lsartcorner · 4 hours
Canon Ending
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lsartcorner · 14 hours
Now he’s a hunk, untypical of human Peri designs, but appreciated
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Dev meets Human!Peri
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lsartcorner · 14 hours
Fifth and final character of TurboWaters!
Young and here for some fun on the waves, welcoming…
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Age - 23
Height - 5’3
Power up item - Watermelon
Brief description -
Is the youngest and least experienced of all the 5 racers, however she need not worry as having been under the wing of ultimate grandmaster Turbo for a few months and has improved massively from when she started.
Initially she started just for fun, but as consequence of being under his wing, has subtly began developing Turbos sense of competitiveness, gaining the desire to destroy the competition no matter what. This causes her to practice a lot, a lot of the time with Turbo as he is her mentor after all, who has shown her to have a knack for winning. However this doesn’t go to well for her having the lowest stats compared to everyone else…
Besides this, as a whole she is the most open minded and adventurous of the lot, wanting to explore all the different worlds of her game as well as those in the arcade, despite some hesitance both in and out due to Turbo as a whole, annoying her, but is able to stay collected.
She wouldn’t typically be the one to make a first move in an interaction, but it push comes to shove she is able to keep her bearings.
All things considered she can be easily influenced by others if there is some sense in their words and believe in her head beforehand, leading her to do things she might not otherwise. This is due to her nature of wanting to fit in and agreeing, going with the flow of others even it maybe not be what she had in mind,
this sort of act allows her to be close with all of the cast.
This means that when she does speak her mind, it really means something.
Fun fact -
Is the best chef of all of the racers so after races is found improving her technique and trying out different recipes, sometimes through the night if she isn’t training on her Jetski instead.
Having her own personal garden really helps.
Stats -
- Skills - 3/10
- Speed - 7/10
- Power - 4/10
- Special ability - Can cover people in seaweed blocking their engines + ability to see for 5 seconds
Catchphrase - Natures greatest!
Now that all character introductions are done, now what?
While I get the story of the main comic in the works, after this post will be some doodles of the characters and some mini stories of the world till then!
- LsArtCorner
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lsartcorner · 2 days
Felix and Turbo have a conversation I like how u can see the art quality continuously degrade the longer it goes on lol
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lsartcorner · 2 days
Double trouble who do you think it is?
Thats right it’s,
Jet & Set! Aka the Turbo Twins!
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Jet -
Age - 26
Height - 6’0
Power up item - Ice Lolly
Brief description -
Typically unserious, outgoing and trickster personality who prefers to be risky and show off tricks than win gold.
However this doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a more serious side, being the most empathetic of them all, always there to have a shoulder to cry on or to talk to whenever needed. He can be silly but is also self aware of when to and not to be. For example seeing Flora upset because of losing many races, he would reassure and comfort her better than Turbo, her teacher ever could, causing them to form a close platonic bond, where they will go to each other if in need. For Flora it be support, and Jet for some tricks and games on others.
Can easily read people and speak for them if need be as he wants to ensure everyone is the most comfortable around him. However sometimes there is the bit so may do something which could be inappropriate for a certain situation, but will apologise later.
For example some of these tricks could include his megaphone, which can be heard what feels like the entire game (and considering his fast running speed, might as well be the entire arcade sometimes)
He is one to frequent the rides on the pier, liking to see the view. Sometimes would bring his binoculars to look at specifics (definitely not to spy on Set).
Fun fact - Is completely resistant to brain freeze even after several ice lollies or slushies, which people are impressed and envious of.
Stats -
- Skills - 8/10
- Speed - 6/10
- Power - 4/10
- Special ability - Super soakers which are able to knock people off their jetskis, once knocked off, they will respawn back on board in 5 seconds
Catchphrase - Engines on!
Set -
Age - 26
Height - 6’0
Power up item - Ice Lolly
Brief description -
Unlike his brother Set is way more calm and collected, preferring to be alone or with one or two people, not being a fan of large groups or social events, opting out if he can.
What makes up for his lack of interest in social situation would be his skill in engineering and working with his hands, being found everyday to be working on his jetski or making objects and structures for others.
Will do stuff for favours, and depending on its size bigger the favour, which when he gets to do quite enjoys the reaction others get when hearing what they’d have to do in return. He is reliable so can be trusted to do said projects.
Despite not showing it really appreciates it when people praise and acknowledge his work/projects whether it be on his jetski or other crafty projects he made such as furniture, equipment, buildings etc. Despite the cold personality he is actually quite sweet with also a knack for sweet things like his brother Jet.
Before a days racing will make himself a game plan which will be followed throughout the day, and without one or if things go off course can be anxious and freeze up not knowing what to do, hindering his performance.
Despite the differences is close to his brother, being able to ask him for honest advice with that lil nack of having a brother bond, makes them quite close, for Set sometimes being the convincing person in making him go to social events or places with many people, knowing he can be relied on to do the talking.
However has recently been going off and talking to Summer about these stuff more often by default, hanging out on the beach after hours, which has been making Jet kind of jealous.
