lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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I want to get to replies today, but I also kinda wanna nap ^^; I woke up at 6am and it's been a long day of shoveling a whole bunch of snow, trudging through snow, driving through snow, and shoveling some more snow--snow, snow, snow. bleh -__- I'll try, but I feel so sleepy and I have to leave again kinda soon.. GROANS.
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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[ A very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse ]
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. 
If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! ( If you’re in doubt on some hover over them to discover what you should put in there! ) When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!~  Tagged by:  sorciereblanche ( thank you so much for tagging me! ;v; <3 )
NAME: Ventus / Ventus Lumenhart (AU)
AGE: 15 (canon) / 22 (AU)
SEXUALITY: Biromantic / Demisexual
PROFESSION: Keyblade wielder (canon) / Law enforcement officer (AU)
                   { PHYSICAL ASPECTS }
BODY TYPE:  Small framed, fairly toned
HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Blue
SKIN: Fair
HEIGHT: 5'6" (canon) / 5’8” (AU)
WEIGHT:  132lbs (canon) / 144 lbs (AU)
                             { FAMILY }
SIBLINGS: unknown (canon) / N/A (AU) 
PARENTS: unknown (canon) / deceased (AU)
GRANDPARENTS: unknown (canon) / deceased (AU)
ANY PETS?: yes [ ✓ ] || no [ ]   
 - If yes, which and how many?: One female golden retriever named Carina (AU)
                          { SKILLS }  
Physical Prowess: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Speed: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Magic: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ 
                         { TRAITS }
kind hearted
— —- NEGATIVE ——-
                                      { LIKES }
COLOURS: Green, white, blue, black
SMELLS: Mint, rain, apple
FOOD: Fruits, sugary cereals, anything that's not spicy
FRUITS: Apples, pears, mangos
DRINKS: Water, hot chocolate, juice 
yes [ ] || no [ ✓ ]  favourites: N/A
                  {  OTHER DETAILS  }
SMOKES? yes [ ] || no [ ✓ ] 
DRUGS?: yes [   ] || no [ ✓ ]
DRIVER LICENSE?:  yes [ ✓ ] || no [ ]     
EVER BEEN ARRESTED? no [  ✓ ] || yes [   ] || almost [   ] 
DONE! Now tag other 15 people [ or more/less if you want ] to do it! ahh, i don't really know who to tag, so anyone can go ahead and do it ^^;
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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i. Nearly 6 years of role playing experience || 2 years on Tumblr
ii. AU, Multishipping, Crossover, OC. etc. etc. friendly
iii. All para styles accepted
IV. Mun && Muse are 18+
V. Please read the ' Guidelines ' page before following
                   Care To Stay A While ?
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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      "Whatever it takes to get rid of you for good!"
      Narrowed blue eyes remain locked on his other half, holding nothing but contempt as he charges forward. His vision bounces with every step, but he doesn't lose focus on that smirk--taunting and provoking.
      His excellence in speed allows him to shorten the distance quickly. Kicking off of the ground, he leaps forward into the air and swings his keyblade downwards at Vanitas for an experimental first strike.
     He emits a low, unkind laughter, his lips curled into an overly confident smirk.
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          “Jumping into fights like that is going to kill you some day, Ventus…”
     There’s a similar flash to that of Ventus’s, but it’s darkness and not light that forms Void Gear into his own hand. He falls into a fighting stance with ease, eyes narrowed sharply as he studied his opponent, lips not leaving their curled state.
          “I only hope I’ll be the one to destroy you!” 
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
"If it’s a fight you want…" He begins, his words drawled out with mischief. "I’d be more than happy to comply." (( iM LAUGHING i came here to harass u.. ))
      A single hand extends forward, summoning Wayward Wind into his grip with a flash of light.
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      "Ready to lose again?"
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
You cannot escape me, Ventus.
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      ”Fight me, punk.”
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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      "Oh, the suffering of others wasn't enough for you?" He snorted, ridiculing any thought of Vanitas being a victim in all of this. "What else could you have possibly wanted?"
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"Again, let’s just say that he promised me things that were lies, just to get what he wanted." He glanced to the side, putting his head in his hands.
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
oh no your theme is super cute oH NO
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Thank you so much! Yours is too! Ahh, Rikuwith those lil pups is just too pRECIOUS! ;v;
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
dancing-wayfinder replied to your post:dancing-wayfinder replied to your post:I should be...
