lovingsongbirdds · 4 days
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lovingsongbirdds · 4 days
美国联邦众议院7月25日通过《台湾国际团结法》,法案是由众议员匡希恒(John Curtis)和众院“国会台湾连线”共同主席康诺利(Gerry Connolly)联合提出,目的在对抗北京当局,将台湾排除参与国际组织的企图,除了康诺利和匡希恒外,该法案还由众院外委会印太小组民主党首席议员贝拉(Ami Bera)、以及众议员巴尔(Andy Barr)、迪亚兹-巴拉特(Mario Diaz-Balart)、泰塔斯(Dina Titus)、麦克莱恩(Lisa McClain)、菲茨帕特里克(Brian Fitzpatrick), 泰德·刘(Ted Lieu), 伊萨(Darrell Issa)、史密斯(Chris Smith)、谢尔曼(Brad Sherman)、西西林 (David Cicilline) 和劳勒(Michael Lawler)共同提出。
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lovingsongbirdds · 10 days
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lovingsongbirdds · 10 days
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lovingsongbirdds · 15 days
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lovingsongbirdds · 4 years
highway to heaven //mark lee
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It felt as if I was in a dream. My heart pumped in sync with the booming music as sweat ran down my face from jumping. I held my lightstick tightly as I watched my idol perform onstage, in front of my own eyes.
He was beautiful, oh how I longed for him to gaze in my eyes, creating a cliche y/n moment. Only the lucky girls caught their attention, and I was not a lucky girl. I was just a normal fan, watching my favorite k-idol perform live in front of me.
The song ended as the group transitioned into another small talking session. I put my phone down and lived in the surreal moment for a while. It didn’t feel real at all. I laughed as the boys on stage laughed, as if I even understood the language. It was fine, I was there. I was there.
They soon started to perform again. I couldn’t take my eyes off of one particular idol, Mark Lee. I watched as he danced such powerful moves I’ve always wanted to do. I watched him be what I’ve always wanted to be, right in front of me. The way he danced so gracefully yet so powerfully, how he sang so cleanly as he danced and heaved for breath afterwards. He was my everything to me, and I was nothing to him.
But it was like time had slowed down, as well as everything else. I carefully examined the moves he made and the steps he took. My eyes trailed up to his facial expressions, he definitely was a lion at heart. His voice sang a melody I have always sung, he sang the words I always sung that meant every single thing to me. I watched him in amazement, as his eyes wandered to look at mine.
At that moment it struck me, what it had always felt to be a lucky girl. I had caught his gaze, and my world felt like it stopped. It’s like a thousand moments I could ever live with him flashed before my eyes in a matter of 4 seconds. We held each other’s gaze, I looked at him with a fascinated look. I felt something, as if he was trying to tell me something with his soft eye smile.
I wanted to believe that I was the one to spend his life with, or that I was a new best friend in the rising. I desperately wanted to believe that we were more than an idol-fan relationship, but it was all wrong. As fans are always mistaken when they get noticed by their idol.
It was more of a ‘thanks-for-supporting-me’ eye smile, nothing more. That’s what had hit me in the awestrucking moment, the fact that I will never be more to him than a fan. He was the best he could ever be, and I’m a small girl supporting him in a crowd of 10,000.
He broke the contact and faced the rest of the crowd as he danced with all his might and sang his heart out for his fans. He never disappoints, and that’s a reason I love him so much. I love him so much, and it can never be more.
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lovingsongbirdds · 5 years
How would the Karasuno boys act when they have to buy condoms from Ukai's shop, having to look their coach in the eye as they pay for them?
i laughed for like 10 minutes after reading this request i love it. i’ve been having some health issues lately and needed a good pick-me-up
if you like what i do and want to show your support, consider supporting me on ko-fi!
 - admin rachel lauren
The only way I could rationalize them willingly buying condoms from Sakanoshita–as opposed to any place else–knowing that their coach is minding the shop is that the team has some crazy bet going on and these are in the event that they are the loser of said bet. Whether or not they’re doing the do and actually need them is entirely irrelevant.
He’s one of the few who don’t make it weird somehow. It’s just another transaction, right? Not to mention that Ukai’s made it clear to them that whatever they do outside of volleyball is none of his business.
It’s not embarrassing until he gets to the counter to pay and has a moment of internal panic that this is very awkward. But Daichi’s a master of keeping his composure while screaming internally all the while, so you’d never know.
