13 posts
please girl, you hold me now.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lumnries · 2 years ago
Nah but imagine kenny and Reader Are Like in a secret relationship and cart man tries to get reader and some guy together at a party for the hell of it and Kenny gets jealous and tells everyone your dating and just leaves the party with you and goes back to your house with like insecure kenny at the end thinking he doesn’t deserve
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┆.pairings kenny mccormick x gn reader
┆.synopsis having a secret relationship w him
┆.cw cussing, mental breakdowns & mentions of harassment
✉️ ... DW!!!! i actually think this idea is sweet 😭😭😭 i’m absolutely head over heels for comfort so how could i not???
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you were sitting in front of a counter. your boyfriend and you were separated. you’ve last seen him being dragged by his raven haired friend. though you did miss him & consider looking for him, you knew it’d be weird if you were to look for him as you guys weren’t all that close publicly. plus, he didn’t have the best image. you didn’t want rumors to start between you guys.
another thing that was weird was his other friend staring at you with a smirk. if you were correct, his name was cartman. kenny did tell you he wasn’t the best person so you always steered clear of him. the feeling of being watched bothered you. you were now contemplating wether to walk up to him and confront him or just leave it alone. before reaching a decision, you hear footsteps towards your way. you look up to see cartman and somebody else in front of you.
“can i help you?” you ask. “hey, we’re in the same class. do you remember me?” you shake your head. not wanting to continue the conversation, you try to leave but a hand held out yours. it was cartman. “lame. just stay for a bit, you’re single aren’t ya?” he says that before lowering you back into your seat. you feel yourself shake, not used to this kind of attention. you wanted to just stand up and tell him to leave you alone but you didn’t wanna cause a scene. even so, it already seemed like a crowd started to gather.
“i’m not interested. can you just let me leave? i don’t even know you.” you had no idea how you even caught the attention of the two boys, so you didn’t understand why they had to mess with you. “oh come on, you’re seriously rejecting him without even getting to know him?” cartman continues as he keeps pushing the guy in front of you. more & more people came to watch, yet none tried to stop the boys from forcing themselves on you.
suddenly, somebody had hit the guy as his face hit the floor. you were dazed for a moment before realizing what had happened. you pulled your eyes away from the injured guy before your eyes land on your boyfriend who wore an infuriated expression. the crowd was silent. some were checking up on the guy, while cartman was busy cursing under his breath and throwing insults at the blue eyed boy. ignoring him, kenny had stared at you worried before holding your hand and rubbing circles on it. “cartman, shut up before i do the same to you. stop bothering y/n.” as those words leave his mouth, the self-centered teen finally goes quiet.
“all of you are sick. i can’t believe you’d watch somebody get harassed.” kenny said with a harsh voice catching the attention of everybody. “y/n’s mine. don’t even bother coming up or else i’ll beat the fuck out of you.” he then pulls you away as you both leave the party leaving everyone to grasp his words. you watch him, concerned as he drags you to your house.
“ken? please talk to me.” you were now in your room with him laying on your bed as he stays still avoiding eye contact. he’s been avoiding your you were about to speak again before he cuts you off. “y/n- it… it isn’t your fault. i swear i’m okay i’m just mad at myself for losing myself to my emotions. specially at a party where everybody heard what i said. i promised to keep our relationship private and i fucked that up.” he finally looks at you tearing up.
“i’m not mad. just let it out. what they did was wrong. i understand why you did that, so let me focus on you. i’m here for you so please just tell me what you’re thinking.” you slurred your words trying to comfort him. he starts sobbing.
you heart aches as he seems to finally let all his worries out. “i’m gonna be honest, i love you so much. you’re one of the people i wanna cherish for my whole life. sometimes i just can’t but feel like you’d be better off with somebody else. you’ve always told me that it’s okay and that what mattered the most was the fact that i returned your love just the same or more, i wish i could give you more because you deserve better than me yet you decided to stay with me. i don’t get why you wanna be with me.” you hear him sniffle as you squeeze him in a tight hug.
“kenny. you’ve always been more than enough for me. nobody can compare to the way you make my heart feel. i don’t want anything else from you because you’ve already given me everything. i want you to understand that even if you think some people are better, i’ll always stick with you because you’re the person that caught my heart. nobody else.” you cuddle with him some more while reassuring him. he then stops to finally look at you and closes the gap between you. you kiss him back, feeling his soft lips connected to yours.
his lips leave yours with a soothed expression before grinning with a flustered expression. you smile back before telling him “i love you” as he sends an “i love you more” in return.
