luketanaka · 4 years
Happy first birthday Knife-Wielding Tentacle..👍
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luketanaka · 4 years
im still going to be drunk at 6
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luketanaka · 4 years
Jensen Ross Ackles
That thing he does with his tongue…
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@redlipstickandthewinchesters @angelessquirrel @waywardlittleslytherpuffprincess @angelkurenai @one-to-beam-up @nanie5 @ezilyamuzed @weightless-smoke @spndeanlover1967 @jackles-jadalecki @deans-jiggly-pudding
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luketanaka · 4 years
Unmute !
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luketanaka · 5 years
Drunk in Love - Beyoncé / Lia Kim Choreography
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luketanaka · 5 years
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Chuck Shurley everyone
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luketanaka · 5 years
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📷 danneelackles512
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luketanaka · 5 years
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Deleted immediately if any problems.
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luketanaka · 5 years
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Odaiba Stampede Costumes Exibit
Do not repost anywhere please !
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luketanaka · 5 years
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IT’S OP+カレシ(OP+Kareshi)!!! It’s a compilation of OP fanarts in where it is a Character x Reader book!🔥
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And there was a note from “Sanji” bookmarked inside!
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「いつでも会いに本てよマイスウィートレヂィ サンジ」
It says “Book anytime you want, my sweet lady~” from Sanji
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luketanaka · 5 years
Some thoughts about One Piece
So I’ve been doing some thinking about One Piece and had to write my thoughts down. There have been a lot of speculations about what separates OP from other shounen series, and while the answers are many I believe most of it comes down to the fine details. In this case I’m thinking about the importance that is placed on the characters.
 What I mean by this is that OP values other character traits than just fighting ability. This is quite unusual in battle shounen. If a character can’t fight they’re often regarded as useless by large portions of the fanbase. An example of this is Sakura from Naruto, she didn’t fight as much as or had the same trackreccord as the guys and there are still jokes about her being useless circling around. I’m not here to argue whether that is true or not, but I will say that this argument haven’t happened to any of the strawhat pirates (as far as I am aware). The question is now why this difference exists, and I believe that it’s due to OP showing that there are other abilities besides fighting that is important. And while other series may tell you this too, OP actively shows it.
 Let me explain:
While all the SH pirates are capable of fighting, the only character that has that as their “sole” function is Zoro. Sanji is the cook, Nami the navigator, Chopper the doctor and so on. This is one of the positives of having the story revolve around the crew of a ship. Luffy may be strong and can defeat most enemies, but if it weren’t for the others he would have drowned at sea long ago by now. Then, almost every time they have added a new crewmember they have expressed that there is a position in their crew that is needed but missing. They needed a navigator? They found Nami. They were desperate for a shipdoctor? They found Chopper. The ship is falling apart? Franky can fix it. Luffy dreams of having a musician? Brook.
 And it’s not just their introduction arc. They are often seen doing their tasks in between battles and it is not unusual that these traits then play a huge role in solving the problem they’re up against. Like if we use Nami as an example, she is completely vital in continuing the journey. They would have died so many times if it weren’t for her ability to read the Grand Lines bizarre weather phenomenon. She also helped Luffy get to Enel and the golden bell in Skypea and during the escape from Einies lobby they only got away because she could read the streams and navigate the ship (while the others defended it from incoming fire) to name a few. I can also mention that sometimes what is valuable are simple character traits. Like Sanji having the foresight to sneak off and do things behind the scenes. Franky rushing off to secure the ship. Usopp’s negativity which made him the only one capable of withstanding Perona’s attacks. They all have traits that help them on their journey. These traits aren’t just one-off things either. Oda makes a point of showing these traits off as often as he can, which is mostly when they’re travelling between islands. Zoro trains because he is one of their main fighters, Sanji prepares food, Nami navigates and so on.
 There is some telling regarding this too. In the beginning in Arlong Park Luffy straight out says that he wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything on his own and that he needs other people to achieve his dream. This is extremely clear whenever someone in the crew is missing and there aren’t anyone else who can perform their task. When Nami was sick they were almost crushed by a hurricane and only survived because she pulled herself out of bed and ordered them to change direction. With Sanji gone they almost starved to death (and Luffy ate poisonous fish). If Usopp hadn’t joined them in Einies lobby then they would have lost Robin. All of them are important if they want to make it all the way to One Piece.
 Overall I find it pretty interesting that One Piece which is a story partly about selfishness and the will to achieve your own dream comes with the message that you can’t do it by yourself. It’s pretty different compared to some other stories which praises teamwork and friendship but then has only one person beating all of the bad guys.