Fun fact -
Using some scraps, he has been able to make himself a guitar which he practices whilst listening to the waves on the shoreline.
Stats -
- Skills - 4/10
- Speed - 6/10
- Power - 8/10
- Special ability - Super soakers which are able to knock people off their jetskis, once knocked off, they will respawn back on board in 5 seconds
Catchphrase - Set into motion!
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4 down 1 to go till some actual content is done with these guys, tomorrow expect Flora!
- LsArtCorner
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lsartcorner · 3 days
Second character of the TurboWaters AU aka the secondary protagonist of the game itself,
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Age - 27
Height - 5’8
Power up item - Mango
Brief description -
With her immense training, Summer is a lady well versed in communication and getting what she wants, when she wants it.
Despite her socialite nature, she craves deep connection, which she is able to do with the independent resident loner Set. With this is mind she has a great memory, remembering anything and everything, each words said and done, which is what she uses in her training, analysing what has worked and what hasn’t to see how it can be improved or not and who it is the most effective against while racing.
It would be this that would have helped her gain the skill she has in the current day.
Outside of arcade hours she doesn’t train as much as she could like the others do, but that doesn’t worry her, knowing that as long as she is racing and analysing, she will be set most of the time. Besides she gets on the podium most of the time so why does it matter?
With all this free time available she can be found talking and interacting with other racers and spectators on what they thought of that days events and things they noticed to consider in her repertoire.
If not socialising she can be found lying on the warm sand just watching the day go by, or trying out her other skills such as swimming or drinks making as getting thirsty in such heat is quite easy and wants to be self sufficient in trying new stuff, not just relying on the water provided, but utilising other resources as well.
To get said resources, she may take stuff from other peoples areas hoping they don’t notice something is missing.
She would also be very insistent on people’s sun-safety so everyday would remind people to wear sunscreen and a wide brimmed hat when not wearing their helmet. Particularly this would be towards Turbo who regularly gets burns and visible tan lines, most likely around the eyes where his sunglasses are. Her own sunglasses are something she would wear most of the time whilst outdoors.
Fun fact -
On the beach when relaxing she may carve up some wood into little ornaments which she would either gift or keep in her vast collection.
Stats -
- Skills - 8/10
- Speed - 8/10
- Power - 7/10
- Special ability - Is able to make her head lights really bright, stunning those in front of her for 7 seconds with 3 seconds recovery. Is effective on all characters besides Turbo (sunglasses perk).
Catchphrase - Summers brightest!
Tomorrow you will be getting the double trouble of the twins, so keep an eye out for that!
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lsartcorner · 4 days
Got a super rough blockout started, this is a super different style to what I'm used to, i've been meaning to get into more toony modelling and animation methods and am loving the expressions I can get out of this thing. hes so cool omg turbo 🥺
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bonus mixamo test animation because funny:
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lsartcorner · 4 days
The first of the TurboWaters AU character introductions, and obviously who else would it be other than the man himself,
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Age - 28
Height - 5’6
Power up item - Pineapple
Brief description -
By being the eldest of the lot and having won many championships beforehand, Turbo is no stranger to the seas nor winning a first place trophy, his ultimate desire of competitiveness which has fuelled his journey from the beginning, rising from envy to deprecation/pity of his opponents, which sometimes can be seen as boastful.
By having a desire to share his skills to win even more races by accomplice, has mentored Flora under his wing for many months and has seen drastic improvement and expects her to be consistently beating his lifelong opponents of the Twins Jet & Set any day now!
It gives him more gloating material of him being able to train someone to their level in mere months for what they have been practicing for years, can get cocky about it, but Flora is able to calm it down.
He practices several hours a day after the arcade closes to hone his skills and to ensure his spot at first place, however this doesn’t mean he misses out on any meals, oh no, as he is typically the first person to try Floras meals, deeming it as essential for winning.
Of everyone he is the most confrontational and isn’t one to back down so easily which can be to his own detriment at times, yet there is a limit as if there is enough of threat, he will back down.
Despite this is a fun man to be around, hyping you up if he likes you even if there may be an ulterior reason for doing so, has your back and is easy to talk to if need be, just don’t be rude or hurt his ego and you will be just fine.
Being a fast learner didn’t help with others envy of him.
Fun fact -
He can beat the twins single handedly at beach volleyball 60% of the time, they don’t know how but he revels in it.
Stats -
- Skills - 7/10
- Speed - 7/10
- Power - 9/10
- Special ability - Can make whirlpools behind him which will stun characters by making them dizzy and disorientated for 7 seconds, recovery takes 3 seconds afterwards.
Catchphrase - Turbotastic!
That’s all for now!
Next we’ll have the games secondary protagonist so keep an eye out for that!
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lsartcorner · 4 days
When you’re born and immediately get beaten up by a 9ft muscle man
I really like the Turbo au made by @twinktor-frankenstein so I made smthn :3
this is how I imagined his first step into the arcade went
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lsartcorner · 4 days
shitpost season
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lsartcorner · 4 days
I think it’s time to reveal my Wir/Turbo AU isn’t it?
