This is the end of the LinkedUniverse ( @linkeduniverse ) one-shots! I think. I might write another one, who knows? Anyways, thanks for reading!
The Hero of Wind was young, courageous and was pretty sure cuccos couldn’t talk.
Then how in the world was Mrs. Malon talking to a big goldish cucco?
“I’m looking for someone.”
Ah, yes, the cucco not only talked like a normal Hylian—almost sounding like royalty, if you asked the Hero of Wind—, but also had the deep voice of a grown man. The little hero watched silently as Mrs. Malon stirred something in a pan, most likely that day’s lunch, while exchanging words with the bird.
“Hey, boat boy, what you looking at?”
“You can hear that cucco talking too, right?”
“Cucco?” Captain looked at Time’s wife and her company.
The cucco, noticing both blondes, nodded its head in recognition.
“Gentlemen.” It greeted.
“Soooooooooooo… You’re Link, Hero of Hyrule… Like us…?” Veteran asked, disbelief painted all over his face. “And you shifted into a cucco in hopes of having less trouble travelling?”
“No one suspects the cucco,” The cucco—the man—answered, voice filled with amusement, no doubt finding the doubting faces of his other incarnations funny.
Malon giggled at that and, even though he had a beak, the man seemed to smile.
“Well, technically, my full title would be King of Mandacaru, Prince of Hyrule, Knight of the Sun, Link. You can call me “Sun”, it’ll probably be much easier.”
“You’re royalty?” Wind’s eyes shined with amazement.
“You’re a knight?” Captain scrunched his nose.
“You’re a cucco.” Veteran deadpanned.
“Can’t say that’s something one sees everyday,” The Hero of Time chuckled, “You said you were looking for someone?”
“Ah, yes. My beloved wife. I’ve been searching for five years now.”
“Woah, that’s a long time,” The Chosen hero commented. It certainly was a long time to be searching for someone. It was admirable; to think that man had travelled for so long without losing hope or determination. The blonde himself was no stranger to going beyond to be with a loved one, and he could understand how it must’ve felt to be so alone.
“How does she look like? Maybe we can help?” The Minish Hero made sure his tone of voice would leave no space for refusal. He knew how stubborn a Link could be when it came to refusing people’s help, always selflessly trying to carry the world so others didn’t have to.
So it came as a surprise when the cucco—man—accepted his offer without thinking twice. He either was truly desperate or at least one Link had learned his lesson.
“She’s beautiful.”
“That doesn’t really help, birdman.”
The birdman simply laughed at Veteran’s quip.
“She’s beautiful. With her long white hair and smooth dark skin.”
It was like a boulder had hit all of the heroes at once. Beautiful lady with long white hair and smooth dark skin? That sounded a lot like the Mysterious Lady they had met in that forest. She did mention to have lost something, or to be lost, or somethings on those lines. Was Sun the one she was looking for? They were both looking for each other? For five years?
“Does she have silver eyes? And round ears? And an earring with a shiny rock and a sun on it?” The navigator asked, remembering his mysterious friend.
“Yes, yes!” The cucco—birdman… man. The man jumped a bit in his place on the table, wings flapping rapidly. “Have you seen her?! Where? Is she alright?”
“Yes, in the woods where night almost never ends.” The Hero of Twilight supplied, arms crossed, brows furrowed as if in deep thought, “She seemed fine last time we saw her.”
The bird suddenly got up and run to the end of the table, jumping without much care. The group of people watching immediately reacted, all read to catch him in case he fell. Cuccos weren’t known for their superb flying skills—unless they were attacking. But in the end it was all in vain, as in a flash the cucco was no more. In its place was a tall man with long blond hair in a braid. He ran to the nearest window and looked outside. The sun made his hair shimmer together with his coat, which was made of a beautiful light blue silk with light green lozenges, both fabrics separated by a thin line of gold. His pants were black and tight, his boots of the same color and going to his shins. The Master Sword hanging on his side from a belt, a pouch on the other side.
“She’s closer than I thought. Of course she is. My Moon is just incredible like that,” They thought he had completely forgotten about their presence, but suddenly the man turned around, showing off his open white shirt, the blue jewel hanging from his neck and his face. Electric blue eyes stared at them, shining as much as the earring near his cheek. It was a perfect replica of the Lady’s, except for the moon in the place of the sun.
“Well, you’re quite handsome.” Malon broke the silence, cheeky smile on her lips. The man threw his head back and laughed before bowing to her in thanks.
“You are just as beautiful as my soul remembers, my dear friend.” Sun smiled softly, going back to his full height. Then he turned to his incarnations. “Close your mouths, heroes, or fairies might go inside.”
The sound of teeth clicking was loud and made many of the people present grimace. Sun laughed again, a full body laugh. He had an air of lightheartedness around him, as if the mere idea of being there was satisfying. There were no worries bringing his shoulders down. His smile lacked any solemn feelings. His posture was relaxed even though he stood perfectly straight. The only thing that was familiar to the others were his eyes. They carried the haunted feelings the Hero of Hylia always had, that same old void, the same old trauma. It was all there, the tiredness, the fear, the hopelessness, the anger, the sadness, the resolve. He could act different, but he was still Link of Hyrule.
“Lunch’s ready!” The only woman in the room announced, Sun promptly offering to help settle the table.
“So you married the Queen of the Human Kingdom, which happens to be the mysterious lady?” Ace raised a eyebrow, Wild tilting his head to the side like a puppy besides him.
“Technically, yes. We still have to marry officially in both Kingdoms, but that’s more of a tradition. An spectacle to show the people.”
The group noticed, the more they talked, how their first impression wasn’t really all that accurate. It was true Sun acted more laid back, but he was always sharply aware of what happened around him, intelligent eyes watching like a hawk. Also, he almost never fully answered the questions directed at him. He reminded them of the Hero of Time, they both had the same aura of hard earned wisdom. Except he seemed way easier to read, which was a lie, because they could tell he was hiding things behind his charming smiles. He didn’t even look bothered by them knowing it, as if he expected it from them.
He also had a bitter relationship with the Golden Goddesses. His voice became almost spiteful and his words were cutting. Sun talked about the Goddesses like someone talked of a hated cruel general, a general that disregarded his soldiers and focused solely on the mission, seeking personal glory for finishing yet another mission. Like they were the cause behind his suffering and an annoying torn in his side that had no poison, but insistently clinged to his flesh. He talked very little of them, and quickly changed the subject.
