lucywoolford · 8 years
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lucywoolford · 9 years
Sorry it's been a while, but the XFM playlist has been updated. Hooray! #nowplaying
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lucywoolford · 11 years
And if you still want the old playlist songs...here they are!
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lucywoolford · 11 years
XFM have changed their playlist layout. It's now split into "Daytime" and "Evening". Anyway, here they all are :)
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lucywoolford · 11 years
Such an iconic moment. I love it. It stirs up feelings for me like no other film scene.
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lucywoolford · 11 years
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lucywoolford · 11 years
Yesterday, ex-Liverpool striker John Aldridge blasted Joe Cole for speaking out against the club. The full story is available via the link above. I just want to air my disgust back at Aldridge.  I understand that he's a Liverpool fan and therefore not happy with a player coming out to bad-mouth his club. That's fine, because when it happens to West Ham, I know it hurts. But Aldridge's subsequent comments are disgraceful and bordering on bullying.  To use a newspaper column to be so blatantly rude and disrespectful is terrible. I don't know if he thinks his choice of words are funny or clever, but in actual fact they are neither. 
If I was a Liverpool fan, I would be so embarrassed. 
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lucywoolford · 11 years
So, Nigella Lawson is all skinny now
I was watching an ad for Nigella Lawson's new show in America (I forget what it's called) but all I noticed was how much thinner she looks. I Googled it, and apparently this happened ages ago. I'm really disappointed. 
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lucywoolford · 11 years
"I know what I like, and I like what I know"
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lucywoolford · 11 years
Heard this on Monday night and been eagerly searching Spotify since. It's finally here. YES!
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lucywoolford · 12 years
This year I have... 
...become an aunty
...moved to Ireland
...watched West Ham win promotion at Wembley
...witnessed Nicola Adams win gold at the Olympics
...started writing for Blowing Bubbles
That's about it really. To be fair, the few things that did happen this year were pretty big. I don't think I could have coped with much more excitement!
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lucywoolford · 12 years
After a long time without Spotify, I'm back. Here is the updated XFM playlist :)
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lucywoolford · 12 years
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lucywoolford · 12 years
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From the Marmite Cookbook. ''''Tis true :) (via fhotoroom)
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lucywoolford · 12 years
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You can take the girl out of Britain... #teamgb #Tsaritsa (via fhotoroom)
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lucywoolford · 12 years
Things I will miss about England
So, I'm moving from Chester to Ireland. Exciting and nerve racking in equal measures. I will miss a lot of things though, some things more significant than others. The list includes:
- Builders Tea
- Yorkshire Tea
- PG Tips (see a theme here?)
- Red post boxes
- Buses
- iPlayer
- Orange (as in the mobile company)
- 99p stores
- Gigs (unless of course I want to see Christy Moore, Jedward or Lionel Richie)
- Freeview
- UK Number Plates
- Vauxhall badges
- Money with the Queen on it
- The NHS
- The phrase "oh gosh"
- Walls Ice Cream
- Morrison's
- Traffic lights that don't keep flashing
- John Lewis
- Using .co.uk
- Post Codes
- Canals
- Virgin Trains
- Policemen in hats
This is, of course, excluding people in my life; friends, family, work colleagues. Goes without saying. I guess they can all post me some tea bags though =D
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lucywoolford · 12 years
Updated :)
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