I was actually thinking about making a pit or a palutena or a dark pit too but I got schoolwork and prep for college I gotta focus on vov but good luck and have fun!!! owo
well hey if you ever do end up picking one of them up sometime, let me know! it'd be fun to interact! uvu thanks so much though! c:
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
dancing-wayfinder replied to your post:I should be making icons for Ven and doing...
good choice tbh haha
Thanks! :') Pittoo is such a little shit, but incredibly great! The more I think about it, the more eager I get! I must be stopped ^^;
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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I should be making icons for Ven and doing replies, but instead I'm here making icons for Dark Pit from Kid Icarus/Super Smash Bros even though I haven't decided if I actually wanna pick him up as a muse yet ^^;
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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Thank you for following abissale !!! ✌
          So, this is technically a follow forever, bias list combination. I haven’t ever made one of these, but I figured— what the heck ? My followers are amazing, my friends are way swaggie, and I just needa` show more love for my friends and loyal followers because you all deserve it ! Ok, really though— let me take a minute and tell you why I thought it was so important to stop a minute, and take the time to make this bias list…           I’m always super busy with it comes to life; like, for real doe`; I barely make time for myself, but when I do I love to write and interact with people who love share the same interests as me. I have a tendency to vanish a lot and my activity is kinda spotty from time to time, but I can always count on coming back to friends and followers ( wow u guys are loyal, like srsly tho ) that share the love, fascination, and interest I have in not only writing about abstract, human condition kinda mumbo-jumbo, but also about the characters that we portray and how we portray them. I am always inspired by my fellow followers and friends who continue to write and have fun on Tumblr, interacting with so many different RP’ers from so many different genres. It’s so refreshing !            When I can dodge life for a bit I can come to an atmosphere that cultivates not only my creativity and passion for writing and having fun, but also my love for simply — interacting with people and making friends ! Those reasons are really the biggest reasons I’m on Tumblr— it’s simple as that. I am so privileged to have befriended so many of you ! Guys, I hope we not only become closer as time goes on but that we allow not even the strain of time itself to separate us, and to those of you who may just be visiting, it was such a pleasure to have you become a part of my experience here on Tumblr and my time with you has been nothing but fruitful !             Thank you for following me everyone, and thank you for giving me such a positive, warm experience ( even though my character is nothing but warm LOL ) ! Also, Happy New Years ! Cheers to 2015, and I hope to share the new year with all of you ! 
FRAGMENTs OF A SHATTERED HEART ( these people are closest to me; wow, you guys are amazing ! )
paopufructis ll sunsetghost ll sorciereblanche ll vicesovereign ll elitemblem ll gaiafleur ll ex-soldiercloud ll persuadedbyboko ll vervent ll vaincreux ll sonicsereno ll perpetualdragon ll xanodite ll rexetignus ll destinedkey ll valorest
THE SOURCEs OF VANITY ( these are the people I admire for either their religious friendship after all these years, kindness, and/or literary brilliance; some, I hope to/intend to interact with more in the future ! )
nesciret ll electrovus ll stellaceria ll trouillard ll fulgorus ll tidesofpower ll tukibowaba ll deadxscream ll winkchain ll emptium ll photondebugger ll inepti ll lumenhart ll revesourir ll fashiioniista ll amdrxg ll keyblxde ll kenosiis ll unfehlbr ll abrideoffire ll senarius ll immortalcorrupter
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
ventus why aren’t you the least bit concerned that there is a masked intruder in your bedroom who seems to have stalking you
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
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"What's that supposed to mean?" He pried, growing curious.
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"-The X-Blade." He interrupted, “Doesn’t interest me anymore. Let’s just say your friend Terra isn’t the only one Xehanort had skills in manipulating.”
His face grew in slight disgust at even the thought, 
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lumenhart-blog · 10 years
      An unfortunate conclusion had been reached. Ven was lost. Radiant Garden had changed greatly since he last explored it so many years ago. Not to mention, the strange monsters littered about the world were hounding him everywhere he went.
      With a defeated sigh, he stopped in his tracks and glanced around the area. With no sense of direction, he opted for a game of "eenie meenie miney mo" to choose the way for him to go.
      "Eenie meenie miney mo," His finger moved back and forth between each direction per word. "Catch a tiger by the--" He paused at the sudden appearance of some strange... device?
      He didn't get much time to examine it. More of the devices surrounded him, exploding one after another. Ven went flying back, hitting the ground rather roughly.
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      "H-Hey!" He called out, scrambling to his feet and wincing slightly at minor injuries. "What the heck is going on?!"
New World: Radiant Garden . USERID(?)
USERID( lumenhart )
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