Lulu rambles!
9 posts
Hello! I'm Lulu, an avid Kpop fan, and BL watcher! On this page I will mostly be rambling about BL shows, and Kpop! (Profile picture made by Basiilleaf!)
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luluwoofers · 11 days ago
I am BEGGGINGGGG can fanfic writers PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write fanfiction for Haruki and Minase??? I literally can't find the show on Ao3 NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY.
(This me, Lulu right now:)
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luluwoofers · 13 days ago
Defending Mizuki Segasaki from My personal weatherman
While my last few posts have been mainly about Our Youth, I wanted to talk about the show My personal weatherman. Ever since the show came out, I'd see people calling Mizuki a red flag, but I've always found that people were too harsh.
The guy doesn't like being around many people, meets Yoh and suddenly a whole new world opened up for him. He falls in love with Yoh, and while yes he does have slight obsessive behaviour...Mizuki is scared to lose Yoh. Yoh was probably his first crush, and he doesn't want to end up abandoned and alone. He's so inlove that he can't keep his emotions in check at times, and that's natural. Mizuki is thinking more with his heart than with his brain, and it shows.
I hate it that people often take Mizukis words and actions out of context, and make it sound way worse than what actually happened.
And while yes he did say that, he didn't mean it literally. He meant that even if Yoh lost his job, he wouldn't be upset or angry as it's natural in the type of work that Yoh does for creators to get dropped.
It sucks, to hear yes, but Mizuki didn't say it with malice intentions.
...This one boils my blood way too much, EVERYTHING that Mizuki does around Yoh is a LOVE LETTER, WRITTEN IN CURSIVE. How blind does one have to be to see that everything that Mizuki does for Yoh is out of love? Did you watch the show with a literal blindfold on? Do you not have any media literacy? I'm sorry, but I don't think we watched the same show if you didn't see how specific Mizuki was with Yohs needs. He literally started a schedule for when they'd have sex, all because a tired Yoh, worried about the bedsheets. Yoh mentioned it once, and Mizuki? Immediately comes up with a solution.
All in all, let's just say I hate it when people hate on Mizuki, because they can't seem to see the obvious love he has for Yoh.
Some Mizuki photos too.
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- Lulu signing off
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luluwoofers · 22 days ago
Oh no, it definitely makes sense. I abso-total-luty agree. It's what makes me so intrigued in their Yoh and Mizukis dynamic.
Rewatching My Personal Weatherman
So...I'm depressed and still in a watching rut, so I decided to start rewatching My Personal Weatherman because someone commented on a TT I made about it over a year ago and anyway... I watched the first 2 episodes today, and it was probably the first time in a year that I've watched the show.
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It's always interesting to go back and watch something after a long time. You generally can't remember every aspect of the show you watched, and your perspective will always change as you grow. So much of what I kind of connected with in my first (and second and third) watches, was being frustrated with Yoh for not speaking. We follow so much of the show from his perspective, we're privy to his thoughts, we know how he feels about Mizuki, but he won't fucking say it. And even when he says something, he doesn't say EVERYTHING, he kind of defaults it to their physical relationship. He dumps those sheets on Mizuki, basically saying I would like to have sex with you more, but holds back all of the emotional. And as the viewer I'm practically screaming "You dumb idiot, can't you tell Mizuki is head over heels for you and has been this whole fucking time?'
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And that's still true. But, at the time a lot of my feelings about the show were kind of based around theoretically what I would do. I identified with Yoh more easily because I fall into the same position as him within the D/s dynamic. So in a 'if it were me situation' I would always be Yoh, not Mizuki. And there were moments of the show that truly shocked me. One being the moment in episode 5 where Yoh throws the pillow at Mizuki, which is the moment that I was reminded of making me do this rewatch. But watching the first two episodes...I'm not necessarily seeing it more from Mizuki's perspective, but I'm kind of giving more attention to him and his behavior. And I'm still as frustrated, because they are both idiots in love, but part of me feels like Mizuki is almost more to blame. Well, not necessarily to blame, but perhaps a smidge more responsible.
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There's a thesis worth of threads and thoughts that lead here, but to try and condense it: by virtue of their predispositions (ie inherent dominance or submission) and the societal norm through which they were socialized, it is Mizuki's responsibility to lead. Because he's older, he sets the tone for everything, especially in their early relationship. As things progress and they fully fall into this organic dynamic, things flip into what is natural for the dynamic, meaning that Yoh as the submissive is the one truly in control. It's why Mizuki makes that dumbass rule of only fucking before a sunny day, because YOH has concerns. When you watch the two dinners in episode one, the first, because of the asinine rule, Mizuki and Yoh both know it's not going to become something, Mizuki makes no overtures. In the second, everything about Mizuki's demeanor is anticipatory. Today is a day where it's okay, he doesn't have to rein himself in. In episode two, when he comes home to find Yoh drunk, he pushes his boundaries, tests them, but at the end of it all respects what ever boundary is set, regardless of how frustrated he is.
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Because Mizuki doesn't make his expectations clearly known or understood, he basically speaks in half-sentences, and so no matter how attentive and attuned Yoh is to his desires and quirks, he simply doesn't have all the information to "suss out' what Mizuki really thinks or feels. And so in the end both are dissatisfied, but neither want to 1. be the first to say it, but 2. risk voicing that dissatisfaction and have it result in the relationship ending. They're both determined to be happy with whatever they can get, when we know that both are willing to give everything.
