lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
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t’s September and the year is 1977, time for another wonderful year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However things haven’t been so normal in the Wizarding world. Something is brewing in the shadows. Many have yet to take notice but some are curious. Are we all prepared for what is soon to come? As the Dark Lord grows strong and strong and gains more followers we all may be in danger.
We are a new roleplay group set in the Marauders seventh year at Hogwarts. Plenty of characters are open. Also we accept original characters. Or if you would like to send in a face claim we will take it in consideration and possibly make a character. As always the bio and set ships are up to the player. It makes things easier on us admins plus the roleplayer. We hope you will check us out and join us! We’d love to have you!
home page || open characters || application/apply
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
I can apply for an OC, right?
Certainly! :D
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
Lily here!
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
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t’s September and the year is 1977, time for another wonderful year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However things haven’t been so normal in the Wizarding world. Something is brewing in the shadows. Many have yet to take notice but some are curious. Are we all prepared for what is soon to come? As the Dark Lord grows strong and strong and gains more followers we all may be in danger.
We are a new roleplay group set in the Marauders seventh year at Hogwarts. Plenty of characters are open. Also we accept original characters. Or if you would like to send in a face claim we will take it in consideration and possibly make a character. As always the bio and set ships are up to the player. It makes things easier on us admins plus the roleplayer. We hope you will check us out and join us! We’d love to have you!
home page || open characters || application/apply
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
Marlene has arrived!
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
James reporting.
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
Emmeline is here!
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
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It's September and the year is 1977, time for another wonderful year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However things haven't been so normal in the Wizarding world. Something is brewing in the shadows. Many have yet to take notice but some are curious. Are we all prepared for what is soon to come? As the Dark Lord grows strong and strong and gains more followers we all may be in danger.
We are a new roleplay group set in the Marauders seventh year at Hogwarts. Plenty of characters are open. Also we accept original characters. Or if you would like to send in a face claim we will take it in consideration and possibly make a character. As always the bio and set ships are up to the player. It makes things easier on us admins plus the roleplayer. We hope you will check us out and join us! We'd love to have you!
home page || open characters || application/apply
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
Myron and Dorcas have been taken off reserve!
It has been way longer than 24 hours! Feel free to reserve or audition for them. :)
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
Emmeline Vance || Accepted
Your Name: Chelsie
Your Age: 19
Timezone: EST (-5:00)
How active are you?:  I can be on daily, aside from my life of college and work I don’t do a lot; which is sad, but I love to RP!
Character Name:  Emmeline Vance
Face Claim: (If not stated or OC)
Year/House: 7th and Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Pureblood
Ships:  I am happily open to anything! :)
Other Information: (Quidditch position, prefect, etc.) Quidditch Seeker, and prefect
Character Bio: (If not stated or OC; Must be at least 150 characters and no more than 500)
Sweet, kind, helpful, outgoing and friendly are just a few words that can easily describe Emmeline Vance. Never shy the Ravenclaw makes herself known in Hogwarts by befriending others around her, and not all of them are in her house, actually despite her love for knowledge Emmeline isn’t really like the others in the house she was placed in, but she does not regret where the Sorting Hat put her, she believes he had a reason and she does not question it. But don’t be fooled, her kind face can also conceal a hidden bitch if pushed far enough, so you better watch what you say around her. With that known however, Emmeline is never the type to use violence against others, instead she would rather use her knowledge of words instead of the spells she knows.  So, if you’re looking for a friendly face and a welcoming friend look no further than Emmeline Vance.
Sample: (Must be in the form of the character you are applying for. More than 150 characters please.)
“Em, what’re you reading?”
“Hello, earth to Emmeline!”
Slowly Emmeline looked up from the medium book, and smiled as she looked to see who was talking to her. She frowned when she didn’t see anyone, because she knew she had heard someone talking to her, but maybe she was just going mad.  However, just as the brunette was about to look down to the book again she saw a wave of blond hair from the corner of her eye and slowly she set the book down as she waited for the male to show his face again.
“Xenophilius, I don’t have time to play games..please come out and talk to me.” Emmeline said as she looked around, her brown hair falling around her shoulders as she closed the book and set it down on the ground before she pulled her knees up to her chest. She was sitting in the main common room of the Ravenclaw Common Room; she figured she would get more reading time in there instead of the dorms. She was about to pick up the book again when the blond male showed his face as he sat on the couch and looked at the brunette with a wide smile.
“What’re you reading? It is any good?” Xenophilius asked as he titled his head to the side.
