Woof woof!
*Happily wagging tail*
I have Lucky!
-Kate ➴
Hi. Come in
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*Eye's roll back from the scratches*
/Mmm that's good/
*Hello there*
Lucky! How’s my favorite pizza dog?
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*Happily Wags my tail my whole butt is wiggling, nuzzles your leg*
Woof, Woof!
/I'm very happy I get to see you, how are you?/
*Hello there*
Lucky! How’s my favorite pizza dog?
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You should open up your anonymous asks if you are okay with it
Woof woof!
/YES! I completely forgot, must have been thinking of pizza again/
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*Nods* Woof, Woof
/True, there are a lot of Bucky's and it's very confusing, I'm glad your not mad/
*Wags my tail and nuzzles you*
Woof, Woof
/Hello, I'm very sorry I chased off the other lucky I never meet to/ *Hangs head*
Mrow [it's okie don't be sorry we only made one to fill the gap but you're filling that gap perfectly:) I now get to be buckys and I've also made one for fanny now so no ones missing out] *paw rests on your chin bringing it up* [don't be sad or upset it's okie it's easier when there's only one of someone]
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*Flops into your arms wagging my tail*
Woof! /There are a lot of Buckys/
The second lucky is no longer a thing, it's changed into alpine so you are the only oneeeee
*Looks up tail wagging* Woof
/Really? Is fanny still on here though/
Woof woof
/I wasn't trying to chance him away just sad that Kate already had him/
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*leans into your hand and tucks my tail* Woof woof
/Awww I didn't mean to make them leave, I'm a bad dog i mess everything up/
The second lucky is no longer a thing, it's changed into alpine so you are the only oneeeee
*Looks up tail wagging* Woof
/Really? Is fanny still on here though/
Woof woof
/I wasn't trying to chance him away just sad that Kate already had him/
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The second lucky is no longer a thing, it's changed into alpine so you are the only oneeeee
*Looks up tail wagging* Woof
/Really? Is fanny still on here though/
Woof woof
/I wasn't trying to chance him away just sad that Kate already had him/
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*Lays my head in your lap, softly wagging my tail*
Woof. /Thank you human/
Hi Lucky! Want some leftover pizza I got?
*Barks wagging tail and nodding* Woof
(Yes please*
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Woof /Why? He has food, and no other luckys/
You found a Lucky!
Does that mean I get keep @luckythebestpizzadog ?
No, both mine still.
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*Whines* /There is, another lucky and fanny look at Kate's blog/ *Stays laying sadly on the floor*
Hi Lucky! Want some leftover pizza I got?
*Barks wagging tail and nodding* Woof
(Yes please*
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*whimpers* Woof! /She has another lucky/ *Lays down*
Hi Lucky! Want some leftover pizza I got?
*Barks wagging tail and nodding* Woof
(Yes please*
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*Nods* Woof!
Hi Lucky! Want some leftover pizza I got?
*Barks wagging tail and nodding* Woof
(Yes please*
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*Shakes head no*
Woof woof
(Hi friend)
*pets* hey, boy! Since when have you had a tumbler?
How do you have a tumbler?
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Woof, Woof
/not sure I haven't seen her, I've been looking for her though/
Hi Lucky! Want some leftover pizza I got?
*Barks wagging tail and nodding* Woof
(Yes please*
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*Nuzzles your leg in thanks*
Hi Lucky! Want some leftover pizza I got?
*Barks wagging tail and nodding* Woof
(Yes please*
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*Nuzzles your hand happily*
Woof woof
(Hi friend)
*pets* hey, boy! Since when have you had a tumbler?
How do you have a tumbler?
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