lulzawe · 7 years
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I don’t know how but this AU got heavily inspired by what Shimizu san said before- Yuuri being earth and Victor being the moon who keeps drifting toward him. I find these words so beautiful.
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lulzawe · 7 years
Victuuri Fic Rec List
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I love long fics (>10,000 word count) and have a bad habit of needing to organize and list my favorites. Even though Yuri on Ice is new, the fanworks are growing fast (Amazing! Wow!) Here are some completed worksI have enjoyed. 
WIPs I am following can be found here.
UPDATED: Jun 11, 2017
For this list “au” is a completely different universe and “au - canon divergent” is an au where one or both are still competitive figure skaters. ***really really enjoyed, with a brief description as to why it is a fav. †Just added this update
I. Completed works (Summaries under the cut - there are so many!!!)
a great desire to love by lily_winterwood [T, 21,700 word count]***
Soulmate, identity swap, angst, happy ending, au - canon divergent
This is so good, I had to go watch the anime that inspired it!!
A lack of invitations by AphroditeB00w [E, 74,700 word count]
Mafia, Mob boss!Yuuri, Enforcer!Victor, slow burn, homophobia, Pichit is scary, MCD is NOT Yuuri or Victor, violence, au
Not for the faint of heart - I loved BAMF Victor and Yuuri was downright terrifying.
A Safe Place to Fall by uchiuci [T, 8,100 word count]
canon, post-episode 5, fluff
a silver splendour, a flame by thehandsingsweapon [M, 113,200 word count]***
angst, mcd (temporary), fantasy, slow burn, magic, Otayuri side pariing, au
Everything I wanted in an epic fantasy!!
A Week Is Enough by BeautyButterBae [E, 28,700 word count]***
canon, crossover, post-episode 4, fluff
Beside the Dancing Sea by lily_winterwood [M, 186,600 word count]
angst, fantasy, author!victor, selkie!yuri, hurt comfort, betrayal, au 
Blackbird by sixpences [M, 102,600 word count]*** SO GOOD!!!
historic au, war, spies, slow burn, homophobia, danger and sacrifice
OMG - the writing was exquisite, the story compelling. I hated to see it end. 
The Carnage of the Art by ExorcisingEmily [T, 52,600 word count]
canon, angst, injury, hurt comfort, alternating POV
centripetal force by braveten [E, 85,800 word count]
au, college, fluff
Dance of the Red Death [E, 73,300 word count]***
angst, homophobia, hurt comfort, au - canon divergent
From the first page, this one had me captured. Painful and hopeful. This was one of the first darker Victuuri fics I read and I LOVED it.
Fever by MilkTeaMiku [E, 15,830 word count]
A/B/O, omega Yuri, fluff and angst, au - canon divergent
Hold Me Tight by smudgesofink [T, 11,600 word count]***
canon, fluff, angst, homophobia (written before Kubo’s comments on homophobia in YOI)
Just for You, a Symphony from My Soul by Casseria [E, 13,000 word count]***
canon, fluff
Fluff for the soul, so much fluff!
Lifetime Record by futuresoon [T, 40,600 word count]***
angst, Victor is a ghost, bittersweet, au - canon divergent
Oh this hurt. A lot. 
the lounge by fan_nerd [M, 13,500 word count]
au, angst, alcoholism, therapy
Maelstrom by feelslikefire [E, 43,700 word count]***
fluff, groundhog day crossover, spell, Victor POV, au - canon divergent
Some day you will learn, Victor :) just keep trying!!
Melodies Unheard, but Felt All the Same by watermelonsmellinfellon [M/light NC-17, 76,300 word count]
fluff, angst, deaf!Yuuri, sign language, au - canon divergent 
never stop until the grave by Naraht [M, 12,700 word count]
canon, post-episode 12, fluff, angst, hurt comfort, Victor POV
On Absence, Fondness, and Never Leaving his Side by BeautyButterBae [T, 12,100 word count]
canon, fluff, marriage proposals, post-episode 9
On Shattered Ice by anonymous/Yuletide 2016 [T, 10,100 word count]
soulmate, angst, fluff, au - canon divergent
on top of the world by springsoldier [T, 8,200 word count]
au, fluff, superheroes
One Step Sideways by airgeer [T, 28,200 word count]
Fluff, au - canon divergent
†The Sharp Edge of a Blade by camienicole [M, 20,200 word count
(canon, next season, hurt comfort, injury, angst and fluff)
Soul bond, hearts follow by dianamoth [T, 12,800 word count]
Soulmates, fluff, au - canon divergent
†Standard Deviations by JustBeHappy [T, 86,100 word count]
(au - canon divergent, time travel, fluff, pining)
†Sweetsilversub by phlintandsteel [E, 71,500 word count]***
(au - canon divergent, bdsm - dom/sub, SSC, demisexual!Yuuri, online chat, part of No Pain Healthy D/s Verse)
The relationship is fabulous, the exploration of kinks, healthy build, wicked fun reveal!
