lowerowllake · 9 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 15!
Greetings, travelers!
I’ve begun to work on some profiles for Lower Owl Lake on refsheet.net !!
Here, I will have each character’s details laid out and organized for all participants to see! This will be useful for characters such as the stable hand, who isn’t played by any participant, but is important to the building of LOL!! ^.^ /
This is a big WIP, so please keep in mind that this will definitely not appear finished for quite some time!
Please go check it out !!
You can find my profile at
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 14 !
Greetings, travelers!
This update will be posted in the Lower Owl Lake Discord server as soon as I able able to get over there - but for now, you're the first to see it! It's usually the other way around, I know, I know xD !!
I am working on rewriting the informational documents currently, though I am unsure how long I will be able to have time for it. I found a little time within the last day to resume a teeny, tiny little bit of development, so I figured I would take advantage of that!
Hopefully these documents will turn out better than the previous ones that I had drafted. I'm doing my best!
Much love,
@kaicomfy ^.^/
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 13 ! ( I think !? )
Greetings, travelers!
I have unfortunate news..
All of the work that I have spent so much time on has been lost.
The Google Doc with all of the information - such as details for character creation and mounts - is gone. I unfortunately have no way of getting it back, and don't have any ideas on how to fix this problem, other than to completely rewrite everything.
I don't remember all of the details and ideas I had planned, just the basic overall ideas for each document, and so everything will have to be rethought and changed.
This is all so unfortunate due to how much time and effort that I had put into the development and writing of the informational documents.
I am so, so sorry that we are at square one. This is going to be filled with so much pain and suffering xD
I should have stored the document in multiple places under different accounts in order to keep everything protected and to not lose access to all of my work. I will try to redo everything when I can..
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Greetings, travelers!
This is a bittersweet updated notice, having to do with the Lower Owl Lake progress.
Unfortunately, I have no updates to offer in regards to new creations within the Lower Owl Lake project. Progress is still at a standstill for the foreseeable future.
I know that it has been many months since the last development update, and I wish the case were different. I’ve never wanted to be that creator who takes ages to add updates or make progress, but unfortunate matters have unfolded within my life, forcing me to be that person.
Nevertheless, I appreciate the endless support from those who have been following along! I anticipate my future return to the active development of LOL, as the concept is still one that I find much joy in! Stick with me, folks! I believe in us! Some day, we’ll make it to the release xD
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Originally Posted : ?
Lower Owl Lake progress is temporarily paused due to current events within my life. I’ve been quite busy as of late, and am prioritizing these things! Thank you for the continued support and encouragement! I hope I’ll be back soon, as I hate making you all wait for such long periods, even if all I’m offering are progress updates.
-> This is not an official update, but a notice regarding the current external situations and how they’re impacting the project. Thank you!
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 12 !
Originally Posted : ?
Greetings, travelers!
With the new poll’s data and results, I’ve decided that the game will be happening!! However, this will take time and patience from both myself as a developer, and you as excited supporters and future players.
Before any game production can begin, I must finish all of the documents for LOL so that portion of the experience is set in place and in stone. Without completed documentation for rules, character creation, etc- there’s no experience at all.. which we need to make a game.
Regardless of those details- I’d like to add that when all of Lower Owl Lake is completed and ready to play, it will be hosted in sessions. The experience is a plot based rp, which means large events are already set in stone for participants to play through. Despite that, players can play the LOL game at any time and rp with their character alone, or with someone else and their character. With this, I may set a rule that will ban players from exiting The Embrace outside of sessions, as it’s a dangerous region and characters may die. Also, a summary of your character's experiences outside of the plotted sessions will be asked for! Intense details won't be required, but a channel in the discord server will be set up for daily little updates on their lives after you finish your rps! :)
Anywho- that’s all I’ve got for an update right now! Our new quarter has started here, which means I’ve been placed in all new classes- which means HOMEWORK *dun dunn dunnnn* xD
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 11 !
Originally Posted : ?
Greetings, travelers!
As I’m currently on a semi/ small hiatus, work is slow and progress is scarce. Despite the situation, some details are being added and worked on!
The following is a summary of current focuses in regards to Lower Owl Lake! :
- As of now, the concept of a map for the world is paused- to say the least. I’ve found that creating a map is outside of my skill set, and that I must find someone capable of creating what I’m looking for. The hunt for an artist is on, depending on the results of the poll hosted in the LOL Discord server.
- Document drafting is still a large WIP, as there are small details that must be included and ironed out before I’m able to press on with the writing. Certain things such as stats and items must be thought over carefully to ensure that they’re the way I’d like them to be.
