YOU’RE MINE⋆✴︎˚。⋆ | s.jh
pairing: sim jaeyun x f!reader

genre: tatbilb! inspired, fake relationship!
synopsis: when you and jake get into an argument, you decide to get over your fear of driving by yourself and tell him how much he means to you
featuring: jake & sunoo of enhypen, ej from &team
word count: 3.0k words
warnings: cussing, kissing
author’s note: hi everyone, long time no see 😭👍🏼 i decided to put out a little au for you all since i have not published something in a while! rest assured, i hope to get my other fics out hopefully very soon, but i am currently still in the process of writing them!!
if you watched tatbilb this is loosely inspired by that movie, i recently rewatched it and was like let me write something up
hope you all like this one :)
You stopped at the red light, tapping your fingers back and forth on the steering wheel.
You hated driving when you didn’t need to-more like when you weren’t alone either.
You constantly looked back and forth on your side mirrors, hoping the light would turn green soon. You did not know whether it was the cup of coffee you had this morning or that talk you had with your older sister’s ex-boyfriend EJ yesterday afternoon but it all seemed to snowball to this very moment.
Scratch that, it all was valid reasons why you were feeling this way- more specifically why you were feeling all these things for one person.
Jake Sim.
It all started in October last year when you both agreed to mutually get into a fake relationship.
With your younger sister sending out all your love letters in the mail (that were supposed to be kept a secret), you were in deep trouble.
According to her, she wanted your life to have some spice in it-whatever that meant. Well, what you didn’t know was that when you almost backed up and almost hit Jake on the first day of school, she immediately thought she could give you a little push. And with his name matching up with one of the letters she so happened to see in that little teal box, she knew what had to be done.
You remember running laps in PE, trying to ignore the sunlight and get the period over with. You stopped out of nowhere hearing Jake call your name. You turned around, seeing him walk over towards you, leaving you behind as your classmates ran ahead, getting further and further away.
As soon as you saw a letter in his hand, you felt your heart race. You recognized the pink paper and saw it was accompanied by a brown envelope- one with a forever stamp that had a blue bird on it, the design you ever so remember: it was the one you used for all your love letters at that spur of the moment you had back in freshman year.
Whenever you had a crush so intense to the point you felt like your heart was about to be ripped out of your chest, you wrote love letters. You remembered storing the letters in the teal box your Mom gave to you shortly before she passed.
You thought that keeping it safe inside the box was like a metaphor in a sense. The teal box was like your heart. It saved all these bottled up emotions you knew that you would keep and never reveal even in a million years.
But, it all went wrong once it got into the hands of those 5 guys you wrote to.
EJ your sister’s ex who happened to be your neighbor.
Heeseung Lee from summer camp.
Jake Sim from seventh grade.
Beomgyu Choi, your homecoming date in freshman year.
and Sunghoon Park from Model UN.
You mumbled to yourself, trying to decipher if this was real or reality. You then passed out and felt like you were in a dream.
A very bad dream.
Jake ran towards you, unsure of what to do. You slowly woke up, hearing the worried tone of his voice as soon as you opened your eyes.
You remembered sitting up as Jake bombarded you with questions asking if you needed water or needed to go to the nurse’s office.
And out of nowhere, EJ then appeared walking from where Jake came from, also holding a love letter in his hands. As he came down towards you, you gulped, immediately freaking out.
You kissed Jake out of nowhere as soon as EJ called out your name, immediately earning yourself an extra lap to run after.
Jake was shocked-well the both of you were. You could not believe you did that and was baffled over the whole situation.
What you didn’t know was that this would all be the start of your little contract.
Jake just broke up with his ex girlfriend a month prior to school starting. His ex was also your old best friend from middle school.
It was in the 7th grade when you both had a huge fight that would then lead to you breaking things off.
You all were at a mutual friend’s birthday party. It was a classic game of spin the bottle and the bottle landed on you then on Jake. Your mutual friend dared you to kiss Jake on the cheek.
And little did you know your best friend had a huge crush on him. And that was the end of your friendship. She just left you and you still wondered why it even happened.
With the both of you needing a favor from each other (Jake thought this could be something you would do in return for that kiss), you both agreed to make Jake’s ex jealous and you agreed to keep it up in order for EJ to not talk to you.
You really couldn’t face him at all after what happened, especially with your sister. You were at the last resort of options and decided to make a whole contract with Jake.
Anyways, it only really was supposed to be until the annual ski trip in December before winter break…right?
You would then hold hands in school, have the love letters you ever so wanted written to you, and the recreation of scenes from classic romantic comedies you loved watching with your sisters on those warm summer nights.
Jake would spin you around, give you the biggest back hugs, and wear your scrunchies on his wrist even if you weren’t there physically with him.
“What’s this?” You ask Jake as you hold the folded piece of paper in your hands. You unfolded it, seeing a paragraph on the top half.
He smiled, pointing towards it. “Your daily love letters Y/L/N.”
You read the cheesy paragraph to yourself, smiling. You looked up to him, trying not to giggle. “Who knew you were so good at writing?”
“It’s only for you.” Jake nodded his head. “You ask and you shall receive.”
It felt nice. You hated to admit you liked it. Maybe it was the fact you never had a boyfriend or the way you always so wished to experience what it would feel like to live in your own little romantic comedy.
But at the same time, you felt a wave of sadness knowing it was just all for show.
You knew things would end with Jake eventually and this would all be a nice dream you’d have to wake up to. He would eventually be back with his ex and your relationship would just be another silly thing that would slowly fade from your memory.
You felt like shit too, hiding this all from your older sister knowing you told her everything beforehand. After she left for her study abroad to France, you had no idea how to tell her about Jake or what was going on between you and EJ.
You felt overwhelmed, unsure of what to do.
And then the annual Ski trip came around and when things really started to become a bit different for you both.
You realized you fell for Jake and you wanted this relationship to be real. You wanted him-but this time as your actual boyfriend.
And that’s when you heard he was at the swimming pool. And that’s when you both shared a passionate kiss, as he also admitted to falling for you in the process too.
“Fuck, I’m going to look insane.” You mumbled to yourself, taking in a deep breath. You got into the pool, removing your bath robe. Feeling a bit chilly in your nightgown, you quickly went towards Jake. He gulped a little, flustered. He felt his heart race.
