loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
With Piccolo's silent allowance of Siren's curiosities, the 8'0" Namekian listened to each beat and change in rhythm of the other's heart; soft hums escaping him once in awhile.
Even from a mere visual observation, it was likely that anyone could note his innocence. When finished, he would bring himself fully upright once more; a soft gaze meeting the elder.
"You're... Like me. In... Here." There went a hand; gently resting against Piccolo's chest.
💓 - @loyalsiren for... Piccolo.
Namekian to Namekian, out of innocent curiosity from Siren-
Send “💓” to listen to my muse’s heartbeat!
"Ghk-!" Piccolo was taken by surprise when the other Namekian leaned in to press an ear to his chest, his arms slightly sticking out to the sides as he wasn't sure if he should push the other away or not. He could sense there wasn't any ill intent, so maybe it wouldn't hurt.. He hadn't encountered another of his kind in a while anyway.
He pursed his lips before looking to the side, allowing the taller male to listen to his strong heartbeat. This was.. awkward.. He wasn't very familiar with benevolent physical contact.
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
Love: His design. With his whole backstory, I kind of like that he came from a cracked egg, and lives with a traveling camp of different people that raised him.
Hate: He doesn't need to eat food, so... I guess experiencing foods is a bit weird for him? Dunno, I don't hate too much about Siren-
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
Love: Siren is a really soft muse I want to explore more, and his dynamics with his campmates or those around him kind of lead to deeper stuff. Like... It's hard to explain, but he has so much potential for idealistic things.
Hate: Writing a character who doesn't speak at all, or who rarely speaks, is something I need to get better at. Especially when the vocabulary is limited. Poor Siren not saying much might come off as me not wanting to write or interact to some, but I promise I love the attention he gets.
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
Send "🌵" and I'll tell you something I both love and hate about my muse
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
"If we combine everything we've caught in the wild, we could make a bigger feast with more variety. Would you like to do that?" The traveling Rex offered over a sample of his findings before he crossed over into this region. Berries and mushrooms. Some dinosaur meat too of a non-local (and thankfully not currently endangered) species.
The 8'0" Namekian seemed to stare blankly at Rex for a few moments, before shifting his gaze to the offered sample. All alone, out in the wild, Siren was searching for solitude, and choosing to be productive out of habit. When Rex stumbled across him, the Namekian hadn't anticipated company.
"I... Would." Soft-spoken, Siren only managed to gather a few typical things, himself. Given that Namekians didn't particularly need to eat to survive, it would've been clear to anyone familiar with such a notion, that he wasn't gathering things for himself.
"Just... This once."
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
ϟ ϟ ϟ //About Tater
"Tater has... soft voice."
"Tater... feels like home..."
"Tater... Makes me... Feel like Hum does about Hati..."
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
For every ϟ in my inbox I'll tell you a random thought my muse has about yours.
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
*: ・゚✧   90 loaded questions / interview the muse.
found on this website, so credit goes to them.
What’s your favorite strategy for avoiding tough situations?
How often do you do things just for the attention?
Would you prefer to be manipulated or to be the manipulator?
What is something someone always tells you to do more of?
What is something someone always tells you to do less of?
Who do you look to blame when things go wrong?
What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish was true?
What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish wasn’t true?
When was the last time you lied to protect your image?
How often do you put on a happy face when you’re really not feeling it?
When do you think you began putting your guard up so much?
Who made you feel most anxious when you were a kid?
How do you speak about others when they’re not around?
What aspect of your life are you most delusional about?
How often do your admit you were wrong?
Which one of your biggest flaws do you like to rationalize the most?
Is it your fear of commitment or your fear of intimacy that makes you shut down more?
At what stage of a relationship are you most likely to withdraw emotionally?
What is the one compliment you always get that you’re too embarrassed to accept, so you deflect it?
What would someone say is your worst habit?
What is the one insecurity you are pretty sure has some basis in reality?
When was the last time you felt really insecure about the parts of yourself you pretend don’t exist?
What is the most interesting white lie you’ve told?
Do you ever feel like an imposter?
Do your friends know how competitive you are?
What’s the hardest thing about being rejected?
How do you deal when you know you’re being irrationally jealous?
How do you deal when you know someone’s not willing to give you what you want?
Are you ever afraid of people knowing who you really are?
If you went to a therapist today, what would they say is holding you back the most?