- Major decisions are being made, evaluated, and reevaluated. There’s many things to be done, and this is certainly going to take much longer than ever expected if the vote comes out the way I assume it will :’D
Thank you all for your continued support and interest! I hope the expected, largely extended “release date” won’t drive ya away! xD
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 10 !
Originally Posted : ?
Greetings, travelers!
I am happy to share that progress is moving at a steady pace! I’ve completed drafting a few documents, and the following is the list of what’s left to draft! ( Not in order! )
- Commonly Used Vocabulary
- Alphabet and Symbols
- World Lore
- Rules
- Guild Application Form
- LOL Application Form
- Business Application Form
- Location Creation
- The Map
The complete ( drafted ) documents are the following :
- Character Creation
- Mounts and Pets
- Guild Details
- Currency
- Special Slot Explanation
- Death Roll System
- Mystery Coins
With these lists, you’ve been given a slight sneak peek at what’s to come! Thank you all for your continued patience, and hopefully within the next week or so, all informational documents will be drafted!
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 9 !
Originally Posted : ?
Greetings, travelers!
LOL has been given an official watermark/ symbol! The Golden Owl will be the marking stamped on all official documents within the experience, and will be featured on your character cards, as well as in a number of other places! Keep your eyes open! You may see it in future posts and art pieces!
The image has also been set as the pfp for LOL’s discord server!
The paws in the attached image belong to my character, who has finally been developed! She's holding the Golden Owl :)
Tumblr media
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 8 !
Originally Posted : ?
Greetings, travelers!
Finally, I can welcome you to the Discord server, even if you’re stuck in the holding area for a while!
Document progress has been resumed, and I hope to cross a few of the needed drafts off my list shortly! That’ll likely be the main focus for a few days, as well as my own character’s development!
I thank you for your continued interest in the project, and hopefully more people will join you in the holding area soon! If you’ve got any interested friends, give them my Discord tag so they can be given information and an invite! ^.^/
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 5 !
Originally Posted : ?
Attention, travelers! The LOL server is still in the works, as bots and other things need to be added! However, I’ll be accepting people who wish to join and wait in the holding section ( a private category for you guys ) !
This is simply for update purposes, as well as server growth. There’s still a massive amount of work to be done for LOL, but I’d love to have announcements in only two places, rather than a ton of them!
I’ll be adding anyone who wishes to join in a few days, as I’ve got to set up a few channels and bots before I can allow anyone in ^^
Thank you!
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 4 !
Originally Posted : ?
As of now, the following documents have been drafted!
- Character Creation ( CC )
- Mounts and Pets ( MP )
- Slot Explanation ( SE )
- Currency ( CR )
- Guilds ( GL )
Note : Abbreviations are drafts as well, and everything is subject to change!
Other informational documents are still being drafted, revised, and edited. There’s still much more to be explained and discussed. With this, you should all be aware of the large number of documents that will have to be studied prior to applying to join LOL. There are currently over 14 different documents, each consisting of a number of pages, which all participants will be required read. Yes, I do understand that it sounds overwhelming, but creating a completely new world and having to explain it/ break it down for others is a difficult process, and this is currently the best option!
For LOL adopts, I’ve made no progress on them. I still have yet to design my own character, so adopts will be something that comes later! ^^
As of now, that’s all I have for updates!
If anyone has any questions about Lower Owl Lake, etc ~ please feel free to DM me!
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Lower Owl Lake Update : 3 !
Originally Posted : ?
Some slight progress in regards to informational documents has been made!
As of now, the following documents have been drafted and are under review :
Character Creation
Mounts and Pets
Slot Explanation
Other documents are being written, and when they are drafted, will be put under review!
Relating to adopts for LOL - a number of ideas have been floating around, though the process of actually creating them is slow!
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lowerowllake · 10 months
Welcome to Lower Owl Lake!
Greetings, and welcome to the official Lower Owl Lake Tumblr!
This page is owned and operated by @kaicomfy, the creator of Lower Owl Lake.
Updates on development will be posted here! Please be made aware that there may not be frequent updates, posts, or activity on this page due to real life events.
All previous updates posted on @kaicomfy's page will be reposted here with their original post dates mentioned.
Thank you to everyone who supports Lower Owl Lake, and who has been following along!
A little shoutout goes to friends of @kaicomfy who've been major supports and advisors throughout everything!
Thank you to Jadyn, Amai, Mista, and Orey! <3
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