“So, tell me, that wife of yours…”
Sun immediately looked at Malon, eager to hear what she had to say about his wife. Her name was Alua, and he worshipped her like his own personal Goddess. There was only reverence in his words when talking about her and his whole being looked like he was glowing, like the mere memory of her brought him enough happiness for the world to seem like the most mundane hole.
“Is she that beautiful?” Needless to say, Malon had fallen in love with how Sun talked about Alua, smiling and giggling like she was back at being a teenager with a crush on the Hero of Time.
“Is she—are you kidding?” There it was, the glow and the enamoured smile. “She’s otherworldly. She’s got these big eyes of the purest silver and- and a long hair made of strands of moonlight and her smile is just—” here he sighed deeply, eyes closing and hands touching his heart, looking like a damsel praying for her lover— “There’s unimaginable beauty, then there’s my dear Moon, my beloved everything.”
“And is she cute?”
“The cutest! She loves animals, you know? Loves them, all of them, big, small, tame, dangerous, all of them. And she’ll approach any of them and try to befriend them, and she’s so determined! And if she fails, she’ll pout and look at me and what’s a man to do if not hug her and never let go?”
“She sounds like a great person.”
“She is. Selfless and kind and gentle and caring. She taught me many things. Thanks to her, I remembered that I am still just a man. Thanks to her, I learned to let others help me. Thanks to her, I can see beyond Demise’s curse and the Goddesses antics, and what I see is a future where I can finally be more than a vessel to protect Hyrule.” His voice was so soft, it was almost a murmur. “She is my everything, my Moon, my Night, my wife, my best friend, the one who freed me from my Fate, the one who taught me to me a person again.”
“I wish I could’ve met her.”
Sun’s eyes flashed in knowing sadness before he remarked how late it was and how they should finish their chores before it was time for dinner. Offering to help Malon with the dishes, he promptly got up, diligently pushing the chair back in its place.
Pops looked at Sky knowingly.
“You’re going without saying goodbye?”
“Should I say goodbye?”
The Hero of Time sighed tiredly. Once a Link, forever a Link. He looked at the night sky, the full moon shining brightly, the starts danccing around it a waltz only them could understand. It was the middle of the night and the others were fast asleep. It was the perfect time to leave without beign noticed.
“Malon doesn’t remember, and even I almost forgot. Some of them have forgotten completely. Why’s that?” He had to ask before he lost his chance yet again.
“Divine interference. Long story, but the gist of it is that none of them were supposed to be part of our history. We were not supposed to meet, we weren’t supposed to be friends and we certainly weren’t supposed to love each other in any way.”
“But the Goddess of Free Will does whatever she wants, just like her followers, the humans.”
“Correct. So we forget the moment they die.”
It was certainly disturbing to remember how much the Goddesses disliked one person, but it couldn’t be helped. Livre, the Goddess of Freedom, Sister of Hylia, was despised by the Golden Goddesses for being wild and unpredictable. And what should one expect from the embodiment of Freedom? Her story was actually quite sad, being betrayed by her own sister’s subjects and later her first lover, falling in love with the Chosen only for it to be a doomed romance, being despised by her creator simply for being what she was, giving up her life to ensure her sister’s Kingdom could still live on while leaving her people to rebuilt their lives on a land the sun never touched.
“You’re wrong.” Pops looked back at Sun, who seemed to have read his mind. “They didn’t do it because they dislike her, it’s a lie Demise poisoned Hylian history with. They did it because she asked for it.”
Why would she ask such a thing? Why? Why would the Spirit of the Hero’s first love do such a thing? Why would she want him to forget? Why would she want everyone to forget? Forget about her and her singing? About her smiles? About that day she helped Malon gather the cuccos and ended up under a pile of fluffy white birds? About that day she and Zelda laughed so hard at his antics they both fell backwards? About that day she saved his life in that temple?
“That is something you’ll never know. Blame the Goddesses for your curse and that cruel entity you call Fate, but not for that.”
“... I feel like I’m losing my title of “mysterious old man”, not sure how I feel about it.”
“Tell them about Termina, I’m sure you’ll get the “cool old man” title instead.”
With a last laugh, Link, the King of Mandacaru, the Prince of Hyrule, the Knight of the Sun, bowed to his past life, turned around and walked away.
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Words: 704
Date: 24/05/19
Music: Song of Storms Extended [HD]
A/N: LinkedUniverse AU by @linkeduniverse
Did ya miss me? No, you didn’t. Next one shot you’re gonna meet my Link~! He seems to not like the Goddesses very much.
Anyways, I’ll give him one or two one-shots and continue The Kingdom of Mandacaru.
By the way, I wrote that poem/song myself, so if you could pretty please not steal it, it’d be much appreciated.
“Round and round
Round and round
Goes the windmill
Never stopping
Not once it will
Comes the storm
Comes the star
Comes the cloud twirling on the sky
Not once stopping
Their dancing
Comes the snow
Comes the rain
Comes the wind rushing by
Never stopping
Not once they will
Goes and goes
Goes and goes
Never stopping windmill
Round and round still”
“I’d play my ocarina, but I have no wish to bring a storm tonight.”
“Then, why not join me singing, for old time’s sake?”
“And tarnish your singing with my rough voice? No, thank you.”
She giggled. It sounded like a mouse squeaking. Very different from what he remembered, but then again, no matter what, it was a different person standing in front of him. Instead of bouncing curls stopping on her chin, gentle waves of white hair cascaded past below her shoulders. She was shorter, finally giving him the chance of being the taller one. Her hands looked dainty, definitely not like her times as a warrior. Her cheeks were rounder and her lips thinner. She also was chubbier than the person he remembered. Instead of green and black, she dressed in dark blue and white.
But her knowing silver eyes changed very little. Older, wiser, silver.
And her smile also changed very little. Still made his chest swell in happiness.
“You were gone before I could say what I had to say.”
“I’d be gone before you anyways.” Oh, she might be a different person, but her core was the same. The very same way he and his group shared traits and quirks, she and her incarnations did too. And knowing that, he refused to let her go away before he could finish.
He’d learned to never do the same mistake twice.
“My dear.”
“I don’t think Malon will appreciate you calling me that.”
“If anything, she’d call you that herself.” He approached her, stopping only when he could easily bring her to a hug. “My dear, I never really had the chance to thank you for everything you did for me and my Hyrule. In between saving the world and finding Navi, I lost sight of one of the best people in my life. And for that, I’m sorry.”
“You’ve been forgiven long ago.”
