Wow no faith in your girlfriend as a professional athlete. I see how it is.
You cut me deep, Sandy
The Lake of the Sunne is beautiful! It’s always a little bit scary poking around in ruins, and it was sad to see that some things around there were broken, like one of the important looking statues near the entrance, but it felt really important! 
I had to stop Cat from trying to parkour on the ruins, I’m pretty sure they’re culturally significant and that would be really rude to do. I didn’t even take any pictures because I felt like I probably shouldn’t. Cat said that was silly because if it was really that sacred then they wouldn’t let all the tourists in and I guess she’s right but still…
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Okay look, like... Part of the whole point of parkour is to get in touch with your environment, right? I was just getting in touch with this big ol’ cultural landmark, and the Legendary it represents. It’s my own weird way of showing respect and gratitude, you know? It’s not any different from what the people who built this place used to do here, just with my own little flair to it~
The Lake of the Sunne is beautiful! It’s always a little bit scary poking around in ruins, and it was sad to see that some things around there were broken, like one of the important looking statues near the entrance, but it felt really important! 
I had to stop Cat from trying to parkour on the ruins, I’m pretty sure they’re culturally significant and that would be really rude to do. I didn’t even take any pictures because I felt like I probably shouldn’t. Cat said that was silly because if it was really that sacred then they wouldn’t let all the tourists in and I guess she’s right but still…
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You’re supposed to, um... process that stuff before you eat it. Y-you know that, right?
I’ll pick you up some medicine at the next PokeMart, you’re going to need it. Unless your magical girl powers involve healing or something?
Oh my gosh I’ve got to get better at keeping updates going on here! I guess it’s harder because it’s still a vacation so I keep doing stuff that doesn’t have anything to do with the trials and then I forget to post anything! 
I actually owe it to Cat, she’s the one who reminded me about posting here. It wasn’t exactly that she suggested I post again, though…more like she was laughing really hard and she told me that if I didn’t post an update “she sure as hell would because oh my god Sandy that’s the kind of thing I usually do”.
We were walking in Ula’ula meadow, and it’s amazing in there! Just fields of beautiful red flowers and little ponds with walkways all over and the most intoxicating spicy-sweet smell from all the pollen in the air. Elle, who hadn’t shown any interest in any other nectar, drank some and changed form. And no matter what Cat tries to tell you I didn’t think I would do some kind of magical girl transformation if I ate some! It just smelled so good and all the pokemon around seemed to like it, not just Elle! 
So I tasted it. It, um, it wasn’t exactly as tasty as I thought it would be. Kinda musky and watery with this really unpleasant kind of lingering cloying flowery taste. And I like lavender and rosewater, so it’s not like I hate floral foods! 
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You're not my mom you can't stop me
Exploring around Tapu Village is already paying off~ Helena learned Moonblast, and someone gave me the ride pager info to summon a Sharpedo! Those teeth are really something, I think I’ll probably stick with Lapras when I don’t need help breaking through rocks…
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How can you not like Sharpedo he goes SO FAST. It's like riding a motorcycle except you don't straight up die if you crash.
If you're not using him can I have the rental summoner thingy.
Exploring around Tapu Village is already paying off~ Helena learned Moonblast, and someone gave me the ride pager info to summon a Sharpedo! Those teeth are really something, I think I’ll probably stick with Lapras when I don’t need help breaking through rocks…
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Weren't you taking pictures of all the pokemon during that trial?
Go look through your photos and see if you have any of the back room!
Oh my goodness. I was so worried to go into the back storeroom, and after fighting a Gengar I was wondering what in the world the totem pokemon could be!
I was not ready for a room covered in Pikachu pictures and drawings, and a pokemon dressed up in a Pikachu costume! It was SO cute oh my gosh. I didn’t expect it to talk to me and then attack!
I was even more surprised when Victor’s Leaf Blade didn’t affect it at all! Its costume head flopped over in an unsettling way and it just kept watching me as it called for a Haunter to join.
It’s really strong! I had to bring Elle in to knock it out, but she was taken down by a Gengar. I’m still proud of her and I’m going to give her lots of pokebeans for fighting so hard! Lukas and Victor too. And a few for the others so they don’t feel jealous.
Acerola is mean! It’s not nice to tell me that there isn’t a back room. I swear if I go back in there and there really isn’t I’m going to cry!
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You've got legs, you've got nothing stopping you!
Ooh, apparently the next trial is the ghost one! That’ll be cool. I wish Pumpkaboo lived here, I’d love to see a giant one as a totem!
Once we hit route 12, we saw that it’s incredibly rocky. I was worried for a moment but I guess someone was expecting me! Hapu gave me the number to summon a Mudsdale to ride over the rocks. I was kinda expecting a Rhyhorn, but whatever works!
I think Cat is going to have fun trying to navigate the route without Mudsdale even though there’s plenty of room on its back for her too.
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Let's be real, there was no way I was going to take that terrain as anything other than a challenge.
It actually reminds me a lot of the rock structures back home. Remember those weird pillar hoppy post things on Route 8?
This is a bit more compacted and is more of a speed and flow course rather than a finesse one but EITHER WAY IT'S REALLY COOL.
Ooh, apparently the next trial is the ghost one! That’ll be cool. I wish Pumpkaboo lived here, I’d love to see a giant one as a totem!
Once we hit route 12, we saw that it’s incredibly rocky. I was worried for a moment but I guess someone was expecting me! Hapu gave me the number to summon a Mudsdale to ride over the rocks. I was kinda expecting a Rhyhorn, but whatever works!