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IDK, does this ramble even make sense? Maybe not. But whatever.
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luluwoofers · 1 month ago
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luluwoofers · 1 month ago
My favourite Our Youth scene
As you all know (from my last posts and reblogs haha) I love the JBL Our Youth, so here I have the infamous ice cream scene, cause dang I was giggling so much when I first watched it.
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luluwoofers · 2 months ago
Minase might have missed Haruki a lil bit too much 😊
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luluwoofers · 2 months ago
Our Youth, a review by Lulu
Ah, Our Youth. Where do I even start? The characters? Or maybe the cinematography? There are so many amazing things jam packed in this 11 episode long show, I enjoyed it so much I may or may not had rewatched it again, immediately after finished episode 11. Why? Because I can, duh!
Anyways..I loved the journey we made with Haruki and Minase, it felt natural and the story was written so well. I never had the feeling that it was becoming stale or boring, the acting done by Kenshin Kamimura and Junsei Motojima was also very good, and the way they were able to show emotion in the subtlest ways only made me more invested and intrigued to keep on watching.
Let's not forget about the cinematography though! The lighting and angles never looked bad or off, it never felt like there was a big drop in quality, anywhere. I'm a sucker for well directed cinematography, and this show definitely hit the mark multiple times, especially during the make out seen in episode 11, I was gagged. My mouth was just :O (in a good way)
(God dang that lighting and camera work! 10/10!!!!)
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I also read while the show was still airing how people were worried about the whole time skip would play out, and if it wouldn't mess with the quality of the story, and well..I'll be honest? I didn't think the quality of the story ever dropped. I think it was integrated very well into the story, and I wasn't ever worried that the ending was going to be mediocre.
But all in all, I loved the show, every aspect of it. If I ever found someone who watched it and didn't like it? Were we even watching the same show then? I hope we get more masterpieces of Japanese BL in this quality later on in 2025!
(P.S: I was just kidding, it's totally fine if someone doesn't like the show, people have different tastes! :D)
Enjoy some more our youth gifs!
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- Lulu signing off
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luluwoofers · 2 months ago
Am I in my our youth phase? Yes, yes I am.
What I liked most about the special episode was how much Minase and Hirukawa had clearly grown as a couple. Minase had a nightmare because of his anxiety about being left. Hirukawa noticed he was off right away. They talked about it. They talked about it again and again. And it makes sense it would be something hard for Minase to let go of because he had been left so often, even by Hirukawa. He needed that reassurance.
I also appreciate that Minase kept saying he wanted to get married, but he also saw marriage as not necessarily permanent (I really wish he had sent that text to his mom) but we were shown there are other reasons people want that equality - he wanted that ability to share his life with his friends, to be congratulated, to be open, but without that acceptance it was still too much of a risk.
How they handle their relationship impacts them both. The way they communicated and balanced and asked what each needed and said what they needed was really good for me.
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luluwoofers · 2 months ago
Japanese BLs have me on a chokehold
With the many countries that produce BLs, there's no doubt that the way these shows are produced, lean heavily on which country the show originates from. I've watched BLs from Thailand, Korea, Taiwan..and Japan. The latter somehow always ended up creating my favourite BL of the year.
In 2022 that was "My Beautiful man", in 2023 that was "My Personal Weatherman", and in late 2024 I found "Our Youth", and it easily sneaked it's way into my top 10. With the last episode coming out on the 7th of January 2025 (so 2 days from when I'm writing this).
Now don't get me wrong, Thai BLs also have some gems, like "Kinnporsche" and "Wedding plan" (we'll ignore the sheer contrast between the two shows I just used as an example, okay?). Korean BLs also having a few that are in my top 10, such has "Semantic Error" and "The Eighth Sense", and "Kiseki: Dear to me" was also a show I enjoyed!
Now I questioned myself, as to why I gravitated towards Japanese BLs so much, and I think I figured out why.
Japanese BLs have some of the most beautiful cinematography (In my opinion), and are really good at coming up with unconventional plots, and executing them in a way that still works. For example: My personal weatherman
A show about two boys who met during College, fell in love. Who after graduation are living together, yet barely communicate while also somehow ending up sleeping together? At first I was distancing myself, because I thought that it was going to be a total mess, but I was pleasantly surprised. While Yoh and Segasaki lack so much on the communication part, and a bunch of miscommunication could've been prevented if they just TALKED, I never felt myself getting overly frustrated.
I feel like that if Thai BLs did this, it would've been exaggerated way more, and also taken way longer to get to the part where they communicate. While I feel like that Korean BLs might've been able to pull it off, the actors would have to do a huge part in the heavy lifting.
Not to mention how diverse Japanese BLs can really get, they have basically anything on the market. From very spicy to the sweetest fluffiness you could get (Takara's treasure, etc), but for the most part..I think it also just lays on the preference of the person watching.
(Please note: Just because I think that Japanese BLs come on top when it comes to shows, doesn't mean that any other country that produces these suck! Thai BLs are popular for a reason, and I've watched plenty, same goes Korean BLs, and like I said earlier, it's really just the preference!).
(Enjoy a photo of Hira and Kiyoi, and Yoh and Mizuki)
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- Lulu signing off
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