“My dearest friend, my most trusted, the one who had seen me, beyond my titles and beyond my burdens… I am sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me most.”
The day his best friend didn’t return home was a bad day. The day he found out the reason was ridden with desolation. The Hero of Time had cried more than he’d deemed capable of after years fighting Ganondorf, watching as Impa prepared her casket to go down and be part of the earth. Zelda cried by his side, her childhood friend looking as peaceful as a cat taking a nap, almost looking like she’d soon open her eyes and smile sheepishly, mumbling about her bad habit of sleeping anywhere. His lover, Malon, had hugged him hours to no end, when old nightmares found their way back to his mind, remade with newer terrors. And his own traitorous mind would remind him that he could’ve prevented that. He could have agreed to going with her that day. He could’ve let her be selfish just that one time.
“You’ve been forgiven long ago.”
“And I’m sorry it took me so long to finally tell you this.”
“You’ve been forgiven long ago.”
With that, the man hugged her. It wasn’t her. Her hugs were much more rougher, and strong, calloused hands on his neck and back, his head in her neck. It felt like a shield that could protect him from anything. But it was her soul. So, for a few moments, he let himself remember, he let himself be caught by the memories he was so used to running away. He let himself be a man again, be a boy again, be just Link. Just Link.
There, in the arms of another’s Moon, he let time escape from his grasp, just a distasteful delirium of a tired man.
It’d go back to him anyways, as the clock, too, went round and round as a windmill.
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Words: 462
Date: 17/05/19
Music: Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea OST - Title/Reunion
A/N: LinkedUniverse AU by @linkeduniverse
Did ya miss me? I know you didn’t but eh. One more one shot to go and y’all will meet the Link of my AU~ He really loves his wife.
By the way, Capitan is the nickname for the Hero of Warriors and Shorty is for the Hero of Minish.
“You shouldn’t bite more than you can chew, specially in that size, Link.”
The boy choked on the piece of break he’d been trying to stuff on his mouth. Coughing, he turned around, only to meet a really big face. Startled, he yelped and fell on his bum, before Ezlo reminded him of his size, calming down his nerves as the truth of him being very small and not in the house of a giant entered his mind. He took a look at the face in front of him. A very pretty man was looking directly at him, silver eyes shining kindly. His chin rested on the table so he could take a better look at the boy. His white hair was long and straight. His skin was dark. His ears were round. His smile was beautiful.
“You… can see me?”
“Yes. Don’t feel bad about the bread, Link, I left it for the Minish.”
“You know me?”
Link certainly didn’t knew the man. He would’ve remembered a handsome young adult like him. And there was no doubt that he’d stand out in Hyrule, no matter how weird its inhabitants seemed. Although, he did feel like he was familiar. Like an old memory.
“Yes. Well, not you, but you. As in, I know your soul.”
“My… soul?”
“You know of reincarnation, Link?”
“When a soul dies and is reborn in a new body, with no memories of her past self, that is reincarnation.” Ezlo answered promptly. There was a hint of respect in his voice, as if he was speaking with someone whose knowledge was beyond his understanding. “But you’re are one of the exceptions, right, my lord?”
“Call me Lusco. And yes.”
“Is that why you look familiar even though I’ve never seen you?”
“Yes. Your soul remembers mine.”
“Cool! And what were we in other lives?”
“Well, that depends. In some lives we were lovers, in others we will be friends, in other adoptive relatives.”
“And what are we in this life?”
“Depends. What do you want to be?” He smiled and Link couldn’t help but smile back. “I’m too old to be your lover, and I’m sure the lovely Zelda wouldn’t appreciate me stealing you from her.” A blush painted the young Hylian’s face and ears and Lusco chuckled. “How about we start as friends and see how it goes?”
“Sure! I’d love to be your friend!”
“Right back to you, my friend.”
“What are you smiling for, Shorty?”
“Nothing, Captain. Just a fun memory from my first adventure.”
“Why do I feel like I can guess what it is about?”
“It’s because your soul knows.”
They exchanged smiles, looking at the Moon, watching it give place to the Sun while they waited for their team to reach them.
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She knew about bugs.... Agitha?
Good guess. Wrong, but godd guess~
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Words: 582
Date: 27/12/18
Music: 【Music Box】リグレットメッセージ / Regret message
A/N: LinkedUniverse AU by @linkeduniverse
Did ya miss me? I know you didn’t but eh. Two more one shots to go and y’all will meet the Link of my AU~ Cool guy, that one.
By the way, Capitan is the nickname for the Hero of Warriors.
“You know, I’m usually smart.”
“I know.”
“Bugs just can be very sneaky.”
“Believe me, I know.”
Capitan sighed, enjoying the gentle caress of cold fingers.
“Bitten by a normal-sized bug, now that’s an anticlimactic way to go.”
“The venom is not strong enough to kill, but the excruciating pain it causes certainly would do a lot of damage.” A giggle. “It’s a quite rare bug around here, by the way.”
“Just my bad luck. It must’ve come with the Triforce, I swear.”
“I’m tempted to agree.”
Capitan looked directly at the beautiful lady whose lap now served as his pillow. When he went to catch some wood, the last thing he expected was to be bitten by a freaking bug. One of the small ones, that someone could kill with a shoe instead of a sword. Another sigh passed through his lips; at least he managed to see the mysterious lady that, in fact, wasn’t all that mysterious anymore.
“I remember you, my good friend. Well, not you, but… You.”
The woman smiled sweetly at him, carefully brushing his bangs aside.
“One of my loudest incarnations, for sure.”
“I’m not a big fan of silence, anyways.” He sent her a boyish smile. Silence was a blessing and a curse, depending on whomever you ask. He chose to call is a curse. “But why couldn’t I remember before? And why some of us still can’t?”
“The Goddesses are not very fond of me and the feeling is mutual.” It was her turn to sigh, and the hero could see that she too carried a world in her back. Somehow, instead of sympathy for another person carrying a heavy weight, he felt the want to take her weight away. “Some of you are more attached to the timeline than others.”
“It’s complicated. I’m afraid we won’t have much time to talk about it.”
And she was correct. Sunlight was starting to wake up the world.
“Come with us.”
“I can’t.”
“I’ll carry you so you can sleep. We can walk in the shadow of the trees.”
“Compelling, but no.”
“Is stubbornness a universal trait of yours?”
“As it is yours.”
Rustling came from some bushes, and next thing Capitan knew, the Hero of the Minish was walking in their direction, soft eyes focused on silver ones. He smiled, completely ignoring his friend, and kneeled near the woman, taking her hand in his.
