32 posts
a friend with weed is a friend indeed
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
txt: idk u seem pretty cranky i think u need weed more txt: im here btw
[txt] ur scrawny ass needs the pizza more [txt] f u hurry up before i change my mind
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
[txt] so u dont want pizza then [txt] asshole [txt] if i wanted ur body id text olive ;)
txt: so u don’t want weed then?
txt: ... olive doesn’t have a penis, bro.
txt: i don’t think...
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
[txt] need a house call doc. can order pizza if u wanna hang
txt: u just want me 4 my bawdy.
txt: rly tho be there soon. i'll pick up frankie on the way. 
txt: wait nope no i won't sry forget that part.
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
Have you ever had sex with one of your clients?
Like one of my guitar students? Dude that’s creepy.
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
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@douglasbooth Old friends. #lazysunday
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
Phe looked like utter shit. There was no other way to put it. Laying on the bed, her arm draped across her eyes to block out the light, it was a side of her he hadn’t seen before. For a split second, he felt like the world’s biggest arsehole.
It had surprised Luca how much difficulty the people of Forbes seemed to have getting their doctors to write them scripts. It was a lucrative business for him; buying in bulk on a monthly basis and selling it on. It was especially so with overachieving honour-roll students and housewives filling out their days, but it felt dirty. Weed, party drugs; they were fun and harmless if you weren’t a total dickhead. He didn’t mind selling baggies to his friends’ parents either (the ones who were cool enough not to say anything) but it wasn’t enough and he needed the money.
He hated asking his parents for money when he had a simple way to make it for himself. He didn’t like being a burden on them - they had enough to worry about without it. He almost suggested Phe stick to pot, almost told her it would be better for her in the long run, but he didn’t want to tell anyone what to do, Besides, he’d already eyed the neatly rolled bunch of notes waiting for him to pick them up. 
“You’re not dying.” He said gently as the door closed behind him. 
He sighed softly and pulled his backpack around to sit against his chest as he took a seat on the bed next to her. He returned her attempt at a smile and pulled out his assortment of supplies. Phe was his last stop for the evening so it didn’t look like much, a few tubes rattling around, a handful of pre-rolled joints and a baggy or two. “The usual?” He asked, though it was rhetorical. He grabbed an empty lunch bag and deposited what she usually requested into it, placing it on the bed between them as he tried not to look at her laying there for too long. She might have looked worse for wear, but that didn’t really change the way he thought about her. He cleared his throat and let his eyes settle on the bag he’d placed between them.
He wondered if she was going to take anything now or if she’d wait for him to leave. Sometimes they’d light up together and sit for a while, but this didn’t really seem like something a spliff could cover. “Haven’t heard from you in a while...” He observed, fidgeting and uncomfortable with his lack of subtlety as he wondered if she was trying to ween herself off. A bittersweet notion: if she did, he’d be pleased for her, but sorry for himself. More than the money, he liked seeing her in this private world. 
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Trudging along the driveway of the Chapman’s mansion, Luca felt uneasy. It was always strange to him, making house calls. It wasn’t an unusual thing to do; he made a lot of them, but they depressed him. Maybe because he had to remain sober when he was working - he couldn’t do the math otherwise. Walking around other people’s mansions made him feel like he was missing out on something. Not the money or the lifestyle, but the hope that had lived within the one his family used to reside.
The adoption drama had sucked more than just money out of the Lockwood household and the fact that he got out of their aunt’s house was probably the only thing Luca liked about house-calls. That and seeing Phe. It was stupid, he knew it was, but he couldn’t help it. She was so sweet and lovely and smart as hell - everything he wasn’t. It embarrassed him that he had such a juvenile crush on her. Especially considering he knew she would never like him like that in return. There was no way she could. He doubted she would even want to be friends with him out in the open. He would have been lying to himself if he didn’t also admit that part of him liked being in on her secret, even if it was just because she needed him to enable her.
He looked down at the last message she’d sent him.
phe: come straight up. door’s open.
Nothing but business about it. He sighed gently and let himself through the front door and slowly made his way throughout the quiet house to Phe’s room. “Knock knock.” he said softly at the door, tapping the frame with the back of his knuckles. 
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Phe was on edge, more so than usual. She was pretty sure that any moment her head was going to explode in a shower of confetti. She had run out of pills four days ago and, feeling a burst of confidence, had decided she would go without. Cold turkey. At first it wasn’t horrible, but then came the exhaustion and ridiculous mood swings. But the worst of all was the insomnia. Phe had lay in bed wide-awake until her alarm jolted her out of bed. Now, she was flat on her back on top of her comforter, her head hanging over the foot of the bed. At least six stress relief candles were spread across her desk and bookshelf, casting the only light across the room. 
When she texted Luca, it was more out of desperation than anything else. She’d told herself that she would be fine on her own, but in reality she was overly dependent on the pills she’d somehow managed to get out of him. She needed what he had to offer. Plus, she actually enjoyed his company more than she would ever willingly admit. He may have fed her addiction, but he also helped calm her down just by being there. In the moment, all Phe wanted was to get a Valium to calm down and listen to Luca talk her off the ledge for a while. Then she would pay him for the assortment of prescription pills (Prozac, Ritalin, a couple Valium) and trace amounts of pot, then get back to her normal self. 
Phe jumped out of her skin when Luca announced his arrival. She raised her head suddenly in an attempt to get up, but the searing pain in her temple brought her back down. She winced, waving an arm in the general direction of the door. “Come in!” Phe looked at him upside down as he came into the room. “I’m so glad you’re here, I’m pretty sure I’m dying.” She draped an arm across her eyes to block the light coming in from the hallway. Once the door was shut she patted the bed next to her, inviting him to join in her misery. She hadn’t looked in the mirror all day and was slightly concerned about her appearance, though her pounding head helped to drown out those thoughts. She looked up at him, happy for the dim lighting. Phe attempted a smile, trying to force herself to look partially normal despite the circumstances, but failed miserably. Withdrawal was a bitch.
