amat victoria curam
30 posts
victory favours care.lucinda amaris talkalot / lucinda amaris ochoa y talkalot. twenty-one. keeper for the caerphilly catapults. ex-slytherin.
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
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 ❛    not a fan of horoscopes,  i take it.  ❜   hestia grins widely, unperturbed by the woman’s aloof response.     she leans over her shoulder  (  perhaps far too close for it to be deemed comfortable,   but she hadn’t gotten to the section lucinda had flipped to and her curiosity got the best of her  )      to read  what lucinda’s eyes were currently glued to.  
the content makes her grin grow  -   though she raises a hand to hide it,  steeling herself to tighten her smile before brushing her hair behind her ear in a slightly unnatural gesture to further hide the fact that she’d try to hide her growing smile -  and she raises her brows at lucinda.   ❛    i’m guessing none of it’s true ??  it seems a bit too scandalous for you.   interesting,  but scandalous. ❜
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        “ indeed not, ” lucinda says shortly. she raises an eyebrow at the other woman’s proximity — lucinda talkalot, as a rule, does not voluntarily find herself in close proximity to others, but it is not something that specifically bothers her; she is on a quidditch team, after all — but says nothing.
        glancing at hestia when the question is asked, lucinda notices her expression and throws her an exasperated look. “ of course not, ” she says, using one well-aimed fingertip to tap against a particular line in the article. “ look at all these names. i wouldn’t have the time nor the patience, ” she said frankly. “ besides, i would never do that with the opposition. ”
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
✴︎ — Rabastan had been lazily swirling a spoon in his tea when Lucinda spoke. He watched her take the magazine, shrugging, “ it isn’t mine, do whatever you’d like with it, ” he replied. “ What’s the story about ? ” he asked, although he never took a particular interest in gossip pages unless they involved him. It was amusing to read what journalists thought about him, since as far as anyone knew, he was just a socialite who didn’t know what he wanted from his life.
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        lucinda was — not pleased, exactly, because that was too strong of a positive emotion to qualify here, but the direct side of herself approved greatly of the fact that he had not had some ridiculous reaction to her picking it up, simply shrugging it off. being direct was much more useful than dithering around something for the sake of politeness, as far as lucinda was caused. “ apparently me, ” she answered shortly, flicking swiftly through the pages until she landed on a picture of her face. she scanned the article, then rolled her eyes. “ someone is working over-time fabricating this bullshit, ” she remarked. “ on the other hand, i can’t believe they get paid for it. ” she tossed the magazine down to the bench, article face up. “ evidently, i am locked in a scandalous romance. theories for the love interest include ‘hunky singer, lorcan d’eath and fit fellow quidditch player, ludo bagman’, ” she quoted drily.
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
James had been staring at a copy of witch weekly that had been left behind about to read it, when he suddenly saw that the magazine had been snatched away.  “Sure have at it not like I was about to  read it anyway.�� James put emphasis on the words I and read to try and let he know that she could have at least had the decency to ask. “Why you so interested in that anyway?”
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        lucinda flicked him a disinterested glance at his pointed indication of her rudeness, before turning her gaze back to the gossip rag in her hands. “ i’m doing you a favour, ” she informed him. “ unless you wanted to read a scintillating exposé on the inspiration behind celestina warbeck’s new song, whatever it’s called? ” she asked, raising an eyebrow. at his question, all she did was shift the magazine in her hands slightly and reposition it so the cover was next to her face, and the image of her on the inset of the cover could be clearly seen. figuring that was explanation enough, she moved it from her face and resumed her flicking. “ found it, ” she said, sounding satisfied, before dropping the magazine onto the bench to spread it out to read it better. glancing at one line — rumours of her love interests include singer lorcan d’eath and fellow quidditch player ludo bagman — she grimaced. “ this is the quality journalism you were planning on reading? ” she asked, glancing sidelong at james like, can you believe this bullshit?
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
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she’s initially shocked – mouth agape as she feels the magazine disappear beneath her arm – but she glances at lucinda and smiles, giving a little laugh.  sure, she’s put off by it but what sense would it make arguing?   ❛    that’s okay !! i wasn’t really reading it anyways.    ❜ 
hestia turns in her seat, leaning forward as she watches lucinda inspect the magazine.   many considered it to simply be a gossip magazine filled with lies and at the most simply over-exaggerated truths, but she still found it to be an interesting read herself.   ❛    looking for something specific?   i think horoscopes are at the beginning.   ❜
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        it was undoubtedly rude of lucinda to simply grab the magazine, but nobody had ever accused her of being especially polite. she was far too direct to ever qualify. “ points for taste, ” lucinda murmured, not even acknowledging the very kind out hestia had given her for her rudeness.
        lucinda, upon hearing hestia’s words, paused in her flicking for a moment, to look up at hestia for a moment. “ definitely not looking for those, ” she said bluntly, before resuming in her flicking and finding her face in a picture attached to an article. “ a-ha, ” she said, dropping the magazine down on the bench to spread it out and look at it closely, tapping her finger against the picture and scanning the words. it appeared to be a profile of some sort, but at least half of it was filled with speculation about her love life — terrible journalism. “ it looks like it could be worse, ” she muttered, in a tone which didn’t suggest she thought that it was particularly better, even if it could somehow be worse.