“You’re as beautiful as I remember, my friend.”
“The flirting is new.”
They laughed, Shorty finally looking at Capitan, who smirked as he sat up. Yes, he could feel it. The pull towards that woman’s soul. The need to be with her. The sadness of leaving her once again. The hope of meeting her some next time.
The Spirit of the Hero could never let go of these feelings.
No, it could never let go of its love, for never had any soul loved with such intensity, in so many ways.
“Will we remember this?”
“In this life, I mean.” Shorty arched one brow, not bothering to hide the longing in his eyes.
“Maybe. Stubbornness is a trait your soul carries.”
The two blonds watched as she got up, the long white hair falling as a veil, the light blue dress showing off her gorgeous dark skin. She smiled once more before turning away and leaving, the promise of a reunion resting where once she sat.
Yes, the Spirit of the Hero would forever cling to her memory.
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Words: 1075
Date: 3/11/18
Music: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- Zelda's Lullaby [EXTENDED]
A/N: LinkedUniverse AU by @linkeduniverse
Did ya miss me? I know you didn’t but eh.
By the way, Veteran is the nickname for the Hero of Legend.
“Ah, it’s my turn, finally?”
“It seems so.”
“So, what’s gonna be? Peace? Some ego boosting? A vision of a dimension where bad things don’t happen?”
“Is that what you wish when you look at the moon? Inner peace? Validation? Consolation?”
Veteran smiled, the years lived and battles witnessed settling in his eyes. Silently, he sat down by the lady’s side. She was truly a sight, with her long white hair and silver eyes contrasting beautifully with her dark skin and dark dress. He didn’t remember much about humans, them being rare in Hyrule, but from what he did remember, the round ears proved he was talking to one.
“I didn’t expect to see a human around here.”
“I didn’t expect to see different reincarnations of the same soul around here either.”
“Fair enough.” He shrugged, having seen enough to easily accept whatever weird situation Fate threw at him. “Our little hero said you’ve been looking for something… We can help, you know?”
“I do. But I would only hold you and your group back.”
“How so?”
“I can’t travel under sunlight for more than a few hours. Makes me sick.”
The man stared at her curiously, watching her eyes fill with fond nostalgia, watching the starry night as if seeing the blue sky of a sunny day. She was in peace with her situation but willing to try to change it. Closing his eyes and leaning back on the tree they were sitting under, he let the silence consume his mind.
It was nice to actually have a silent moment. If he were to lie to himself, he would say he didn’t remember the last time that happened. If he were to be honest, he would recall the day as if he were still living it. It was a normal day, a repeat of the day before, that was too a repeat of the day before, that was too a repeat of the day before, that was too a repeat of the day before. A routine he knew by heart. A routine he longed for in his heart. It would always be ironic how much he wished to have back something he once prayed so much to be free of.
Don’t get him wrong, he would say if he were to tell a half-truth, he loved what he did—could do without the paranoia and the crushing weight of the need to save every soul even when it’s impossible, part of him admitted—and he wouldn’t exchange that for nothing. However, the calm and the silence were nice company time to time.
“Man, you’re good, lady.”
“Silence is one of the most underrated gifts.”
“You can say that again.”
Eyes still closed, the hero let his memory run loose. His adventures played in front of him, all the pain, all the laugh, all the struggle, all the victory. The people he’s met appeared, one after other, smile after smile, grimace after grimace, dread after dread, hope after hope. Some of the memories, though, seemed different.
He could faintly hear someone, a girl, talking in between giggles—that sounded a lot like a mouse squeaking—about how unladylike her behavior was, and how she should stop immediately before he put her through more of his ridiculous schemes. He could see white hair up in a bun and silver eyes beaming up to him. He could feel delicate and cold fingers tracing his jawline softly, afraid of hurting his face even more.
His adventures were not faced alone, no; he had some help along the way.
Especially from a certain girl that he somehow forgot about.
“Magic, hero, magic is the start of the answer.”
“The start?”
“There are many reasons.”
“You really like being mysterious, don’t you?”
“He says it’s quite charming.”
“The one I’ve been looking for.”
“Oh? A lover, I presume?”
She giggled again—again?—and he heard rustling, probably the woman getting up. He could imagine her, smiling sweetly at the moon, not minding the rather cool breeze massing her white locks.
“Going so soon?”
“Before you drag me in another of your ridiculous schemes, silly hero.”
Opening his eyes, he threw a cheeky grin to the dark-skinned girl. She was staring at him fondly, silver eyes shining with that same soft happiness he knew he could find behind her “ladylike” barriers. Getting up from where he sat under the shade of the old tree, he approached the girl, watching as she arched an eyebrow and gave a few steps back. Hands on her hips, back straight and head up proudly, she was the spitting image of a scolding big sister.
“You would look more threatening if you weren’t so short.”
“You’re just too tall.”
“The Princess is taller than me, Layla.”
Layla huffed, turning and walking away, her long pink dress swaying with the cool breeze. Link laughed, shaking his head, before catching up with her so they could walk together. The trees exchanged secrets with the wind, the sound of their hushed whispering serving as a lullaby for the tired and background noise for the not so tired.
“Link?” The hero hummed to let his friend know she had his attention. “You better return after every adventure, or I’ll go bring you back myself.”
“That won’t be very ladylike of you, will it?”
“Promise me, Link.”
“Have a bit of faith in me, woman. Of course I will come back.”
Layla smiled again, and, while he didn’t had the habit of breaking promises, that one was a promise he intended to keep, no matter how difficult it would be. It is hard to not have faith in yourself when someone you carry dearly in your heart have so much faith in you.
“I’ll come back and you better be here when I do.”
“Then I’ll see you soon.”
Veteran opened his eyes, watching the night give its place to the day. Sitting alone under the shade of a tree that thankfully wasn’t trying to kill him, the hero didn’t even bother to move. His friends would find him there, he was sure of it.
While he waited for them, he would bask in the light memories of an ephemeral past.
While he waited for the day to come, he would let himself dream about what was.
While he waited for the next night, he would let himself hope for what would be.
Heh, him and his ridiculous thoughts.
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Words: 536
Date: 12/07/18 (Repost: 23/07/18)
Music:  [Music box Cover] Fullmetal Alchemist - Trisha’s Lullaby;  Metallica - The Unforgiven III HQ Lyrics
 “Don’t make that face, hero. You’ll be wrinkly too early.”
