I'm actually gonna disagree with you and little bit ( not that you're wrong, just I have a different interpretation) I don't think the queen of diamonds/hearts like refers to 2 specific women, but rather 2 different types of women. He's saying the queen of diamonds are more materialistic women, women that won't really care about you, but rather what you can do/give them. And the queen of hearts is a woman who actually gives a damn about you and loves you for you. I'm not saying either one represents either of the girls. But if you take a loose interpretation/apply it to the show is see the queen of diamonds (Riley) as someone who only likes Lucas for what she thinks he is/idealistic and Queen of hearts (Maya) as someone who actually likes/accepts Lucas for who he is.. Well that's just my 2 cents.
Lucas Friar, Desperado
Okay so can we talk for a second about the song Lucas said was his favorite song in Girl Meets Jexica? Because I listened to it very carefully to see if it gave out any clues and even though it didn’t, guess what it’s about… That’s right, it’s about a freaking love triangle! Let’s take a look at the lyrics:
“Don’t you draw the queen of diamonds, boy She’ll beat you if she’s able You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet”
So this is the bridge of the song and it obviously talks about two girls, the “Queen Of Diamonds” (Maya) who apparently the singer wants to stay away from because he is afraid of her, and the “Queen Of Hearts” (Riley) who the singer feels secure with, like she’s not gonna push him away. (feel free to compare this with the whole Tumbstone the bull/ Judy the sheep parallel)
“Now it seems to me, some fine things Have been laid upon your table But you only want the ones that you can’t get”
That’s the following lyric of the song, I feel like this refers to Riley being out there for Lucas (”some fine things have been laid upon your table”) but him finding himself have feelings for Maya (”but you always want the ones that you can’t get.”)
And finally the last lyric of the song is this:
“You better let somebody love you before it’s too late.”
Do I even need to explain how relevant that is to the triangle? The writers are honestly so genius, let’s talk about it for a second.
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Aw. The last gif he touches her hair 😏 Lucas " not subtle" Friar
legacy. pass it on someday.
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If you’re considered “too old” to be watching Girl Meets World
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Okay, for real: y'all need to watch Mr. Smith GTW. It’s such an iconic classic that it never really occurred to me that a good chunk of the fandom might never have heard of it, much less seen it.
Notable Themes (aside from the obvious rah rah democracy stuff):
• Lost causes (lost causes are the ones you fight for the hardest) • Being set up to fail/be a patsy and then not doing what you’re “supposed to” • Cynical woman/idealistic man romance arc (her becoming less cynical as a result of their connection, him being less of a patsy because of her realism; the original theatrical trailer described them as “a homespun boy and a hard-boiled, worldly girl”) • A trusted mentor who turns out to be wrong (doing wrong, in this case) • Shallow crush vs sneak-up-on-you deep feelings (there’s this GREAT bit with Jeff and the false romantic lead, he’s fidgeting and fumbling with his hat while he speaks to her and you never really see their faces but you get the tone and emotion just from the fumbling alone, it’s such clever directing) • Children deserve respect, adults who don’t give it to them in the wrong • Speaking your piece after being kept silent by outside forces (the filibuster as well as Saunders’s declaration of love)
Bonus: Jeff’s nickname? Boy RANGER. 😏
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Isn't Comcast buying out twc?
On Demand question
So I am moving into my new apartment this weekend and have the options of getting either Comcast, Verizon Fios, or RCN as cable providers. Anyone know if any of those have the Disney on demand? Or is it strictly TWC?
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This is so important.
Watch: As Blythe’s poem ends, it’s clear what we must do in the face of rape culture and “pocket feminism.”
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Nothing is more beautiful than a Warrior Woman in action.
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Always reblog
I need feminism because...
Zayn Malik can pay to leave in the middle of a world tour, the middle of a contract, and make his own music because he didn’t like One Direction’s music, but Kesha is being forced to stay in a contract with her mental abuser, sexual assaulter, and rapist and Sony won’t let her out without repercussions
Sam Pepper goes around with sick and horrible pranks and nobody bats an eye, and when people do, they get shit because the girls who got their ass grabbed should have liked it.
