lukemiller · 2 years
STARTER FOR: @evrcnkozen LOCATION: Evren's place, Outpost
When Luke says he stumbled across an old friend, he meant it literally. He was raised in Outpost, the streets that he grew up on hadn't changed much in the eighteen years he had been gone, but the homes had. Old friends places had been destroyed and re-purposed, a small florist had been flattened into a playground and other homes had expanded, modernised or fallen into a state of dereliction. In particular, one caught his eye on the walk back to his parents house that had remained its dated, sturdy self. Bright, modern and by the looks of the materials outside, recently finished. It sat on land, space that until a few weeks ago he hadn't seen in years. Even his place in Iron Hill didn't have that much land, but he was hoping to convince his wife that coming out this way was a viable option for the future.
Hoping to get a picture of the home, Luke made his way up the drive and saw an outbuilding, with what looked to be a liveable space up top. It was nice, well thought out. Just as he was about to snap a photo, Luke tripped and cursed out loud as his phone smashed into the ground. "Fucker—" He groaned, looking up to see an all too familiar figure. "Evren Közen..." Luke left the phone and laughed, head shaking. "You look a hell of a lot older than the last time I saw you," A lifetime ago, basically. "How the hell you end up with a place like this, huh?"
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lukemiller · 2 years
STARTER FOR: @selinturan LOCATION: Emergency Room
Soccer never used to be this brutal, at least from what Luke remembered; his son, almost six years old, knocked out by a rogue ball from the crowd that had been thrown in as a joke. Unfortunately for Connor, he became the punch line. Cold turkey out, a pile on the floor, one blown whistle and Luke ran onto the pitch to check on his son. A few seconds later he came around and despite getting back to his feet, a swollen bump formed on the side of his head and they decided to get it checked out.
Like always, he was the perfect patient. No serious damage was the conclusion, but they wanted to keep an eye on him for a couple of hours to assess how severe, if any, his concussion was. As he was resting, Luke made a quick call to his wife and then back inside, where he tried to work the coffee machine. "Shit—" He sighed, losing the coins he put in there as it didn't register them. "Come on..." Luke mumbled, catching the eye of the nurse who tended to his son earlier. "Excuse me?" He called out, giving her a weary smile. "Don't suppose you know if there's one of these nearby that work?" Luke asked, "Don't wanna' have to run down the street, that's all."
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lukemiller · 2 years
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˗ˏˋ THE WHITE LOTUS (2023) - Season 2 ˎˊ˗
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lukemiller · 2 years
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THEO JAMES as CAMERON SULLIVAN THE WHITE LOTUS: Season Two, Episode Two: Italian Dream
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lukemiller · 2 years
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name: lucas “luke” miller
age: thirty-six
gender: cis male
occupation: intellectual property lawyer
residential area: iron hill
time in heartsdale: returned for 1 month ( dec, 2022 )
sexual orientation: heterosexual
relationship status: married
children: unnamed son (5)
father: george miller, 66
mother: helena miller, 64
siblings: two younger siblings ( npc for now)
face claim: theo james
TRIGGER WARNINGS ; none? i don’t think ...
luke was born and raised in iron river, on a small farm on the outskirts of outpost. his parents were never wealthy, but they raised their kids in a healthy and loving environment. honestly, this part of his life is boring — he had a good childhood, his parents love each other and there’s no big, awful family secret.
anyway, he was a good kid and a good teenager. never got himself into too much trouble, focussed instead on playing soccer and studying in school. during this time he fell in love with a childhood friend, they became high school sweethearts and then separated in order to pursue their future career paths.
somehow, he ended up at yale. he doesn’t really understand how, it just happened and even today he kicks himself because........ how did farm boy end up in yale? it’s a thing. he did very well and moved to new york, beginning a career that would see him working for tech companies, artists and writers. 
it’s also here that he bumped into the old high school sweetheart. she too had been in college, then moved to the city and like it had never happened, they got back together. they had a really good, healthy relationship and planned their future, but made a promise to each other: they would never hold the other one back in their careers. 
luke proposed to her a year after they got back together and they remained engaged for seven years. during this time both of them excelled in their careers, they travelled, did great things together, stupid things together, but the most important thing was: they always loved each other. 
which is why, when they were both offered promotions that split them on opposite coasts, luke and her let each other go. they fulfilled their promises to each other, they split up and separated their lives entirely. initially they tried to stay in contact, but mutually they decided it was too hard to do that and eventually, cut all ties to focus on their careers.
WELL ..... that’s all well and good, but after moving to california, luke met another woman. they were very casual, but they worked. casual became dating, dating became exclusive and slowly, he learned that he could love another person. this woman would eventually fall pregnant and give birth to their son, who is now six years old. 
as was expected, they got married and have had all the troubles of any married couple. unfortunately the past couple of years have been difficult, they hit a rocky patch in their relationship and after her father passed away, they decided it was time for a fresh start and moved to iron river in 2022.
luke and his wife (wanted connection - hence no solid name) have been in couples therapy for about a year, trying to build on their marriage and understand each other a little more. they bicker a lot, which leads to fights and while they always make up, it leaves a lot of questions about their future. 
turns out, his ex-fiancée is also back in iron river. he didn’t know this before coming back.
his wife knows about his prior engagement and the struggles he had coming out of that relationship. luke hasn’t ever kept that from her because it’s a big thing to keep a secret and my dude is a good guy.
lives for being the greatest dad alive. wants his son to look up to him, like he does with his own father. really, they’ve moved to iron river so that he can coach his son’s soccer team eventually. but also because his parents are getting on and his siblings have been keeping an eye on them for so long, it’s his turn.
luke is licensed to practice in georgia, new york, california and oregon. most of his clients are artists, writers and musicians. he’s also had some tech clients in the past, but he enjoys the perks of the more arty-based ones.
they have a cat. the cat does not like him. he does not like the cat. the cat is an inconvenience and if it wasn’t for his wife and son, the cat would have been re-homed already.
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