Link looked at him with a deadpan expression, the vivid blue of his eyes betraying him, letting the other know how much the sudden distraction was appreciated. Dreams were dangerous when you carried the world on your back. Daydreams were dangerous when you carried others on your heart.
“Stop, just stop. I can hear your thoughts resounding inside your mind.”
The punch delivered into the blonde-haired boy’s head had not a lot of strength; it hurt however more than if it had, for it brought guilty into his already heavy heart. As much as he wished not to, he couldn’t help himself. Falling in the pit his beloved friend called “Hero’s Complex” was something his soul was accustomed with. Because it was his duty to save everyone, given to him by Hylia herself, entrusted to him by her followers. He was the savior, the protector, the defender, the one who would open the path so the kingdom could find hope. If he failed, he would be failing so many people. So many innocent people. He would be robbing them of hope. He would be no better than the enemies he fought so arduously.
“The world is too heavy for any of us to carry it alone, my friend.”
A cold hand was placed on top of the blond mop of hair. Even under the sun of Hyrule, the white haired male was still colder than the hylian. Fingers ghosted Link’s forehead, coldness making the burning thoughts run to the back of his mind. Link closed his eyes; he could see the smile on his friend’s silver eyes.
“You’re not alone, Link. Let us help you carry the world.”
Link did not dare to open his eyes. He didn’t like to hear his friend beg. He didn’t want to see his friend beg. Of all the people he knew, of all the people he let into his courageous heart, the boy Zelda called “brother” was the one Link never wished to see without a smile. The human the hero himself recognized as an older brother. The one his soul so dearly longed for.
A sigh was heard.
“I sure hope you understand one day, even if it takes us going to the next life.”
He opened his eyes, staring at the soft silver eyes and the adoring smile. The long white hair was like a curtain, hiding him from the world.
“I’m sorry you had to wait so long, Anoi…”
She shook her head. Adjusting his head on her lap, her cold fingers rested on the blond fringes. Coldness making the guilty run to the back of the Hero of the Wild’s mind.
“It’s fine, my friend.”
“That’s not your name anymore, is it?”
“Afraid not, dear.”
“Will you tell me your name?”
“I did.”
It was his time to shook his head. He could only hope the next one was able to do what he didn’t. To see what he didn’t. To understand that this being, this being whose life was intense and ephemeral as the flame of a candle, should not be taken for granted.
It took him a little more than a hundred years.
AU by @linkeduniverse
Reposted because I forgot to put some things...  ( ̄ω ̄;)
As you can see, this one is a little different from the others. Instead of being the actual encouter with the lady, or the aftermath of said encouter, it is mostly a memory from the past. No other Links around, only the two of them, just like the memory.
Again, I hope this brings more questions than it answers.
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Stay With Me
“I still need love 'cause I'm just a man These nights never seem to go to plan I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?” (Sam Smith, Stay With Me)
Words: 412
Date: 13/06/18
Music:  Stay With Me - Vintage 1940s "Old Hollywood" Style Sam Smith Cover ft. Cristina Gatti
"Do you think maybe in another life you would be able to love me as much as you loved him? I think about it sometimes. A life where you never loved him, and I was your first love, a life where you wouldn’t have to suffer a broken heart. A life where we didn't need to fight wars, where Freedom and Fate could coexist peacefully. You would smile sweetly and kiss my forehead after a long day, and I would kiss your beautiful hands, then your arms, then your shoulders, then every centimeter of you that my mouth could reach, worshipping you the way you deserve. You would laugh and call me a silly man, your silly man, and then finally take away whatever breath you hadn't stolen from me before with a tender kiss. "
He looked down at the woman in his arms, sleeping peacefully. Once more he thanked the Goddesses for allowing such being to exist, for allowing them to be together at least once before they had to part. He relinquished the feeling of having her so close, skin against skin, warm body against warm body, hearts beating together.
"I hope that you love me as much as I love you."
A soft kiss was pressed on the top of her head, a few white strands tickling his face. She snuggled closer to him, her bare skin deliciously burning his with every touch. He couldn’t remember a time he was happier, and was fully aware actually searching for such memory was futile. It didn’t exist. Not even the simple happiness of his child years, where the world he carried was made of delicious food and playing with cats, could even compare to what he felt holding the woman he loved after a night of love.
His woman. His goddess. His one. His everything.
“My precious, my courage. My goddess.”
He closed his eyes, telling her with slurred whispers everything she was to him. She probably couldn’t hear, but he didn’t care. He needed to put it all out before he woke up. Before reality slapped his face and the bitter aftertaste of a sweet memory became too much for him to deal. Before reality, cruel and mocking and bitter and fair, threw in his face all his prayers and pleas and cries that the Goddess refused to answer. Before she was taken from him by her own selfless.
Before he woke up on that cold prison cell.
So, yesterday was Dias dos Namorados, which is (somewhat) the Brazilian equivalent of Valentine’s Day. It’s a day for couples and all that lovey-dovey shit, basically, and I thought “Hey! The next chapter is not ready yet and I’ve had this WIP for quite some time now! I’ll just finish it and post!”
So, yeah, here it is, and I hope it raises more questions than it answers.
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Sorry about all the noise... I don’t know how to edit audio properly and I wanted to post it today, so... yeah... Next one won’t be that way, I promise!
Anyway, Happy 10th Chapter for us!
Sorry if I talked a little too much... Have a nice night!
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Special Moons
The Very Beginning
Stay With Me
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Chapter List
Main Story
(Chapter 1) Just Another Dungeon
(Chapter 2) Masked Terror
(Chapter 3) Quite The Entrance
(Chapter 4) Alua
(Chapter 5) Precious
(Chapter 6) Wake Up, Link…
(Chapter 7) Invitation From Fate
(Chapter 8) The Catacombs
(Chapter 9) Family Reunion
(Chapter 10) A Hero to Return
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(Chapter 10) A Hero to Return
Words: 302 Date: 29/05/18 (11:19) Last Chapter: (Chapter 9) Family Reunion Next Chapter: 06/06/18 Music: Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea OST - Hydrangea Isle
"You probably have a lot of questions... I can hear them resounding inside your mind.", Alua avoided the curious look on Link's face.
She had told other people about it, she wasn't really uncomfortable about the subject. She knew what she was, she was proud of who she was and didn't really want to know why she was. But, somehow admitting it to the hero she'd been admiring since childhood was different from telling people around the town. He was the one whose adventures accompanied her in hours of loneliness. Gave her dreams of seeing the world. Daydreams of epic battles and eternal knowledge. And, as much as she wanted to deny, even romantic fantasies, where she helped him save his beloved kingdom and he, on the spur of the moment, kissed her as if she were the only thing that existed, the victory sweet on their lips.