“I was reading my Potions book, and I guess you could call it good if you like Potions that is.” Emmeline said with a laugh before she looked down at her hands.
The two were in the same year, same house and yet they hardly spoke more than a few words to one another and yet Emmeline had always admired Xenophilius. He was his own person, never afraid of what others thought, and happy to express whatever was on his mind. Yet, she wasn’t too sure as to why he was coming over to talk to her now, unless he didn’t have a reason, but even if he didn’t Emmeline wouldn’t mind all that much.
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
Andromeda Black || Accepted
Name: Courtney
Age: 18
Timezone: GMT +10:30
Active: 2-3 times a day, unless working. Then only at night
Character name: Andromeda Black
Face claim: As Stated
Year/House: Seventh/Slytherin
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Ships: Unsure but eventually Ted Tonks
Other info: Prefect
Character Bio: Andromeda. Sister of Bellatrix and Narcissa Black. Slytherin. Andromeda is cool, collected, calm and calculating. She's a Slytherin by nature. Andromeda has a way of being able to see right through people. She knows what she wants and doesnt care who she steps over to get it. Her heart is big though, full of people she loves and cares about. She is one of those people who make up their mind and that is it. You can't convince her otherwise. She'll do anything for anyone who is loyal to her and is able to win over even the coldest of hearts with her brown eyes.
Para Sample: Andromeda ran her fingers through her hair. She wasn't understanding this homework even the slightest bit. Her frustrations refused to show on her face though, she refused to let this homework get the better of her. Opening up her charms book, she started reading throughly, hoping for a cheat or something... Anything. Suddenly, Bellatrix's face was right next to hers. "Why do I hear you are hanging out with filth, Andy?" Bellatrix hissed. Andromeda sighed wearily. "I was paired with Tonks during Potions. Not my choice, not my fault Bella. Calm down for 5 seconds. Merlin." Andromeda rolled her eyes. Bellatrix took a step back, relief on her face. "Oh thank god, I thought you were turning into a blood traitor." Andromeda's fist tightened around her quill. "Yes, I forgot that was such a huge problem." Andromeda's voice dripped with sarcasm. "I'd never hang out with a mug- mud blood." Andromeda internally winced at the word, turning back to her homework.
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
Marlene McKinnon || Accepted
Your Name: Sophie               Your Age: 15 Timezone: GMT How active are you?: I’m very active, I’m on most nights and weekends with the exception of exam weeks which can be quite busy but I don’t have any mains until June/July ————-
Character Name: Marlene McKinnon
Face Claim: (If not stated or OC) Lyndsy Fonseca Year/House: 7th year, Gryffindor Blood Status: Pureblood Ships: Blackinnon Other Information: (Quidditch position, prefect, etc.) Beater (please?) Character Bio: (If not stated or OC; Must be at least 150 characters and no more than 500) Marlene ‘Marls’ McKinnon is a pureblood but she doesn’t think blood status matters. She’ll be the first one to stand up against anyone who says different even if she gets stick from other purebloods because of it. She’s been best friends with Lily Evans and Dorcas Meadowes since they were sorted into Gryffindor in 1st year but has always kept a good friendship with the Marauders all the while.  Despite having a good girl vibe during class, out of class Marlene’s flirty side comes out, she’s been caught a couple of times in a broom closet with various boys (much to her best friend Lily’s dismay). Usually Marlene is the heartbreaker which might be why she’s cautious to approach one of the Marauders who recently she can’t keep her eyes off. Often seen laughing and smiling, if you’re having an awful day, Marlene is the one to see. She’ll go out of her way to make sure you feel happier than you did before you spoke to her whether it means taking you to the kitchens or skipping class to go sit and talk it out by the lake, she’ll be there for you. Recently Marlene’s father was killed during a Death eater attack and now she knows that whatever is happening outside of Hogwarts is a lot more serious than she first thought. She knows something’s coming and it won’t be good so she’s decided to make the most of her last year of Hogwarts, no matter what happens.
