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luckegirlyako · 13 days ago
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Doughnut season Jィ ִ ꕤ 🌨️🎀 🍧 ݂ ꒷꒦ ❄️ ۪ ᘐ ˙
Misaki + Eimi (/▽\)
a short story I wrote for my oc’s last December, hope you enjoy !
Background: Eimi and Misaki has been best friends since middle school, on the graduation of their 3rd year, Misaki soon died from a car accident, ever since then she was reborn a cupid !!!
(I’ve made a whole series about this so if your interested in the storyline and lore and want to know more DM me or tell me to pose more stories about Misaki and Eimi and more of my Ocs !!!! 😇🤗🤗) Also sorry for the spelling mistakes !
𝇋♡︎𝇌 Eimi’s favorite time of the year, sharing it with her favorite person in the world. (〃∇〃)
Misaki, who isn’t so joyous about the freezing cold, and hardly even comes outside during the winter. Only came outside because Eimi asked her too ! (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
The pigtailed girl, abruptly sat on the bench, rubbed her hands together and blew on them to make sure they were warm. “So… Cold ! (;´Д`)”
“Misaki,” Eimi called out, the girl charmingly smiled at the sight of her best friend. “You came !”
“Duh, you called !” Misaki snorted, as she got up from the bench tucking her hands in her pocket.
“Even though I know how much you hate the cold ? Wow, your making me feel reeeeally special. (=^ ◡ ^=)” She teases, as she takes her scarf off to wrap it around Misaki’s neck, the taller girl (M) crouches down and lowers her head to let Eimi wrap it around.
“No wonder your freezing, your practically naked in this weather !” Eimi puts her hands on her hips as she examines Misaki’s outfit. Who wore an off shoulder knitted sweater,a ruffled skirt and boots high to her knees.
“I need to look fashionable even in this awful weather ! (ФоФ)”
“Fashionable my ass.” Eimi rolled her eyes.
“Anyway, where’d you wanna go to ?” Misaki curiously asked, the girl tilted her head like a cat. “We’re getting doughnuts, Y(・ω‐)Y” Eimi looked back at Misaki with a playful wink.
Misaki’s eyes shimmered at the saying doughnuts. “Your right, that totally sounds good right now !” She beamed with drool coming down your mouth.
“Close you mouth, fattie !” Eimi cringed at the sight of Misaki. “I’m not a fattie !( ̄□ ̄;)” The latter snaps back.
“A strawberry sprinkle and chocolate fudge doughnut please,” Eimi ordered.
“Chocolate fudge is soooo good !” Misaki gushed. “You eat so much chocolate a day, why are you so thin…” Eimi scrunched her eyebrow.
“It’s my super power ! ♪♪♪ ヽ(ˇ∀ˇ )ゞ” Misaki proudly stated with a wink.
“Your order is ready !” The worker announces.
Eimi walks up to the pick up order section and hands the chocolate fudge to her friend.
“We should eat them at the park across the street.” Eimi suggested. “Kay !” Misa beamed.
The swing stays motionless as the two girls munch on their doughnuts. “It’s freezing outside, but it’s worth it because this doughnut is so yummy !” Misaki talks with her mouth full, her legs moving up and down.
“Gross…” Eimi cringed before taking a bite out of her doughnut.
“I say we should have a swinging contest ! \(^▽^)/” Misaki exclaimed, already done with her doughnut. “You shouldn’t start swinging after eati—” Eimi scolded, but Misaki already go to swinging her legs back in forth. The shorter girl huffed a sigh.
“Bet you can’t beat me ! (・∀・)” Misaki dared as she smiled ear to ear.
“Fine, but if end up feeling sick don’t say I didn’t warn you !” Eimi says, as she starts to move her swing faster than Misaki.
Misaki snorts, “Yeah, right !”
Three minutes in, Misaki falls off the swing as she feels light headed. “I feel… sick.” She mersibally muttered.
“Told you so.” Eimi stuck her tongue out.
“Need… Water… (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧”
“Dramatic much,” Eimi commented. “I’ll be right back, wait here, try not to throw up and disturb the peace !” Eimi told Misaki before quickly running to the store.
“Kay…” Misaki muttered, feeling green.
“Thanks for saving me back there !” Misaki smiled. “Yeah, whatever.” Eimi rolls her eyes with a sigh, the two girls wait for the bus on the sidewalk.
“Yayy ! I can’t wait to see your mom again !!! (/▽\)” Misaki cheers, lifting her arms up in excitement while Eimi looked so done. “Your more excited to see my mom than me ??” Eimi teased, sounding heart broken.