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luketanaka · 5 years
can we talk about how beautiful this panel is?
A lot of people shit on One Piece for “having and ugly art style” but almost all panels have such an easy grace and cool composition/perspective that most people don’t even notice it anymore.
Look how this cool this pose is:
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There’s a lot of swordfighting in manga, but when was the last time you saw a perspective like this? It’s very unusual, with spottyhat’s hand pretty much in our face, pulled back, but pointing forward.
Just look at these perspecitves!
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A beautiful low angle, showing the moment when the guy forward cut the other in the back. It’s 2 moves in 1,  one when the forward guy stops and puts his katana away, and two when the other falls to his knees. 
But even if he wasn’t, the angle and the composition, hell, their size itself would tell us who’s victorious.
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Or this! Guy finds a cursed sword, and decides he likes it, despite the long list of its previous dead owners.
The way the sword looks large from this angle, they are almost the same size! It’s basically in our face, we can see the pattern on the blade. It feels dangerous.
And the way we see the guy looking upwards! It could mean a power imbalance, if not for the grin, since this angle usually makes the subject more “innocent and puppy eyed” (remember the emo trend?) but it’s this way it’s a challage. 
Who is the stronger, the man or the sword?
Or look at this:
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It’s no less than 3 moves in 1 panel, which is insane, but it’s so natural that you dont even notice it.
1) the two marines swinging their swords to cut Luffy,  2) Ace jumping in to push him down, + Luffy crouching down as a result 3) and the sword going through Ace (because he made of fire, but that’s not relevant here.) 
Sometimes the panels can feel a bit overcrowded, but they make the conversation’s flow feel more easy and more like as if you were really there in the room with them: 
(read everything right to left)
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Now look at the version where I put in some extra panel dividers:
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It just doesn’t feel the same, does it? 
Or, one of my current favourites. Let’s break down this (pre-)fight scene:
 It’s sunglasses guy trying to stomp on the spotty pants, mainly because he is an asshole, but it’s mostly the past grudges. Here he is, moving his leg, spotty pants desperate and doesn’t want to die. 
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The cavalry is here! HOLY HELL!
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Stunned silence. Snot guy is shocked. Bird guy and strawhat guy are motionless, lookin at each other standing over the saved man; the tension in the air is tangible between them.
Spotty pants is pretty fucking unhappy that he has failed and had to be saved, but being alive is still better than dead, so.
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And yes!
You felt the tension of the other panel right! 
It’s a close-up of that one; they are still motionless and in the same position, but now we see their eyes and faces, confirming what we thought was going on.  There was so much raw force in that movement, yet since strawhat’s drawn completely motionless in every picture, instead of him jumping in, the way it’s stopped seem so effortless on his part. (Also this is where the anime adaptation failed - they showed stawhat guy looking up only now, instead of keeping the scene motionless. It’s a shame.)
Even if I didn’t know a thing about them, I’d sill be hyped for what happens next after this, but one thing is for sure.
An ass is about to be kicked, the question is whose it will be.
It’s pretty fucking awesome, have a look at it in whole:
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(Also, this is where one page ends, and you gotta spend those extra seconds to find out wheather he’d live. The rest in one huge page.)
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Oda is really brilliant when it comes to doing the panels and layouts. Look at this character introduction, which is arguably one of the best in the whole series.
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First, out of nowhere, there is a huge-ass explosion on an island. It’s a pirate’s base that we know but we haven’t heard of him for hundreds of chapters. We don’t know wheather he’s dead or alive.
The next is a narration bubble.
The is never any narration in One Piece.
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Pretty cold, isn’t it? 
Then again, it’s a manga about pirates. The weak fail all the time.
We are also shown that the impact came from a man-shaped hole in the ground.
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W-what? Who is that? Isn’t it the weak that die? Will he jump?
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It’s still the same moment frozen in time, but from a different angle while we are told more about this man. 
Who the hell is still alive after all of these, and more importantly, why would he want to throw away the life he miracoulasly managed to keep so far? 
Why is no one stopping him?
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So he’s jumping down from the island in the sky. That seems definitely too extra for a suicide.
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You really feel like you’re too falling while reading a long panel like this. 
Also, it’s divided 3 times at the top,  breaking the continuity. It’s not a sudden, quick drop; it takes a long time to fall through 10 km of clouds. 
We “jump in time” with these, the exact same mechanism as in the group panel, where the divders broke the flow. 
 And the end is the long panel of the impact, the one we started out with. 