I think Cat is going to have fun trying to navigate the route without Mudsdale even though there’s plenty of room on its back for her too.
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I'll trade you for Borbossa. At least Lukas isn't nocturnal and expects to be fed at butts-o-clock at night
Please help me. Lukas evolved, and he’s been shedding really sharp-looking scales all day. I keep having to tidy up after him, and I swear these things are getting even more dangerous as time goes on. The pokedex backs me up, and unfortunately it sounds like this is just my life now. 
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Okay first of all: wow rude.
Second of all: I'm not the one who's tormented every morning by a dumb jingly jangly dragon who exists solely to be an opponent to all that is good in the world.
Third of all don't act like you don't secretly love my pokemon I've seen you cuddle with Gabrielle before.
Why are there haunted sandcastles on Hano Beach? I was just minding my own business and suddenly there’s a pokemon made of sand trying to engulf my hand without me noticing!
That was weird, but I caught it and apparently it actually takes control of people who put their hands in its mouth! I did not come out to this beach to be possessed by a sandcastle complete with tiny sand shovel!
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But look at its stupid face it's like a so stupid.
I am glad I went on this beach trip with you all the pokemon here are top shelf and I want 20 of each.
Why are there haunted sandcastles on Hano Beach? I was just minding my own business and suddenly there’s a pokemon made of sand trying to engulf my hand without me noticing!
That was weird, but I caught it and apparently it actually takes control of people who put their hands in its mouth! I did not come out to this beach to be possessed by a sandcastle complete with tiny sand shovel!
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It's called a SANDYgast! A SANDYgast!
Why are there haunted sandcastles on Hano Beach? I was just minding my own business and suddenly there’s a pokemon made of sand trying to engulf my hand without me noticing!
That was weird, but I caught it and apparently it actually takes control of people who put their hands in its mouth! I did not come out to this beach to be possessed by a sandcastle complete with tiny sand shovel!
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Okay first of all they're not creepy they're adorable and derpy and fat.
Second of all that's not a hand that's the inside of their butt. Which is shaped like a hand.
Hano Beach is a bit different from what I expected! I mean, it’s really pretty, but I wasn’t expecting the sea cucumbers or wild pokemon attacks!
Apparently Pukyumuku are really popular here? They’re kinda weird, and the one guy I talked to said that people get hurt from stepping on them sometimes. I guess they constantly beach themselves no matter how often they’re thrown back. I don’t get them. I think Cat find them hilarious though.
Plus, on the far end of the beach there are Staryu who aren’t as idle as the Pukyumuku, and will suddenly pop up out of the sand to attack you! I guess we’ll have to stay close to the resort if we actually want to relax!
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I WANT to forget about Borbossa, though. Stupid basketball only loves me for my food ;~;
And Elvis would never eat one of my little sea sausages! He doesn't like fish.
Hano Beach is a bit different from what I expected! I mean, it’s really pretty, but I wasn’t expecting the sea cucumbers or wild pokemon attacks!
Apparently Pukyumuku are really popular here? They’re kinda weird, and the one guy I talked to said that people get hurt from stepping on them sometimes. I guess they constantly beach themselves no matter how often they’re thrown back. I don’t get them. I think Cat find them hilarious though.
Plus, on the far end of the beach there are Staryu who aren’t as idle as the Pukyumuku, and will suddenly pop up out of the sand to attack you! I guess we’ll have to stay close to the resort if we actually want to relax!
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I'm already one pokemon catch over my quota sandy please stop me from taking 20 of these guys home
Hano Beach is a bit different from what I expected! I mean, it’s really pretty, but I wasn’t expecting the sea cucumbers or wild pokemon attacks!
Apparently Pukyumuku are really popular here? They’re kinda weird, and the one guy I talked to said that people get hurt from stepping on them sometimes. I guess they constantly beach themselves no matter how often they’re thrown back. I don’t get them. I think Cat find them hilarious though.
Plus, on the far end of the beach there are Staryu who aren’t as idle as the Pukyumuku, and will suddenly pop up out of the sand to attack you! I guess we’ll have to stay close to the resort if we actually want to relax!
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Fine, FINE. We can go to the beach. You don't have to fight her RIGHT NOW.
But definitely eventually.
Wow. Olivia is stunning. She has a nice jewelry shop, too. It even sells evolution stones for trainers. I can’t afford most of the things she sells but man are they pretty!
It turns out she’s a rock-type trainer, so between Helena, Victor, and Reina we were in good shape~ Lycanroc was kinda scary, especially when it’s using a special move!
Olivia seems to just, like, radiate confidence. She’s so cool. I’m just not that type of person, but I definitely admire it in others! I mean, look at Cat! She’s so driven and she works really hard!
Victor’s having a hard time lately keeping up with the others, but I want to give him a chance to try his best and evolve instead of just saying he’s not allowed to battle anymore.
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Nooooo don't do that you'll embarass meeeeee.
And then she'll laugh at me and make fun of me and then you'll have to defend my honor and FIGHT HER to get her to back off.
Wow. Olivia is stunning. She has a nice jewelry shop, too. It even sells evolution stones for trainers. I can’t afford most of the things she sells but man are they pretty!
It turns out she’s a rock-type trainer, so between Helena, Victor, and Reina we were in good shape~ Lycanroc was kinda scary, especially when it’s using a special move!
Olivia seems to just, like, radiate confidence. She’s so cool. I’m just not that type of person, but I definitely admire it in others! I mean, look at Cat! She’s so driven and she works really hard!
Victor’s having a hard time lately keeping up with the others, but I want to give him a chance to try his best and evolve instead of just saying he’s not allowed to battle anymore.
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