(n) finding something good without loking for it. Architecture design & nature Puebla|MX
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“De pronto y sin darte cuenta, llegas a la edad en la que ya no necesitas amores fugaces, porque para eso están las estrellas, y no es que nos hayamos vuelto viejos, pero de la nada entiendes que ya no quieres personas a las que les gustas un día y al siguiente no, llegas al punto en el que te encabrona involucrarte en relaciones de un par de semanas, y sí, qué pinche flojera que los sentimientos duren eso. Porque a decir verdad, y sin ser exigentes, merecemos esas cartas y esos momentos estúpidamente románticos, esos silencios nada incómodos, esas primeras citas cargadas de magia y esas llamadas eternas por la madrugada, merecemos esos viajes, esas canciones en el carro, esa café caliente sobre la mesa y esas sonrisas con sabor a pueblitos. De repente entiendes que convencer a alguien para que te quiera o para que se quede, es hacerte bien pendejo, ponerte una venda en los ojos y fingir que las migajas lucen bien como plato fuerte, porque no sé si te lo hayan dicho antes, pero esto del amor es de voluntad, de dos personas queriéndose romper la madre la una por la otra. Y es que ya no estamos para mitades, para que nos quieran a ratos o para irnos a dormir con la puta incertidumbre de no ser suficientes, porque lo somos, y merecemos alguien que lo valore, que lo cuide y que lo presuma ante el cabrón mundo. Llegas a la edad en la que ya no se te antoja cambiar de pareja como de calzones, que mas bien buscas estabilidad, armonía y un toque de paz, algo así como encontrar en una persona, la misma sensación de seguridad que encuentras en esa vieja prenda que usas para dormir, y eso, esa jodida sensación tan hermosa, esa calma, esa comodidad y ese cariño, no te la brinda cualquiera”.
De verdades y viejas prendas.
-Emmanuel Zavala
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"Si me toca escoger entre volverte a ver o aceptar que te fuiste
Yo prefiero fingir que por ti estoy feliz aunque no me escogiste
Si me toca romper todo mi corazón para atarte a mi vida
Ya tendré que entender que en las guerras de amor siempre hay balas perdidas"
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Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer para todas las guerreras.
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© mary duggan - alfriston performing arts - beaconsfield, uk
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My experience as camp counselor

This photo was taken during the Mason Olympics an event where we were divided by 10 different countries, each country with one team leader and an ambassador. As part of the staff our main goal was to make the kids had the best experience. Sing, cheer, shout, invent chants and make this competition friendly and funny for all is what we do. Kind of the super heroes of the Olympics.
When this event starts everyone tells you about how you must do everything that is in your power to keep the energy going, but no one ever mentioned the type of experience this is for you, the counselor.
Theme days are full of responsibilities, duties and sweat, maybe the last one more than the other ones. But I can tell you that you could never be more dirty and happy at the same time. The joy that you feel when you see your kids embrace their fears, accomplish their goals and do everything that they can do to make their team proud is the best felling in the world. A felling that makes you want to be better. Better for them, because they deserve it, and better for you.
This picture is the reflect of all that. You can see how intensive the competition was and even when every activity was hard for the kids they made every single one of them with a smile in their face. Our job is to push them out of their comfort zone, so they can feel prouder of themselves when they walk out of that door. At the end of the day is all about the friends and the memories that you made. Everything else is relative.
Branch out is the goal. Camp Mason taught me that because, for me, it became a safe place. A place where I was not afraid to be myself. Where everybody could be your best friend no matter the age or the background. Where your gender was relative when it comes to wear a dress or having polish in your nails. Where being wired is better than being normal. Where you can cheer for everything even the flag. Where you don’t have to travel all around the world to visit countries is enough to have a conversation with all the international staff. Where you can make the dining hall a dance floor and crying while singing lean on in the camp fire is the best possible thing you can experience.
At the begging of the summer I had some expectations of how my fist summer as camp counselor wanted to be and I am happy to say that I was not expecting that this place could help me become the best version of myself. I grew up in so many ways and learnt something new about me with every goal that I accomplish. I gain a forever family this summer that I will always remember. Thank you, Camp Mason, for all the lessons, the moments and the memories that I take home. You made me realize how amazing life can be when you are not afraid to be yourself.
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"Summer romances end for all kinds of reasons. But when all is said and done, they have one thing in common: They are shooting stars-a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, a fleeting glimpse of eternity. And in a flash, they're gone."
Nicholas Sparks
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En estos tiempos de galopante apertura mercantil que se reproduce en y vigoriza al mundo de las imágenes visualizables, me aferro como liquen al necio camino de las posibilidades de una vida más humana. Porque junto al mundo retraído de las imágenes visualizables y del consumo que tiene por cobijo el adentro, también late el mundo de afuera, un mundo que convoca a vivir la vida en y con todos los sentidos.
Vicente Guzmán Ríos
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