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
i don’t know how to feel about my best friend and my sister hooking up tbh
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Can you tell us about your New Year's Eve kiss?
It was great, Lia and I ended up kissing :D
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
TBH: NYE was pretty damn good. 
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
what does being high in weed feels like?
I wouldn’t have a dam clue, but judging by this ask I think you might already know the answer.
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
txt: i’m still waitin. 
txt: can u get me that unicorn pillow pet while ur at it? and mb a onesie.
txt: but i am ur twin 😢 txt: liv plz it wasn’t enough. who leaves half a scoop?
[TEXT] that is true… [TEXT] i just gave you MY FAVORITE GELATO [TEXT] YOU KNOW I DON’T EVEN LET OUR MOMS TOUCH IT [TEXT] now i have to go buy MORE [TEXT] okay i guess i’m going on a target run and i’ll pick you up in-n-out on my way back [TEXT] imma even be a nice twin and get you animal style fries 
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
txt: but i am ur twin 😢 txt: liv plz it wasn't enough. who leaves half a scoop?
txt: why didn't u bring me in-n-out? txt: i know u went it's on snapchat. txt: & tumblr. txt: cryin' now thnx a lot.
[TEXT] i mean it wasn’t a secret, it was xan’s birthday :D[TEXT] if i brought you in-n-out then i’d have to bring everyone in-n-out[TEXT] i’m sorry :([TEXT] you can have the rest of my chocolate gelato in the freezer if you want 
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
Trudging along the driveway of the Chapman’s mansion, Luca felt uneasy. It was always strange to him, making house calls. It wasn’t an unusual thing to do; he made a lot of them, but they depressed him. Maybe because he had to remain sober when he was working - he couldn’t do the math otherwise. Walking around other people’s mansions made him feel like he was missing out on something. Not the money or the lifestyle, but the hope that had lived within the one his family used to reside.
The adoption drama had sucked more than just money out of the Lockwood household and the fact that he got out of their aunt’s house was probably the only thing Luca liked about house-calls. That and seeing Phe. It was stupid, he knew it was, but he couldn’t help it. She was so sweet and lovely and smart as hell - everything he wasn’t. It embarrassed him that he had such a juvenile crush on her. Especially considering he knew she would never like him like that in return. There was no way she could. He doubted she would even want to be friends with him out in the open. He would have been lying to himself if he didn’t also admit that part of him liked being in on her secret, even if it was just because she needed him to enable her.
He looked down at the last message she’d sent him.
phe: come straight up. door’s open.
Nothing but business about it. He sighed gently and let himself through the front door and slowly made his way throughout the quiet house to Phe’s room. “Knock knock.” he said softly at the door, tapping the frame with the back of his knuckles. 
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
Can you tell us about your New Year's Eve kiss?
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
[TXT MSG]: Hey can we meet up? I need some stuff... urgently.
txt: i got u. i'll come to you
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
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Man, I swear 2015 went so quickly. Five minutes till we’re officially in a new year holy shiiiiit. 
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
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Come and countdown to midnight with us! Maybe focus on having some of your own fun instead?
So borrred!
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You people are so boring. The best gossip I’ve gotten all night is that Frankie seems to have a drinking problem! Do something exciting already!
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lucalockwood-blog · 9 years ago
Luca let out a sigh of relief when Lia waved Tiffany away. It wasn’t that he disliked the girl, but he tended to find himself in trapped in awkward small talk for what seemed like forever. Saying no wasn’t one of his strong points and he liked to treat everyone in the same friendly manner. Except Aria, as far as Luca was concerned, she was the devil reincarnate and could go right back to hell. A man of few words, his response to Lia’s questions about ringing in the New Year came in the form of a scoff and a sip of his drink.
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Luca didn’t mind the celebrations, but he was far too lazy for things like resolutions, which was all Tiffany had been talking at him about before Lia showed up. His head snapped up from his glass when Lia brought up the topic of midnight kisses. He groaned as she nodded towards Cami. It wasn’t that he was uninterested, quite the opposite. He was just hopeless when it came to approaching girls in any kind of romantic sense. Cami was cute and she seemed nice enough, but he felt like going up to her and asking to kiss her was a little too forward seeing as they’d never even spoken. Besides...
“...Isn’t asking someone if you can kiss them before you do it lame?” Luca asked, his brow raised. "I seem to remember us having that conversation,” he said with a brow raised. For a boy who smoked so much dope, he had a pretty impressive long-term memory. 
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After schmoozing with guests, Lia was already over the whole event. It didn’t help that all the older attendees kept asking how excited she was for her new family. Barf. With a champagne flute in hand, she strolled along looking for some friendly company. Spotting Luca (@lucalockwood), she grinned and made her way towards the boy despite him conversing with another girl, Tiffany something. “Hi Tiffany” she called out to the duo as she approached them. In a fluid motion, she linked arms with Luc before pulling him away from the girl. “Bye, Tiffany” she called out as she waved her hand, looking back briefly. When they were a couple feet away, Lia stopped at one of the standing tables. “So, you ready to ring in the super duper New Year?” she asked sarcastically before downing her drink. “Some freshman asked if we could kiss at midnight and I almost choked. Had to walk away to keep myself from laughing.” Speaking of midnight kisses, her attention focused on Luc. “Know who you’re kissing tonight?” She nudged him lightly in the ribs before nodding her head towards Cami, not too far away. “Or are you gonna pussy out?” She put her empty glass on a passing waiter’s platter. “It’d probably be in your best interests to ask her before someone else does.”
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