The Time(s) The Internet Collectively Exploded by meixiu [T, 22,400 word count]
canon, fluff, crack, social media, outside POV
Twisted by K_K_TiBal [T, 24,000 word count]
au, fluff, witch!Yuuri, djinn!victor, college
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches [E, 197,700 word count]
angst, hate to love, misunderstandings, au - canon divergent
Unwritten by kaizuka [T, 34,300 word count]
Soulmates, fluff, au - canon divergent
Victor Effing Nikoforov by shysweetthing [E, 13,300 word count]***
fluff, ep 10 compliant, au - canon divergent
Keep reading
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lulzawe · 7 years
DUB vs SUB - Y!!!OI
DUB Yuuri: Bitch-ass motherfuckin hoe, get yo ass ova here.
SUB Yuuri: V-Viktor, may you, um, please come over here?
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lulzawe · 7 years
An Examination of Kinks
Service – does it count as a kink if it’s your whole being? Viktor literally lives to serve Yuuri. If Yuuri is happy and feeling good because of him, then he’s doing his job. He wants to be Good and Perfect for Yuuri constantly, and wants Yuuri to be feeling the best that he possibly can, because of Viktor’s attention.
Very Specific Praise Kink of being told how good he’s making Yuuri feel
The Foot Thing – Viktor likes Yuuri’s feet. Kissing them, massaging them, worshiping them, rubbing himself off on them.
Edging – Viktor likes to be edged, to put it lightly. Luckily for him, Yuuri likes teasing, and is really good at it. He can edge Viktor all night, firm and unrelenting until Viktor is in tears because he needs to come so badly, and then when Yuuri does finally let him come, he makes it so good.
Exhibitionism (lite) – he’s a little bit of an exhibitionist. Not a whole lot. But a little. He knows he looks good and he thinks Yuuri looks really good and he told Yuuri to seduce him multiple times with an audience of thousands plus on international live television. What this translates to in the  bedroom is usually not very extreme. It’s more the idea of the potential of people watching. If they ever made a sex tape, this would be why.
Yuuri’s Stamina – Viktor loves being fucking ruined okay
Bonus: Body Worship – specifically Yuuri’s body. Gentle and pure. Usually manifests as showing Yuuri how beautiful he is in Viktor’s eyes
Praise – pretty much speaks for itself tbh. Praise kink to rival the fucking sun.
Possessiveness – not sure if this really counts as a kink per se but I think it’s pretty important to Yuuri’s bedroom dynamics. Yuuri gets off tremendously on being told that Viktor is his, roleplaying, hickies, etc. Fits in very nicely with Viktor’s service sub tendencies.
Voyeurism (lite) – very narrow and specific voyeurism kink which is that he likes to watch Viktor get himself off. Bonus points if Viktor is whining for Yuuri the whole time. (The reverse also applies: he likes masturbating with Viktor watching but not allowed to touch him.) This would also drive the desire for a sex tape, if they ever made one.
Bondage – specifically when he’s feeling subby, he likes to be tied up so that he literally can’t move or do anything and all the control is in Viktor’s hands.
Sensory Deprivation – blindfolds mostly. It’s all about trust and allowing himself to give up control because he knows he’s safe
Spanking – this one started out as dom yuuri spanking viktor, which both of them enjoy, but one time they tried it the other way and yuuri realized oh. OH
Bonus: Impregnation (NOT mpreg) – just the idea that Viktor is so sexy that Yuuri could get pregnant, even though that’s biologically impossible. Viktor only pulls this one out occasionally. It makes Yuuri go wild.