“Why didn’t you sit next to me on the bus?” Jake asked as you floated next to him.
“I figured you’d want some alone time with your ex, that’s all.” You replied a bit reluctant.
“But she’s not my girlfriend Y/L/N.” Jake bit his lip. “You are.”
“I think we need to end the contract now.”
You raised your eyebrow. You could feel the disappointment and the heavy feeling in your chest. Shit, should you even still confess how you really feel?
Jake then grabs your hands as he sighed. “I don’t want to be in a fake relationship, I want us to have a fresh start with each other, I want to make things real. Rip the contract whatever we had written on there doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Wait Jake.” You felt your voice squeak a little in shock. “You’re not joking?”
“No Y/L/N. I really like you. Who were we kidding, getting ourselves into this situation? I feel like I’m just blabbing on and on but I do hope you feel the same.”
You smiled, feeling your cheeks burn. Nodding your head, you then placed your lips on his as he held you closer to him.
As you pulled away, you whispered in a smile. “Don’t worry, I feel exactly the same.”
He wrapped his arms around you as the two of you embraced in another kiss.
You felt like your life was turning for the better after that. You thought you and Jake could just rip up that contract and call it a day as soon as you both got back from the trip.
But things would only crumble from there.
As soon as you got off the bus the day after, Jake’s ex taunted you.
You thought you had lost that scrunchie- the first one you gave to Jake on that first week upon dating.
But why was it on her wrist?
You remember storming off, not even saying bye to Jake, just out of it, baffled as if whatever happened the evening prior felt like nothing even mattered.
Then your sister came home from France and found out about your little letter to EJ (thanks to him interrupting your family dinner on Christmas Eve).
Jake happened to show up at the same time as EJ did and the two ended up almost in a fight. Jake wanted to explain that nothing happened and to apologize for the scrunchie but then EJ bursted out and spoke about how he felt, confused as to why you were dating Jake.
Little did you know your older sister was behind the front door the entire time, accidentally hearing everything from the love letter to you and Jake being in a fake relationship.
She was speechless to say the least. She was disappointed you held everything in and did not tell her anything, telling you, you should not go through anything alone.
You cried on your pillow that evening, not even able to fully process how things went wrong so quickly. You remember feeling defeated and as if the Christmas spirit just washed away the next day.
And to make matters worse as soon as you got back from break, a mysterious person posted a video of you and Jake’s heated moment at the pool.
And you remember storming off on Jake, calling it quits.
It hit you that you may have lost the best person that ever happened to you.
And you didn’t know how to accept losing another important person in your life.
After you and your older sister worked things out, she was successfully able to get that video off Instagram (thankfully the help center was ever so helpful).
You made amends-somewhat- with Jake’s ex who admitted to posting the video on a burner account. She admitted the whole spin the bottle situation was why you both stopped becoming friends and left you in pure shock.
Even though you did not understand why she could not just tell you in the first place long ago, you accepted it already happened.
You could not just go back in time and undo things, you needed to face what was in front of you.
You eventually worked things out with EJ. You explained everything and apologized for the way you acted.
“Who cares if it was fake?” EJ snickered as he shook his head. He shifted his position a bit on the stair you both sat on. He tried not to laugh, glancing at you. “I could tell it wasn’t fake for you. You had that type of look in your eyes. It reminded me how your sister looked at me when we were together.”
“EJ, you’re funny but I really don’t know anymore.” You replied, hugging your knees.
“If Jake fucks this up, I hope he knows I won’t let him off easily.” EJ snapped. “This is not only for you but also for your sister. I rest my case.”
Your front door then swiftly opened to your younger sister who sat in the middle of you both. She had the teal box in her hands and took off the lid, showing the contents inside.
Instead of those love letters you wrote in the past, it was filled with the love letters that Jake wrote you. All of those letters were stored inside, each folded like how he gave it to you.
“I may have eavesdropped-I didn’t mean to okay.” Your younger sister awkwardly said. She then took one of the letters and held it up. “But I hope this gives you more of a reason to get back with Jake-not that I need a ride to school or anything. Also please, I hate to see you crying over the smallest things. I need him back in our lives. I don’t know if I can stand hearing your bitter thoughts in every romcom we watch now any longer.”
You looked at your sister in utter shock.
“The kid has spoken.” EJ smiled as he stood up. He then cooed, looking towards you. “It’s up to you now whether or not you want to put it in action.”
Now here you are on a Sunday afternoon, driving to the school campus to find Jake.
You texted his friend Sunoo in the morning who also was on the soccer team with him.
It turned out the team had practice on the weekends as the soccer season was starting once again. Sunoo texted you right after practice ended and said that Jake should still be there as practice ended a bit later than expected.
So you grabbed your keys as soon as Sunoo texted back, immediately driving out of your driveway and onto the road.
Jake was left behind according to Sunoo as it was his turn to put the soccer balls back into the large shed by the PE locker rooms.
This was the first time you drove by yourself.
That fear of yours didn’t seem to matter at all in the moment.
You just needed to make sure you would make it before Jake would leave. You could not keep your feelings to yourself anymore.
You pulled into the right school parking lot and parked your car in one of the empty spots. You got out quickly and pressed the lock button on your car keys, immediately running towards the field.
As you walked into the campus and straight to the field, you panted for a little. You stopped at the field entrance, scanning the area for Jake.
You then spotted him, putting the soccer balls into the large bags towards the sides by the left bleachers. You ran again and called out his name, going straight towards him.
Jake turned towards your direction and turned his head slightly, making sure he wasn’t hearing things.
You then stopped in front of him and sighed. “Holy shit, I feel like I’m in PE.”
“Did you drive here…alone?” Jake asked in shock as you nodded your head. He put down the bag of soccer balls, kicking it towards the side.
“Yes. I drove here alone.” You said a bit out of breath as you walked closer to him. “That’s not important right now.”
“Y/N, what’s going on?”
“I’ll just- you know what, I’ll just say whatever I am feeling right now.” You looked at him and started to speak, feeling your voice break a little. “Jake I’m so sorry for not texting you the past few weeks and for ignoring you. I just needed time to think things out.” You sighed. “I am so sorry I didn’t work things out and just left you in the dark. I realized through all of this that I want you. I want us. I want to fight for you like you did for me this entire time. I want to experience the good and bad times with you. I just want you here,
I want you with me.”
