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Brief layout inside my mind
Today Thursday July 6,2023 starts my new journey taking you along inside my mind. I will say this is not the easiest thing to do but this is something my mind has been telling me to do so hear it goes.. I will have some posts as just random rants, random outbursts, while others I will turn into stories. I do not know how well these will come out but bare with me as these are just my raw inner self I have NEVER let release before.  should my stories have characters?  should I have videos or images along with my stories?  should it be in color?  should it be in black and white? will these things make them more interesting? these are the endless thoughts running through my mind right now!! And believe me when I say this is just a FEW these did not even scratch the surface.. I will not use real names or any revealing information as the internet is too scary for those kids of things..  hmmm.. where should I begin? should I include a brief get to know me without revealing any important details? or should I tell you about my character or who I want to be? lets consider this a brain-dump for my rough draft that I will update and explore here raw and in the flesh! I won’t take things out to seem as if they were perfect to begin with when they are absolutely not! sometimes I may just get it 100% correct but 99% of the time I am sure I probably will not! 
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