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
        lucinda was on her way to sip her coffee when she noticed there was a picture of her in an inset on the cover of the witch weekly lying in front of the person beside her. she had no idea if it was theirs or if it had just been there when they arrived, but she also didn’t care. “ can i — ” she began, seizing the magazine without bothering to finish her sentence and flicking through it to find what the hell she was doing there. quidditch profiles were fine, but she hardly expected quality journalism from a gossip rag like this.
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
bellatrix flashed an obnoxious smile to the girl in front of her, “ lucy, is that any way to treat an old roommate? ”
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        lucinda arched an eyebrow. “ i wasn’t aware there was any particular way to treat one, nor that i was in violation of it, ” she murmured coolly. she supposed she could have responded in kind, calling her trixie or something equally childish and asinine, but lucinda felt no need to stoop to such a level. this is why she stuck to quidditch players. “ you look... like you’re enjoying instilling fear into the heart of innocent, if ineffective, shop assistants, ” she observed. “ is that all you’re up to these days? ” lucinda didn’t quite care, to be honest, though she wouldn’t be surprised if bellatrix was not otherwise employed. black meant privilege in the wizarding world, after all. regulus, at least, had earned his way onto the team, because she would never have allowed anyone unskilled on her team, but that didn’t exactly extend to assuming employment was in the cards for any of them.
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
There’s something about the way boys say “believe me” that makes me just….Not Believe Them
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
My point is: in this whole wide world the only person you can depend on is you.
Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore (via theliteraryjournals)
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
snape, tom & harry
snape / is there someone your muse would do anything for?
at this stage in plotting, other than herself, no. however, in theory, yes, there are one or two friends for whom she would do anything. absolutely nobody in her immediate family, however. perhaps her abuela, once upon a time, but she’s passed away.
tom / how manipulative can your muse be?
it’s not her general move. she is capable of manipulation, she assumes, but she’s never really tried for it—she’s a very direct, blunt person, and is much more likely to expressly tell someone to do something or come forward, cards on the table, to bluntly ask, than to try to get her way through manipulation. it’s a little odd, actually, given her penchant for strategy, but she’s just so direct that manipulation has never been her deal. she’d much rather let someone know exactly what she wants them to do, and then let them know exactly how displeased she is if they do not. she’s absolutely fine with having manipulative friends, though. she’s difficult to manipulate because she has such an intensely driven focus on what she herself aims for, but she has no problem with the idea of her friends manipulating someone. it’s just not her move. she’s always been direct, dedicated, and logical.
harry / bravest thing your muse has done?
it’s a hard, interesting question for lucinda. if she had to think about it, really think about it, well — she’s not a coward, but brave is not the word she would ever think to apply to herself. she will not be cowed, but that’s not quite the same thing as being brave. if she had to choose something, though, it was probably going back home after her first year. she had to tamp down on magic in her home, and it was always a place she hated, between her father’s weakness and her uncle’s smug cruelty and her mother’s bored greed. hogwarts, on the other hand, was something new. hogwarts meant independence, and learning to hone her skills, and learning how to fly. hogwarts meant quidditch and learning and something to dedicate herself to. hogwarts was lucinda’s, something her family couldn’t touch, and somewhere that allowed her to succeed. leaving that to return to a place where she was dependent, where she was smaller, and not allowed to use magic — that was a very difficult thing to steel herself to do.
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
If you grew up in a house where you weren’t loved, you didn’t know there was an alternative.
The Marriage Plot, Jeffrey Eugenides (via ladyspug)
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
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You got that? (Requested by Anonymous)
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
why are boys like…….like that
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
“If you have something to say to me, make it quick. I’m not in a rush or anything, I’d just rather end our conversation as fast as possible.”
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        “ charming, ” lucinda said drily, watching bellatrix rid herself of a particularly helpful shop assistant. “ i assume you weren’t interested in the apothecary’s lionfish spine special? how shocking. ”
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
im a power couple with myself. i love us. we work hard
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lucindatalk · 7 years ago
Harry Potter themed asks!
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