It doesn’t hurt that he buys a few things he actually needs along with them. But still.
He tries to play dumb when they’re rung up: “Whoops, how did those get in there? Well, I guess I’ll take them anyway. Doesn’t hurt to have some, right?” Cue the forced bashful laughter.
It’s clear to everyone within a 5 mile radius that Suga is playing this up too much. Like it’s painful to watch.
Once out of the shop, Suga will show no mercy and pelt either the first person who laughs or the person who suggested the bet in the first place with the box.
He has to buy at least four or five other things along with them in hopes that Ukai doesn’t give the condoms a second thought.
Except he kind of just grabs whatever is within arm’s reach in a tizzy without paying attention, so it’s an interesting mix of things.
He forgets how to breathe when Ukai rings his things up. You’d think that having his coach be unfazed by all of this would make it less embarrassing, but the contrast in their demeanors makes it worse. 
You can bet his s/o will be the one to buy them from now on because he’s scarred for life.
Slams the box down on the counter and looks Ukai straight in the eyes. It’s the only thing he’s buying.
Noya’s got a dead serious look on his face the whole time. Coupled with the fact that he’s standing in a power pose, it makes the transaction feel more like a battle of wills than a simple interaction between a shopkeeper/coach and his customer/pupil.
Seriously, Ukai is unnerved by this until Noya shouts out a thanks and bows deeply before leaving the shop, and hearing Tanaka’s cry of “Noya-san is so cool!!!” from outside.
Tries the nonchalant whistling thing, which makes the whole process more suspect and embarrassing.
“They’re for my sister’s…. boyfriend…”
He doesn’t know why he went with that excuse. Even if Saeko had a boyfriend, neither of them would bother having Tanaka buy a box for them.
Ukai’s, “Good for them, I guess?” does nothing to alleviate any of Tanaka’s embarrassment.
If it’s questioned, he has his excuse of “A prop for the new movie” all ready to go. Although, he’s also worried that unless he can make up a plot for this movie that doesn’t exist (yet), it might be considered a cause for concern that his movies are getting too adult for high school students to be in charge of.
Takes five minutes to come up with an elevator pitch just in case before he has to go in.
Ukai doesn’t even ask or indicate that he’s buying condoms and Ennoshita–red-faced and stuttering–goes on about some Seth Rogen-esque stoner comedy that he’s working on.
“Well, just don’t get in trouble filming something like that. You’re still a kid, after all.”
Can’t stop dropping his change, which is the perfect excuse to physically hide how ridiculous he feels.
The transaction from then on can be described as swift, as in the second Ukai hands him the bag Narita takes it and heads for the door with a, “Hm thanks coach see you tomorrow bye!” It’s all in one fluid motion and yes, that goodbye is punctuation-less .
Just…never bring this up again. He’d rather forget the whole thing.
He can’t go in alone. He has to do this with at least one other person going into the shop with him, and Noya is the only one who also isn’t embarrassed by this in any way. The other second-years are embarrassed by proximity, so-to-speak.
Except Noya gets distracted trying to find his usual ice cream flavor, so Kinoshita has to ride solo at the counter.
It’s clear he’s nervous about the whole thing; his whole body is stiff and he reacts to anything Ukai says as if the man is correcting his technique during practice.
He does have to keep his eyes on his wallet and money most of the transaction because there’s no one he can look his coach in the eye while buying them.
He knows he’s not smart and that everyone knows this as well, so he decides to tackle this issue by using this to advantage.
Except he anticipates Ukai will say anything in the first place, and blurts something out totally unprompted..
Ukai: “That’ll be–”
Kageyama: What do you mean those aren’t water balloons?
The following is the most tense five seconds of silence you’ll ever see between these two.
He’s so red that Ukai is worried that Kageyama’s head might explode. Or he passes out on the spot, especially because he stops breathing.
He thinks he can play it cool, but it’s like watching a trainwreck.
He suddenly can’t hear anything. There’s so much blood rushing to his head that he can only hear that in his ears. Ukai tells him how much he owes and Hinata keeps repeating, “What?” each time it happens.
“Just… take them, alright, Hinata?”
Once he leaves the store, his face seems to be stuck in a smile and he doesn’t react to anything anyone says or does to him. His soul has left his body. He’s straight-up astral projecting in front of the vending machines outside the shop. Never make him do that again.
Like Daichi, he also is does not make it weird. The glare from his glasses absolutely helps to hide anything his eyes might give away about feeling like an idiot the whole time.