Jake’s eyes widened as his lips pursed into a smile. “I’m sorry too. I swear we didn’t do anything with each other and I feel stupid for not getting back your scrunchie and just letting her do whatever she wanted to do. I just- after you going no contact with me I didn’t know what to do then with the video being posted. Fuck, I didn’t mean for that to happen either.”
What’s done is done. I am leaving that in the past.” You replied. “I just wanted to get it out of my chest whatever I’m feeling because truthfully I like you a lot Jake. I understand if you don’t want to get back together- I just want you to know so I can get closure- we can get closure, heck I think I just got over my fear of driving alone.”
“Woah slow down you’re getting ahead of yourself!” Jake chuckled, trying to calm you down.“Sunoo sorta told me you texted him this morning…I was kind of expecting you.”
Your eyes widened in shock. “He wasn’t supposed to say anything.”
Jake cupped your cheeks in his hands and sighed. “What am I going to do with you?”
You intently looked up at him as he clicked his tongue. “There is no way I am letting you go L/Y/N. We will make this work I am sure of it. You think I would really let you go after what happened in the seventh grade?”
“Not you mentioning it again, I can’t believe you still remember that…” You shook your head in embarrassment.
“I’m just telling the truth.” Jake said defensively as you smiled. He then took a deep breath and asked,”Now, the real question is… can I be your boyfriend-like your real one?”
You smiled, nodding your head. “Didn’t need to ask, I'm all yours.”
Jake pulled you in for a kiss as you moved in, standing closer towards him. And you stayed like that for a little while, relieved that you found your way back to him.
© loveyhoons , 2024
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#enhypen au#enhypen x reader#enha imagines#enha scenarios#enha x reader#jake x reader#enhypen jake#enhypen jake x y/n#enhypen jake x reader#enhypen x you#enhypen imagines#enhypen scenarios
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oh my god?? :o thank you for featuring my work EEK means so much 🥹🥹🥹🥹
kpop recs
purity and its presence in growth - @sxtvrns
animal crossing and alien noises <3 - @mini-mews
sunday, sunday, sunday - @astralis-ortus
So Whipped ~ BC - @dreamescapeswriting
lee know
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 - @dreamescapeswriting
Call my bluff, call you ‘babe’ ♡ Minho - @moonlinos
✧ ˚. you take their skzoo! - @hyunedew
hopeless ☆ heeseung lee - @star-sim
all i want is you | pjs - @j4ygyu
SAY YOU WON’T LET GO ᯓᡣ𐭩 | p.js - @juyuppang
﹙𝓲ssue﹚ㅤ:ㅤmeltingㅤ...ㅤ( 제이 ) - @boyfhee
too sweet ☆ jay park - @star-sim
secret secret - @mingihttps
pinky ring / sim jaeyun - @songbirdseung
hello kitty meets batman (real not clickbait!) ☆ jake sim - @star-sim
박성훈 、PRETTY FACE - @boyfhee
박성훈 、COUPLE CODE - @boyfhee
❀﹐𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖 - @leaderwonim
doing skincare with sunoo! - @ghostiiess
espresso ☆ sunoo kim - @star-sim
FALLING FOR MY MC! ౨ৎ y. jungwon - @mygnolia
plushies and pouts ☆ riki nishimura - @star-sim
i missed you ! - @wintabite
colour your smile - @stariikis
𐙚 . 𝟔:𝟐𝟏 𝐩𝐦. — 西村力 . - @kairoot
sweater ☆ riki nishimura - @star-sim
over her - @myouicieloz
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hiii everyone i have a few drafts i need to finish up and these two are the ones i will most likely finish first :3
let me know which au you guys want first !!
(each au is around 9k to 15k words, there is a chance it might be more or less, it depends on direction of story)
i also will be starting on a jake one shortly 🫶🏼
#enhypen au#enhypen x reader#enha scenarios#enha imagines#enha x reader#sunghoon x reader#enhypen jay x reader
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to my fellow engenes who watch bridgerton, i have this idea in mind imagine lady whistledown but make it modern times and what not , which member of hyung line do you think best suits this type of au
#enhypen au#enhypen x reader#enhypen#enha scenarios#enha x reader#enha imagines#sunghoon x reader#jay x reader#jake x reader#heeseung x reader
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hehe i love him 🙂↕️
dearest darling, my universe ♡
3K notes
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pairing: park sunghoon x f!reader
synopsis: sunghoon never believed in love due to his biggest secret: having the disease hanahaki. when he meets you on a whim one night, he realizes he may have found his cure...you. will love be both in your favor, or will it all crumble before it even started?
word count: 2.3k words
warnings: cussing
taglist: OPEN! send in an ask or comment if you’d like to be tagged
@tinyteezer @riksaes @uppuzvrse
note: hewo everyone T__T sorry for taking super long with an update, i recently graduated uni, (yipee) i will be updating more frequently now since it's summer time :D enjoy this little update, things are about to get a bit interesting from here!!
It was known to everyone that not only was Sunghoon smart and charismatic- but he was born into a wealthy family.
He and Jay were from affluent families who ran family businesses which were passed down from generation to generation. Their families were talked about quite a lot in the business aspect of things and most certainly amongst the rich side of town.
With Jay being an only child, he was already set to take over the family business. As Sunghoon was 1 out of 3 children, he was expected to follow in his older brother’s footsteps and help the family business. Despite his brother being next in line when their father retires, Sunghoon was still expected to work in the family business and at least manage one aspect of the company.
Sunghoon’s dad thought of his disease to be a myth. He never really understood what happened or bothered to know in the first place. He believed if Sunghoon married someone else, the flowers would stop growing and he’d be magically cured. He dismissed Sunghoon’s feelings when it came to how he felt or if he ever felt the flowers growing sporadically on their own.
Sunghoon felt as if he disappointed his dad growing up, feeling like it was his fault he could not live up to his expectations. As much as he wished for a cure to come by that easily, life did not work that way. Maybe that was why he was so excited to go to university; to escape his dad’s demands.
Maybe that was why he was so shocked when he met you. He was unsure what it meant to meet you that evening but why did you walk in so suddenly-where were you all of his life if you were right there all along?