When was the last time you lowered your standards just to get someone else’s approval?
Is your need for revenge greater than your need for peace?
Have you stopped trying to control things yet?
Which parts of yourself do you still seek validation for?
How do you cope with being unfairly ignored?
Do you like punishing yourself for things that are out of your control?
What does someone say is your biggest problem when communicating?
Are you okay with not knowing what happens next?
Will you ever feel okay with being imperfect?
Does sabotaging yourself give you an odd sense of comfort?
How do you feel about being disliked by some people?
What’s the strangest thing you’ve done just to avoid failure?
What is the biggest risk you’ve taken just to prove yourself?
What’s the boldest thing you do every day, just to feel like you’re still in control?
What accusation would you defend yourself most fiercely against, even though you know it’s true?
What’s the most toxic thing about yourself you actually kind of secretly like?
How much do you enjoy being in control?
When do you give yourself permission to lose control?
What guilty pleasure are you currently justifying to yourself?
What is the most passive-aggressive way you’ve dealt with your rage?
What is the pettiest and most immature way you’ve avoided losing face?
What’s the worst habit you have that rewards you the most?
How do you get your needs met when you’re alone?
What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve done to please people?
What is the most ridiculous way you’ve rebelled?
What’s your favorite way to channel your aggression?
How do you cope with being betrayed?
Are you okay with disliking someone?
What is your favorite form of self-destruction?
What’s the one thing you struggle most to manifest in your life?
What’s the one thing that you manifest so easily, people are jealous of it?
What’s the most irrational reason you’ve ever had for disliking someone?
What is one fear that you’d be ashamed of your friends knowing about?
Which one of your deepest secrets do you think is the least common?
How do people normally find out you hate them?
What is your go-to strategy to deflect criticism, even constructive criticism?
What is one thing people always get wrong about you?
What emotion motivates you the most when you’re down?
What emotion makes you want to give up?
Are people shocked when you stand up for yourself?
How often do you say yes to the things you really want to say yes to?
How often do you say no to the things that make your skin crawl?
How far are you willing to go to maintain a relationship, even an unhealthy one?
What is the worst way someone’s ever abandoned you?
What is the worst way you’ve ever abandoned yourself?
How do you entertain yourself when you’re not around people?
Are you happier alone because you enjoy being alone or because you prefer it to being surrounded by horrible people?
What habit do you know you could quit but don’t want to?
What is your favorite strategy for avoiding difficult people?
What is your favorite strategy for avoiding conflict?
What is the weirdest thing that gets you angry?
What is the weirdest thing that makes you sad?
How often do you take responsibility for other people’s crappy behavior?
When are you most likely to shut people out?
Which insecurity would shock people if they knew about it?
What do you find yourself justifying to people, even when no justification is needed?
When was the last time you tried to please someone who made you angry?
What do people often tell you need to focus more on?
What do people often tell you need to focus less on?
What is the one thing that could make you happy, but you refuse to do it because you’re afraid of what others would think?
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
random questions … sentence starters
“Are you cold?”
“Where’d you put it?”
“You got this for me…?”
“Did you hear the news?”
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
“Did you seriously buy that?”
“How long ago did it happen?”
“Who do you have a crush on?”
“What are you doing out here?”
“How long have I been asleep?”
“Did you have anyone in mind?”
“Have there been any updates?”
“Do you want to go out with me?”
“What’s wrong? You don’t like it?”
“Did you make this? It’s beautiful!”
“You’re sticking to that story, huh?”
“Do you need something to drink?”
“I didn’t catch that, what’d you say?”
“Can I make you something to eat?”
“Why are you the way that you are?”
“You sound like a frog, are you sick?”
“How have you survived for so long?”
“Did you hear anything else about it?”
“What happened? This wasn’t like this.”
“You mind if I crash here for the night?”
“Do you want to just… get out of here?”
“Do you think I deserve to be forgiven?”
“What, you’ve never been here before?”
“Hold on, where’s this all coming from?”
“Does that sound like its getting closer?”
“Have you ever been to (place) before?”
“Why can’t you be honest with yourself?”
“Do you need somewhere to stay tonight?”
“I… I don’t understand, what’s happening?”
“Why do you let them talk to you like that?”
“Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?”
“Do you think people can earn forgiveness?”
“How long have you been dealing with this?”
“Why don’t you admit when you need help?”