Yes, yes it is
(Logo, basic character designs & a lil exposition of the au below!)
You ready? Lets go
Welcome too…
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Game explanation
A Version of TurboTime where instead of racing cars the characters are racing on Jetski’s and to fit the theme the landscape of the game is a summer paradise by the shoreline where the characters can relax and hangout in after the arcade closes.
Not only is there Turbo and the Twins in this game but also two new summer themed racers Sunny and Flora to join them in the competition!
Sunny would be considered the secondary protagonist of the game who has comparable stats to the man himself.
In this version of the game any of the 5 racers can be chosen, not just Turbo like from the base game, this is to ensure people can choose their favourite character and to ensure multiplayer capability.
Each character has their own unique stats and skill sets with Turbo and Sunnys being the best being the protagonists, but it doesn’t mean you can win with anyone else, you’ve just got to try a bit more.
With each character comes with character exclusive skills and abilities which is to encourage players to play the secondary characters, for there to be a reason on why they should be played in the first place.
There are an assortment of maps, upgrades and achievements to unlock playing the game if you are skilled or lucky enough in finding them. This is to ensure that each game is unique from the last, with each player upgrading and choosing to their style so it rarely would get boring for the characters, testing stuff on different maps alongside the player.
Why was developed? (In lore)
The developers wanted to create a motorcycle esque racing arcade cabinet with a summer twist and decided to reutilise an old classic ip of theirs into the modern day for the modern audience, so putting them on the beach with new characters and jetskis just worked!
The arcade
Mr Litwak saw this and decided to give it a go for old times sake and kids like the summer and racing so why not combine them? And who knows maybe it could be as successful as the OG TurboTime?
However the characters in the arcade seeing this are weary and uncertain of this new game, only thinking of the worst and what happened last time, with not only the Roadblasters incident of 1987 but also of what Turbo did in Sugar Rush behind everyone’s noses, especially Vanellope, for 15 years nonetheless.
This would cause most characters to go past it with a 5 metre poll, not wanting to be involved in what would happen if they did. Even when a character or two go inside to have a look and say it’s fine, people are still cautious because “it’s only early days” and continue with their daily routine and spreading rumours about what they see from their cabinets on the game and its characters.
Despite this intermingling, when characters that were in the OG game (Turbo & the Twins) ask what they’re talking about, they act inconspicuous and nonchalant with the twins while being more defensive and hostile with Turbo himself, irritating him to no end especially when he has no clue what is going on having just been plugged in and being seemingly on hated by everyone in the arcade immediately.
With this uncooperative behaviour from many people in the arcade the characters tend to stay in the game itself most of the time and considering they have all the amenities they need in game, this isn’t much of a conundrum. Essentially leaving the game in a world of its own unknown of the main body of the arcade and they intend to keep it that way for the most part, until a certain something happens lore-wise which you will need to stay updated on if you want to find out what!
(Wink wink nudge nudge 😉)
How/what kind of posts will be done?
For this au I will post either,
- Non story based artworks/doodles of the characters
- Short comic strips of character interactions which I intend to mostly be unrelated to the main story itself, but no promises here
- The AUs main story comics
- Updates/revamps
- Answering questions on the AU
In a few hours time I will start releasing full character designs & descriptions, so look out for that!
Then once that’s all said and done, expect what is on the list to come after, especially the comics, have had many ideas for them!
Now that’s all I can think of from the top of my head for now, so now I think it’s time you saw the basic character designs for this AU!
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(Btw if you got this far well done I kinda wrote more than expected and may or may not have created a text wall, whoops! This AU has been on my mind for days and it needed to be seen sooner or later.)
(Fun fact! The idea of this AU is actually from my first WiR/Turbo fixation around this time last year, and it only came back with a roaring passion after being reminded of it having watched a particular 2 hour video everyone knows of *cough cough*, so if you want to see og sketches let me know!)
I have written so much and definitely need some sleep.
Hope you enjoyed & stay tuned!
- LsArtCorner
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lsartcorner · 4 days
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There were a lot of people wondering what KCB’s transformation looked like after being devoured by the cybug, which inspired me to try animating how it might’ve looked like. This took me about 8 months on and off, and i’m pretty sure i’m not gonna be animating something with so many legs and stripes again any time soon but it was still fun to make
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lsartcorner · 4 days
This shouldn’t have made me laugh as much as it did
This is singlehandedly my best creation
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lsartcorner · 5 days
Girl Turbo 🥰
why did i make this
@king-crawler this is made 4 u :3
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lsartcorner · 5 days
Felt like shitposting today
Semi loud warn
I am so sorry
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lsartcorner · 5 days
80s boyfriends my beloved
80S BOYFRIENDS ANIMATION COLLAB ( with yours truly, @zombeebrainz !!!)
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lsartcorner · 5 days
Zzzzzz mimimi
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