The morning after the party, Sunghoon woke up with the worst headache he’d had in months. As he walked out of the bathroom to get a painkiller, he saw Jake sitting on the couch. With the other 2 already out for their classes, it was just him and Sunghoon left in their apartment.
“Care to tell me what happened between you and Y/N last night?” Jake asked as he looked towards Sunghoon.
“She didn’t think much when she saw the petals, don’t worry,” Sunghoon replied, grabbing a glass from the dish rack. He walked towards the water pitcher as he looked back at Jake. “she thought someone broke my heart.”
“No, you were mumbling to Jay and me when we walked into the apartment. Something about her favorite flowers.”
Sunghoon stopped in his tracks. He fully turned around after taking the painkiller.
“I was going to say something eventually,” Sunghoon sighed. “But I don’t know if she may be the one I was looking for.”
“If it gives you hope, we’ll see her more often, or I’ll try my best to convince Chaehyun to bring her when we go out.”
“You guys are bothering the poor girl, she looked like she didn’t want to be there at all last night.”
“Man, stop being stubborn. Maybe she’s the girl you’ve been looking for all along.” Jake stood up from the couch and shook his head. He then walked into his room as Sunghoon put his glass down. He was just tired of false hope. What if this whole thing was just a bluff, he thought to himself.
It has been around a week since Sunghoon’s little encounter with you and yet he could not get you out of his head. Sure, he was curious when he’d see you again but he kept his distance and his mouth shut. Whenever Chaehyun would visit your guys’ apartment, he’d peek a little out of his bedroom door to see if you would come trailing in behind her but it was no use.
He figured you were busy with school and whatnot; he kept silent. He was thinking of ways to even approach you if you both ever do cross paths. It was a new emotion for him- too long for someone. He thought it was all too surreal, except for the fact visiting his parents over the weekend made things take a turn.
His mom called saying she and his younger sister Yeji missed him a lot. As the campus was an hour away, it was easy to go and come back. Even if he hated running into his dad, at least he could see his mom happy just for a little bit.
“Sunghoon needs to marry her as soon as he graduates.” Mr.Park says sternly. Sunghoon peeks through the doors of his dad’s office as he sees his parents talking. He squints a little through the opening, trying to get a better look at what was happening.
“How many times do I need to tell you, that our son’s case is different? He can die at any given moment-”
“Bullshit.” Mr.Park sneered. “Either he marries or I am disowning him. I can’t stand this any longer.”
Sunghoon frowns a little as he lets out a sigh. He then turns around to find his sister Yeji standing by him. She shakes her head as Sunghoon whispers to stay quiet. The two then walk down towards Yeji’s room as he walks her in.
“Hoon, is it true what dad said?” Yeji asked as Sunghoon closed the door.
“No, don’t listen to him, he tends to overreact.”
Sunghoon sat on the blue beanbag in the corner of the room as he put his head into his hands. He then looks up to Yeji who sits on her bed, feeling helpless.
The siblings were used to this.
Every time Sunghoon would come home, their dad would bring up the arranged marriage and leave it at that. There never was a family dinner that just focused on other things; it was only strictly business and academics. It was a constant reminder of why Sunghoon wanted to move out in the first place; he was tired of this icy atmosphere.
“You’ll figure something out though right? I don’t want you to leave forever.” Yeji pouted.
Sunghoon shook his head, letting out a weary smile. “I’ll think of something. I won’t die on you and Mom, I promise.”
“Y/N, your article is our most-read article once again,” Soobin cheered as he showed you his monitor screen. You walked over to his desk, looking at the number of reads again.
You had a bit of writer’s block in the past week since your little encounter with Sunghoon. You can still picture all the flower petals that were on the rooftop floor and how some petals flew around in the night sky as if they danced with the wind. You could not get the sight out of your mind, especially with Sunghoon right in the smack middle of it all.
It felt absurd in honesty; you never expected to paint a different picture of Sunghoon in your mind like that. So there you were in your bedroom last night, scrambling to publish another article, hoping the weekly readers would still enjoy the new article.
You widened your eyes. “Wow…that many reads already? I just published it last night-”
“I’m telling you Y/N, if people like it they like it,” Soobin replied. He then pointed towards the comment section and smiled. “You see people even recommend what stories they want you to discuss, the interaction is great.”
“Soobin, you sound a bit too excited talking about my articles, spill what’s on your mind,” You jokingly said.
There were rumors around your department that Soobin is already looking for his replacement.
The school paper merely did not run on elections but mostly depended on qualifications and who the team thought was most fit out of the upcoming cohort in the following semester. With the selection process taking around a month or so, the prospects would have to sit and wait until they’d get a special email.
In your case, Soobin already found his possible candidate.
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, the seniors and I are impressed with your work. I think you’d be perfect to be my replacement next fall.”
You shook your head, letting out a little laugh. “Me? That’s a bit too much Soobin.”
“I know it seems too early to think about, but we think you’d be the perfect candidate. Please consider.”
“I’ll think about it.”
You had to think about it soon. It seemed like Soobin was counting on you.
“What are you reading?” Sunghoon asked Jake as he and Heeseung sat in front of him.
The three decided to wait at the library for Jay as he was in a class right now. “Oh the school paper, there’s this author who’s been writing about Greek myth and it’s been going around the campus.”
“Isn’t that the paper where journalism students can write whatever topic they want and publish it?” Heeseung asked as he brought out his laptop.
Jake nodded his head as he showed Sunghoon and Heeseung his phone screen. “Yup. See look at this, the author has an interesting take on this week’s story.”
Sunghoon peered and raised his eyebrow. He looked at the username and the story that was being discussed. He turned his head a little, intrigued by the content, immediately feeling as if the gears in his head were about to turn.
“Isn’t Y/N a journalism major?” Sunghoon asked.
Heeseung nodded his head. “Yea, why you ask?”
“Nothing I was just curious…” Sunghoon trailed off. He started to smirk to himself, thinking of a little plan.
Maybe he can get closer to you after all.
You said a quick thank you to your professor, waving goodbye. As you walk out of the room, you see girls whispering and hovering by the side of the classroom. Curious about what they are looking at, you then look to your right to see Sunghoon leaning against the wall on his phone.
Taken aback by his presence, you decided to walk the other way, not thinking of it too much.
