15 posts
Last active 60 minutes ago
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lucentluminary · 23 hours ago
Palestine supporters have a completely opposite effect on me. I mean, if this is the kind of supporters it has, maybe Palestine shouldn't exist.
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lucentluminary · 2 days ago
Can someone just shoot Trump again already?
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lucentluminary · 4 days ago
Can we just bomb Israel and Palestine and kill everyone there LOL
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lucentluminary · 4 days ago
How can commies reconcile worshipping a right-wing oligarchy that's no longer even communist with communism? Are they morons? Actually, nevermind, of course they are. Otherwise they wouldn't be communist.
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lucentluminary · 5 days ago
It's funny that Southerners demand empathy because of "muh hurricane", but show zero empathy towards anybody else in distress. Not Americans beyond a very specific demographic, certainly not anybody else in the world. Uh, no. Empathy denied. Learn to be a decent human being first, then people would actually have a reason to give a shit.
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lucentluminary · 5 days ago
Not being on Twitter/"X" improves your life. Would recommend. It's broken as hell nowadays too.
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lucentluminary · 6 days ago
I harp on Democrats, but I think anybody can agree that Republicans are even worse. I hope Democrats at least learn their lesson and improve their tactics. Maybe they could even win next time. I honestly hope they do.
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lucentluminary · 19 days ago
Tinfoil hat shipping (like Larry or Gaylor), reminds me of erotomania, except shippers think two other people are in love instead of themselves and another person. Taking meaningless things (like clothing color) as proof of a relationship in particular.
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lucentluminary · 28 days ago
Russians know that russophobia isn't real. They also know that Russians' racism, on the other hand, is very real and has fatal consequences to its' victims. They just love playing the victim. I fucking hate Russians (and no, saying that you hate your oppressors isn't rUsSoPhObIa).
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lucentluminary · 29 days ago
Tankies on the West's and Israel's treatment of Muslims: Racist Islamophobic colonizers!
Tankies on China's and Russia's treatment of Muslims: OMG, exterminate those subhuman Muslim animals! You have the right to steal their land! Decolonization and anti-imperialism kings!
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lucentluminary · 1 month ago
Wikipedia sucks. Anybody can write whatever they want and attach a bullshit citation (like somebody's blog) or no citation at all and it stays there for years. The editors are biased as hell with the sources they use and the things they choose to ignore, while claiming that Wikipedia is not biased.
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lucentluminary · 1 month ago
It's baffling that still exists. Who reads that godawful listicle garbage?!
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lucentluminary · 1 month ago
Americans are just such morally superior special snowflakes and such warriors of social justice that they made a racist, misogynistic and probably pedophilic rapist their president twice. Actually, way more than just twice. But continue telling me just how racist, misogynistic and backwards other countries are. You really showed us!
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lucentluminary · 1 month ago
If you defend the USSR you should be punished by having communists steal land that you're native to, steal your property, marginalize your culture, expel you from your home, starve you and kill you. You know, since apparently you would enjoy it so much. Oh, and don't forget have some Western communist dipshits then condescendingly tell you that they know better than you, someone who actually lived through communism.
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lucentluminary · 1 month ago
Reddit kinda made me hate Americans.
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