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lumnries · 2 years ago
Hi <33 If you have the time, could u write hcs for wendy with a s/o that likes cute stuff (hello kitty and stuff like that) but doesn't tell her because they're scared she'll think they're weird and because they've been bullied for it before? If not feel free to ignore this, take your time, no pressure!
╭ . . . Wendy & a s/o who likes cute things ੭
• ➛ HCS ╰ warnings :: swearing, its kinda (rlly) short, sorry.
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☆ - ・WENDY herself loves cute things so she wouldn't hate you if you yourself also loved cute things, but she understands why you'd wanna hide it
☆ - ・She'll always stand up for you if other's find out and bully you, they better get ready for the ass beating of a lifetime.
☆ - ・She'll always be there for you if you wanna ramble about hello kitty or anything you like
☆ - ・hell, she might even give you some of her 'cutesy' stuff- she just loves the look of pure happiness on you face when you get her little presents.
☆ - ・Will watch anything you want with you, whenever you two want, just to see you smile <3
☆ - ・If she didn't / doesn't find out she'll still stick by your side and will talk about 'cutesy' stuff when she sees something that she would dub as 'adorable'
☆ - ・If she found out via the bulling you receive, she'll talk with you after it, comforting you and telling you thats okay to like that kind of stuff!
☆ - ・After that she'll take you out for a mini date at whatever place you wanna eat and buy you a stuffed animal
☆ - ・thats pretty much it i think? Im sorry this is short i honestly didnt know what else to add
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lumnries · 2 years ago
gen. dating headcannons! + short stories
[ SOUTH PARK x reader ]
[ stanley marsh x reader + clyde donovan x reader ]
kyle, kenny and butters part is here !
gender : neutral cws : none! requested : yes ! thank you anon & jae ! i added in clyde for fun since him and butters are my favorite characters to write :))) i hope that was okay!
NOTICE : these characters are aged up, and intended to be 19/20+!
a/n : my requests are still open as always :) ! if requested i'll do other characters as well !!!
stan :
out of everyone i’ve written, i think stanley is the least likely to ask you out on a date. ignoring the vomit aside (since i’m sure he grows out of it eventually), i’m sure his stomach would be tied in knots and he wouldn’t have the courage to really ask you out. which leads him to the idea of letting you know you have a secret admirer. he’ll leave notes in your locker or in your bag, a nice compliment or two to get you through the day. though one day if you ever get curious enough i’m sure you’ll be able to figure out he’s your secret admirer, admiring you from afar, (he probably isn’t trying too hard to hide his identity). if you confront him he’ll spill the beans and probably be a total nervous wreck doing it, but will end by asking you out <3
KARAOKE AND DINER DATES. omg i totally can see you dragging him to karaoke with you as a second or third date. he would take you to his favorite diner around, then you'd order both of you a milkshake with two straws. i can totally see you guys sharing a booth together and giggling about it. his face would be sooo red once the waiter comes back with the milkshake.
definitely does not handle jealousy in the most healthy ways, i think if he was jealous you'd have to kind of ask him what's wrong - i don't think he'd come out and tell you that he has a problem with you hanging out with the new kid / new kid flirting with you etc. once you reassured him nothing was going on there and you wouldn't leave him, he'd probably gain his confidence back and feel a bit more secure in your guys relationship. he'd ask you beforehand if he could be a bit more open with pda when it came to dudes flirting with you, and if you say yes he'll start holding your hand around more and calling you babe around the guys who are tryna hit on you.
i think he likes being the big spoon at first, then prefers to quietly move to cuddling you as the small spoon. he definitely wants to protect you but i've always seen stan as someone who also needs a lot of comfort and comforting, though i don't think he'd be open or honest about any of it. he really wouldn't want to come across as weak or lame to you especially, so he would definitely hope you and him would have a silent agreement while cuddling that he can be the little spoon :,)
i think he prefers 'babe' or 'baby' the most to call you, i get the impression he's not too big on pet names or anything like that. especially around his friends, he'd be a bit upset with you if you used any silly or especially romantic pet names around his friends. mostly because you know what his friends are like. i get the feeling he'd LOVE them in private though, like while you're cuddling him and softly playing with his hair. slide in a little, "hey sweetheart - you're so beautiful". i can totally see him melting into you in that moment.
"Hey babe." Stan walked over to you and the new kid, rubbing the back of his palm against yours, before grabbing your hand properly, but gently. He made sure that the new kid was able to see your hands, holding your hand up to his lips and kissing the back of it gently before returning back to your hands natural state together.
The new kid looked between you both, realizing there wasn't really much getting in between you two, before waving to you both goodbye.
"What was that about, Stan?" You looked at him, smiling a little to yourself and him at the new public display of affection.
