luckyflossy · 8 years
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luckyflossy · 8 years
positivity post for fat boys
you are handsome
you are valid
you are not “gross”
you deserve just as much respect and validation as anyone else
I hope you’re having a great day
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luckyflossy · 9 years
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luckyflossy · 9 years
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Badass vintage and modern female movie characters
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luckyflossy · 9 years
Teachers be like “I’m more than happy to accommodate students with mental illnesses or disabilities. I just don’t excuse any absences, offer extra credit, or accept late homework. Also my only office hours are off campus on the last full moon of every other month”
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luckyflossy · 9 years
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Usually, the same kind of thing, though. Normal life? Yeah. Normal life.
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luckyflossy · 9 years
I interrupt your scrolling to bring you attack of the soot sprite.
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luckyflossy · 9 years
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“Circle softs”
“Dishy squishers”
“Spongie toughies”
Target what the sweet hell????
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luckyflossy · 9 years
when will ppl realise that i’m not a computer expert i just know how to click on things until i find the problem
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luckyflossy · 9 years
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luckyflossy · 9 years
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And we’re Thankful to have you in ours
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luckyflossy · 9 years
me: *is bitter but is also right*
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luckyflossy · 9 years
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Disney Girls Aesthetic
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luckyflossy · 9 years
i overheard a straight boy complaining about he can’t wear plaid anymore because “lesbians ruined it” and it just made me so happy. i really think that we as a people need to come together and steal more things from straight boys. just contaminate everything they love with the gay. snapbacks. henleys. tapout tshirts. those ugly-ass nike sandals, i hate them but i’m willing to take one for the team if it means i can see more straight boys crying
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luckyflossy · 9 years
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Watch: It’s your right to share your salary, not doing so could be holding you back.
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luckyflossy · 9 years
stale cinnamon roll, been in this world too long, too cynical
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luckyflossy · 9 years
Here are some things Donald Trump has said in the last 4 days:
Reposted wildly incorrect violence statistics from a  neo-Nazi group:
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Refused to rule out Muslim databases:
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Falsely claimed Arab people cheered on 9/11 in New Jersey:
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Agreed a black protester at his rally deserved to be beaten:
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Suggested he’d bring back waterboarding:
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Maybe Trump should look at our history with Japan before doubling down on waterboarding.
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