just a 17 year old girl in love with her 42 year old teacher H
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I got my 12th grade schedule!!!
So a while ago I posted about how I was taking a class at a different school so there would be a very low chance I'd get to see H during lunch, but I got my schedule and I have a regular lunch! I don't know if H will be in it but fingers crossed🤞🏼 but on another note I sprained my ankle a week and a half ago and I'm supposed to take my drivers test this Saturday so fuck my life because I might have to cancel🙃🔫
#tcc#teacher crush#teacher crush community#age gap#h#student x teacher#teacher x student#unrequited feelings#unrequited crush#unrequited love
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“…and these children that you spit on, as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They’re quite aware of what they’re going through…”
David Bowie
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Built in the 1940′s or early 1950′s, The Tennessean Motel in Rogersville, Tennessee has since fallen to ruins. I wasn’t able to find any history on this place, anyone know anything about it?
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I love playing with fire, but I don’t wanna get burned
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not writing
people reading their stories
people not reading their stories
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Legal driver?!
So I don't know if I've ever mention that I don't have my license yet and that I only have my learners permit. But I do technically break the law and drive by myself most days. But I scheduled my drivers test for later this month! I take it the 25th. I might actually be able to drive to school this year😂
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I know this isn’t Bojack related, but recently instead of turning men down by saying “no, thank you”, I experimented with saying “I’m engaged” and flashing a ring instead. Needless to say, I am not engaged. It still worked better than just saying “no”, but then came questions like “so where is your fiancé?” and “he let you go out by yourself looking like that?” or just remaining persistent in asking for my number. So I went into my closet, and pulled out a fiancé. Now when I turn men down and they need further proof, they can know that I would rather lug around a 5 foot tall plastic skeleton to Steak n Shake and fake a proposal than give them my number.
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July TC Challenge days 26-31
26. If you went on a school trip, would you try to sit beside your tc on the bus and talk to them? If so, what would you talk about?
I'd try to sit in the seat either next to him or behind him to not seem creepy or anything. I'd probably talk to my friend and talk about stuff that he could include himself in and join the conversation.
27. Have you ever googled your tc? If so, what did you find? If not, do it and say what you find.
Yep, absolutely nothing. I can't find any social media, no pictures, nothing.
28. Do you regularly talk to your tc? If so, what do you talk about?
When we were in school I talked to him almost every day during 4th quarter. We'd talk about random stuff, he'd ask how my day was as so on.
29. Do your friends know about your tc?
One of my friends does yeah, she just smirked at me whenever we'd pass him in the hallway and we'd always talk about him.
30. Is your tc known as the most attractive teacher on campus?
He is one of the more attractive teachers but there is one teacher that basically every girl has a crush on.
31. Why did you make a tc blog?
Mainly to meet other people in the tcc and read other people stories while sharing my own.
#tcc#teacher crush#teacher crush community#age gap#h#student x teacher#teacher x student#unrequited feelings#unrequited crush#unrequited love
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make a playlist using 'blue', if not then just a playlist of songs that remind u of her!
oh boy !! I’ll list a few songs that remind me of her with blue either in the actual title or just in the lyrics! (I’ll also add some lyrics that really make me think of her)
⭐Noire - Baby Blue
“Oh but this life ain’t like no other I am fallin’ in the lie of the blueDon’t you see it’s just me and I’m callin’ oh out to you
When the lights go down and you’re beside meBlue baby blue, well do ya, you feel it too?”
⭐Lana Del Rey - Blue Velvet (cover)
“She wore blue velvetBluer than velvet were her eyesWarmer than may her tender sighs”
“Ours a love I held tightlyFeeling the rapture growLike a flame burning brightlyBut when she left, gone was the glow of blue velvetBut in my heart there’ll always bePrecious and warm a memory, through the yearsAnd I still can see blue velvet through my tears”
⭐The Beatles - Because
“Love is old, love is newLove is all, love is you
Because the sky is blue, it makes me cryBecause the sky is blue, ah”
⭐Jye - A Shitty Love Song
“'Cause I don’t know you but I’d like to know youIf you know what I meanI might not like you but I doubt that I won’t like youRoses are red, violets are blueAnd I think I’m in love with youMaking me blush every time that I’m with you”
Not really much of a playlist aha, but those are just a few songs off the top of my head with the word ‘blue’. I’ve also made 3 playlists with songs that remind me of her before ! You can find em here, here and here if anyone wants to check them out !!! (I should probably make another one soon)
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July TC Challenge days 21-25
21. Do you try to impress your tc? If so, what do you do?
Once I got a tc I started dressing less like a slob and always had my makeup done.