Stan shook his head. "Nothing, just missed you." He said watching the new kid walk away, before looking back at you and gazing into your eyes, then giving you a kiss on the forehead.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
clyde :
definitey talked to tolkien and craig before trying to ask you out. he really wants to come off as genuine to you, instead of just trying to get into your pants like he may have done previously to other people. again, wants to come off as genuine instead of just flirty. tolkien would probably be super encouraging and craig would probably be like “if you don’t tell them i will” or something like that. i think in the end though clyde asking you out would go something like; “hey you should come to my football game, y/n.” “it’s winter? it’s not football season..?” cue to him wiping the sweat off his forehead, “y-yeah.. what i meant was… you can play foot with my… no wait - wait..”
clyde definitely would take you to an amusement park, he's not super into rollercoasters since they're a bit scary but if you beg him he'll totally go with you. though be warned, he'll be holding onto your hand the entire time. i also get the impression he would LOVVEEE to take you into a haunted house of some kind, totally not using the fear as an excuse for you to hold onto him, but he ends up holding onto you out of fear - maybe crying a little. he doesn't want to seem like a baby around you but you can't fault him for being scared - right?
honestly? i think clyde is similar to kyle in that he gets a bit more territorial (again as seen in that one episode with bebe and kyle). though he definitely isn't as possessive as kyle. clyde's the type of person to throw your arm around you and say something like "what's up, honey! who's this guy?", as if the other guy isn't trying to flirt with you. if you were spending too much time with tolkien or stan (or any other boy really) he'd probably get genuinely upset and would communicate this of course, throughout a very teary night. he always wants to be your #1 and is probably a little afraid of you leaving him for someone else (especially if it's his fault (cough) his mom (cough)).
i can definitely see the sun barely coming up and shining on him and yourself glistening on yours and his skins. he would definitely be hugging your waist and pressed in between your chest. his legs would wrap around yours. you playing with his hair as he whispers sweet nothings to you. he's definitely a big ol' cuddle bug, and i can see him and you during the summer deciding not to cuddle since it's too hot, and then waking up in each others very, very sweaty arms.
he’s so hit or miss with sweet names, i feel like he probably calls you “sweetheart” or “honeyy” but i could also see him saying something like “mx/mr/ms. y/n donovan” all the time. especially around his friends or anyone who might try to hit on you. i feel like he’s all lovey dovey and tries to act like a married couple to get people away from you. plus, he loves the idea of getting married to you. and if you play along (calling him “mr. clyde l/n”) he’ll lose his MIIIND practically cries tears of joy hearing that :,)
You and your lovely boyfriend Clyde were laying in his king size bed (since of course, he had to buy a bed fit for a king), as the sun began to set. It was summertime, the wind was nowhere to be found and the air was humid. Clyde's room was hot, since there was little to no ventilation. You turned to Clyde, his face slightly covered in sweat as he wiped it off with a nearby towel. His face was glistening from the sun setting, as the purple-y pink sun shined on his face.
"What's wrong honey?" You snapped out of your thoughts, shaking your head and looking back at him - your face subtly flushed. Partially from the heat, but also from him.
"You just looked really pretty... even with all that sweat on your face, hehe." You grinned at him.
Clyde looked back at you with the biggest toothy smile on his face, tackling you down onto the bed and peppering you with kisses. You both were too hot (literally and figuratively) to be holding each other like this, your arms wrapped around him as he smooched you.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
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lumnries · 2 years ago
I'M REALLY SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING... 😭😭😭 BUT LIKE, feel free to send in more reqs because i'll finish them in 3 days or less
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lumnries · 2 years ago
hihi!! I hope you are doing well <3
Would it be alright to request hc of Kyle fake dating with the reader, so people would stop making fun of them being single?? But maybe, they end up falling for each other on accident... ajeuaknsdb ty!!
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┆.pairings kyle broflovski x gn reader
┆.synopsis fake dating w kyle then falling in love
┆.cw n/a
✉️ ... AAA I LOVE THIS IDEA IT'S SO CUTE !! since u wanted hcs, the story is a bit short (maybe i got carried away) also this may be bad bc it's 1am & i have school in 4 hours LOL
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OKAY, you probably ask him first. like, he hates being teased about it by the others but he never thought of pretending to date somebody.
he won't agree right away since he wants to focus on himself but w a bit of convincing he's in!!!!
whenever you guys are together, he's nervous. even if he doesn't like you yet. he just doesn't know how to act near you sometimes 😭😭
he'll catch feelings first, but he won't realize it until he's trying to sleep & can't because he's thinking of you.
will probably ask you to hang out with him more & just say it's because his friends are "suspicious" of your relationship.