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lulzawe · 7 years
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DUET (Stay Close to Me)
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lulzawe · 7 years
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Victuuri Week 2017 - Day 7: Endings
         ↳ Yuuri: Memories/Moments - Moments that end me
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lulzawe · 7 years
The Masterlist of Lists, v2
This very severely needed updating, as I’m sure you’ll see…
Updated: June 27th, 2017
FAQs and 101s
[Advice for Witchlings] // rebloggable: [part 01]; [part 02]
[For Beginners] // [rebloggable]
How to Do Magic // [rebloggable]
How to Start Being a Witch // [rebloggable]
How to Start Practicing Witchcraft // [rebloggable]
Supplies for a Beginner Witch // [rebloggable]
Tips for Casting Spells / Tips for Intent // [rebloggable]
Tips for Getting into Magic // [rebloggable]
[Grimoire Tips] // rebloggable: [part 01]; [part 02]; [part 03]; [part 04]; [part 05]
[Sigils FAQ] // [rebloggable]
Lists of Spells
[Simple Spells] // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Anger] // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Animals, Pets, and Familiars] // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Anxiety and Stress] // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Banishing] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Banishing Bad Habits and Addictions // [rebloggable]
Spells for Banishing Spirits // [rebloggable]
Spells for Banishing Toxic People // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Binding] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Preventing Gossip // [rebloggable] (tw: gif)
Spells for Birthdays // [rebloggable]
Spells for Boosting Magical Energies // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Calming, Relaxation, and Peace] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Causing Break Ups // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Cleansing and Purification] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Self Cleansing // [rebloggable]
Spells for Confidence and Bravery // [rebloggable]
Spells for Courage // [rebloggable]
Spells for Creativity // [rebloggable]
Spells for Curse-Breaking // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Energy] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Enhancing Psychic Power // [rebloggable]
Spells for Focus // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Forgetting, Letting Go, and Moving On] // [rebloggable]
[Spells for the Full Moon] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Happiness // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Health, Healing, and Pain] // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Heartbreak] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Inner Strength // [rebloggable]
Spells for Jobs and Employment // [rebloggable]
Spells for Locating Items // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Love, Romance, and Relationships] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Strengthening Existing Relationships // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Luck] // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Lust and Sex] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Making Friends // [rebloggable]
Spells for Memory // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Money, Wealth, and Prosperity] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Motivation // [rebloggable]
Spells for Mourning and Grief // [rebloggable]
Spells for Protection Against Curses // [rebloggable]
Spells for Protection, Shielding and Warding: [part 01]; [part 02]; [part 03] // rebloggable: [part 01]; [part 02]; [part 03]
Spells for Protection During Travel // [rebloggable]
Spells for Protection From Mental Harm // [rebloggable]
Spells for Reconnecting Friendships // [rebloggable]
Spells for Repelling Unwanted Love // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Repressing Love] // [rebloggable]
Spells for School and Education // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Self Love] // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Sleep] // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Strength and Courage] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Summoning Storms // [rebloggable]
Spells for Transformation // [rebloggable]
Spells for Truth // [rebloggable]
[Spells for Weight Loss] // [rebloggable]
Spells for Wishing // [rebloggable]
Lists of Sigils
[Sigil List of thesigilwitch] // [rebloggable]
[Sigils for Animals, Pets, and Familiars] // [rebloggable]
Sigils for Anxiety and Stress // [rebloggable]
[Sigils for Creativity and Inspiration] // [rebloggable]
[Sigils for Depression, Self Harm, and Suicide] // [rebloggable]
Sigils for Energy // [rebloggable]
Sigils for Locating Items // [rebloggable]
[Sigils for Love and Relationships] // [rebloggable]
[Sigils for Motivation and Productivity] // [rebloggable]