  Sample: (Must be in the form of the character you are applying for. More than 150 characters please.) It must have been about 7am when Marlene finally woke up. She stretched her arms before opening her eyes, surprised at her surroundings. “Bugger.” She whispered under her breath as she turned to look at the guy who she’d woken up next to in the broom closet. She quickly dressed herself, opening the door and praying that Lily wasn’t around. The last thing she wanted was for Lily to yell at her for getting drunk. It was a Gryffindor Quidditch party, what more could you expect?She hadn’t meant to end up a broom closet with him but it had just… happened. It was often like this; Marlene just couldn’t keep her hands off gorgeous boys. “One boy more than others.” She thought to herself as Sirius popped up in her mind. Grabbing her jumper from the floor she pulled it on and turned to observe the sleeping boy beside her who was currently drooling. She shivered, repulsed by the sight and quickly heading for the doorway. She walked along the corridors, laughing as the paintings on the walls looked at her with disgust. She picked up her pace when she saw a couple of students who were already up. She knew she probably wasn’t going to make it in time for her next class and she could already feel her hangover setting in. She needed to get back to her dorm as quickly as possible without being seen and she knew that there was little chance of this happening. She began to run, legging it across the court yard and heading along many other endless corridors to the Fat Lady painting. She quickly mumbled the password under her breath, hoping that she’d remember the right one. The portrait swung open and she breathed a sigh of release. She smirked when she noticed a tall, dark haired figure lounging on the chair next the fireplace. He’d obviously drifted off to sleep and she laughed to herself quietly, deciding it’d be funny to give him a shock. She crept up behind him, making sure that she didn’t knock anything over in her clumsiness. “Morning, Sirius!” She shouted in his ear as she poked him hard on the shoulder before collapsing on the floor in laughter.
P.S. Sorry this wasn't  as prompt as I usually would be!
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
hey, are the FCs negotiable?
Of course! 
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
Narcissa Black || Accepted
Your Name: Sabrina Your Age: 24 Timezone: EST How active are you?: I'm usually on every day  ————-
Character Name: Narcissa Black
Face Claim: I'd like to change it to Amber Heard if that's alright Year/House: 6th year Blood Status: Pure Blood Ships: Lucius/Narcissa  Other Information: Prefect Character Bio: When you are born into the Black family a certain level of perfection is expected of you and Narcissa was a shining example of that.  She was obedient to her parents and soft spoken, never stepping one foot out of line.  She had her older sisters mistakes to learn from.  Cygnus and Druella Black were very cruel parents and taught their girls very little about love.  Being the baby of the family Narcissa got the least of the harsh treatment.  Her sisters often protected her and made sure she saw life through a rose colored glass.  This is where Narcissa learned her concept of love.  There was worry in the family when Narcissa showed no signs of magical ability and she often found it unfair that her sisters could do things that she could not.  Her parents often lied about it in the company of others and prayed that they wouldn't have to explain one day that their daughter was a squib.  Their fears disappeared however when one night Bellatrix decided to cut off all Narcissa's hair and when she went running to cry to her parents, it had all grown back.  When she began Hogwarts, Narcissa had no problem making friends and gaining a certain popularity although the importance she places in blood purity makes her fairly selective about the company she keeps.  She is the epitome of poise and purity.  Despite her icy exterior and holier than thou attitude, Narcissa almost seems nice in comparison to her older sister Bellatrix and may just have a kinder heart than she lets on.  There is a plan set in motion to arrange a marriage between her and a pure blood male.  While Narcissa is the subject of the affections of many pure blood males, she desires more than that.  She wishes to be loved and to love someone with her whole heart and fears that the arrangement her parents are planning means she will end up in a marriage that lacks that.  That doesn't mean that she doesn't intend on marrying whoever they wish.  She is after all the golden child and it's what is expected of her. Sample: 
It was the middle of the night when Narcissa crept out of her four poster bed headed down to the Slytherin common room.  Everyone else was fast asleep and dreaming of things that were probably less pure than all the other houses.  Narcissa on the other hand could not sleep. 
She had an exam the next day and she had hardly studied.  She had hardly batted an eye towards the covered material they were going to be tested on.  Narcissa liked to give off the air that things came natural to her.  She liked to look perfect without trying and there was ironically a lot of trying that came along with that image.  It was why she was casting Lumos ever so quietly as to not wake anyone up and reading through one of her books.  She needed the extra study time, but she would never admit that to anyone.  After she spent all night cramming her head with information and eventually got the grade that was expected of her, Narcissa would feign a certain nonchalance.  She made everything look easy when it might just be harder for her.
It was cold in the common room yet she could not light a fire for fear of disturbing anyone's slumber and every sound had her jumping out of her skin.  Despite that she got through the studying she needed to and was confident that she would score high on the upcoming exam.  People would wonder how she did it and talk about how intelligent she was, but no one would ever know her secret.  Narcissa's reputation for being perfect would remain in tact, just the way she liked it.
