call my mom to see if she can find out where i am and how to get to the place . This station looks like a freakin airport on how big it looks . I find some free wifi and try to find it through google maps . Then this lady who keeps insisting i move even though im sitting down when she could walk around . I then notice i have to take a really large dump . Somehow i find my way to the school which is more like some sorta xmen mutant institute but with actual scientists and shit . And im walking around till i find this sort of really messy lab/office room with different sort of areas for different people . This guy asks me a bunch of weird questions like one being have i ever gotten someone pregnant before . I answer all his questions and leave then sit down in a sort of waiting area where this sort of butler guy is waiting for me . I ask him where i can find the bathrooms and he points me to this sort of fancy art piece that looks like a miniature version of some sort of forest and mountains . Its in this sort of display case thats waist high and theres this tiny glass box with a hole where i assumed the piss went . And there was a white kind of basin that seemed like the river but for yknow , shit but its really far in the back and i dont know how my ass would reach that far because the glass at the top of the display case only let me put my penis that far. I panic and say ill just hold it in. I go to my first class and theres this futuristic desks with computer chairs for each desk and all the desks are like pear shaped and the size of my body. Course i fall asleep in class and i get sent to these sort of dorms where ill be living . (Interesting enough i was the only one in class) so i find a bunch of people in my dorm mainly girls and 2 guys including me . I go talk to some of the girls cuz im a stud . And theres 2 cliques . Theres 3 girls in 1 group and 4 in the other . The 3 person group consists of a snobby bitch who thinks she rules the school, and her 2 followers that are good people but sort of got pulled into the bad crowd and picked up some of her bad habits . The other group consists of this girl who looked a lot like my first crush and other people . I will name this person ashley to make things easier. So i get introduced and go sleep in my room. I wake up to find all these cute ass animals in my room. A kitten, a bunny, and a puppy. Turns out those are my dorm mates . My dormmates transform into animals . This is fucking animorphs or some shit. The puppy was the other guy in the dorm, the kitten was ashley and the bunny was one of the girls in the bad crowd . ( ill name her casey , casey is one of the good girls that got pulled into the bad crowd) . Apparently this institute was some sorta science program to study hybrid humans and i have yet to get my own sort of dna change . Course i knew something was up but my mom didnt . Anyways another day passes by and its nighttime . I walk around to hear giggling from ashleys room and i peek in and ashley has my journal or some shit laughing like " i didnt think he was THAT kind of guy" i run in and snatch it from her and say im gonna burn it . I walk away looking for a wood chipper or a lighter and shes holding onto my as im walking around saying i shouldnt burn it and shes sorry . Even tually i pass out of my bed and ashleys cuddled in my arms for some reason(i d f k man its a dream) . The next day everyones outside like a shit load of other students ive never seen but are students anyway are all dressed like black sabbath and marilyn manson but are shouting blink 182 over and over . Course i join them like fuck yeah blink 182 . Ashley joins but then the 3 mean girls basically start a war and everyones arguing but i get caseys attention and tell her all this stuff like shes an amazing girl, she shouldnt be hanging with a girl like that, join us . The entire school is against those 3 girls and caseys like " whatever " then for some reason its time for finals and theres more students that were never in my class before are now taking finals too. I cant find my seat and the teacher who looks like ed sheeran goes so slowly, number by number to find out where i sit . Its not arranged by alphabetical or number . Which was annoying . Then the dream stops as he found the number to my seat.