As you were about to exit the building, a hand opened the door before you. You looked up towards Sunghoon as he tensed up a little. You blink your eyes a bit too quickly, turning your head in confusion. “Sunghoon?”
“It’s been a while Y/N, can we talk if that’s okay?” Sunghoon asked.
It was awkward. You and Sunghoon sitting alone on the rooftop of the journalism building. You decided it was best to talk to him here, knowing that he was drawing quite the attention at the exit of the building.
The two of you looked at the view of the back of the campus, standing in silence. You would occasionally steal glances at him as he did the same. You needed clarification as to what he wanted- it was odd for him to even show up in the first place.
“Uh, are you feeling alright?” You ask.
“And why wouldn’t I be?” Sunghoon asked as you rolled your eyes. “Well, that whole fiasco at the party. The flowers?”
“That was weeks ago, I’m alright.”
You questioned Sunghoon’s sudden shift of attitude. He seemed calm and collected earlier, why was he acting like the complete opposite right now? He was acting like a jerk.
“Well, that is nice to hear. Anyways why did you want to see me today?”
Sunghoon rubbed his chin a little. He looked towards you and sneered. “You’re that writer who writes that myth column on our paper, right?”
You looked at him confused, shaking your head. He wasn’t wrong- but he shouldn't know that either. “I don’t write for the paper, I help with the weekly school news on our school’s Instagram page instead.”
“Cut the bullshit Y/N,” Sunghoon replied. “I remember you telling me how you liked the flowers that were on the floor. They’re your favorite flowers are they not?”
“I also like tulips, peonies, and hydrangeas. Doesn’t mean I only like forget-me-nots.” You sighed. “Anyways are we done here? I need to get to my next class in the Creative Arts building.”
“Y/N, I can see right through you, I know it’s you.”
Sunghoon stepped closer to you. You gulped a little, taken aback.
“Well, it’s not me. Bye Sunghoon, have a nice day.” You gritted your teeth a little, letting out a little forced smile. You walked away, going straight back into the building.
“Everyone will know your little secret if you leave right now,” Sunghoon spoke in a louder voice. “But if you stay here just for a bit to hear what I have to say, I’ll keep your secret.”
You stopped and turned away to face him. “Excuse me? Are you threatening me?”
Sunghoon sneered as he walked closer to you. As he stood right before you, he crossed his arms. “Let’s make a deal.”
You scoffed, trying to look away. “And out of all the girls you can choose, why me?”
Sunghoon knew you weren’t wrong. Many girls would say yes to the little plan he made in his head. They wouldn’t hesitate to give him an answer and just roll with it. But with you, he knew this was the only way he could be closer in proximity with you. Maybe it was the immense pressure he felt knowing his life was on the line or the disappointment and disdain his father felt towards him.
If this was the only way he could get rid of the flowers, so be it.
“Because,” Sunghoon clicked his tongue. “Your favorite flowers give me fucking hell.” He felt his chest burn a little, breathing a bit heavier.
You stood before him, feeling your heart race. You were lost in your own thoughts, baffled by his words. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.” “Just-just stay here and listen to what I have to say. I am at wits end right now and I think you’d be helpful for what I’m about to do.” Sunghoon talked a bit softer as he looked intently at you. His gaze started to soften a little as you stood there in silence.
You took in a deep breath and sighed. “I really need to get to class Sunghoon, I don’t have the time-”
“Okay then I’ll wait for you and after we talk, about that?” Sunghoon asked.
“Fine.” You replied, in frustration. “But you better not waste my time Sunghoon.”
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© loveyhoons , 2024
#enhypen#enhypen au#enhypen x reader#park sunghoon#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon x y/n#sunghoon x you#enha scenarios#enha imagines#enha x reader#enha#enhypen x you
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that's it. that's the post.
park sunghoon.
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oh my gosh this is the first time i got over 100 notes on a one shot??! thank you guys so much i’ll be sure to update forget-me-not soon 🫶🏼

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SAY YOU WON’T LET GO ᯓᡣ𐭩 | p.js
pairing: park jongseong x f!reader

genre: non-idol au! new guy in the city jay!
synopsis: you did not expect to fall for your little brother’s new guitar teacher nor did you expect him to show up in your class as a new student either
featuring: all of enha! (maknae line aged down to 12 for purpose of story!!) , ningning & karina from aespa, julie from kiss of life, taehyun & beomgyu from txt
word count: 9.8k words
warnings: mild cussing, kissing
author’s note: hewo everyone!! i wrote this in celebration of jay’s birthday and wanted to write a fluff one shot! he sang say you won’t let go during the oakland stop and WAHH he did so good :’) i thought it was a good idea to include this song into the story
for the setting, i was thinking of this story taking place in new york, but you can imagine it to be any state in the east coast honestly!! this oneshot spans out so there is a few time jumps here and there but it's not too much ~
happy reading <33
You walked into the music store with your 12-year-old brother Jungwon, hearing a song playing faintly in the background. You said a quick good morning to the lady at the front as she was ringing up a customer buying reeds for his clarinet.
As you carried Jungwon’s guitar case, he ecstatically looked at the guitar picks, waiting for his guitar lessons to start. You sat in the seats by the entrance, waiting for time to pass by, debating if you should get a pastry in the nearby bakery.
It was the last Friday before school would start again. Jungwon chose his guitar lessons to be early in the morning during the summer, dragging you along with him.
With your parents both at work and your grandma visiting your home country for the entire summer, you were asked to bring Jungwon to his guitar lessons.
As much as you hated waking up early, you always went because of your little crush on his guitar teacher Heeseung Lee.
Heeseung went to your high school and was a year above you. You never made advances per se but always loved sparking up a conversation with him whenever the lesson would finish for the day. You remember the day you met him during your freshman orientation and you immediately were stunned by how friendly he was to you and your group.
With the years passing by, you would just give him a wave or a how are you during passing period. It made your heart flutter even if it was just the smallest interaction.
You admired him because he was sweet and kind- exactly what you looked for in a guy. You were miserable to find out he was going out of state for university, trying your best always to drop off Jungwon, just to be able to talk to him.
Looking at the time at the clock, it was 9:58 AM meaning Jungwon’s lessons should start soon. You nudged Jungwon, telling him to go towards the hallway on the left to one of the practice rooms.
