lucaskorea · 4 years
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Me and the girls on our way to get ihop
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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lucaskorea · 6 years
hey what if
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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danganronpa + text posts (12/?)
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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A collection of the most choice Kuzuruyus from Nagito Komaeda and The Destroyer of the World
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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im ashamed to say this took me like 26 minutes to make
[ x ]
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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trying out a new program aside from SAI and it seems to be working really well
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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you guys heard abt tht mew mew kissy cutie anime right
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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a mcfreaking bodys been discovered lads
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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Some cute ghostie friends<3
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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This was a lot of fun to make. I hope you’ll have fun with it, too! ヽ(;▽;)ノ
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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tag yourself, I’m a dumbass thot
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lucaskorea · 6 years
This boy is precious. Not just when he’s in a romance, either. No matter how tsun-tsun he is about how he doesn’t really care it’s a stRAIGHT UP LIE.
He doles out paid bodyguards to every member of the RFA at the drop of a hat every time they’re in any kind of danger at all. He’ll send his drivers out for people if they need something and not even snark about it.
When Zen is self destructing and Jumin is hurt and angry with Zen’s behavior and insistence on a rivalry he’s not interested in, he still goes out of his way to protect and help Zen, shields his privacy, bends his rules, and even hunts Zen down to help him out of his funk.
He is protective of the MC even when he’s not in love with her, and asks her to call him at any time if she needs anything.
If you regularly call the characters because you have all the call cards… do you know who answers the most and at the most random times? It’s not your routemate. It’s not Zen who adores you regardless.
It’s Jumin.
Call him at 3 in the morning. He’ll answer while he’s doing paperwork. Call him in the middle of the day and he’ll complain to you about the work he’s stuck doing. Call him when he’s gone away to his quiet place to get away from everyone else and all the noise, and he’ll still talk to you. HIT ON HIM LIKE THE THIRSTIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD and he’ll just politely brush it off and keep chatting with you.
He never says “I’m too busy to talk to you stop calling”, he’ll just do his business while talking to you between it. You don’t have to pry into his heart to befriend him, he’ll cheerily suggest you join him in teasing Zen when he barely knows you. He’ll also offer to let you meet Elizabeth when you’re practically perfect strangers. 
This dude doesn’t know the MC on most routes. He has no reason to humor her about anything not to do with the RFA. He claims he doesn’t like chit-chat. He still answers her and entertains her.
He doesn’t approve of Yoosung’s behavior at all and is disappointed completely and yet he is earnestly willing to give Yoosung a job at his business as soon as Yoosung is out of college. Zen keeps rebuffing him coldly without explanation and yet he’s absolutely willing to prop Zen back up again and use all of his connections to help Zen reach stardom if Zen would just let him.
there’s almost no time he won’t answer the MC. Even when he won’t answer ANYONE he’ll almost always answer the MC’s calls. He’ll call just to hear her voice and admit to not knowing what to say. She practically only has to ask him to do something and he’ll relent immediately.
And while he’s paranoid in his route, keep in mind the MC is actually the safest of all routes. Because for all of his paranoia he’s literally actually protecting her from dangers all the other RFA fail to.
As dedicated as Zen is, as much as he professes endless love for the MC, as much as he says he cares more about his love than his career, there is no time in which he chooses the MC over his career. There is no timeline where he abandons acting so he can be with her. There’s not even a timeline where he refuses to hide her even though it will stall his acting career. Even in the good ending where he reveals her, he later signs a contract that says he needs to keep the MC on the downlow and not be seen with her in public. Again, even in the ending where the MC is emotionally and verbally abusive to him and he just bows his head and takes it because he needs to be with her, he is still acting. He hasn’t even quit acting with female leads that make her jealous!
Jumin, on the other hand, will literally just quit his ludicrously expensive job without the MC so much as whispering a suggestion of it. He just wants to be with the MC more, and he’s sick of his job interfering. And in the ending where he doesn’t do that, he announces her publicly, marries her publicly, and gets angry with his work when it forces him to be away from her too long.
He runs himself so ragged forcing and slamming through his work in time to get home for Valentines day that he practically collapses from exhaustion once he gets there.
Zen might make fun of him for being so sure that he’s dedicated to the MC more than anyone else…
but boy
that’s because
Jumin is.
He’ll give up Elizabeth for the MC if she asks. He’ll keep Elizabeth if the MC asks him to. When he’s out working, all he thinks about is the MC and everything he sees reminds him of the MC.
He will worry excessively over everyone in RFA, MC included, even when he’s not in love with her. He’ll tut and play father role for Yoosung and for MC (spamming the chat with “I don’t agree with two people living together unmarried” in Zen’s route), he’ll worry over Seven and support him even when he’s savagely smacking him down over Elizabeth.
He gives Yoosung a reward when Yoosung doesn’t expect one!!
He’ll just keep making jokes and stupid puns until someone (usually MC) laughs about it and have no shame
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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Day 2423 - 12 September  2018
sparkly hair
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lucaskorea · 6 years
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