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lunacyandsweetdreams · 11 years
Dream #2
Starts off me and my dad buying some clothes at this odd looking strip mall kinda . Imagine a seashell or a hermit crab shell the size of west edmonton mall height and length wise with lots of holes . All the holes are stores and apartments the shopkeepers live in. And theres little bridges leading from one shop to another. This asian guy tries to sell us rip off stuff and of course we decline. Then for some reason i end up in this huge battlefield with attack on titan shit . People dying for some random reason, flesh and blood raining from the sky from these giant monsters eating people . Then suddenly im transported to this water park and all these people are cheering me on saying stuff like im the perfect athlete and gamer doing stuff in my name . Then this guy challenges me to slide down a water park as fast as possible and of course i win. Then i get taken to this huge white laboratory and my wisdom teeth hurt like a bitch so i clenched my teeth but then they got like hooked on each other? So pieces broke off and they were like almost all black . Im like oh shit . Then these japanese scientists are like , since you are the ultimate athlete and gamer you must defend your title . So this random guy challenges me to a bunch of random games i think one was a kirby game ( the character i was using was metaknight idk. And this random dude won. I was like WHAT THE FUCK. I WONT ACCEPT IT MY TEETH WERE GETTING IN THE WAY. So this tall as fuck japanese lady with this sort of ninja mask( still had a labcoat on) had this white paste put on my teeth and it felt better . So then to clear my name these triplets challenge the random guy to the same game and lose . These triplets were fucking weird . One had this long spiky red hair with a rope acting like a sort of crown. One looked like ron stoppable, and the last was this emotionless dude with black hair . So after they lost i flip out even harder and i rush out of the building to what looks like the courtyard of university of alberta. Me and the random dude fight all ninja like, using random techniques and gadgets and shit . I end up with the random guy on the ground face first And my foot on the shoulder while i have his arm . At this point im bat shit insane and end up breaking a lot of bones in a lot of places like bending his elbow backwards, dislocating his shoulder , and breaking the bone between the shoulder and elbow, and the bone between the elbow and the wrist . All with my foot . I also repeated the process until his legs and his arms were completely unusable . Next thing i know im at this huge nice fancy and white dining hall and for some reason i go bat shit insane again and start breaking everything ( i dont remember what made me go insane but something happened). I ripped a 7 foot door with glass window panes off the entrance and smashed it in half on my knee, i drop kicked someones face and into a bunch of pots and vases then i took a table and threw it across the dining hall. Then this 8 foot tall old lady in a cocktail dress says im not aloud to be here anymore so i run laughing like a maniac and i see bianca. Slightly scared about whats happening but doesnt know its me . She was waiting for someone im assuming parents in a corner by a door . So i quickly run back into the hall fuck more shit up , come back out to see shes gone . So i run over towards the entrance to the building and its like nothing happened . People are in the lobby ( there was an arcade it was weird) giving absolutely no fucks . So i try looking around and i hop over this chair leapfrog style but like 10 feet in the air . Annnddd thats when my dream ends .
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lunacyandsweetdreams · 11 years
Dream #1
So the group and me are in this classroom for what looks like we’re talking about post grad and we’re all doing speeches about it . Then i do my speech and started doing math problems???? Then me ralph and a class of people go to underground egytian tomb ish . No one died but was scary  Get captured by a weird spider thing  Weird glowing sword thing is our torch and wards off the spider Find some really expensive relics  Found some really nice shirts?! Ralph and me wore them and started posing in the darkfor people to take pictures Old looking robot ( like in amusement parks) sitting in a rocking chair and suddenly little kids hug it . Everyone else hugs this old asian guy that was apparently in our group( well everyone that was asian i guess) We go up a ladder to find a tank pointed at the entrance when we climbed up . For some reason all i had on was the really nice shirt we found underground. I walk around this military camp that looks like my old neighbourhood with a sort of forest at one end . Since we all got scared all of the teenagers and kids lsat down in a line on the road (along the edge) and started talking crazy . Met a girl who was like the real life number 5 from codename kids next door and she didnt know who she was so i sat there telling her stuff that she would do or say. Then this guy who looks like mr freeze and this military commander guy pass by and i go “thats the guy who made us go down there !” So all of us chase him down going all parkour over the military equipment and shit and push and shove the commander guy stealing knife and anything on him. I steal his gun, shoot in the air and be like ” everybody freeze and you put your hands in the air ” all the soldiers aim at me then i tell them that we almost died because of this guy . Then we line up to this booth and the same commander guy is like the merchant and we trade tickets for like food and shit . Jeremy renner was one of the people at the booth selling stuff too. I didnt have enough tickets to buy what i wanted so i walk away talking to a friend ( i didnt see their face) but he had the snack i was tryna buy. So i walk back to this filled up parking lot and go to this black truck where the pink haired girl from fooly cooly is reading this book i read and she gets all charmed by me . And this little sister of mine or hers was kinda third wheeling ? And then everything happens like some weird dating sim and i have to choose to impress the girl by talking about this weird japanese act of drinking someone else fluids because of one’s severe lack of those same fluids , or talk about the book. Course i choose talk about the book but it doesnt go anywhere then somehow i went back in time like i reloaded a save file and asked the japanese thing and shes like ” thats the act of ….. Are there really any fluids that you need from me? ” and then this sorta asian version of extremely photogenic guy hops into the drivers seat and says lets go. And keep in mind im still only wearing that shirt we found underground .
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lunacyandsweetdreams · 11 years
Welcome to Lunacy and Sweet Dreams
This is a blog dedicated to my weird and vivid dreams. Here I post all the details i remember about my dreams to create a sort of short story or just a list of weird things that happened in the story. Feel free to do whatever.
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