“Well your moms hot !” Misaki proudly stated, causing Eimi to kick her in the back of the leg without another word. “Owie…”
Two minutes later the girls get on the bus, Misaki sitting near the window area of course. Misaki yapped her head off half of the time, talking about random funny moments that had happened.
Eimi pretended not to listen but was really listening to every single word that came out her mouth. Then not too long ago the pigtailed girl fell asleep laying her head on Eimi.
”What’s the point of sleeping on my shoulder if you have the window side…” Eimi muttered in annoyance, but didn’t dare to move not even an inch to make sure Misaki was peacefully sleeping.
Eimi moved a strand of her curls from the sleepy girls face, Misa softly snored, causing the shorter girl to giggle a bit— her sleeping face looked so stupid !
Trying to hold on her laugh so she wouldn’t interrupt the restless girl, she went out the window to see snow falling. “Woah— I didn’t know it’d but that cold !” She muttered to herself, as she leans closer to the window in surprise.
‘The snow is so beautiful.’ She thought.
Minuites later they get off the bus and have a two minute walk home— Also a two minute rant about how freaking cold it was from the one and only Misaki. Eimi pretended to look irritated but fondly smiled at her when she wasn't looking. ‘What an idiot,’ She smiled.
“Snow is so freaking annoying!” She rants, trying not to get her foot stuck in the snow as she walks.
“I disagree, snow is so pretty, and just the icey cold vibe is super soothing. (๑ ́ᄇ`๑)” Eimi expressed. “Besides, when it super hot in the summer, you complain a lot— pick a side or shaddup !” Commented Eimi, lightly chopping Misaki on the head.
“Ow— Well my rants are totally reasonable ! I hate it wether is super hot, or super cold! Seasons like spring and fall are the best.“ Pipped Misaki, as she childishly folds her arms.
“Weirdo— Those two are just filler seasons !! o(* ̄o ̄)o” Responded Eimi.
A moment of silence before the girls burst out into laughter and giggles. “Filler— ??” Misaki snorted.
“I said what I said !” Eimi chortled.
It took Misaki a while for her to end her giggle fit. “A-alright— Can we go inside now, I think I might get frostbite.” Misa wiped her tears before pointing to the door in front of them”
“Oh, right.” Eimi said, digging in her pocket for her keys and unlocking the door.
“Good to see you, Miss ! (ʃƪ〃゚3゚〃)” Cooed Misaki, as she greets Eimi’s mother. “Ah, you get cuter and cuter every time I see you Misaki !” Em’s mother squealed, fondly putting a hand on her cheek.
Eimi stared at the twos interaction with irritation. “Alright, mom. We’re going upstairs.” Eimi’s dragged Misa away. “Byebyee ! (・ω<)” She waves.
“I'll bake you guys some munchkins while you're up there !” Her mother announced.
“Yay !” Miss cheered.
The two girls walk up stairs to Eimi’s room. “I miss this room ! ヽ(^O^)ノ” The pigtailed girl explained as she jumped on Eimi’s bed. “Hey— Do you have any manners !!?” She snapped, dragging Misa by her leg. “No, It’s so comfortable !” She whines.
“It’s so warm, I love it ! O(≧▽≦)O” She expressed, as she playfully rolled on the bed. Eimi huffed a sigh, joining Misaki.
“The sheets are pretty soft…” Eimi muttered, lying beside Misaki. “I know right, It’s nice finally being somewhere warm after a cold day ! (p^-^)p”
“Agreed. q(^-^q)”
“Coming in! I have you guys’s munchkins.
|ω・)” Eimi’s mother slides through the door.
“Thanks miss !” Misaki bubbled.
“Thank you, mom.” Eimi thanked, as she placed the tray on the bed stand.
Misaki throws one in her mouth, making a drool fall down her lip. “Delicious, (=^ ◡ ^=)” She said muffled.
“Gross.” Eimi cringed before nibbling on her munchkin. “Hey— don’t only eat the chocolate ones ! (ง ˙o˙)ว” The girl yelled.
“But they’re so good !”
“Stop being fat, I also want the chocolate ones !!!”
The girls start to fight over the last chocolate munchkin and Misaki stuffs it in her mouth. “Spit it out !” Eimi snapped as she held Misa’s shirt. The pigtailed girl quickly chewed and shook her head.
“Ugh! Fine, I’m eating the rest !! ε-(‘ヘ´○)┓” Eimi huffs, letting go of her shirt. “Aha ! (ゝ∀・)” Misa giggles.