"The king likes to hide whatever he doesn't like under the castle... The product of his infidelity specially."
Link ghosted his fingers against her hand and shivers crawled up her arm. If felt familiar. It was the same sensation she'd felt in her dreams. Like a wave of warmth hitting her, but instead of washing her ashore, it enveloped her in a comforting hug. The girl smiled at him, squeezing his pinky with her hand.
He needed to be comforted too. He was a year away from home. In a weird new Kingdom that only existed because of an old, never forgotten war.
"Don't worry about me, Link. Soon things will change and I'm willing to wait for it.", picking up the pace, Alua made sure to pull the hero with her by his pinky, "Let's get your things!"
There was no time to dwell on the past. She had a hero to return.
Sorry for taking so long! May just wasn’t my month! There’ll be a special something to celebrate the 10th chapter!
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Words: 1.018
Date: 13/05/18
Music:  [Ib] "Memory" - Ib's theme looped (Title music long version)
Linkeduniverse was made by @jojo56830 (the blog Au is @linkeduniverse)
Just in case you guys forgot or didn’t read my other fanfictions,  Breathtaking and Understandable, here’s the list of nicknames I came up with to be easier to know which Link is which (I’m thinkng of just putting the ones who actually are present on the story after this one):
Time: Pops, sir (Sky and Hero), boss (Warriors when being sassy/salty), grandpa and old man (both usually by Twilight).
Twilight: Leader, second in command (Warriors and Legend), heartbreak brother (Warrior when drunk), big brother (Wind), pup and puppy (both by Time).
Warriors: Capitan, womanizer (specially Legend), weirdo (Wind), clean freak (is a joke between him and Legend because Legend is just as bad).
Four Swords/Minish: Shorty (Warrior, to annoy him, but he actually likes it), master smith (Sky and Hero), green (usually when divided), picori hero (Time), little one (Time and Twilight), mister smith (Wind).
Wind: Little hero (everyone except for Minish), little brother (Twilight, to play along), boat boy (Warrior), navigator (he’s really proud of this one), conductor (and this one too).
Wild: Wild (no joke, they’re sometimes afraid of what will happen if they leave him alone for too long), Hunter, pyromaniac (Warrior mostly), champ/champion, mister cook.
Legend: Veteran, clean freak (Warrior), show off (also Warrior), collector.
Hero (of Hyrule): Belt (Warrior), Ace (when they don’t know what to do, they turn to him, because somehow he will know what they need do to. I mean, have you played the first two games?), adventurer.
Sky/Chosen One: Mister, knight, Hylia’s favorite (Warrior and Legend mostly, as a joke), lover boy (when he starts talking about Zelda).
"She looks so fragile, like a dream."
Were the first words the chosen hero said that morning. His tone soft, barely there. Like an autumn breeze, like a secret whispered before bed. It would not have reached the ears of the others even if he wanted to, and, if the Chosen Hero was to be honest with himself, he did not want it to.
Was it foolish of him? To withhold information from his friends? To let them in the dark about the mysterious lady that came and went surely like the moon?
Was it selfish of him? To deny his friends of knowledge? To wish to keep to himself his encounter with the mesmerizing lady that glowed softly like the moon?
He looked at his group, watching they wake up. Some woke up willing; others grunted and complained under their breaths. Having the weight of the world on their backs made their biological clock adjust to a very strict schedule. Get up with the sun. Don't sleep before the moon is high on the sky. And pray, every day before sleep, so the Goddesses may take pity on you and grant a dreamless night. Dreamless. Like death.
Dreams were dangerous when you carried the world on your back.
"Hyrule, not the world.", He mumbled, denying his companions the sound of his musings once more.
Dreams were dangerous when you carried the Kingdom of Fate on your back. Most times they were premonitions of grand things that were to come. Good or bad. Grand. If not, they were hellish nightmares. About the past or the future. Hellish.
One of the reasons the rational part of his brain didn't want to pass it off like a mere dream. The others being his friends past encounters with her and the sharp aching in his soul.
"Not exactly mine, his.", He reminded himself.
His soul. The Chosen Hero could feel it. The Spirit of the Hero. It was aching for her, like one's heart would when away from loved ones. If – when he closed his eyes, the blonde could almost see him. The very first hero. Chosen by Hylia when she was still allowed to roam the world. Blue eyes and blonde hair, clad in green. Smiling longingly.
The hero, eyes still closed, thought about the lady he held so close to his heart a few minutes (hours?) ago. The feelings were not his, but the first hero's. The bittersweet warmth in his chest. The sharp aching in his heart.
The same feelings he had when searching for his Zelda, many years ago, when the world he carried was lighter, when he was still just a boy. When the title of "hero" wasn't truly his, but of the one who had come before him. When his soul was free from the curse. When he didn't feel guilty for letting the ones that came after him suffer the same date again and again. The numbing taste of loss and the relentless sense of failure. The shame of letting things happen, the silly belief he could've actually done something. Anything. Silly.
And the promise of a reunion, burning inside him. Them? Inside both of them? Maybe the others? Maybe all of them? Hopefully, no.
And hopefully yes.
Because while it brought a bitter shade of devastation, the promise also brought a bright taste of hope. And hope, delicious, colorful, freeing hope wasn't something the heroes were familiar with anymore. They hoped, yes, but never for a nice day without rain, or for food at a plausible price, or for a nice chat with a good friend. They hoped that the wars would end, that evil would pay, that the kingdom would be saved. And, echoing in a ridiculously small part of their beings, they hoped that they would survive the quest with at least both legs (or just both arms, they weren’t picky. They forgot how to). The feeling might not have been as strong in the younger as it was in the older ones, but it was there. He could see in their eyes.
"Oi, Hylia's favorite, are you ok?"
He could feel in their soul. How could he not?
"I'm fine, Veteran. Just thinking."
It was also his soul. Their soul.
"Judging by your face, thinking of Zelda again." The Hero of Legend smirked, happy to tease someone so early in the morning in hopes of making someone as grumpy as him, "What romantic scene were you daydreaming about, lover boy?"
Thinking about it, made sense for them to act so awestruck. To yearn for her presence. To feel such peace when near her. To have their breath taking when watching her. To immediately understand each other when she is the matter.
"I'm thinking about love, yes, but not exactly mine."