Sigils for Protecting a Grimoire // [rebloggable]
Sigils for Sickness and Stress // [rebloggable]
[Sigils for School, Study, and Education] // [rebloggable]
Sigils for Weight Loss // [rebloggable]
Sigils for Work and Career // [rebloggable]
Resource Lists
[Resources for Altars] // [rebloggable]
Resources for Astral Travel and Projection // [rebloggable]
Resources for Binding Magic // [rebloggable]
Resources for Budget Magic // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Crystals] // [rebloggable]
Resources for Cleansing Crystals // [rebloggable]
Resources for Discreet / Subtle Magic // [rebloggable]
Resources for DIY Tarot // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Dragon Magic] // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Empaths] // [rebloggable]
Resources for Enchanting Items // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Energy Work] // [rebloggable]
Energy Work Exercises // [rebloggable]
Resources for Essential Oils / Aromatherapy // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Familiars and Animal Partners] // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Glamour Magic] // [rebloggable]
Resources for Green Magic // [rebloggable]
Resources for Grounding // [rebloggable]
Resources for Herbs // [rebloggable]
Resources for Jar / Bottle Magic // rebloggable: [part 01]; [part 02]
Resources for Kemeticism // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Magic Wands and Wand Making] // [rebloggable]
Resources for Music Magic // [rebloggable]
Resources for Planetary Correspondences // [rebloggable]
Resources for Pendulums // [rebloggable]
Resources for Sea Magic // [renloggable]
Resources for Sex Magic // [rebloggable]
Resources for Shufflemancy // [rebloggable]
Resources for Sigil Charging // [rebloggable]
Resources for Sigil Creation // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Spell and Curse Breaking] // [rebloggable]
Resources for Spell Timing // [rebloggable]
Resources for Spell Writing and Spellwork // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Spirit Work] // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Storm and Weather Magic] // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Tea Magic] // [rebloggable]
[Resources for Urban Magic] // [rebloggable]
List of Curses
[A Masterpost List of Curses, Jinxes and Hexes] // [rebloggable]
On my Blog: [Spell and Resource Lists] | [List of Sigils]
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lulzawe · 7 years
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so heres a list compiling what i have in my likes, my bookmarks and my reference tag
it took me four hours so you guys better reblog it
hair tutorials:
messy bun tutorial
different ways to braid
elsa-ish braid
how to fishtail
romantic curls
waterfall braid
three-braid updo
another elsa-ish braid
braided bun
braided headband
hecka cute messy bun
ways to wear scarves/bandanas
lovely bun with braids
dutch braid crown
pin curls!
braided ponytail
braid + bun updo
how to do pastel hair
8 ways to wear a bow
4-strand braid
double wrap braid
makeup tips:
how to apply eyeliner
how to apply blush
6 makeup tips
winged eyeliner tutorial
how to do your makeup with a spoon
how to apply eyeshadow
natural beauty remedies
a guide to eyeliner
ombre eyeliner
sparkly party makeup
silver eye makeup tutorial
what makeup complements my complexion?
what makeup suits you?
lipstick tricks
writing tips:
character development sheet
body language
the 12 archetypes 
name generator 1
dialogue tips
how to write female characters
characterization tips
info about the 50s/60s/70s
fictional languages
get past writers block
surname master post
name generator 2
234 synonyms for ‘said’
writing tips masterpost
make blueprints for houses
names for fictional worlds
seven steps to the perfect story
helpful descriptive words
how to write smut
fantastic clothes and where to find them:
rad leggins
hecka adorable tights
old fashioned clothes
sherlock-inspired outfits
more badass tights
more rad tights
knit fairy tale hoods
leather fairy tale footwear
guide to shoes
find clothes that your favorite characters have worn
green day-inspired outfits (1)(2)(3)
beatles-themed outfits
probably the most fancy punk rock dress ever
hella rad ear cuffs
motherfucking medieval circlet crown things
hella sexy 50s halter dress
“persephone” dress
panda onesie
pop art dress
hella sexy corset
beatle girls fashion
fashion inspiration
exceptionally punk rock leather vest
fandom things:
geek engagement rings
star trek engagement rings
avengers-inspired outfits
homestuck makeup
loki-inspired eye makeup
make pokeball cookies
teen castiel boots
themed key neclaces
night vale bingo
beatles movie masterpost
lord of the rings-themed nails
how to make butterbeer
do your hair like the ladies in game of thrones
disney villains makeup
various fandom dresses
captain america leather jacket
dean winchester leather jacket
shelf life of food
lavender lemonade
motherfucking pie