About half an hour passed of them watching random videos off the internet, the two friends lay beside each other on the bed.
“Hey Eimi,” Misaki starts. ‘Em hums.
“I’m starting to notice a pattern ! Every time it’s winter, all I see you eat are doughnuts. (・∀・)”
“I really like doughnuts, especially in the cold.” Eimi answered, causing Misa to snort.
“And how come you hang out with only me during the winter ?” Misaki curiously asked, pointing at herself.
“Because you're my best friend and you make me happy ??” Eimi scrunched her brow, showing Misa a look of ‘Duh ??’
“The winters’ my favorite time of the year, doughnuts are my favorite snack, and I’m with my favorite person… (・⊝・)”
“You're like a munchkin !” Eimi calls out, putting her index finger up. “Hah ??” Misaki looked at her with scrunched up eyebrows.
“And I'm a doughnut, a munchkin is whole in the doughnut so that means they are apart !!! But when we're together theres no hole in the doughnut… So that means it isn't so empty anymore without the munchkin.. Stupid right ??” Eimi nervously laughed.
“It's not stupid ! (´A`*)・゚。” Misaki expressed, as her eyes watered. “I mean that much to you, Eimii !!?” She cried out, attacking her best friend with a hug, practically choking the girl.
Eimi makes her grip lighter before letting out a giggle, as she hears the taller holler ‘I love you’ about 10 times.
“I love you too, Misaki ! ( ´∀`)” Eimi smiled.
”Eimi, promise me every year during the winter we’ll hang out in the city and eat doughnuts— It’ll be our tradition ! (*^ワ^*)” Misaki beamed, as she put her pinkie out in front of Eimi.
Eimi giggled again. “Your so childish, (>y<)Promise.” She smiles, their pinkies then intertwined.
❄️ Time Skip ❄️
It's already been a few months since Misaki passed, and it’ll be the first winter without her…
Eimi planned to stay home and rot in her bed that winter, but of course her mother forced her to go out to walk in the city.
Eimi slides on her boots and puts on her coat before walking out the door, the winter is hardly the same anymore for the girl. Although it's her favorite time of the year, how can she look at it the same ??
Walking on the sidewalk, two girls who looked like best friends walked past her. Eimi can't help but be reminded of Misaki and her when they were only first years in high school.
Eimi frowned and turned away, trying to distract herself by looking at the objects in the window of the shops she passed.
The girl stumbled upon a teddy bear, “Misaki would totally want this as a present,” She bitterly laughed, her smile slowly faded from her lips. Eimi buried her hand into her pockets walking away from the window of the shop with her head lowered.
Eimi won't be eating doughnuts this year, she’d just be reminded of the past. So it's best to go back home and rot in her room !
Eimi miserably snacked on gingerbread cookies as she watched a classic christmas movie, her mother making a bowl of popcorn in the kitchen.
Em’s mom walks in the living room, placing the bowl on the counter. She softens her eyes. “Honey, it's christmas, cheer up okay ?” She calmly asks, playing with her face cheeks and stretching her lips into a smile— Which fell back into a frown.
Eimi groaned, turning away. ‘It’s Christmas and my best friend isn't here.’ Eimi thought, sinking into the couch cushion. “Oh don't be so depressed, I know you miss Misaki but she wouldn't be so happy seeing you with that look on your face ! (‐^▽^‐)” Her mother teased as she pinched Em’s cheek, it's like she could read her mind.
“I know,” Eimi sighs.
The doorbell then rings, “Mom, did you invite guests ?” Eimi asks, lifting herself up from the cushion. “Not at all !” She chirps. The doorbell then starts to repeatedly ring.
“Coming !” Eimi yelled, rushing at the door.
Eimi opened the door to see no one, she looked around confused, she then looked at the floor and saw a box. Eimi tilted her head in curiosity. She opened up the box to see dozens of doughnuts, but they weren't just normal doughnuts.
They were doughnuts without holes in them, and a note was left in the box that read
‘Even when we're not together,
We stay linked. Love, M.’
Tears roll on Eimi’s cheek without noticing it herself, the girl trys to wipe her tears but they kept going, she sobbed badly she couldn't breathe, she missed her best friend so much, she missed her to death—
She felt so relieved, she knew that was Misaki, it had to be ! She's the only one who knows about their tradition.
“I miss you, I miss you so so much.” Eimi cried.
The End. ♡
Merry Christmas ! 🎄🎀🍩
December 10-24, 2024
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