PLS HE'S SO STRESSED. he will NOT tell you unless you seem to like him back.
"he's literally head over heels for them dude." cartman says, the 2 boys snicker watching the said boy look around the halls searching for a certain h/c person. he decided to finally end your fake relationship in hopes of having an actual connection. as he searches for your figure, & his eyes finally land on you. he ignores his friends, walking up to you.
"y/n, hey." you hear the ginger male whisper. you wonder why he was in such close proximity, you start to feel yourself burn crimson but pray that he doesn't notice your enchanted state. "can we go somewhere? it's important." he drags you to an empty classroom before giving you a chance to talk, further dazing you.
"okay, i'll get straight to the point. i like you, romantically. i wanna actually date you & take you out on dates. i didn't want to get any feelings involved, but i just can't pretend that i don't feel like this towards you. i'm sorry if you don't want to talk to me after this but i understand. so please, will you be mine?" his heart races seeing your ecstatic expression before pulling him in an embrace with a low "of course silly, i like you too" coming from your mouth.
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lumnries · 2 years ago
HIII can i request kyle w a s/o thats like into fashion and is like soo sassy ? like when kyle wears an outfit he thinks looks decent she’d be like “what r u wearing…😦”and basically judging anyones outfit she comes across ITS SO FUNNY TO ME 💀💀
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┆.pairings kyle broflovski x fem reader
┆.synopsis sassy reader who’s into fashion
┆.cw not proofread
✉️... HELLO??? i love helping my friends with their outfits so 😈😈😈 SRRY THIS WAS LATE this is the only req i’m doing 2day so… mb i don’t think this is what u wanted good but i’m busy & just wanted to do this!!! he’s aged up
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he def helps you pick out clothes or it’s the other way around HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT’S OUTDATED 😭😭😭
HONESTLY??? he loves it when you criticize others outfits, even when it’s him because he finds it cute when you talk about being able to style shit better
1:50pm. you & your boyfriend have been purchasing clothes for hours now. you’ve been suggesting to get him new clothes ever since you saw his closet. you couldn’t just continue on with your original plan going to a cafe, knowing his closet was full of outdated things. he didn’t mind, he was happy just going on a date with you but he really didn’t understand how you could try on all these outfits without being tired. “so? which are you most comfortable with?” you ask. “pick what you think fits me the most. they’re both comfortable.” he replies as you hum. “i’ll buy the both of them.” you smile as he follows you to the counter & pay with no care in the world. he’s a bit concerned if you ask him, you’ve paid for all his clothes this whole time & you guys already have more than 2 bags.
“this should be enough. stop spending your money.” you leave the store before adding on. “i just need to replace everything in that closet of yours. i love you but i think i’ll get a heart attack if i see any of your clothes again.” you can see the crimson red hue in his face and giggle. “i’ll stop for today but you better stop wearing whatever that is after this.” you point to his current outfit. “the colors make you stand out, but the outfit itself is just horrible.” you shoot him a horrified look to which he chuckles at. you wander around a bit more before you turn to him.
“WAIT, WE FORGOT SOMETHING IMPORTANT.” you stop in your tracks as you look back only to see him with a confused expression that plastered his face. “your wallet? maybe your brush? what is it? should i check the bags?” he instantly fumbles around the bag trying to search for something. “accessories! i didn’t buy you any accessories!” you whine. “wait what?” he pauses and stares at you, you take this as a chance to continue. “we need to go back and buy you a few things, maybe a bag, or some jewelry! i don’t want the outfits to look plain on you.” he seems to calm down as he finally gets what you mean. “do we have to?” you nod as you point at somebody behind him. he wonders why you were pointing at the person until you speak up.
“you see her? i can’t even describe how bad her outfit looks, it’s like i’ll really have a heart attack this time but if she layered a black top and wore a bit of jewelry she could’ve looked at least decent.” he quickly lowers your arm & tells you to not say that as he worries somebody might overhear you. inside, he’s just laughing because he can’t deny that it’s somewhat true as the girl looks boring. not wanting to cause any possible scenes, he grins before agreeing to buy accessories with an agreement that he pays.
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lumnries · 2 years ago
partnering with a flirty Clyde for a project while dating main four headcannons
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He would only bring it up to you if it’s really getting bad.
i feel like it irrated him a lot more since Clyde thinks Kyle is ugly.
Clyde definitely knows y’all are together lmfao, i just don’t think he realizes how flirty he his.
Kyle would side eye Clyde any chance he gets.