Chris Brown can beat women and get away with it WITH a career and female fans still worshiping this woman beater.
Hillary Clinton will get asked about her wardrobe in interviews instead of political topics, unlike her other male runners.
Tampons and pads are taxed as luxury items, but male shaving items are not.
When I get catcalled at the mall, the guys yell at me about how I should take it as a compliment and only stop when my boyfriend shows up and tells them to stop.
Nobody bats an eye at a shirtless male, but the moment a woman doesn’t have a shirt on and her breasts are out, people are in outrage.
Men can’t go out in public wearing ‘feminine’ items without being ridiculed.
I got detention for wearing shorts over my leggings because my shorts were not fingertip length and was distracting to my male students learning environment, despite having full length leggings on and my shorts covering my butt.
5SOS can have a completely bare naked magazine cover, only cover their junk with their hands, and be praised, but Selena Gomez releases an album cover of her naked, but at the same time quite covered, and gets called a slut on social media.
When Justin Bieber posts a naked photo of him on a boat (with his back facing the camera) he is praised and drooled over, but a woman can’t post a bikini photo without being attention seeking.
Tyler Joseph can’t wear a dress on stage during a performance without being called out on the media, and in person, but a female can.
When a female says she’s a feminist, people think that women want to be better than men.
When a male says he’s a feminist, people think he is lying to get women’s attention.
When a gay man says he is raped by another man, he is told he should have liked it because he was gay.
When a boy says he was raped by a female, his friends say he should have liked it because he got laid by an older woman.
When a lesbian is raped by a man, he gets away free because he claims to try and turn her straight so her family would accept her.
Because ‘there are only two genders’.
Because pansexuality, demisexuality, asexuality, agender, genderfluidity, and other sexualities and genders are seen as ‘fake’ and ‘jokes’ because people use them as jokes.
I need fucking feminism because we all deserve to be treated equally.
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Girl Meets Wicked
I started this after reading @its-austen-anon-scholar ‘s piece on GMW & Wicked (link: here), but never had time to finish it until today! It’s a Rucaya vid to both I’m Not That Girl as well as the Reprise (Maya as Elphaba and Riley as Glinda).
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I hope the way they described this scene to Peyton was like " basically you're their human jungle gym.. Got it? Good. Action!"
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First of all I love this kind of post! Discussing different POV respectfully and objectively is one of the great things about being part of a fandom! Anyway, I digress..
So IMO ships are extremely objective. I think people generally ship a couple ( canon or crack) because of chemistry they perceive between the characters. And it is absolutely 100% OK not to ship a couple ( canon or crack).
I personally ship Lucaya because I am drawn to romanticTV relationships that have that teasing/flirty aspect. I wouldn't call Lucaya love/hate, but I like those kinds of relationships too. But more than that I think that Maya brings out an ACTUAL personality in Lucas: he's cheeky, flirty, and a bit mischievous around Maya (see early S1 before he decides to put effort into the false Mr. perfect persona) I also think the fact that he not only takes, but dishes back when Maya is teasing speaks volumes. He's not gonna let her steam roll over him ( note: see "contain you" screen from Rileytown)
which brings me to my next reason, Maya is able to "contain" Lucas as much as he " contains" her ( see gmflaws and SoL) Maya accepts Lucas flaws and all. And Lucas wants Maya to be happy.( classroom scene in creativity. Also it reminds me of Farkle wanting Riley to be happy so much that he puts her feelings before everything else in NY).
I think that I ship Lucaya for the same reasons you ship Riarkle ( which I ship too! 😊) because to me they bring out the best in each other. Obviously both couples have drastically different relationships and definitions on what that means.
For Lucaya: Maya challenges Lucas, which lets be real, Mr. " I-Never-do-anything" Friar really needs in his life. And on the flip side Lucas knows how to effectively get through to Maya moreso in some cases than even Riley ( see gmbelief and gmforgiveness project).