22. Do they have any tattoos or piercings that you know of?
None that I know of.
23. Have you ever made any sort of physical contact with your tc (e.g. a handshake, a pat on the back, a hug, etc.)?
We've high fived and I've "accidentally" bumped into him in the hallway ;)
24. What made you fall for your tc?
His personality, his smile, his voice, everything :')
25. How many languages does your tc speak?
Just English that I know of
#tcc#teacher crush#teacher crush community#age gap#h#student x teacher#teacher x student#unrequited feelings#unrequited crush#unrequited love
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who needs swag when you have class
…ical music
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Found on FB
Post from a beekeeper
Oh dear - I keep hearing tips about leaving bowls of sugar water out to “help” keep bees hydrated. Please, please, please DON’T. Bees are really good at finding what they need and there are so many reasons not to do this. The MOST IMPORTANT reason is that if you within 3 miles of some hives (and most people are) if the bees find the sugar water they’re going to think its a great source of easy food, go back to the hive and recruit more bees to come and collect the “food” and before you know it you’ll have 1.000s and 1,000s of bees descending on your garden/balcony - a very scary sight. This is known as robbing and as beekeeper I’ve seen this a couple of times - once started it is impossible to stop until the source of the “food” has gone.
Other reasons not to do this are - sugar water is essentially “junk” food for bees. Its full of carbohydrates which will give them an energy burst, but has no other nutritional value unlike the food they should be having i.e. nectar.
Honey bees will store this as honey in the hive. The beekeeper unknowingly may end up extracting and selling this as honey later in the year. You don’t want to buy sugar syrup and the beekeeper doesn’t want to be prosecuted for selling a product which isn’t honey.
This is also an easy food source for social wasps.
By all means give a tired bee a drink of sugar water on a spoon, but please don’t leave it out for them.
If you want to help bees there are lots of ways you can do this from planting nectar rich plants or leaving out bowls of water with gravel/small pebbles in so they can access the water which they would be very grateful for.
Edited - It appears that a lot of the advice I have seen about leaving out sugar water stems from advice from DAVID ATTENBOROUGH. He was absolutely right in his advice, but his advice was if you see a struggling bee to put some sugar water where the bee could reach it - not to leave out bowls of sugar water. Unfortunately it seems like, as usual, media publications have misquoted advice and not done their research
Also please don’t feed bees honey. Surprisingly they don’t eat honey - they eat nectar. Honey bees make honey for their own use during the winter months, but bumble bees collect and use nectar as and when they need it.
Feeding honey can spread disease between bees.
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Mourning children and the ghost of their mother c. 1889
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When you are 18 and finally legal…
and it doesn’t fucking matter
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July TC Challenge days 16-20
16. what is your tc’s reputation around school?
From what I've heard students say, he's a pretty good teacher
17. Did you make good grades in your tc's class?
I never actually had him as a teacher but if I did I would've tried my best in his class.
18. Have you ever had a dream about your tc?
Of course, he invades my dreams quite often now that schools out
19. Imagine if you and your tc were in a relationship and lived together. Describe the perfect daily routine.
He's probably wake up first and start making coffee. We'd get dressed and makw sure we both look cute. I would go give him a hug and kiss and start making breakfast. We'd sit at the table and eat breakfast while watching either the news or some show. He'd leave for work before me and then I'd head to school. After work/school was done we'd come home, talk about our day and relax. We'd both help make dinner and do dishes. After dinner we would snuggle up on the sofa and watch tv. Around 9pm we'd go get in our pjs and lay in bed either reading or talking until we were both ready to go to sleep.
20. What are your favorite things about your tc?
I really love his personality and sense of humor. He's so kind and caring.
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the six types of gay songs
the song is explicitly about romantic love between two people of the same gender
the song does not contain explicitly gay lyrics, but is performed by a gay artist
the song is not sung by a gay artist, but the singer is of the same gender as the subject of the song and does not change the pronouns
the song is supposed to be about straight people but if you squint, the narrator is clearly in love with Jolene herself, come on
the song itself is ambiguous but the music video was extremely homoerotic
neither the lyrics nor the singer are gay but like, it’s just really catchy…
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