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
can people apply for reserved characters?
Certainly! :)
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lumos-maxima-rp-blog · 13 years
Lily Evans || Accepted
Your Name: Alison Your Age: Twenty Timezone: Eastern How active are you?: I am on everyday
Character Name: Lily Evans
Face Claim: (If not stated or OC) Karen Gillan
Year/House: Sixth Year Gryffindor Blood Status: Muggleborn Ships: James/Lily Other Information: Head Girl Character Bio:
Lily Marie Evans was always the one to feel out of place. Growing up in Muggle London she never knew about magic or a school called Hogwarts. Though all of her life she felt different. Her sister, Petunia, helped with that feel as well. Always picking on Lily and calling her names. It wasn’t until she met a young boy named Severus Snape. He lived in the next neighborhood over. He was the first one to tell Lily she was different and meant it as a good thing. That was when she figured out that she wasn’t just an ordinary girl. She was a witch.
Severus eventually became her best friend and the only person she could really talk to. Her older sister would bully her for that two. Calling him the weird boy but he wasn’t. He was the sweetest person she had ever met. He also taught her some things and told her all about Hogwarts. The following year she received her acceptance letter and it brought instant joy to her parents. Everyone was thrilled, well except for Petunia.
For Lily, Hogwarts was a new adventure. In her first year she felt like she had learned the most amazing things and never thought it could get any better. However it did. Over the next few years Lily soared in her classes. Gathering up as much knowledge as she could. She couldn’t get enough.
However every life comes with changes Lily ended her friendship with Severus last year after he called her mudblood. She could never forgive him for that. Also, Lily knew that this year would be different. Mainly because she was to be head girl. More responsibilities. It excited Lily. Though, as usual, she wasn't looking forward to seeing James Potter.
Today seemed like a good day to catch up on some reading. Normally this would be done in the library or a quiet spot in the house but instead being outside seemed best. After all reading was reading. It didn’t matter where you just happened to be cracking the book as long as it took you on that epic journey that you expected. And for someone like Lily Evans, reading open new doors. Doors to new places, people, and things. Pulling the heavy oak door which lead out into her yard, Lily squinted her eyes. The sun slowly adjusted to her emerald orbs as she walked down the few steps and took a look around. The neighborhood was quiet today. A few people were out bustling around. Working in their gardens or watching their children run around as they played with other block children. Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air she walked over to a bench that was just under a large maple tree near the side yard. It was the tree where Lily always sat to read a nice book. Lily got herself comfortable and pressed her back up against the armrest which lay just behind her with a pillow resting against it. Her fingers slid over the edges of the paper before she protruded them down into the pages. Skipping about until she found the page she had last left off on she began to read. Letting her eyes wander across the page. Taking in every captivating word. Her mind eased into a state of imagination and wonder and then finally she was totally submerged into her book.
Nothing could break this bond now. Not even a child whose ball accidentally came up into the yard and they had to come get while screaming and laughing. Or a mailman who was riding his bike and dropped a few letter into the tin. It was true; nothing could rip this young girl from her book. Well that was partly true. There was one thing and that was her beloved, James Potter. Lily and James had known each other for quite some time now. Since their early Hogwarts years to be more exact. At first Lily ultimately despised only because he would pester her long time friend Severus Snape. But as the years grew on things changed and people changed. And around their seventh year, James seemed to have changed a great deal. That was when her past feelings for him suddenly evaporated and were replaced with butterflies and giggles. It made her think that maybe they had just gotten off on the wrong foot. Besides he was rather attractive. As the years went on the two grew closer and eventually started dating which was something new for Lily. During her adolescent years she didn’t really date. At least nothing that became serious like her relationship with James.
Lily shifted on the bench and turned the page. Her mind getting more and more attached to the book as she went along. She had yet to hear the car door slam in the driveway but was soon interrupted by someone yanking the book from her hands. “Hey! I was reading th—” she paused after she actually got a good look as to who had torn the novel from her grasp. “James!” she added. Lily flung her arms around his neck tightly and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “I didn’t expect you home for a few more hours.” She followed him into the house. He seemed to have a huge grin on his face and it made Lily curious. As he went through the threshold of the house he seemed to have disappeared. Looking around she heard the door creek from behind her and whipped around to see James standing there. All debonair-like with that same grin floating upon his lips. “James, what’s going on?” she asked. Her green orbs watched as he put down a bag and then slightly stepped toward her.
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