lucid dream
47 posts
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
I need attention and sex
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
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breathtaking sunshine ♡
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
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181209 // MINO FIANCÉ
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
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트와이스 쯔위 17pic
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
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MINO on come to see me
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
Send me a ★ for an IC fact or send me a ☆ for an OOC fact.
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp sentence starters
92starters feel free to change gender pronouns ‘read-more’ added for length
“Tell me a story!”
“Donuts! Hot dogs! Pie! Cakes! ARGH! Why can’t I stop thinking about food?!”
“Did you mistake me for a cuddly and adorable toy just now? Don’t worry. When you’re as cute as I am, you get used to that kind of thing happening all the time.”
“You sure know how to get someone’s attention!”
“You’d really give this to me? I must be the luckiest girl in the world!”
“The longer and more annoying your method of brewing coffee is, the better it tastes. It’s science!”
“Getting tired, _____? Just remember there’s no harm in taking a breather.”
“Oh, man… You’re making me feel feelings again. Haven’t felt those in years.”
“No complaints here! I’m just taking a load off, breathing in the fresh air, and watching the world go by…”
“Well, well, well… What can I do for you?”
“Should we invent something? Destroy something? Invent something that destroys things?”
“Wow, you take the cake when it comes to friendship. Mmm… cake.”
“Do you have some new gossip?”
“When you think of winter, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For me it’s sitting in front of a big ol’ roaring fire, eating marshmallows. Don’t judge me!”
“Hmm… I just can’t decide what to do today…”
“I’ve got two words for you: you rule… a lot. Wait, was that more than two?”
“Ever had a song stuck in your head for so long you started to wonder if a tiny singer was living in there? I wouldn’t mind it so much if he coughed up some rent.”
“I’ve been lazing away around here for hours. What can I say? It’s my favorite way to spend the day!”
“Hey! You can cook, can’t you? Excellent! ‘Cause I can eat. We’re a match made in heaven.”
“I can only think of one thing that’d make it even better… MORE SNACKS!”
“I see you’re still out and about, _____. I like the way you think.”
“What are you doing up this late? Nevermind… People in glass houses shouldn’t call the kettle black and all that.”
“Hey, _____… What’s the most special place in the world to you?”
“Burning the midnight oil, eh, _____? Oh, come on. It used to be a common expression!”
“Bah, whatever. Don’t listen to your headphones too loud, kiddo, or you’ll end up like me!”
“You know, _____, I know being friends with me is a gift in itself… but here’s a little something to sweeten the deal!”
“We don’t always have to talk about training, you know. There’s plenty of other stuff goin’ on!  Like… um… You know… How ‘bout the weather? …Uhhhhh… Sorry! I’m out of my element!”
“Hey, what’s up? Something on your mind?”
“Listen, _____—I just want to warn you that I have a tendency to be a little… needy. It’s not that I’m super selfish or anything like that! I’m always happy to share with a friend. I’ve just found the best way to make friends is to ask them for stuff!”
“When I really think about it, I realize you always do so much for me. That’s why I prepared you this little thank-you gift! So… thank you!”
“Whoa, you’re giving this to me? That’s amazing!”
“Traveling is nothing if not entertaining, am I right? You never know what kinds of peeps you’re gonna run into out in the world.”
“Whenever I meet someone new, I can’t help but wonder, “What’s your story?”“
“You’ve been such a big help! Let me know when I can return the favor.”
“Hey, you! What are you standing around here for? Go have some fun already!”
“You did it! And it’s not easy to get your hands on stuff like this.”
“Wanna hear something funny? …Uh-oh. I totally forgot what I was gonna say. That’s too bad. Guess it wasn’t so funny after all!”
“Oh, man. The ocean is just so magnificent and powerful at night. Like a perfectly executed burpee…”
“You know what I’ve figured out? That traveling is a great way to make new friends.”
“It’s a beautiful day! Isn’t it, _____? Where I come from, they call this “favor weather”!”
Keep reading
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
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a goddess
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
reverse jealous / possessive meme
“he / she wasn’t flirting with me, calm down.”
“they’re just a friend, i swear.”
“you’re being really irrational about all this.”
“you can’t tell me what to do.”
“you can’t tell me who i can and can’t hang out with.”
“there’s no reason for you to be jealous.”
“who cares if they were flirting with me? it doesn’t mean anything.”
“stop treating me like a piece of property.”
“i wasn’t flirting, i was being friendly.”
“i don’t belong to you.”
“calm down. i’m yours, nothing’s gonna change that.”
“are you seriously jealous right now?”
“why does it matter who i was with?”
“i only have eyes for you, you know that.”
“you have nothing to worry about.”
“you need to stop being so controlling.”
“you have no reason to be jealous!”
“why are you acting like this?”