The two of you walked towards the hallway and you handed him his guitar case as he walked into the practice room. You peeked in, surprised to find no one there. Heeseung was usually early, it was weird for him not to be.
“Oh hey, sorry, I’m here.” You turned around to find an unfamiliar guy standing beside you. With his jet-black hair, tan skin, and catlike smirk, you gulp a little. As much as you were loyal to your little crush on Heeseung, you had to admit to yourself he was a bit too cute.
The guy looked towards you as you raised your eyebrow. “Oh, is Heeseung not here today?”
“Oh, he left already for uni.”
“Sorry, I forgot to tell you, my last lesson with him was last week…” You glanced towards Jungwon who started to whistle, slowly taking his guitar out of his case.
Feeling like you were about to combust any moment, you calmed yourself down and let out a little smile. “Oh.”
“I’m Jay by the way,” The guy extended his hand. “I’ll be Jungwon’s new guitar teacher.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N, Jungwon’s sister.” You shook his hand.
“We’ll get to it then. Nice meeting you.” Jay smiled.
You nodded your head as you waved bye to Jungwon, walking towards the outside of the music shop. You went straight to the bakery, wanting to eat your own heart out.
You were heartbroken, to say the least, but you started to think to yourself that maybe it was truly the end of your little infatuation with Heeseung.
“I am going to kill him, why did he not tell me?” You screamed into your pillow, in disbelief of what happened in the morning.
After Jungwon’s lesson, you dropped him off at his friend Sunoo’s house. You were scolding him, annoyed that he did not tell you Heeseung was leaving. In his defense, Heeseung should have told you- which was a good point. You tried to think back if you zoned back in your past conversations if you missed him mentioning him leaving this week. He did not post anything about leaving on his Instagram either so you were gobsmacked.
But then again, he already left, what can you do?
You immediately called your best friend Ningning to tell her of your little encounter with Jay. She came running-literally running as soon as you got home, telling her to spill all the details of what happened.
Ningning sat in your chair by your desk, eating a bag of potato chips. She looked towards you and shrugged. “Hey, but you admitted Won’s new teacher is cute.”
“That is not the point!” You sighed as you put down the pillow. “Heeseung left!”
“Girl, you did not say anything to him while he was still at school.” Ningning sighed. “I know he’s cute and all but maybe this is good for you.”
“I know Ning, but ugh.”
“Hey, we start our last year this Monday. Come on, be excited. I know you’ll forget about him.”
“You just want to hear more about Won’s new teacher, don’t you?”
“Maybe, maybe not.” Ningning giggled.
You sat in your Statistics class, yawning. It was only the first class of the day and you already wanted to go home. With your teacher reading the class syllabus out loud and the material shown on the projector, you slouched in your seat a little, ready to drift off into a nap.
A knock came from the door as you peered towards it. Your classmate opened the door as a familiar face walked through. You sat up in your chair a little, baffled by who was standing right in front of the classroom.
“Listen up class, we have a new student transferring in from-”
“This is Jay Park and starting today he will be going here. Give him a warm welcome.”
The students all looked towards him giving him a polite hello. You can already see a few girls in your class, gawking in awe over Jay, fawning over his looks.
As you realized there was an empty seat next to you, you blinked your eyes rapidly as he took a seat. You can already hear some girls whispering, looking at the both of you.
“So we meet again Y/N.” Jay smiled as he took off his bag.
“Hello to you too Jay.” You replied, turning your head slowly back to the front of the classroom.
The ironic part of everything was that Jay had a lot of classes with you. Despite both of your electives being different, you had most of your classes together such as Statistics, Literature, Anatomy, and Government. And he sat next to you for each class.
As you set your belongings down, you waited for Ningning and your other friend Julie in the cafeteria. You parted ways with Jay after Government as he had Culinary and you had Yearbook. You were still in shock, your friend Taehyun asked you if you were okay in class, staring at the blank canvas that was on the computer screen.
“There you are!” Ningning smiled as she took a seat. Next to her, Julie took a seat too, putting her stuff down. “Hey Y/N!”
“Hey…funny story.” You let out a dry laugh. “Guess who’s a new student in our grade.”
“No way,” Ningning replied.
“Is this the guy you were telling me about this morning?” Julie asked as you nodded your head. “My luck is so good guys, I swear.”
“My manifestations worked.” Ningning put her hands together as she smiled. “This year is about to get more interesting.”
You rolled your eyes as you took a sip from your water bottle. “Okay, you can stop it now.”
“Let me guess? You had a lot of classes with him too.” Julie asked as Ningning and her looked at you intently.
“Yes. But that’s beside the point, I already got some girls staring at me like a hawk. I just wanted peace this year.” You complained.
“First Heeseung now Jay, you can’t catch a break.” Ningning cooed.
“And I’ll see him again later to drop off Won.” You glanced up to find Jay already in the line with your other classmate Jake.
You looked down at your food, feeling like you saw stars. Why was he everywhere?
It has been a week since Jay transferred to your school. You still were warming up to him, a bit quiet whenever you guys would sit next to each other in class. You guys did not talk about much. Your conversations usually consisted of classwork homework or any projects that would be due soon.
You already had some girls in your classes who asked how you knew each other and if he had a girlfriend. You specified he was Jungwon’s music teacher and that’s how you knew each other.
It was annoying to the point where you’d be in a bad mood whenever you were in class or just out and about ready to leave due to how many questions would be asked in a day.
Either you were still sad over Heeseung or just baffled he left. You felt bad because you did not mean to treat Jay like that, you just weren’t good at adapting to changes so quickly.
As Jungwon unzipped his guitar case, you said a quick goodbye. Jay walked into the hallway as he waved.
“Hey Y/N.” Jay smiled as you waved back. “Nice to see you again.”
Jay then crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. “Jungwon told me you’re not used to me teaching him yet.”
You looked to him in confusion then back to Jungwon who started to whistle. He then put his guitar down and walked out of the practice room. “Uh, I need to use the bathroom.”
As he walked away you looked back to Jay in confusion. “What did my brother tell you?”
“Well, he said that you had a little crush on Heeseung- don’t get mad at him though I swear I won’t say anything.” Jay chuckled a little as he rubbed his neck.
“Oh uh-oh-” You were too stunned to reply.
You didn’t know how to react. You were annoyed that Jungwon just exposed your little crush but also felt a bit bad because Jay seemed a bit more pressured than he should have been.