how to make nutella fudge
ultimate guide to chocolate chip cookies
easy snacks
muffin in a mug
cheeseburger cupcakes
how to make huge food
starbucks secret menu
oreo cookie butter
panera mac n’ cheese
starbucks holiday drinks
nutella hot chocolate
pastry folding 101
mini lemon and blueberry cheesecakes
david bowie-inspired cocktails
french bread pizza
15 pound homemade snickers bar
make candy crystal meth
reeses peanut butter cheesecake
extra fancy garlic bread
smoothie recipes for everything
chocolate chip cookie dough brownie pie
4 different smoothies
bread crusts with herbs
cookies n’ cream cupcakes
mini tortilla crust pizzas
mini mac n’ cheese pies
deep dish cookie for one
roasted tomato pasta
best grilled cheese
best chocolate cake
potato rissole 
french toast rollups
peanut butter crownies
pumpkin spice smoothie
s’mores stuffed pizza cookie
the best cookie recipes
chocolate chip cookie dough brownie bombs
how to make chocolate lasagna
mini apple pies
art tutorials/tips:
hundreds of pose references wowie
how to draw profiles 
a guide to figure drawing (this helped me a hecka lot)
drawing eyes
lip tutorial
how to draw jeans
amaze color blender
hands hands hands
more hands
torso reference
painting blood
how to draw shoes/feet
psychology of color
simple expression guide
sitting poses
more color psychology
drawing hair and fur
hecka lot of clothing refs
pose reference blog
another hand tutorial
how to draw arms
expression tutorial
skin color palatte
how to draw booties
drawing ears
hands at sides tutorial
drawing heads
guide to foreshortening
drawing cats
how to be healthy:
meditation tips
how to take the perfect nap
how much exercise do you need? 
site that will help you focus/get work done
10 hours of calming heavy rainfall
dozens of healthy recipes for every occasion
when you’re feeling suicidal
create your own safe haven
healthy, soothing, calming drinks 
how to burn stomach fat
how to love yourself
recovery resources
health tips for students
happy jar
how to make your tea perfect
amazing smoothies
bunnies telling you how good you are
how to make a glitter jar
night vale monopoly
learn how to survive a zombie apocalypse
how to play ‘sherlock’
supernatural workout
learn a new language!
learn london slang
take personality tests
watch this video
make gifs
see what its like to live on minimum wage
watch great vines
give people free rice by answering trivia!
make a flower crown
turn your handwriting into a font
take a dialect test
learn how to write elvish
take this amazingly accurate color quiz
live kitty cam
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lulzawe · 7 years
Practicing ‘show not tell’. Here it fhcking goes. ~
He’s been dead awhile.
(If by awhile you meant probably forever and a day ago. It’s really hard to say, he’s unrecognizable. The old dead body is a he because I doubt he cares about misgendering, or should we just call him it?) (Yeah, let’s just call the ancient corpse of history an it, because it’s just a body, now; no one who’s alive can name that body, except it kinda feels super disrespectful? Like, if I was a ghost and I hear people calling my dead body an it, though it may be true because my rotting maggot-filled corpse is a thing now, but it used to be referred to as me. And it’d hurt, so that is why I wrote on my will that I will be cremated, my ashes split evenly between my loved ones, and they’d put it inna small phial to always wear on their person. That way, I’d literally be with them always, lol. Wow, this turned morbid. What the hhll was I doing again?) (I’m gonna write shht now. Lol.)
The corpse smells worse than a slowly drying dog playing in a dirty puddle of overnight rain water who suddenly wanted to cuddle when all you wanted is to be as far away as possible because you’re a cat person.
Only the lower half of its head can be considered its head anymore because the upper half looks like it sank in and slowly melted, as though its brain suddenly turned into boiling hot acid.
The muscles appeared to have seemingly disintegrated into nothing, like the feeling of first love when you get amnesia. There’s just the dried, surprisingly well-preserved skin attached to fragile bones, the color like bronzed gold, darkened with time. This is probably what people mean when they say skin and bones, like literally. (Lol. Isn’t actually funny but.)
The punchline: he’s been dead awhile isn’t very accurate, is it? Lol.
This is random and I have no reason to continue this because this ain’t a story, except maybe I will but that’s just to add details or something.
Is this gory? Like, I don’t think so, but maybe just the subject of death and corpses. I mean, there’s no blood at all, so it’s not gore, right?
0 notes
lulzawe · 7 years
Writing blog no lulzawe, if I got my Japanese right, lol. No proper writing here, just a bunch of shht. Lol I don't understand, what in hhll is this, where is the italic, ugh.
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