“Why don’t you ever tell the truth, not ever?”
“Do you honestly expect me to believe that?”
“What makes you think I don’t care about you?”
“Why do you think you can get away with this?”
“How long have you been hiding this from me?”
“Who made you feel like you don’t deserve love?”
“Are you okay…? ‘Cause you don’t seem very okay.”
“Do you think you have feelings for (her/him/them)?”
“Why can’t you be honest about what you’re feeling?”
“What makes you think this is going to end well for you?”
“Seriously, you’re telling me you’ve never tried it before?”
“Do you think you’re better than everyone else, is that it?”
“Really? Do you really think that little of me that you think I’d do that?”
“Why would you do that? What made you think that was an okay thing to do?”
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it.
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
He didn't know much about TVs, movies, or certain other aspects of things, but oddly enough, what he felt for her was something he actually understood. Forgetting the word for it, though, one couldn't blame him for not saying it outright, beforehand.
When she tilted her head back, and he saw the little rabbit's cheeks, though, his own cheeks felt hot, and his gaze couldn't leave hers in the slightest.
"Yes... I... Love you."
How he came about the understanding of love, though, was thanks to the pinings of Hum, a female Majin, towards Hati, the camp's leader. To him, love was a longing for one's attention and companionship. To share each other's touch and feelings, and feel comfortable while doing so. Sure, Hati rejected the advances, but Hum's behaviors were what Siren picked up on.
He only managed to say such a thing, though, just as she turned her attention back to the TV; those shivers of hers not stopping him, but making him press lightly into his rubbing of her sides. A soft massage.
The movie was captivating to him, but the moment she'd look at him or speak, he wouldn't care about it. They could've stared at the wall and talked in their cozy embrace, for all he cared. He had her in his arms. He felt safe.
Her giggles certainly made him enjoy all of it more; her precious amusement and warm presence making him feel safer than anywhere else frankly ever could. He loved to learn new things with her, and wanted her to show him anything she’d like to.
When she’d begun rubbing at his forearms, he’d purr quietly; soft rumblings escaping him. And when she reciprocated his feelings?
“I… Like you a lot. Feel… Different.”
Feeling that tail wiggling between them, he at least understood that bunnies did something similar, and found even greater joy from feeling such a thing from the little rabbit. His hands, then, would gently rub along her sides; snuggling himself into her as much as she’d like him to, and watching the movie.
Oohs and Ahh’s would leave him, even at the very beginning of it, but his mind dared not leave the bliss he felt, from just holding her in his arms, and keeping her close to him. This liking he had for her seemed different, for any liking he had for any of his campmates.
Her heart was racing as he continued speaking of his feelings, having a feeling of what he may be trying to say. She could only hope her assumption was correct as she felt the same way.
She tilted her head back to look up at him, cheeks so very red and her eyes having a hopeful glimmer.
“Do you mean.. that you love me?”
She wasn’t sure if his group had taught him the meaning of that word and if not, she likely would have a difficult time properly explaining. While he watched the movie, her attention was on him for a moment before returning to the TV, the feeling of the rubbing at her sides making her shiver a bit.
His reactions to the movie were endearing and she couldn’t wait to show him more.
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
Her giggles certainly made him enjoy all of it more; her precious amusement and warm presence making him feel safer than anywhere else frankly ever could. He loved to learn new things with her, and wanted her to show him anything she'd like to.
When she'd begun rubbing at his forearms, he'd purr quietly; soft rumblings escaping him. And when she reciprocated his feelings?
"I... Like you a lot. Feel... Different."
Feeling that tail wiggling between them, he at least understood that bunnies did something similar, and found even greater joy from feeling such a thing from the little rabbit. His hands, then, would gently rub along her sides; snuggling himself into her as much as she'd like him to, and watching the movie.
Oohs and Ahh's would leave him, even at the very beginning of it, but his mind dared not leave the bliss he felt, from just holding her in his arms, and keeping her close to him. This liking he had for her seemed different, for any liking he had for any of his campmates.
The little rabbit’s affections only seemed to increase in the ways she gave it to him; the tilt towards Siren making him hum softly.
Every time she would tend to give his big hand a gentle squeeze with those little hands of hers, he would return it in kind; reciprocating her gestures of care for him. Bringing her joy, even though he didn’t know how exactly he did so, made him feel all warm and fuzzy.
