lucidteen · 5 years
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lucidteen · 5 years
here is where i love you— in the quiet once we’re home. we toss off our shoes and my hair still smells of cigarettes and we may not be the brightest stars in the galaxy rivaling the light of the sun but we’re here and we matter. I’m too drunk to unbutton my top so we sleep in our dancing clothes and you have to leave early but you make me coffee and this may not be everything we imagined, the memories blur together soaked in whiskey. Snapshots- we’re kissing in the bar, snapshots- you’re driving your car, snapshots- we stop to eat, snapshots- we’re off out feet. This may not rival my dreams but on nights like this, you’re exactly what i need.
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lucidteen · 5 years
lets get drunk and talk about how we really feel about each other
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lucidteen · 5 years
My friend told me that the boy she’s talking to has been ignoring her for 17 hours. It made me laugh because she was so precise about the timing but it also brought back flashbacks. The days I’d be anxious and desperate for him to reply. I’d sit and wait and check my phone hundreds of times, only to be met with silence. I’d check if his Snapchat score went higher, wondering who he’s talking to and why he hasn’t replied to me. Am I too boring? Is he with friends and too ashamed to text me in their presence? My mind would race with all these possibilities and I was so naive to the truth: he didn’t like me. It took me half a year to come to the realization. A boy who truly wants you will make it known, don’t settle for anything less.
Things I wish I had known
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lucidteen · 5 years
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lucidteen · 5 years
“I am desperately trying to write the next chapter when I haven’t finished the current one. I’m skipping words, lines, entire pages. I’m not ready and it’s beginning to show.”
— foreshadowing / n.j.
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lucidteen · 5 years
“I’m not a terrible person for feeling relieved that you’re gone. For feeling happy that I am free of our toxic relationship. For making the right choice for myself even though I hurt you. For choosing to love myself instead of loving you.”
— Maybe if I repeat this over and over again, eventually I’ll believe it and my guilt will be stripped away - Jess Amelia 
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lucidteen · 6 years
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lucidteen · 6 years
9 million people fucking love dogs
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lucidteen · 6 years
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Reena B. | Twelve Months and how they lived inside my body
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lucidteen · 6 years
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lucidteen · 6 years
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© briskventure
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lucidteen · 6 years
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lucidteen · 6 years
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lucidteen · 6 years
“livid, adj. Fuck You for cheating on me. Fuck you for reducing it to the word cheating. As if this were a card game, and you sneaked a look at my hand. Who came up with the term cheating, anyway? A cheater, I imagine. Someone who thought liar was too harsh. Someone who thought devastator was too emotional. The same person who thought, oops, he’d gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Fuck you. This isn’t about slipping yourself an extra twenty dollars of Monopoly money. These are our lives. You went and broke our lives. You are so much worse than a cheater. You killed something. And you killed it when its back was turned.”
— David Levithan, The Lover’s Dictionary (via infinite-paradox)
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lucidteen · 6 years
self care is breaking into nasa and launching yourself directly into the Fucking void
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lucidteen · 6 years
“She never felt like she belonged anywhere, except for when she was lying on her bed, pretending to be somewhere else.”
— Rainbow Rowell (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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