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Do yourself a favor, kill as many gypsies as possible...
Even their kids confess about themselves they are possessed by the devil.
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Ammazzate tutti zingari-rumeni di merda, mandateli tutti al diavolo!...
Dico per loro, non per me!...
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Natasha is right, that suicidal is a fake, guys...I have always admired the shoe-cam on Victoria Gotti...
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Correction, I think the launch of the North Korea ICBM is the news of the month, eclipsing the russian invasion in Ukraine...
Speaking of, I would regret if Putin will not go eventually all-in, because if he doesn't, loses everything. The stage is set to overthrow the comedian, the russian troops have accomplished beyond expectations, and if the back off, the RF is doomed. Only in a Stalin-like position, Russia can negotiate its future, otherwise, the military operation will become a lose-lose game.
Even if somehow is avenging me, only a make-up russian revolution scenario, after 105 years, is Putin's best option. And I would not imagine that cowardly, Putin would order troops withdrawal, or ukrainians and russian troops would coexist on ukrainian soil.
With regret is not my call, if Putin doesn't go for the guts, throat and Kiev, all would have achieved would be offsetting the real global pandemic drama, which is still on, and will not go away, until a treatment for the infected patients would be discovered. Like the song goes, sad but true...
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But the real news of the day is that North Korea has tested an ICBM, being able to carry multiple warheads, for which USAfrica 2, pay attention, has no interceptors!! Watch out, Olympus has fallen! Again...
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I kind of expected it, Italy never won any european championship, all fake news, and they deserve to stay home and watch tv, and anyway, sports must be banished, is equivalent with the russian athletes being banned. Maybe soon they reconsider, Kiyv is in range, the comedian show is over, Ukraine is close to federalization.And not only, Romania is next...
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In an emergency eye-eye-I the Island movie meeting, the WPC Security Council has decided not to recognize Biden as US president, following the massing mail voting fraud, in the alleged elections of 2020. As well, has nullified every acts or initiatives of the NKVD 2, or the SCOTUS, until further notice.
Last but not the least, WTP constitutions and criminal protocols sections combined, of Tokyo and Jerusalem, have added this domestic terrorist, Joey-Biden-loafer-up-the-ass, on the WTP and PTF lists, being currently under investigation, for terrorism and instigating to terrorism.
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The whore of the Babylon, elizabeth hindu cali, the british shameful indian-in-chief, must be declared dead, is the only chance and exit of the planet Earth from the pandemic, and for a swift transition to the NWO.
Or else...
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The Dodgers are going to unfortunately pay because, at a different level, things get avenged by the invisible hand, even without doing anything.
For trying to get even, blind fools¡, we will never be even, not like that, and not investigatjng my claims, with LAPD, and the online report, for the first time in years, they will play a WC game.
What is the point to fix their own games, as I have nothing to do with that, not investigate properly my report, which is inevitable, and everyone to lose? Again, sort of speak, I don't lose the Dodgers games, the Dodgers do.
The cali curse and the whore of the Babylon dead image is taking a huge death toll already, fixing games is actually not fixing anything. Probably is going to be for the sick satisfaction of David Cameron, a true fan...
And I don't guarantee for the Dodgers they will win the WC game versus the Cards, just another ironic curse. 'And it gets worse, your 401k does no longer exist' I'm not trying to prove any point here...
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Last chance of the world, declare dead the whore of the Babylon...
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This is the difference between Cat 4 and Cat 3, and this is the difference between natural disaster, like Ida, and man-made catastrophic tragedies, like CoVid-20 or Delta...
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Just crossed my mind...
So all the fake vaccines, the corona virus wmds, are based on sending a healthy body the image of the Sars-CoV-2, so get panicked, in trouble, living with the feardotcom is going to die, and stimulate the antibodies.
What if is sending the wrong image¿ (see Article 6 of the Anathemas against Origen), and when the body is getting actually infected with the real virus, is not responding anymore? The fight with the crown virus is in real time, not in vitro, not in imagination...
What about now¿ with the Delta image, the billion(s) bodies have been prepared to fight the Sars-CoV-2, that image, Delta has a different image, which means q.e.d. that those vaccinated for corona virus, don't have antibodies for Delta. What about Lambda, the greek letter of the fucking L, do they have the image of that as well? Definitely not, so until a real vaccine will be discovered for real infected people, for Corona, Delta, Lambda or whatever, kindly, let me know.
Until then, sorry for the billions of goofs who have believed in the fake vaccines, only natural immunity, through recovery from infection, and maybe plasma treatment, from those recovered, are somehow credible. I bet blood from those recovered from Corona is not matching those infected by Delta, qed again, fake vaccines for crown virus are not good for those infected by Delta.
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In support of my assertion that everyone knows that the Pope is a fagget, or pedophilius, or both, I remember...I was talking to a frustrated protestant about my Orthodoxy, and my cock, how I have explained to a cardinal few years ago, how the Holy Resurrection date should be calculated, according to the Computus. His name is irrelevant, probably was a fake.
He was actually recommended by a true blooded catholic, who worked at the Vatican, for few days, come muratore. He was the first to tell me that during one of those working sessions, spotted a condom with sperm inside on the floor, right inside that room. Imbarazzato, tried to dispose of it, but that cardinal stopped him, telling him is his job.
'Lascialo li, ci penso io'. Then soon after quit the job, after suggestions from the cardinal. Funny thing, they put hate in your heart, in a totally different room, much smaller and yet to be refurbished, when I was pitching ENEL to the Vatican, among other things, the same sample of a condom with seminal crap inside. A sudden flash back reminded me of Fabrizio, the temporary painter at Vatican.
After presenting the ENEL offer, and debriefing him on the holy Computus, knowing he is stupid, tried to make a fool before...'Okay, sono un ritardato, come si fa il calcolo della Pasqua?', when I was about to leave, I looked towards the condom, at which point he replied...'Vabbe, scusa, non siamo santi...' Asking for a job from myself?
My point is, why bother to pretend they are not what they are, like the mlb Street Faggets of Francesco, and the fear of the Dodgers to win? I made a joke with a finger with a swiss guard at the Vatican, and a woman passing by, and he smiled briefly. It doesn't take Tom Hanks and the Swiss Guard in that movie, Angels and Demons, to know pope Francis is an old fagget...He is sucking on a cock from time to time, so what¿ or is having nuns wanking him, that's no secret.
The true faith, the Orthodoxy, cannot be faked, like in the other recruiting movie, stop pretending, you will eventually go a gay, and then go to hell.
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Saint Prophet John, the holy Forerunner of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, said about this One...'I have to dim now, so He could be praised in Glory'
The Dodgers understood this amazingly about myself, thank you for losing, either way, I rise and shine. Sort of speak, mr. Beacum...
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Sorry for your men, and for your life of loss...
But whoever is not putting above anything else, the Unoriginated and non-Created Kingdom of Heaven, and whoever shows sympathy to the whore of the Babylon, or elizabeth hindu cali, finishes like those from K.
I hope was the most conclusive lesson there is no more united kingdom, and will be no brexit, but only an exit from Afghanistan. After this, by your own will, you go to hell...
So help us God Almighty get rid of the whore of the Babylon!
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Just collateral, it comes with the territory...
Take it as an order confirmation for the evacuation process concluded.
Evacuate the premises on twitter was not about Frank Cali, in fact, I would enjoy a ride with Rosaria¡ tell the technicians in Vanilla Sky to read my mind, who was FC back then.
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