“hey kyle, can we see your note? we need to use it for the project”- you
“yea babe, here” - kyle
“Thanks dude” - Cylde
*side eyes*- kyle
His friends tell his constantly to beat Clyde’s ass (its not like he’s finna lose lmfao)
I feel like he would be straight up “can you not flirt w/ her”
Unless Clyde knew and he kept flirting Stan would def start a fight and that would lead to Clyde’s group and Stan’s group beefing.
If he ever seen you around Clyde he would be sooo heartbroken it’s not even funny. Like he thought y’all both hated him :(
“ stan i need to be around him…we are working on a project”- you
“:(“- stan
just please don’t hang around clyde no more lmfao.
He def has his friends on the look out too just in case if clyde still messes with you.
ngl i don’t see kenny really caring.
like he knows how clyde is and at the end of the day your still dating kenny.
but i see it as your ranting to kenny how annoying it is, now he has a problem.
but either way as soon as kenny says something to clyde about it clyde stops.
he is pissed alll the way off.
he wasn’t to fight clyde so bad. (he never ends up fighting him)
tbh as soon as he hears y’all are partnered up together he demands y’all be switched.
he uses the excuse that you work better with him (sure..)
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lumnries · 2 years ago
gen. dating headcannons + short story [ SOUTH PARK X READER ]
[ kyle broflovski x reader ]
[ kenny mccormick x reader ]
[ leopold 'butters' stotch x reader ]
gender : neutral cws : minor nsfw (kennys part) ! requested : yes (@h3artilly ! thank you for the request pookie! I THOUGHT THE STAN SAID KENNY LMFAOOO dw ill write u a stan one too <3)
NOTICE : these characters are aged up, and intended to be 19/20+!
a/n : my requests are open !!! (please request if you have anything you’d like to see me write!)
kyle :
asked stan for advice while asking you out, though stan's advice was something along the lines of "good luck bud" since the chances are, kyle already knows what he needs to do - he just needs to gain the courage to actually do it. i feel like he'd ask you to study over at his house and then would attempt to make a move on you, while you guys are taking a break he'll throw his arm around you. i definitely think he'll be a bit stiff at first, but once you lean into him, he starts to relax.
for dates, i feel like he'd definitely be into studying with you, but i don't think he'd consider that a date - more like you're just motivation for him to keep going and vise versa. so i think realistically he'd take you on a date anywhere you wanted to go! i definitely think he's not a fan of movie dates though, since he wants to be watching and talking to you, not a movie. he would also totally take you to casabonita, and would specifically make sure cartman isn't there on the reservation sheet just so nobody could get in your guys way. he'd take you all over the resturant, showing you the little arcade area, (he is definitely going to try and show off his basketball skills on that one basketball game).
kyle is definitely a lot more possessive than i would've initially thought. i feel like he (unintentionally) probably is very territorial with you. if a guy hits on you i feel like he'll definitely come over and throw his arm around you, you know making casual small talk, but his face would be pretty red from anger so needless to say the other guy probably would take the hint. i also think he'd probably express his anger later in the night by 'marking' you (with hickies), again very territorial.
big spoon. i repeat. big spoon. aside from that though, he wants to softly kiss your face and your neck, his arms around your hips and facing you. he wants to worship you! of course, when he's upset or doesn't have the energy to be the big spoon he'd ask if you could do it for sure. i feel like he also loves little gentle kisses across his face. i can definitely imagine him loving the lipstick trend. he also probably loves it if you play with his hair (just as long as you don't mess it up too much).
i feel like he's definitely more into the sort of 'classic' pet names, think like "sweetheart" or "darling". i feel like he'd really like the more elegant ones. he'd want you to feel like the queen to his king, worshipping you all the way.
"Y/n, could you be the big spoon this time?" Kyle looked at you, then down away from you as if he was embarrassed by his emotions and his wants.
"Do you even have to ask?" You spoke with a genuine smile, adjusting yourself so you were above him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he turned over with you. You couldn't help but place a few kisses on his neck as he turned over, gently tickling him as it caused him to let out a laugh.