To summarize: I ship Lucaya because of the chemistry ( which is completely subjective), the canon evidence ( for me it's not needed to ship a couple, but it definitely helps), and because I generally see them as being good for each other. Both has something that the other one needs. Maya: is confident, ballsy, not afraid to be herself, and has been Riley and Farkle's protector since they were 7. but she's also fragile and has deep rooted abandonment issues.
Lucas on the other hand is going through a major identity crisis ATM and isn't confident or sure of who he is, but he has a strong moral code and has been shown to be extremely protective and loyal to his friends. Basically the opposite of Maya's father. Lucas is a stay through thicknthin kinda guy.
Anyway, I hope this answered your question or at least helped. I tried to give general receipts for my reasons. 😊
From the most objective point of view, I don’t know why, but I can’t picture Lucaya “officially” happening. It doesn’t seem right to me. It all seems so forced and unnatural. Maybe it’s because Maya doesn’t know how to deal with her own feelings yet, or because Lucas’ character lacks development, I don’t know… And with this I’m not saying that Lucas should (or will) end up with Riley, because those of you who know me, are aware that I’m a die-hard riarkle fan so this opinion is not biased in any form. And even if they (riarkle) are my favorite option, I’m not that much into this shipping thing, so I can honestly say that I would welcome any couple at the end (Lucaya, Joshaya, Rucas, Zailey, Markle, I don’t even know what’s the Charlie and Riley couple name, but heck I would welcome that too, etc.). It’s just… I don’t know, I can’t picture Lucas and Maya ending up together. (And I truly love both of them, and want them to be happy) I really want to know how Lucaya shippers think about this and what do you see in them, in the most objective way, any thoughts?
update: reading Lucaya posts and predictions, I realized that Lucaya doesn’t seem right to me because I think that Lucas genuinely likes Riley and this “no wait, I think I like Maya more” seems off to me.
update 2 @ duskwithoutdawn: this is not an anti-lucaya post, this is me genuinely asking for objective opinions, because I really want to know if I’m missing something. I’m not “anti-lucaya”, I used the tag because I know I could reach you (lucaya fans) this way. I just want to hear your opinions. Did you even read the post?
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Haters gonna hate.. The 3LW version not the TSwift version...
Lucaya shippers be like 'Maya was looking at a lamp and lamp starts with the letter L and Lucas also stars with L omg my theory is amazing- total proof their endgame'!!! Idiots.
You know, I did a search for “lamp,” “Letter L,” and “starts with L” on my blog, and here’s what came up:
I’m sorry that deeper analysis of a television show is above your head and that you don’t understand the difference between analyzing the composition of a scene and drawing bizarre disjointed conclusions based on random objects and the alphabet, which neither myself nor any of the other well-known GMW theorists have *ever* done. It’s too bad you cannot appreciate the artistry of this show and you confuse discussions about cinematography for discussions discussions about, well, nothing. Talk about being an idiot…
(Even funnier is that both myself and @bmgmw have probably said 100+ times that we’re not willing to say Lucaya is endgame just yet. But just keep on shoving words in our mouths, I guess. 🙄)
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That totally blipped my radar too 😏
Maya wanted to know Lucas for as long as they know farkle
that’s so cute ;_____________________________-;
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Yep. And did ya notice his expression?... *gah* this episode man...
GM Bay Window thought
So I’m pretty positive this is the first time Lucas has ever seen Maya cry
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Tbh I'm really glad they changed the "engaged" part and made it about Maya being an artist instead! This episode was amazing and I feel like that fit better for the girls and the theme of Bay window in general 👍🏻😊

Yes, they changed the first part of the script - but it’s obvious that part WAS changed.
As the “I need to ask your permission for something,” is a direct parallel to the start.
They kept everything else basically the same.
“Don’t big girls go out the door?”
“You coming?”
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Just sitting here
Waiting.. Patiently?.. For our resident top GMW analysts to dissect the absolute shit out of Bay Window.. What a fan-freaking-tactic episode. Even if it's gotta be up there right behind "Gravity" in terms of Meta.
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