Yet all of these panels the same, lagre picture, not seperate ones, so it’s still nice to look at.
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It’s also the same moment from two angles, the first from the point of view of others(as all the other ones before), but then, we are suddenly see the world as this mystery (dead) madman who’s just jumped from the sky.
Also, what the fuck is the narrator saying? Has the writer gone mad? How is this possible? The is never any narration, what can possibly be so important that suddenly a “voice from above” is telling us all this?
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We see a huge shockwave again, probably coming from the hole, with the other man scattering and voicing the readers’ thoughts aloud. 
But we also see what the narrator is saying.
And it can’t be, right?
No one can survive that. And yet, we start to wonder…
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And fuck!!  We’re right. The man who’s just fallen 10kms from the sky is not only pulling himself up from the hole, but has already took out some others.
The original quistion still stands, as in who the fuck this might possibly be??
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He knew he woud not die, just hurled himself down from the sky for fun?? And all he got is a headache??
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Remember, we started at “the weak die” and we progressed to “this guy is trying to die so he must be weak” to “he’s definitely dead” to “this guy can’t even kill himself he’s so strong and he finds it funny”. 
What a ride. And all of this, only in a few pages.
Or my other favourite, the end of the Katakuri fight (chapter 896 is basically just one huge fantastic ticking bomb, but that’s a different, brilliant matter), or more precisely these few panels:
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Not a word exchanged, yet it show us so much about the quiet, but all-encompassing, deep kindness Luffy has. He’s standing above an unconsicous enemy who spent the better half of the day trying to put an end to Luffy’s attemt to join with his crew again, and what does he do?
He puts a hat to his face, to hide his fanged mouth he’s been trying to hide from the world for decades.
And leaves without a word.
We don’t see his expression, but actions speak louder that that.
Anyway, I just wanted to say how I liked the first Law-Hawkins panel, but you know what? Let’s show some appreciation to the insane skills that made One Piece the brilliant manga that it is today.
Here, have a beautiful Ryuuma:
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UPDATE: here’s part 3. and part 2., part 4.)
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luketanaka · 5 years
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Guide to Figuring out the Age of an Undated World Map.
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luketanaka · 5 years
RIP Vine †
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luketanaka · 5 years
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A/N: this is a nsfw collab done by writers on the discord server all because we were talking about sitting on people’s faces on day and these people were nice enough to go with it when I suggested that we do it as a collab. All of the posts are linked down below so do go read them all, they’re all absolutely wonderful^^
Description: You were a popular camgirl and when the streaming service came to you asking you to sit on the face of whoever won their charity gaming tournament as a pize, you had no clue who it would be and what to expect.
Characters included: Amajiki, Bakugou, Hawks, Midoriya, Monoma, Rappa, Kaminari, Sero, Shindou, Shinsou, Todoroki, Togata, Toshinori, Utsushimi 
You stared at the screen at the top of your bedside table. They were supposed to contact you 5 minutes ago and you still haven’t got the message you had been waiting for.
Sensing your own nerve building up, you sighed. Why did you let them convince you that sitting on a stranger’s face would be a good idea? You had bit of a following on the cam show platform but when the company itself came to you saying that they want your help with a charity, pitching the idea that the chance to have you sitting on their face would be the grand prize for whoever won in this charity gaming tournament, you really didn’t think that it would be much appeal. However, they did say that all proceeds from the sponsors would be donated to a charity you supported wholeheartedly, so you agreed.
Imagine the shook you experienced when the company called you after the sign up went live that the number of participants went over the expected amount.
Now you were alone in the hotel room that the company set up for you, waiting for whoever the winner was to arrive. You watched the live stream of the game, but seeing a string of letters that didn’t give out much information appear at the top of the ranking wasn’t much. The idea that you would get intimate with the person behind that username you saw was only starting to settle in.
You wondered what they would be like.
The sudden beep of your phone startled you, making you aware of how anxious, but also excited you were about this whole thing. 
Oh god, it really is happening.
“They are coming up to your room now.”
Who was the lucky winner who got to spend the night with you?
(links are being added as everyone’s post their fic^^)
Amajiki Tamaki
Bakugou Katsuki
Midoriya Izuku
Monoma Neito
Kaminari Denki
Sero Hanta
Shindou Yo
Shinsou Hitoshi
Todoroki Shouto
Togata Mirio
Toshinori Yagi
Utsuhimi Camie
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luketanaka · 5 years
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Angel + shotgun shells
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luketanaka · 5 years
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-what is it like to be “God”, Cas?
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