luma-black · 8 months
Why do all writers have adhd?!
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luma-black · 1 year
If you play Hogwarts Legacy, you have to stop by at Bella Navarros in Cragcroft. I was there to sell some gear and...
What can i do for you my lovely~
Thank you for your time my sweet ~~~
adfhjdfhnnjfdsx i almost dieddd
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luma-black · 1 year
Sweet (short story)
Hi, please give me some feedback, because i fully intend to present this in my english class (The task was to write a short story with these words included: Coffe; Table; Tiramisu; Envelope; Bathroom; School)
“So, how was your day?” She smiled across the table. It was reassuring. “It was okay I guess, stressful, you know, school...” “Mhm” She took a sip from her coffee, not taking her eyes off me. “We had a maths test today.”
We sat in a coffeehouse. A piece of Tiramisu on my plate.
“How do you think you did” “Not too bad...”
She put her hand on mine. “I bet you did better than you expect it to go. You are good.”
Just a statement. I´m good.
We sat like that for a while, staring in each other’s eyes. “I missed this.” I said, breaking it. We hadn´t seen each other in weeks. She was a busy woman. An acclaimed author, always traveling the world. But no matter how long we didn´t see each other it always felt the same. Familiar.
We had found each other on Tumblr. Back then, she had just started writing and sharing her work. I had been a huge fan and she had been my biggest inspiration. A year later her first book was published, and she had the means to finally visit me.
She signalled at the waitress for the check. “I´m just going to the bathroom. You wait for me sweet. I´ll drive you to my apartment and maybe I can make the time worthwhile for you.” She winked and stood up.
I quickly pulled my phone out to text my mom.
Staying out late. Study group.
There she was again putting her coat over my shoulders.
“Oh, before I forget,” And she pulled out a white envelope, giving it to me. I opened it. A beautiful silver necklace fell into my palm. A Peridot as a pendant shimmering green and yellow. “It´s beautiful” She put it around my neck. “Anything for you sweet.” She said kissing my cheek. I knew that her lipstick would leave a red print, but for once I didn’t care. We exited the small building, and she led me across the street to her car.
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luma-black · 1 year
Random head cannon Ominis Gaunt#1
a random head cannon about Ominis Gaunt that i think about regurlarly
A random head cannon about Ominis Gaunt that I think about regularly.
What if Ominis only slept on silk sheets because other fabrics irritate him too much because he most certainly has his sense of touch more pronounced.  
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luma-black · 1 year
The night before (Sebinis Short story)
His legs were straddling Sebastians hips. Sun shone warmly through the window. The door was open, and a cooling breeze was relieving on their overly warm torsos. Birds were tittering and you could here wind going through trees. Sebastian lay on the couch, eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of the warmth, the wind, and hands on his naked chest.  
Ominis had his eyes Closed. He felt soft skin turn into that smooth feeling of one of the countless ugly scars, that littered Sebastians Body.
Sebastian took Ominis hand by the wrist and slowly guided it towards his face. Ominis could almost see his relaxed expression. His hair having grown. His curls never quite lying flat.
He sighed. Ominis was so tired, but he didn´t want to stop.
It was the night before.
Tomorrow their fifth school year would start. The cold season would come and with it the sadness and the hollow feeling of guilt.
Gentle Hands brought him back to reality and the joy, the freedom, the relief all that touched his face bringing all the dark thoughts far away, burrowing them, but not killing them.
Grief can be helpful after all and Important. Never forget that,
He told himself.
The hand was slowly stroking his back and he let himself fall towards that warm body, which was catching him and engulfing him in something he didn´t deserve.
Sebastian felt that familiar feeling of clear blood being spilled on his shoulder. Calming both and coaxing the blanket of sleep upon the world.
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