But you could replace the condoms with any other item in the store and everything would be exactly the same about this interaction.
The rest of the team is mad because there was no point of having the loser of their bet do that if the loser wasn’t affected by it.
But this eventually backfires on Tsukki because guess who Noya and Tanaka have now playfully dubbed, “The Condom King.” He hates it.
He’s a blend of Suga and Kageyama in this situation: “I thought they were rubber gloves! What? T-those aren’t mine!” (Which one is it, Yams?)
Things get worse because the barcode scanner just won’t scan this box and every second feels ten times longer than it actually is during this.
At this point he’s just praying that no one else–sans the rest of the boys–has to bear witness to this. If Yachi walked in and saw, he’d probably die.
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lovingsongbirdds · 5 years
untitled. // jeon jungkook angst
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member: jeon jungkook group: bts genre: angst
the silence was killing me. my heartbeat sped up every step i took as jungkook held my hand. the breeze gently hit my face, sending a small shiver down my spine. all i heard was the crashing of rain dropping on the cement as we walked through the park. i wasnt at ease, and i could tell my boyfriend wasnt either. 
occasionally we made small talk and laugh with each other, but something was off. it wasnt how it felt when we first started dating, which was not even a week ago. i knew something was wrong, especially because he took a pause on the relationship so suddenly. 
many thoughts bounced around in my head. maybe he was just trying to catch up on school work because he wanted to talk to me instead of doing homework? or maybe he just didnt like my personality. i knew i was different in person than in text, so i mentally prepared myself if that were ever the case. each thought gave me peace and anxiety at the same time, and no matter what i couldnt stop thinking.
“look,” he started, breaking the painful silence. i looked up at him, trying to hide my pain. 
“the reason why i took a break with this relationship was because i couldnt decide.” he stated, stopping in his tracks to look at me. he let go of my hand, and i knew everything was wrong.
“i dated my ex for four months and the week i started talking to you she dumped me, because i couldnt say i love you back to her. and recently i started to catch feelings for her again, and i felt ready to say it back. but i cant leave you for her and break your heart.” 
my heart pumped right out of my chest. holy fuck i wanted to die right on the spot. i wanted to cry, i wanted to vomit, i wanted to die. a million thoughts came to mind but they couldnt make their way out.
“so i decided to take a break. i needed some time to think, but i guess im just not ready for a relationship. i dont want to hurt either one of you, so i just need some time to chill.”
that was it. that was the sentence i dreaded to hear. i looked at his nose, his lips, his hair, anywhere but his eyes. i couldnt dare let my tears fall right in front of him.
“i hope we can stay good friends.” he said, as he handed his umbrella to me. 
i took it, and watched him walk away in the rain. it was the end, and i told myself so many times i would keep my guard up. all the times he sweet talked me and showed me he genuinely liked me was all for nothing. 
a tear slid down my cheek as i watched him trudge farther and farther away from me, slowly disappearing into the fog.
was it all nothing? were the late night calls nothing? were the heart memes we sent each other nothing? my heart stung as i thought much more of it. i wasnt even sure if i should give him back his jacket. i wasnt even sure if the plans we made were going to come true.
all the promises that were made, were they nothing? were we nothing? i couldnt help but think about him, even when he was gone. how could i let myself fall for him like that? was i even sure about what i could do about it? no, i wasnt. i felt like an abandoned puppy, scared and alone. how could i tell my friends? was i even going to?
at this point i was sobbing. it was cold, rainy, and my heart felt empty. was it all my fault? no, it wasnt. did i even want him back? well, maybe? i couldnt think straight. maybe he shouldve just broke up with me for her before i fell for him, im no match for him at all. but it still hurts, and i hated admitting it.
i guess it all meant nothing.
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lovingsongbirdds · 5 years
sweet nights // johnny seo
this is for u dylon:>>>
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your heart pounds as you hear your clock ticking in front of you, a single heartbeat matching with the ticks simultaneously. you can feel the blood rush all over your body, in fear of missing your hang out with your boyfriend, Johnny Seo. you sat there at your study desk, your countless piles of homework spread all around as your cup of coffee sat in the corner of your snow white desk next to your small pink traditional clock. you felt your coffee indirectly snickering at you about how you had to cancel your meeting with Johnny for the 5th time because of your pile of homework. you gave your cup a dirty look, knowing very well you’ve gone mad. 
you snapped out of your thoughts once you saw the hour hand hit 5:00 PM, the time when you were supposed to be at the local café with your boyfriend. the guilt crawled up to your heart and head at a fast pace, knowing you had to pick up your phone and call Johnny to cancel. a deep sigh slipped out of your mouth subconsciously as you picked up your phone and dial the number.