While the two of them just sat there, Siren didn’t seem at all impatient; his gaze locked on her own eyes and face. He simply smiled at Tater; his thumb absent-mindedly rubbing her hand. It calmed him more. Though… She had a knack for doing that to him, all by herself.
When she released his hand and got up, he wasn’t paranoid enough to assume she’d just leave him there; an eager expression plastering itself on his visage, as she left to get blankets and the remote from the coffee table. The moment she moved to sit, however, his arms would stretch to wrap around her waist, and pull her into his lap softly; Siren resting his cheek against the top of her head.
“Is this… Okay? Is this… Movies?”
She squeaked softly when she found herself in his lap suddenly, his arms surrounding her petite form. This brought an intense blush to her cheeks as her ears stuck to the sides as to not be in his face.
“Ah-! Th-This is fine.. Not movies yet. We need to find one to watch, first.”
She couldn’t help but giggle, finding the question to be cute. She turned on the TV and went to a streaming app, scrolling through the options before picking one she thinks he would like. Given his personality, she figured he might like something more family-oriented.
As the movie began, she spread the blanket over them and snuggled back against his front, cheeks still pink as she rested her small hands on his forearms.
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
He didn't quite mind where her ears were placed; the change of their position causing him to move his head a little, if only to just softly rub his cheek against them. He was an affectionate giant, since her touch greatly calmed him.
"Find one... Sitting?"
Poor Siren just didn't know how televisions or movies worked quite yet; leaving him to think that movies were more... living things, like a bird. When she giggled, though, and turned on that TV, an amazed and soft "Woahhhh" left the Namekian's lips.
Moving pictures had him leaning forward a bit; likely pressing his front against her back a little bit. He was careful of her comfort, though, and didn't move too much. Whatever they watched, he was likely still going to have his mind on her, and having her in his arms again.
"I... Like you. You... Keep me warm."
He'd quietly whisper, once the movie had begun, before simply humming in delight that she snuggled against him. Just a bit tighter, then, he'd keep his arms wrapped around her; making one final adjustment of his lap, so that he could comfortably have her sitting there. Just like her, though, his cheeks didn't lose their hue.
The little rabbit’s affections only seemed to increase in the ways she gave it to him; the tilt towards Siren making him hum softly.
Every time she would tend to give his big hand a gentle squeeze with those little hands of hers, he would return it in kind; reciprocating her gestures of care for him. Bringing her joy, even though he didn’t know how exactly he did so, made him feel all warm and fuzzy.
While the two of them just sat there, Siren didn’t seem at all impatient; his gaze locked on her own eyes and face. He simply smiled at Tater; his thumb absent-mindedly rubbing her hand. It calmed him more. Though… She had a knack for doing that to him, all by herself.
When she released his hand and got up, he wasn’t paranoid enough to assume she’d just leave him there; an eager expression plastering itself on his visage, as she left to get blankets and the remote from the coffee table. The moment she moved to sit, however, his arms would stretch to wrap around her waist, and pull her into his lap softly; Siren resting his cheek against the top of her head.
“Is this… Okay? Is this… Movies?”
She squeaked softly when she found herself in his lap suddenly, his arms surrounding her petite form. This brought an intense blush to her cheeks as her ears stuck to the sides as to not be in his face.
“Ah-! Th-This is fine.. Not movies yet. We need to find one to watch, first.”
She couldn’t help but giggle, finding the question to be cute. She turned on the TV and went to a streaming app, scrolling through the options before picking one she thinks he would like. Given his personality, she figured he might like something more family-oriented.
As the movie began, she spread the blanket over them and snuggled back against his front, cheeks still pink as she rested her small hands on his forearms.
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
The little rabbit's affections only seemed to increase in the ways she gave it to him; the tilt towards Siren making him hum softly.
Every time she would tend to give his big hand a gentle squeeze with those little hands of hers, he would return it in kind; reciprocating her gestures of care for him. Bringing her joy, even though he didn't know how exactly he did so, made him feel all warm and fuzzy.
While the two of them just sat there, Siren didn't seem at all impatient; his gaze locked on her own eyes and face. He simply smiled at Tater; his thumb absent-mindedly rubbing her hand. It calmed him more. Though... She had a knack for doing that to him, all by herself.