It wasn't exactly her.
"Oh, have you found someone who is crazy enough to consider being with this clean freak here?"
It was her soul. Resonating with theirs.
"Now that's quite hard. A feat, really. "
"Not you too, Belt!"
The Chosen Hero smiled his soft smile, certain that they would recognize the expression of one who had met the mysterious girl with white hair and silver eyes. The bliss. The understanding. He wasn't going to tell them what he knew, not yet. Not until they all met her. Not until she gave them a dose of hope. It would be just more weight on their shoulders.
"How was it?", He heard the Hero of Wind mumble. None of them took their eyes from their friends bickering.
The blonde closed his eyes, mind full of her. Her voice, her touch, her squeaking giggle, her smile, her eyes. Hylia, he wished his Zelda was there. He was sure she would cry of happiness when she finally felt the connection between herself and the dark skinned beauty. The hero himself almost did.
"It felt..."
The Spirit of the Hero was vibrating with happiness. He could understand why the very first hero was so full of joy. After all...
"... Dreamlike."
It's not every day one sees their soul's very first love.
Ooooooooh!! Things are getting interesting!! I was hesitating a little on posting this one, but pretty much no one reads the main story (that I know), so fucking take this spoiler, whatever. See if I care. (I care, please read the fanfiction #shamelesspromoXD)
Anyways, this was a little bit harder to write than the others because it was Link with himself, lost in his feelings and musings. It’s my personal headcanon that all Links are somehow connected by their soul (same soul, different person, kinda like Kagome and Kikyou). Following this, it makes sense for Sky to be more strongly connected to the first Link than the others, like Twili is connected more strongly to Time e tals. I also headcanon that the second hero (Skyward Sword) feels guilty because he believes he could’ve stopped Demise from throwing the curse that not only forces his soul to reborn, but to forever fight against evil. (News flash: he couldn’t. The Goddesses, the lazy pieces of shit, could, if they are oh so powerful as Zelda keeps telling us, but that’s a distaste of mine I’ll have to comment on some other time (that rhymed)).
Anyways, Imma sleep now ‘cuz I have class tomorrow. Ah, and the next chapter of the main story will be out the day after tomorrow (Tuesday? Yeah, I think it’s Tuesday)... Hopefully (my favorit word, I just discovered).
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(Chapter 9) Family Reunion
Words: 934 Date: 29/04/18 (21:58) Last Chapter: The Catacombs Next Chapter: A Hero to Return Music: Kevin MacLeod ~ DarxieLand
"Oh, so this is the Link you've been talking about last week! He is as handsome one would expect a legendary hero to be!"
Alua's great grandmother was holding his face in her ghostly hands, and while they were cold enough to make him shiver, Link was glad they were cooling down his burning cheeks. Sadly, the sly smirk on the woman's face has frustrating any chances he had of losing his blush.
"Vó, pelo amor da Deusa!", Alua chided, still blushing, "Você está deixando ele desconfortável!"
"Ah, mas ele parecia bem confortável alguns minutos atrás..."
He didn't understand a word of what they said, but he could guess it was embarrassing, for the ghost holding his face wiggled her brows to her granddaughter suggestively. Great, his ears were burning more than Death's Mountain fire.
"Tá bom, tá bom!", finally releasing the hero's face and taking a few steps back, she smiled gently at him, "I'm Assumpta, the two men are Armelindo and Salvatore. It's nice to meet you, Link."
Link nodded to the two men standing next to Alua, finally taking time to look that the three ghosts. One man was short and pudgy, with big blue eyes and a big mustache that did little to his the even bigger smile. He had a golden crown with red jewels on top of a thick mop of dark hair and was dressed in a red button up shirt, with a white cravat around his neck, dark blue pants and black shoes. The other man was dressed in similar fashion, green instead of red, and his mustache seemed less bushy, more tamed. He was tall and a lot skinnier, the smile just was gentle and eyes just as blue.
Brothers, probably.
Lastly, the blonde took in the older woman appearance. She was taller than the man in red and shorter than the man in green. The crown on her head was silver with blue jewels, her short blond hair and bright green eyes made Link think about Zelda. Her dress was something his sister would never wear, very poofy, very pink and definitely very hard to run with. Luckily ghosts had no need to actually use their legs.
"It's a pleasure, boy. I'm Salvatore.", the man in green said softly, "That's my brother, Armelindo, he's not much of a talker, but he's happy to meet you too.", Armelindo waved a hand. Link waved back.
"Oh, Link is not much of a talker too.", the girl in the dark blue dress assured.
"It's always the silent ones, eh? They're so charming!", Assumpta gushed while hugging Amerlindo tightly. The man was probably thanking their goddess for being a ghost and not needing to breathe, "Segura esse aí, viu? He's a real catch!", she winked, making the young hero and lady blush once more.
"Vó Sumpta!", the white haired girl whined.
"That's enough, cunhada. I don't think it's healthy for them to blush this much."
"You're no fun, Salvatore."
"Don't let Dorcelina hear you say that."
"Tá vendo? Você junta sua irmã com o amor da vida dela é assim que agradecem! Ameaça após ameaça! Ingratidão é fogo mesmo! Depois de tudo que eu fiz pra você, cunhado!"
"Vó, menos."
Link felt very awkward watching the strange family reunion. Almost enough to be very close of forgetting what they were in the catacombs for. Almost. As much as he found the interactions between them amusing, and Assumpta's dramatics, contrasting with Armelindo's calmness, quite hilarious, he was needed in another place. His kingdom. Hyrule. Home. So he silently walked towards Alua and ghosted his fingers over her hand, just like before, hoping her weird ability to know what he was thinking would let her see his anguish and put them back on track. Apparently her "Link senses" were on point, for she immediately turned to him and smiled reassuringly.
"Let's go, yes?", he nodded, "Vó Sumpta, vô Melindo, vô Totó, we need to go now, Link needs to go back to Hyrule."
"There's a shorter way to get to the next level..."
"I know, vô Totó, but I think one encounter with the Masked Fools is enough for Link.", the mere mention of going back to the dungeon infested with the masked monsters was enough to send shivers down said hero's spine.
Never again.
"Very well, we'll let you two continue your journey. Please, be safe."
"And please kiss already, all that tension is not good for young people."
"Vó Sumpta!"
Laughing, the three ghosts suddenly vanished, without leaving proof of ever being there. The boy in green would be lying if he said he didn't want to do it as well. Suddenly, the idea of being grabbed by a Wall Master and thrown back at the beginning of the dungeon was very charming.