“Don’t worry though I’ll prove that I’m a good teacher too,” Jay replied. “After all I’ve been playing guitar since I was small.”
The both of you let out a small smile, not saying a word. You felt terrible. You did not realize your little actions made it seem like you hated Jay when honestly you did not know him to even act like that.
“Jay, I’m so sorry, I hope my brother didn't make it seem like I hate you. I know you’re capable of teaching him.”
“No, you’re good I get it.” Jay then stood from the doorframe and smiled. “I hope in these next few weeks, you’ll maybe change your mind on some things.”
You muttered a little “huh” in confusion as Jungwon came back. He waved bye to you as Jay did the same.
What was that supposed to mean?
For the next couple of weeks, your routine consisted of dropping off Jungwon at his guitar lessons after school and taking photos for the yearbook after the football games. You were exhausted, to say the least, wishing you could go back to sleep. You were glad your grandma picked up Jungwon from his guitar lessons so you could just stay after school for most of the week.
Jay and you started to become acquaintances, talking here and there. You both would eventually work on classwork together and walk to your classes during the passing period.
You were happy you gained a new friend- somewhat. You did feel sorry for that small misunderstanding but was glad it was resolved.
You learned that Jay was a big baseball fan, loved all different kinds of music, and was an only child. You also learned he loved anime and could speak a few basic sentences of Japanese- you were impressed, to say the least.
You also found out that the owner of the music shop was his uncle and that’s how he became a part-time guitar teacher. With Heeseung being away, his uncle offered him the position, asking him if he could step in.
You also learned that he moved here in hopes of scouting for places he could go to university in the future. With his mom still a bit worried he’ll be a bit too far from home, he thought the best option would be to stay with his Mom’s brother and his family in another state.
Having some free time in the Yearbook, you decided to visit Jay in Culinary and take some photos of the class. Snapping photos of the variety of baked goods the students cooked, you could smell the aroma of cookies that lay in the back of the room.
The assignment of today’s class was to bake a fresh batch of baked goods to start the semester.
You walked by each of the tables, delighted by all the different goods.
As you walked towards Jay, he was slicing the banana bread he made as he blew carefully on his fingers as it was still hot. He put the knife down as he glanced towards you, waving. “Y/N, try the banana bread.”
You waved, setting the camera down. “Wow, someone’s a chef.”
“Get a piece,” Jay said as he walked over towards the sink.
You said a quick thank you, taking a bite. You glanced back up at Jay and nodded your head. “Geez, this is good.”
“Thank you, thank you I try.” Jay smiled as he walked back towards you. “You know, you can get another slice before you leave.”
“No, isn’t this for a grade?” You raised your eyebrow, unsure.
“I made two, the other one is over there by the oven still.” Jay pointed towards the oven as you smiled. “You’re too kind.”
You got a paper towel put the sliced banana bread on it and smiled. “Thank you again.”
You and Jay talked for a little as you headed back quickly to your classroom, seeing that class would end soon.
When you got back, you set your banana bread down on the desk, packing your camera in its bag.
“Oo, that looks good who made that?” Taehyun asked as he stood by your desk.
“Jay did, here get a small piece.” You said as he ripped a piece off.
“Okay, you were not kidding this is good.” Taehyun nods his head. “Aren’t you lucky you have a friend who can make snacks for you during the day?”
You smiled as you put on your backpack. “Mhm, I’m grateful he even shares it with me.”
“You know Jay asks about you?” Jungwon said as he ate his chocolate ice cream.
The two of you sat on a bench in the park, enjoying the ice cream you just bought from the corner convenience store.
It was a Saturday afternoon and you and Jungwon had nothing to do in the house so the two of you decided to just talk for a stroll in the park. The weather was nice today and you both were in the mood to have a sweet treat and just sit for a while.
“Is that a good or bad thing?” You asked as Jungwon shrugged. “I don’t know, I think he may have a crush on you.”
“Are you not learning anything with him? Do I need to switch out your teacher?” You replied, trying to change the subject.
“I’m just saying! Plus Jay is a really good teacher, don’t switch him out.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I’m just joking.”
“No but really, he asks me about your favorite songs, what you like to do. He asked me if you played any instruments if you played any sports…”
“Oh.” You just continued eating your ice cream, hoping Jungwon did not see your cheeks turn a shade of red.
“I don’t know but I find it very cute. Can’t wait to tell Mom you’re getting a boyfriend soon.”
“Won, just eat your ice cream or no one is dropping you off to lessons after school on Monday!”
It was homecoming week and you were running all over campus to get photos of the decorations. After dropping Jungwon to his lessons, you would go back to school and start snapping photos, occasionally helping your grade plan to decorate your section.
With Friday approaching so quickly, you were relieved; ready to sleep the day after. You were happy your friends in Yearbook would cover the dance, as you decided not to go. You were not really into going to events, you just wanted to stay home and rest.
You were currently in the hallway where most of the seniors’ and juniors’ lockers were, decorating the ceiling with some long confetti pieces and streamers. The ladder was a bit unsteady so you decorated a bit slowly, trying not to make too much movement.
Jay was with you as he also decorated the left side of the hallway. With your other friends not involved with the Homecoming preparations, they all already left to go home. He was glad that the other guitar teacher was able to step in for him today- he wanted to help you out.
You glanced towards him as he helped Taehyun straighten out the banner at the end of the hall. You felt your cheeks burn a little, thinking about your little talk with Jungwon. Was it possible that he may have had a small crush on you? You just met a few months ago- how did he fall so quickly if so?
As Jay turned his head in your direction, you looked away as you put the last streamer up on the ceiling with some protective tape. As you were about to take a step down, you felt the ladder wobble, you tried to stay balanced but your foot stumbled a bit off the top step.
Jay ran to you as quickly as he could with Taehyun after him. He then caught you right in his arms right before you fell on the floor.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Jay asked in a panic. He held you in his arms as you hiccuped a little. You nodded, covering your mouth. You had your arms wrapped around him, and the two of you stayed in the same position for a few more seconds.
You could see Taehyun trying hard not to giggle as he looked away, pretending not to see anything.
Jay put you down gently as you scratched your head a little, embarrassed.
“Thanks for catching me, erm, do you mind helping me put the ladder away?” You asked Jay as he nodded his head.