"Y/nnn... stop that darling it tickleess..." He spoke unserious, his voice seeping with little giggles.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
kenny :
once he recognized how he felt about you, i feel like he was probably nervous but straightforward. i get the impression kenny wouldn't want to beat around the bush or make you uncomfortable if you didn't know the way he was thinking about you. i think he'd probably pick some flowers for you, and get some advice from karen as to what he should say to make it seem like he really cares and isn't just flirting with you for fun.
he'll definitely do his best to work as hard as possible, taking overtime hours to treat you. he wants to take you out to a nice dinner, candlelit with spaghetti - all the works. however, upon realizing he doesn't have enough money to treat you out somewhere expensive - he goes ahead and asks his sister for advice. they both decide they'll work on making a nice homemade spaghetti, and karen will dress up as a fancy waiter to serve you. it'll be candle lit (mostly so you can't see how his house is in ruins) and they'll both do their best to make it a magical first date as you deserve !!!
kenny definitely gets jealous, especially knowing how guys are (from experience of course (he's the type of guy he'd be wary of)). he's definitely the type to throw his arm around you whenever some man is flirting with you, and he'll probably go as far to borderline make out with you in front of him if he isn't taking the hint. though he definitely wouldn't do all of this if you weren't into it, i think he just likes to make a bit of a show out of the guy who's hitting on you.
definitely prefers to be the larger spoon when spooning, but i think his favorite way of cuddling his probably putting his head on your chest, and his arms around your waist. his spooning style reminds me of that one clip of the guy saying "titty in hand, dick hard on the butt ..." or smth like that - could also totally see him trying to make a tiktok with you using that clip (regardless of gender) ;)
definitely calls you sickeningly sweet pet names as a joke to tease you, like "how's my cutie pie buttercup doing today?" with a cheeky smirk as you probably look back at him in annoyance since you guys are in public. i think he probably says it so much that it slowly becomes unironic and he seriously starts calling you that.
You could feel Kenny squirming around behind you, his phone in hand - trying to get all the right angles. You looked over your shoulder trying to see what he was doing.
"Ken, why are you moving around?"
Kenny looked at you, then proceeded to start playing an audio "how to spoon : titty in my hand, dick hard on butt, kiss ya neck".
"...If you wanted someone to teach you how to spoon, you should've just asked me." You spoke with a smile, before taking his free hand and putting it on your chest.
Kenny felt like he could melt in that moment, his hands melting into yours and his body practically turning into mush.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
butters :
he definitely asked kenny for help and advice. i feel like kenny would probably tell butters to just go for it! kenny would definitely help him pick out a nice outfit for when he asks you out, meanwhile butters is getting you a huge bouquet of flowers and some chocolates for you. he'd probably mention in there that he didn't want to go too crazy with everything but he really does want to give you the world. i also feel like cartman would probably get wind of this and tell butters to do a public confession, because cartman thinks you don't like butters. but the look on cartmans face when you tell butters you'd love to go out with him... priceless. but so is butters! he'd run up to you and give you a huge hug and tell you that he'll pick you up at 7 at your house.
i feel like butters would probably want to do a picnic date. he definitely came prepared with tons of food and all different types since he doesn't know which is your favorite. he'll stay with you and eventually walk you home - but he ended up not getting home fast enough and got grounded. in return you'd end up taking him to a hello kitty café! though only after his grounding. i can definitely imagine you and him doing super secret facetime dates when he's grounded where you guys play videogames or like a board game on call. he'd love it if you snuck in while he was grounded, but he's SO nervous about getting caught or having his parents be on bad terms with you so it definitely wouldn't be all the time.
i feel like if someone tried to hit on you he wouldn't really know what to do, but he also has enough trust in you to be able to handle them yourself. it's not that he doesn't care, but more like he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable by stepping in if you can handle it ! though if it ever got too far and you looked like you couldn't, he'd probably put on his big boy pants and tell the guy to get outta there !!
i get the impression he would want to be on the same level as you. i think he'd want to be able to look you in the eyes while cuddling - or doing anything for that matter. part of it is because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable but also because he thinks your eyes are beautiful and wants to stare at your face. he'd most likely want to face you, and pull your waist towards him sliding his hand on your back. though he'd do it carefully and gently, treating you like a gentle flower that could move away anytime you wanted.
definitely calls you the most random and/or corniest pet names ever, think like "heya cutie-patootie-razarooie!". this definitely causes people to give you weird looks but i think it's part of his charm, and i'm sure you do too.
“Well heya there schnookums!” Your boyfriend Butters walks over to you just as the new kid was asking for your number. “Were ya in the middle of somethin’ with your pal here?” He spoke with a bit of envy leaking from his voice.
You shook your head, throwing an arm around Butters waist and looking back at the new kid. “Sorry.. I have to go on a date with my boyfriend.”
The new kid watched this go down, shrugging and walking away, leaving you and your boyfriend alone.
“Jee wizz, y/n. You’re really somethin’ else, you know that?” Butters placed a kiss on your forehead, moving some of your hair out of the way before taking the hand that was on his waist and holding it gently as you two walked off together.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
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lumnries · 2 years ago
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┆.pairings main 4 x gn reader
┆.synopsis matching w him!!!!