When she released his hand and got up, he wasn't paranoid enough to assume she'd just leave him there; an eager expression plastering itself on his visage, as she left to get blankets and the remote from the coffee table. The moment she moved to sit, however, his arms would stretch to wrap around her waist, and pull her into his lap softly; Siren resting his cheek against the top of her head.
"Is this... Okay? Is this... Movies?"
That giggle of hers… He couldn’t quite place why, but hearing it gave him a fluttery feeling in his chest. It made his cheeks warm, too. If he saw a reflective surface, he’d even realize that it made those same cheeks a different color. He absent-mindedly squeezed her hand in return; not realizing that he was entranced by her giggly demeanor.
“Another… H-Home?” Oh no, when she sat down, she looked away from him, and her ears lowered. Usually, he took those things as signs of being upset. He’d seen as much from one or two people at his camp… Usually before he or someone else got yelled at. Worriedly, he zoned out for a moment; not responding to confirm or deny such a possibility, until…
That smile of hers pulled him back in; pats to the couch spot next to her making the 8'0" behemoth relocate to the spot, and immediately sit next to her. A hum of consideration for her previous idea was audibly made.
“Quieter… Home. Happier.”
He’d keep his gaze on her; taking her hand again, and lacing their fingers together. It was a yes, in his own way.
“As many movies… As you want. I will… Stay.”
His cheeks still hadn’t gone back to their green hue, and a bead of sweat seemed to roll down his face.
She perked up when he came to sit beside her, his weight on the couch causing her to slightly tilt toward him. Well, that and she just wanted to be closer to him.
Hearing that he was happier here had her heart skipping a beat along with how he locked their fingers together, giving his hand a small squeeze as she looked up to him with a happy smile. And hearing his agreement to multiple movies only increased her joy.
She knew she had to go grab a blanket for them, but she didn’t want to move just yet. It was a minute or two later that she forced herself to get up, reluctantly releasing his hand as she offered an apologetic smile.
“I’ll be right back.”
After that, she trotted into another room to grab a nice and fluffy blanket before she returned, snagging the remote from the coffee table before she moved to sit once more.
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
That giggle of hers... He couldn't quite place why, but hearing it gave him a fluttery feeling in his chest. It made his cheeks warm, too. If he saw a reflective surface, he'd even realize that it made those same cheeks a different color. He absent-mindedly squeezed her hand in return; not realizing that he was entranced by her giggly demeanor.
"Another... H-Home?" Oh no, when she sat down, she looked away from him, and her ears lowered. Usually, he took those things as signs of being upset. He'd seen as much from one or two people at his camp... Usually before he or someone else got yelled at. Worriedly, he zoned out for a moment; not responding to confirm or deny such a possibility, until...
That smile of hers pulled him back in; pats to the couch spot next to her making the 8'0" behemoth relocate to the spot, and immediately sit next to her. A hum of consideration for her previous idea was audibly made.
"Quieter... Home. Happier."
He'd keep his gaze on her; taking her hand again, and lacing their fingers together. It was a yes, in his own way.
"As many movies... As you want. I will... Stay."
His cheeks still hadn't gone back to their green hue, and a bead of sweat seemed to roll down his face.
If Siren was anything, it was patient; having learned to wait at the camp. If it was for her, he’d be as patient as could be. Besides, he knew that the embrace’s end had to happen, in order for them to get to her apartment.
Watching her ears move up and down, Siren thought she was the most pleasant thing he’d ever laid his eyes upon; the thought only reinforced by her thumb rubbing his hand. Instinctively, he’d return the gesture in kind, though he didn’t think about lacing his fingers with hers. He wouldn’t have minded it, though.
Pulled into her abode, the gargantuan had to duck his head just slightly, to fit through the doorway; the interior of her home earning a wide-eyed exploration of everything around him. This was the first time he’d ever been in a fully-walled setting, let alone someone’s home. That hue would return to his cheeks, due to the new experience, but being led into the living room, he seemed to focus, again, on her.
“I like… Your home.”
Unsure of what to do, he’d simply follow her directions; trusting her completely, to guide him as she saw fit to.
She giggled bashfully at his words, her cheeks tinting pink again as she gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
“I’m glad you do. I’d like for this t-to be considered another home to you..” She went over to sit on the couch, pressing her fingers together shyly as she had her gaze directed to the floor with her ears slightly lowering in her embarrassment.