"I'm sorry about that, Link.", he shook his head, it was alright.
Seeing a family together bantering and having fun was always heartwarming. His only question was...
"I'm not exactly a princess, thou I do have royal blood."
Link watched her turn, giving him her back and walking deeper into the catacombs. This was clearly a subject Alua didn't like to discuss. It was fine, Link wouldn't pry, and he had some things he wanted to keep untouched for the rest of his life. He walked a little faster to catch up with the lady, hearing a tired sigh come out her pretty lips. She was holding her left arm with her right hand, a gesture he was starting to recognize as a symbol of nervousness.
"I am the bastard daughter of the king."
I’ll translate later.
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The chapter supposed to be posted today (22/04) was moved to 29/04.
Reason: Life.
See you next chapter!
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(Chapter 8) The Catacombs
Words: 1.104 Date: 15/4/18 (22:57) Last Chapter: Invitation From Fate Next Chapter: Family Reunion Music: Dark Gothic Music of Abandoned Castles and Forgotten Temples;  Celtic Music - Land of the Free;  Kevin MacLeod ~ DarxieLand
The catacombs were surprisingly better illuminated than the dungeons. That didn't mean they weren't dark, they were, but Link could see more than a handful beyond his nose, which was a very welcomed change. Every seven meters or so there was a solitary torch, showing the way to whoever may roam on the seemingly never-ending corridors. Alive or otherwise. The walls were low and full of large rectangular niches. Some were empty, others had coffins and other had five to ten funeral urns. Catacombs were usually like labyrinths, and Link was never good with those, so he thanked the Goddesses for having Alua to guide him.
Also different from the dungeon was the atmosphere of the place. While the dungeon had the suffocating feel of disturbing anxiety, the catacombs the eerie feel of expectation. Like nothing was happening, but something could happen. It was like seeing someone sleeping and trying to do something without waking them up.
And the silence. Maddening. The silent hero never thought he would hate the silence, but, by Hylia, he wanted it to stop. Maddening. Suffocating. Heavy beyond understanding. He wanted it to stop. To break. Be shattered like the thinnest glass. Hell, the boy was considering doing it himself. Screaming, singing, talking with the beautiful lady that walked by his side.
"I hate silence."
The sudden voice snapped him out of his delirium before he could snap. His head immediately turned so his eyes could stare at her face. She looked disturbed. Brows furrowed and lips tightly closed. At least the silence was gone.
"It's not only silence in this place, I hate silence in general. My mind is too loud for me to be in silence. It drives me crazy. I hate it. Sorry if you actually like silence and I'm annoying you by rambling, but I really need some noise other than our almost silent footsteps."
She looked at him for a moment, and somehow she was able to understand his feelings, for she smiled and continued talking.
"You slept in the middle of my explanation, you know?", She giggled at the guilty expression in his face, "Don't worry about it, I understand, you were tired. How about I start from the very beginning now that you're awake? Would you like that? I can talk about other things too if you want. I pride myself on knowing at least a little about a lot of things, and I guess it's good too because I have this silly habit of rambling and jumping between subjects while I'm at it and so people aren't too bored by listening to me repeat the same things..."
A deep chuckle from the blonde was enough for her monologue to be cut short. A very visible blush coated her cheeks and nose and she quickly looked in front of them, as if the dusty way was more interesting than the hero besides her.
"I was rambling again, sorry..."
Link gently touched her hand with his, more like ghosted his fingers on her hand for a few short seconds, assuring the girl that not only he didn't mind, but her cute habit was appreciated. Alua took a quick look at him with the corner of her eyes before looking at the floor and taking a deep breath.
"This kingdom is the house of humans. We've been living here for a very long time, trying to find the harmony between peace and war. Of course, not all humans are here, there are many of us around the world, and there are other races in here, even some you would find in Hyrule, like zoras and gorons. Right now we're under the castle, on the catacombs where the Royal Family has been buried from the start. The castle is in the middle of Sampa, the biggest and most populated town of Mandacaru."
The lady looked at him, asking with no words if he was still with her. He nodded.
"The Kingdom of Mandacaru is located in a land the Sun doesn't touch, well, at least the majority of it. It takes a few weeks to go from town to town depending on where you want to end, and a few months to leave the Kingdom all together. It takes pretty much a year to go from here to Hyrule."
Link took a sharp breath, stopping in his tracks. He was a whole year away from home. From his sister. From the King. A whole year. He couldn't believe. What if something happened? What if he wasn't able to stop Ganondorf? He could be wrecking havoc in Hyrule while the Hero of Hyrule, the one supposed to defend the land, was stuck traveling for a year. Link was starting to hyperventilate when he felt something soft grab his hand. His companion was suddenly in his line of vision.
"Breath, Link, it's okay.", Alua whispered softly taking his other hand in hers, "It's a year if you go by foot. I'm sure there are some other ways to go, much faster than walking. I told you, didn't I? We will find a way for you to go back home as quickly as possible."
Her determined words and encouraging smile were enough for him to calm down. Losing his mind was not the answer, Alua was right; there must be a way to get there faster. Link smiled, grateful, and squeezed her hands a little. He stared at her eyes, losing himself on the silver immensity. Serene. Welcoming. Like moonlight. His mind was silent, even the voice from before wasn't present, leaving in its place a satisfaction that, for some reason, he understood wasn't only his. The hero, however, didn't had the mind to try and understand how he got on that conclusion, Alua's proximity erased any thoughts that weren't about her.
"Shhhh! Be quiet!"
Suddenly the blonde's forehead felt colder. Only then he noticed that he and Alua were touching foreheads, that they were so close he could feel her breath on his lips. And that Alua had moved away quickly, blushing. Watching from behind her were the ghosts of two men, one taller and one shorter, and a woman. They were grinning sure at them, the woman going as far as wiggling her translucent eyebrows. Blush slowly crept in his face all the way to his ears. He could feel they burn.
"Don't let us interrupt, dear.", The woman said, "It's completely understandable that a healthy and handsome boy like you want to kiss our dear Alua."
The taller man snickered while the shorter man gave him a gentle smile.
"Link... Meet my great grandparents."
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The chapter that was supposed to be posted 8/4/18 was moved to 15/4/18.
I had an accident and couldn’t use my right hand for a week, which sucked a lot and made me really sad, so I had no motivation to write the chapter even if I was able to use my left hand.
Anyways, thanks for understanding, have a good day/night and see you!
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