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
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Jinyoung what are you doing? 😂😂
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
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                                                   |Paint me like one of your French girls|
Muse A is an artist, and a struggling one at that. Not only are they struggling to make ends meet, but they are also struggling creatively. They haven’t been able to create anything truly….inspiring for a while.
Until they meet Muse B. They become Muse A’s artistic muse, and with Muse B in their life they are finally able to create and get recognition. But Muse A begins to be drawn to Muse B’s energy (for better or worse) in more than just a creative sense, and the artist realizes that they have fallen in love. But are they in love with Muse B or the artistic muse that they inspire?
Additional plot option 1: Muse B doesn’t know that they are Muse A’s muse, until they see their work in a gallery.
Additional plot option 2: Muse B isn’t real, but actually a figment of Muse A’s imagination and creative sense come to “life”.
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
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“Truthfully, I don’t know, probably go bother another bartender out there that is less attractive, less funny, and a lot less easy to talk to,” Rosie replied candidly, finishing off her drink. “No need. I’m a model employee. I promise I won’t let you down.”
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∾ MINO’S   smile never faulted , offering to fill her glass once again , ❝ so tell me , aside from your shitty day , how’s the rest of your life ?? ❞ regardless of her response , he filled the glass anyway. ❝ got any single friends looking to date a lonely bartender ?? because maybe now with you working here i can get some time off. ❞ he was really only half teasing.
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
@gwyynbleidd continued from ╳
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∾ DONGWOO   couldn’t keep himself from bursting into laughter. it was quite the opposite effect of his current sad clown expression that he saw in the mirror. and hearing the musical laughter expelling from indigo’s lips , it only confirmed why dongwoo enjoyed hanging out with her so much. he could really be his silly self , often childish because he likes to see people smile , and she wasn’t embarrassed of him. that’s all he could really ask for.
❝ well it’s not really my personality , but i will say your artistry is impeccable !! ❞ he grinned as he looked to the other , reaching for a towel to wipe the paint from his face. ❝ do remind me not to fall asleep when you’re over next time. ❞ he sent a wink her way , splashing his face with water to remove the dried paint from his face. ❝ how about we go out somewhere ?? i need to wake up , get some food in me. ❞
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
l u c a s ‌: 
      “Yes! That’s it!”. he makes his way over, a smile on his face as he gently takes it from her. the pick had his father’s painted on it, a gift his friend had presented to him the anniversary of his parent’s death. “Is your knee okay though? That looks like it hurt.”.
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∾ TZUYU   was happy to have found the object , handing it over to the male before taking a look at her knee. ❝ oh?? i’m sure it’s fine. i didn’t even feel it !! ❞ she waved it off , pulling a tissue from her purse and dabbing at her knee.
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
❄‘゚・ l o s t
∾ THERE   was something about the holidays that jinyoung hated , and perhaps it was the obligation to visit his family and endure pointless questions that only seemed to prove his relatives were so nosy. he exited the plane , the moment he did , his ear was glued to the phone. his mother was already having a conniption when he told her he wasn’t staying at the house , but rather at a hotel. jinyoung didn’t want to deal with all of them , so he was willing to get an earful later and be able to walk away from it and stay away in the comfort of his hotel room. 
reaching for his luggage , he bumped into a woman , hardly paying attention with a small apology and just grabbing the luggage from the belt , moving on to his cab. it was already too rough of a day for him , he wanted to relax in the hotel.
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arriving to the hotel was a relief for jinyoung. he was finally off the phone with his mother after talking plans for the following few days. all he wanted to do was take a shower , have some dinner , and go to bed. but first , the shower. he hoisted the luggage onto his bed  zipping it open. reaching in , something didn’t feel right , and the moment he looked inside , he realized this wasn’t his luggage. he felt his heart drop , all of his belongings were in his luggage including some things for his camera. what got to him was when he pulled out what seemed to be lace between his fingers. the noise that escaped him only proved the prude life he lived that he’d never experienced a women’s lace garment in his hands.
he was quick to search for contact information , pulling his phone back out and dialing the number. how could he let this mistake happen ??  he now just hoped the women who owned the luggage wasn’t too far away.
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
    “If we don’t find it, it’s okay. I can always just get a new one.”. he didn’t the girl to be here, helping him search for something so tiny. it would take forever just to find it and he didn’t want to waste the other’s time. 
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    “But thank you. It means a lot, actually.”. 
∾ THERE   was something about the situation , tzuyu didn’t want to give up. perhaps she was just stubborn regardless if it were to concern her. ❝ i’m optimistic that we’ll find it. ❞ she smiled as she crawled forward , her knee hitting a tree root , causing her to fall forward. though she could already feel the pounding in her knee , but she was staring at a green piece unlike that of grass. ❝ i think i found it !! ❞ she picked up the pick , sitting up and holding it up to the other , ❝ is this the one ?? ❞
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lucidxdrecm-blog · 6 years ago
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who is she
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