She then cleared her throat and gave him a sheepish smile, cheeks still flushed before she patted the couch next to her to indicate for him to come sit as well. She wanted to get the movies started so they could possibly snuggle faster.
“A-Anyway, come sit so we can start watching stuff. If you’d like, we could even watch several?”
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
If Siren was anything, it was patient; having learned to wait at the camp. If it was for her, he'd be as patient as could be. Besides, he knew that the embrace's end had to happen, in order for them to get to her apartment.
Watching her ears move up and down, Siren thought she was the most pleasant thing he'd ever laid his eyes upon; the thought only reinforced by her thumb rubbing his hand. Instinctively, he'd return the gesture in kind, though he didn't think about lacing his fingers with hers. He wouldn't have minded it, though.
Pulled into her abode, the gargantuan had to duck his head just slightly, to fit through the doorway; the interior of her home earning a wide-eyed exploration of everything around him. This was the first time he'd ever been in a fully-walled setting, let alone someone's home. That hue would return to his cheeks, due to the new experience, but being led into the living room, he seemed to focus, again, on her.
"I like... Your home."
Unsure of what to do, he'd simply follow her directions; trusting her completely, to guide him as she saw fit to.
He never fully understood how a single person could put him at ease, like she could, but he never once questioned it, either. Even if he’d grown up with those at his encampment, she seemed to be his comfort from even them.
“I would… Like that.”
A soft groan of equal reluctance would leave him, quietly, after she pulled away. However, taking one of his hands earned her yet another bright smile from the Namekian. He’d return the gentle squeeze, and hum happily once more.
He wouldn’t complain if she didn’t let go of him, but hearing her admit such a thing, herself, made Siren chuckle quietly. Without fail or hesitation, he’d follow her; ignoring all other sights to be seen around them, and solely focusing on her. Whatever went on in his head, it was obvious that she was on his mind in that very moment.
She gave him a small smile, understanding his displeasure at the hug ending. She wasn’t too happy about it either, but they could pick it back up once they got to her apartment.
Her ears slightly moved up and down as she led him along, her thumb rubbing his hand gently. She thought about lacing their fingers together briefly but wasn’t sure if it would be proper just yet.
Fortunately, it wasn’t long before they finally reached her home and she opened the door, heading inside and gently pulling him in with her. Once they were inside and the door was closed, she kicked off her shoes and nudged them into the corner of the entryway before heading into the living room, a slight bounce in her step.
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loyalsiren ¡ 2 years
He never fully understood how a single person could put him at ease, like she could, but he never once questioned it, either. Even if he'd grown up with those at his encampment, she seemed to be his comfort from even them.
"I would... Like that."
A soft groan of equal reluctance would leave him, quietly, after she pulled away. However, taking one of his hands earned her yet another bright smile from the Namekian. He'd return the gentle squeeze, and hum happily once more.
He wouldn't complain if she didn't let go of him, but hearing her admit such a thing, herself, made Siren chuckle quietly. Without fail or hesitation, he'd follow her; ignoring all other sights to be seen around them, and solely focusing on her. Whatever went on in his head, it was obvious that she was on his mind in that very moment.
That smile of hers only seemed to keep that hue in his cheeks; further hums and sighs of joy leaving the giant, the longer they embraced.
“Thank… You…”
When she rested her head on his shoulder, he’d rest his own head on top of hers; hugging her just a bit tighter. It was such a simple show of affection, but it put him at ease. Like she was a home away from the encampment.
“Movies? Can we… Do that?”
He hadn’t quite heard of what those even were, but watching things was something that put his mind at ease, in the forest. Hopefully the same would apply to movies, too. Regardless, he felt the same as she did; knowing that whatever they did together, it’d be enjoyable.
If she wanted more of his hugs, movies were certainly a good way to continue to have them, too. He frankly wanted her hugs just as badly-
She loved this, as simple as it was. Just being able to be close to him and relish in his hold made any exhaustion she previously had melt away. She hummed softly at his inquiry before giving a slight nod.
“Of course we can. And since it’s been getting chilly, we can pile up a bunch of blankets.”
After several long moments of just soaking in the contact a bit more, she reluctantly pulled away before taking one of his hands to give it a gentle squeeze.
“Let’s go! If we stay here any longer, I wouldn’t wanna let go of you-.”
She lightly tugged his arm to get him to follow as she began walking down the concrete path that led through the park, guiding him to her home.
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