┆.cw cussing
✉️ … i’m back w another one!!!! my reqs are still open :3 FOR MY CURRENT REQS, I’M DOING YOURS WHEN I WAKE UP 😁😁 they're aged up here as usual
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stan ⊹ matching earrings
OKAY HE’S A BIT CONFUSED. he’s heard of people matching things, but when you suggest it he’s all ???
he definitely lets you pick what you want to match. since you did ask him first, he may as well let you decide what you want. & when you finally picked something out, he was kinda stunned. like ohmygod EARRINGS??? 😦😦😦 he thought you meant something more simple, like keychains but it’s not like he’s complaining
HE’S SO HAPPY WHEN YOU GUYS GO OUT AND WEAR THEM. he never takes them off, like ever.
“stan, do you like this one?” his gaze turns to the earring you’re holding. he briefly looks at it before nodding and quickly muttering a yes. “okay! i’ll buy it.” he panics as you take out your wallet, not wanting you to spend your money. “how about i pay for it? i may as well buy it since you were the one who thought of it.” you let out a snicker as you smile at him. “you always pay for our dates. let me repay you by this.” he sighs, murmuring something about you not needing to repay anything. he decides to let it go, knowing he couldn’t convince you.
kyle ⊹ matching keychains
at first he wonders what you’d want, however he’d probably just go for the most common choice. why? because he does NOT care wtf you guys get as long as it’s something you’d like ‼️‼️
today, you were gonna meet up with your boyfriend, kyle. since it was the weekends, you guys planned to do a study date at his house. he told you he’d help you with your homework, but just now, he texted you to tell you that he had a surprise. saying you were excited was an understatement. currently, you’re in your boyfriends room. he welcomes you in, as he tells you to take a sit on his bed. he then takes out two keychains that had the design of both your favorite animals. he hands his to you. “i saw something yesterday, & bought these for the both of us. you have mine, i have yours. now we have something to remind us of each other.” you can’t help but grin at the boy, and give him a kiss in the cheek.
cartman ⊹ matching pjs
he just saw some cute pjs and instantly bought it thinking abt u 🙏
HE DEF VISITS YOU RANDOMLY JUST TO SEE YOU WEARING IT. he wants to make sure you like it 😭😭
“CARTMAN, WHAT THE FUCK.” you’re dumbfounded, seeing your boyfriend outside your window. it was 1 in the morning, and he was out here with just his pajamas. you went out with a jacket in your hand, worried. you’re now outside only to be met with his satisfied expression. you put the jacket on him & smack him, to which he groans at. “what was that for??? i just wanted to see you.” you sigh, knowing he meant well but couldn’t help but worry. “you know, i’m fine with you visiting me but at least try taking of yourself. you could’ve gotten a cold…” he whines, but understands your concern. “fine, not because i’m listening to you but because i don’t wanna get sick and miss my classes with you again.” he looks away. you laugh at his antics only to receive a glare. “my bad. but why’re you here at one? is it something important?” he smirks. “of course, i had to see if you were wearing my gift.” you stare for a moment before you cackle. you whisper a low of course before inviting him in to sleep with you for the night, not wanting him to be troubled by the algid air.
kenny ⊹ matching lego sets
GUYS. LISTEN. i saw these rlly cute lego sets on pinterest & was like “omg this is perfect” BECAUSE THEY’RE SO CUTE
anyways, you probably buy them because you were originally looking for a gift to give karen but the moment you saw the set you just knew you HAD to buy it.
HE WAS SURPRISED, LIKE YOU GOT ME A GIFT TOO??? he was straight up crying happy tears like u’re so thoughtful 🙁🙁
“well, i’m just glad your sister liked the gift. we should take her out next time.” you say to the blonde boy. he nods, seemingly lost in thought. “ken? you good?” you ask. the male jerks his head to look at you and apologizes. “you know you can tell me anything.” you reassure him as he laughs. confused, you open your mouth to speak but he cuts you off. “no, i’m just curious why there’s still something in the bag.” he points to the said object. “oh! wait a moment.” you get up & take the bag as you walk back to kenny to hand him the bag. he’s confused for a moment before he checks the inside and sees two lego boxes. “what do you think?” you watch him as you wait for a reaction, and you see his beaming smile. he turns to you & hugs you as he thanks you over and over for getting him a gift.
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lumnries · 2 years ago
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stan marsh 01 | mutual pining 02 | matching things
kyle broflovski 01 | matching things 02 | fashionable & sassy reader 03 | fake dating then falling in love
eric cartman 01 | matching things
kenny mccormick 01 | matching things 02 | fake dating
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lumnries · 2 years ago
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┆.pairings stan marsh x gn reader ft. kenny
┆.synopsis stan’s been friends with you since 4th grade, how does he feel realizing he holds feelings for you?