“hey baby..” you said sadly. you felt extremely bad for canceling on him for the 5th time.
he knew you couldn’t make it there, hearing the gloominess in your voice. “it’s okay if you can’t make it, I understand.” he said, glumly.
his tone certainly didn’t make you feel better at all. you quickly gave him an “I’m truly sorry” and hung up. after sitting in silence for a couple minutes, you finally continued working on your homework pile.
working on homework for four hours straight was hell, and you regretted procrastinating. if only you finished it earlier, you could’ve met up with Johnny. your heart started to ache as you thought about how he must’ve felt earlier. you shook your head and continued to read the problem, but all you could think about was Johnny. you haven’t seen him in forever, and spending more time with homework than Johnny was the worst kind of torture you could ever be put through. you wanted to cry, you haven’t felt this lonely in a long time.
tap tap. your eyes rapidly opened, before you could fall asleep. you shook it off as you leaned toward your table to continue.
“babyyy..” a faint voice said. your eyes went wide at the familiar voice. I’m really going mad, I’m starting to hear Johnny in my own head, you thought. you shook off the thought and got up to take a break. you looked toward your window for a split second trying to make you way to your bed, but you ended up doing a double take.
“can you let me in?” the man said outside her window pleaded with a cute voice and a small pout.
you felt a big smile grow on your face as you recognized the man as your one and only Johnny Seo.
you ran toward the window to let him in, and as soon as you did, he engulfed you into a big and long hug. oh, how you missed his warm, soft hugs.
“I’m really sorry I can never keep a promise for you.” you apologized, for the third time tonight.
“it’s okay baby, at least I’m seeing you here right now.” your boyfriend said. his voice was so sweet you could just melt in it. you were overjoyed, and he was too, as you two stayed in a long, comforting hug.
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lovingsongbirdds · 5 years
save me, save you. // njm x reader.
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You felt your heart crash into thousands of pieces as you heard your boyfriend say he wanted to be alone for the 100th time. You’ve been friends with Na Jaemin for around 3 years now, and you two have been dating for a month. He was a fun but mysterious guy, which intrigued you. You had never known much about him besides a few likes and dislikes here and there, and it bothered you that you never knew him truly. No matter how much you tried, you could never get him to open up to you.
You knew, behind those loving eyes, something had broke him. He was traumatized, but he still looked ravishing. You itched as you wanted to hold him in your arms as he told you everything about him, you couldn’t verbally describe how much you wanted all of him. 
You slowly walked out of his room, as he sat still on his bed, not moving an inch or even batting an eyelash. You wanted to cry. He was your boyfriend, yet you couldn’t even make him feel like the world. You made your way to the couch and played with your phone for a bit until Jaemin came out of his room again. 
He gave you a small smile as he walked to the kitchen to grab a drink of water. You watched him carefully as he gulped down the water. How, he still managed to look good. He walked back to his room, but as soon as you knew it, you were pulling him next to you on the couch.
“Y/n? What are you doing?” He asked, a little shaken from your sudden gesture. You sighed. You couldn’t describe how hurt you were, and you wanted to cry. His facial expression softened as he watched the tears build up in your eyes he loved so much.
You wiped your eyes. “Jaem, tell me what’s going on. What’s your story?” 
He sat there, looking at your hands, as they were intertwined in his. His heart felt heavy as he heard your soft mumble of, “Please..”
“Please don’t try to hide yourself anymore, I’m right by your side.” You said softly. You had no control over yourself, as if your emotions took over you.
“Y/n, there is so much you don’t know about me, what I’ve been through, what-”
“You aren’t alone anymore.” You said, feeling a tear stream down your face as he wipes it off your face. 
Jaemin softened, as his eyes also welled up. You felt it, you knew he felt safe with you. You hugged him, as he told you everything that happened. Your heart felt as light as a feather. Oh, how much you loved your Na Jaemin.
You two made a promise, whatever happens or happened, you will always tell each other and be there for each other until the end.
“i’ll carefully protect your soft heart, all the painful memories deep in your heart are no more.”
//heavily inspired by wjsn’s save me, save you
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