┆.cw not proofread
✉️ … this is my first blog post SO i just wanna say my reqs are open !!!! hmu, you can find my rules here :D i don’t write a lot so this got a bit poor but i tried my best <\3 I FORGOT TO MENTION, THEY’RE IN HIGHSCHOOL HERE 😭😭😭
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he doesn’t really realize at first, he’s always noticed how his heart beats faster whenever you were around but never really thought much about it.
it was on the first of the month he recognized his feelings for you. he doesn’t know what to do, should he tell you or keep it to himself? he ponders about it for a bit while walking down the halls. as he reached his locker, he sees you hesitantly talking with kenny. it doesn’t help that both your lockers are right next to each other, but that’s besides the point. he’s more focused on finding out what you guys are taking about.
“hey, why are you guys whispering?” he asks as he opens his locker. only then do you turn around, and god does he feel like disappearing. “stan… it’s nothing.” he stops for a moment. & stares at you, he promptly takes note of your flushed expression & mentally frowns. “well, alright. where are the others?” he closes his locker as he looks at the both of you. kenny seems indifferent but he doesn’t fail to see the slight smirk he wears. now, his dejection is plastered all over his face. an expression of dumbstruck takes over you. “stan? what’s wrong?” you ask, his previous state nowhere to be seen. “don’t worry, i just remembered i had to do something.” giving you no time to speak, stan rushes away.
“seems like he’s discovered something.” kenny disrupts you from your train of thoughts. “kenny, this isn’t the time. he was probably upset about something else.” he shrugs. before you can add on another comment, the bell rings indicating the start of the first period. “shit. let’s talk again later at lunch.” you hurriedly walk to your class as kenny follows behind you. sighing, you open the door to your classroom only to be greeted by your teachers scowling face. you apologize, walking to your seat. you sit down, fixated on your teachers discussion — unaware of a certain someone’s gaze.
suddenly, it’s already lunch. you wait in line with the others in front, allowing you to consider how you actually feel. if you’re gonna be honest to yourself, you’ve probably felt this way towards stan for months now; but you’ve never bothered to express your feelings as he’s always been interested in wendy. but, kenny has certainly made you doubt yourself. you weren’t stupid, you noticed how he seemed to fidget whenever you were around or how his face seemed to slightly burn crimson whenever you complimented him. you sigh, confused by his change in behavior.
& just like that, the day ends. you say your goodbyes to your friends as you walk home. the cool breeze hitting you. your days went on just like this, days turned into weeks & the end of the month eventually got closer. it was the 31st. your day went on how it usually was, but nobody could imagine the stunned look on your face when stan told you to meet him at stark’s pond after class. your heart was racing as you were approaching the said location. you reached the lake, seeing the familiar figure of your friend.
he himself was painted with an embarrassed look. your mind went blank as he got closer & opened his mouth. “y/n, i’m slo glad you came. this is kinda humiliating. i mean, seeing me like this.” he stammers as he talks, “okay, i know this might be sudden but i like you. recently, i’ve started contemplating about how i felt towards you. and i’ve come to the conclusion that i’m absolutely fucked whenever i think of you because i just can’t seem to get you out of my head.” your gaze follows him as he turns his head, looking away. you hold his hands, seemingly making the raven haired boy redden even more. despite this, he doesn’t seem to mind.
“stan. i like you too, you don’t understand how happy i am just being in your presence. i’ve loved you since last year, i just couldn’t stand the idea of ruining our friendship over something i can’t control. just being together with you was enough, but now i’m not so sure.” he’s finally looking at you. your heart feels like bursting. he brings his face closer to yours, as you guys embrace each other. the warmth you felt that day couldn’t be described. & as the month finished, so was the constant confusion of your relationship with the boy you’ve liked.
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lumnries · 2 years ago
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀reqs are open
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⠀. ˚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀i. no nsfw
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ii. no graphic content (scratches, scars etc. are ok)
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀iii. no toxic romantic relationships
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ aged up characters (14 to 16) — anything weird will be deleted.
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i won’t write for trans or disabled characters, i’m not familiar so please understand that i don’t wanna compose work with inaccurate information.
i only write x readers, but i may mention some canon romantic interests with other characters.
i’m not good at poly however i will accept reqs abt poly relationships :D p.s they may take longer
characters with canon sexualities, like craig, will only be written with a male reader.
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lumnries · 2 years ago
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀hiya, i’m emiw. 18, i write for south park
⠀⠀⠀emi or em, i’m open to other nicknames. i use both fem & male prns, i’m an infp-t (4w5).
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