“You sure you don’t need to see the nurse or anything?” Jay asked.
You nodded your head giving a thumbs up. “I’ll be okay.”
The awkward silence between the both of you ensued when you walked towards the storage room.
Jungwon’s friends tagged along with you and Jungwon to his guitar lessons. They wanted to go to the arcade after he was done and agreed to wait with you outside the store. You decided to go with them too, as you had nothing to do after class. It was the one day you were free and only had homework to do in the evening- it felt like a relief.
As soon as Jungwon called you to tell you he was done, you and his friends Sunoo and Ni-Ki went to pick him up.
The three of you walked into the music store and towards the hallway to wait for Jungwon. As he walked out of the hallway, Jay walked behind him as he waved towards you.
“Jay, this is Sunoo and Ni-Ki, my best friends.” Jungwon smiled cheekily as the two boys waved to Jay.
“Nice to meet you two. Where you all heading?” Jay asked.
“We’re going to the arcade across the street,” Sunoo replied.
“You should come! Y/N is all alone.” Jungwon offered as you glanced at him in confusion.
Jay looked towards you as he shook his head. “Oh no guys-”
“There’s a plushie I’ve been wanting.” You blurted out loud as the boys looked at you. “You want to help me win it?”
Jay’s eyes lit up a little as he looked at the time. “You know what the person after Jungwon canceled, I can come.”
The boys cheered as he went back to get his bag and lock the practice room. He went to tell his uncle in the back he would be back later and met you guys outside.
Jungwon nudged your arm a little as he smirked.
Oh how sneaky your little brother was.
You and Jay were in front of the crane machine looking at the Pompompurin plushies that were scattered inside. You sighed a little in frustration- you’ve been wanting it for a month already.
Knowing how the arcade changes its stock frequently, you were determined to win it this time.
“A month?” Jay asked as you nodded your head. “My luck is not good.”
Jungwon peeked behind the other crane machine as Sunoo and Niki did the same.
“Your sister is blushing red like a tomato.” Sunoo giggled. Ni-Ki shook his head. “Jay is worse, he seems nervous like he can’t win it."
“Shh guys, let’s see if he’s successful,” Jungwon told his friends, looking back towards you and Jay.
As Jay put a token into the coin slot, the circus music started to play from the machine as the crane started to let loose from its spot. Jay cracked his knuckles as he moved the crane around, focused.
You smiled to yourself, seeing how focused Jay was. He never seemed so determined in his life to get something and you appreciated he was doing it all for you. As he set the crane on top of the Pompompurin plushies that were laid down towards the right of the front side, he took in a deep breath. He looked from the side as you held your breath a little, hoping it would work out.
Jay then pressed the button, hoping it would pick up the plushie. As the crane went down and scooped the plushie, it dropped as soon as it reached the top.
You heard Jay said “shit” as you shook your head, reassuring him it was okay. Jay shook his head, stretching his neck. “No, I will win it.”
Jungwon giggled from behind as he, Sunoo, and Ni-Ki were too invested. They decided to go towards you guys and see if Jay was successful this time.
“Moral support!” Sunoo cheered.
Jay’s face started to get pale; he did not want to embarrass himself even more right now. He put another token into the coin slot and took in a deep breath. He aimed for the same Pompompurin, asking the boys to go on the side and see if the angle was okay.
The Pompompurin was dropped closer towards the exit- he hoped this time around it would work out.
As soon as he angled the crane, the boys looked at the side and gave him a thumbs up, telling him it was okay to press the button.
The 5 of you looked towards the stuffed animal in hopes it would work. As soon as the crane got it, it stayed intact and was then dropped towards the exit. You all cheered and screamed in excitement, not caring if anyone was looking.
“Jay, holy shit, thank you!!” You squealed.
You got a bit too excited and hugged Jay as he hugged you back. Not realizing the two of you were so close to each other, you both then let go as he rubbed his neck.
“No problem. I’m glad you got it.” Jay replied, trying not to bring attention to his flustered cheeks.
Jungwon bent down to get your Pompompurin plushie and held it up. “He is finally going to a new home.”
“Jay, you need to help me get my Charmander plushie please!” Ni-Ki said as Jay nodded his head. “Oh yes, where is it?”
As he and Sunoo led Jay towards the other crane machine, Jungwon handed you the plushie.
“He’s a keeper!” Jungwon smiled as he walked quickly towards the others.
“What did you say?” You asked, rolling your eyes.
You then looked back towards your plushie, feeling too happy. You then felt your heart race a little as you held the plushie to your chest.
Why did your heart race as soon as you and Jay let go after your hug?
With the month of November rolling around the corner, it meant that it was the annual talent show. Your school always had a talent show right before the Winter season, showcasing different grades and their variety of skills.
Jay told you he and his friends Jake and Sunghoon signed up with him- as a dare from their classmates in their band class. You never heard Jay sing- from what Jungwon said, he had a nice voice. He did not want to give you any spoilers, saying that you would enjoy watching them sing.
You told Ms.Ling, the Yearbook teacher, that you wanted to volunteer to take photos for the event and take over the page since it was still empty. So here you are now, getting ready and setting up all the cameras making sure the angle looked nice.
“What made you want to join the page for the talent show?” Taehyun asked as he walked up to you, holding his camera.
“Nothing, I just wanted to watch that’s all.”
“Mhm, okay. Anyway, I saw the list, and seems like Jay and his friends are the 5th group to go.”
Taehyun scurried away as his friend Beomgyu was calling him from the front of the stage. You rolled your eyes, sitting down by the camera on the long tripod.
People slowly started to walk in as the show would start soon. You had your camera in your hands, sitting back, waiting for time to pass.
As it then was already 7 pm the front doors to the theaters closed and the lights started to dim. Your other friend Karina who was also in charge of the page took a seat next to you.
“Go ahead and take pictures from the side, I’ll help the school news team record.”
“You sure?” You ask as Karina nods her head, giving a thumbs up.
You then stood off saying Excuse me to the family on the left of you, walking towards the middle aisle.
The host of the evening which was Beomgyu stood in the center with the drama teacher welcoming the audience. You turned on your camera and started to adjust the brightness, ready to take photos.
The first group was just introduced as you walked closer to the stage, taking photos as Taehyun did the same on the other side. You snapped a few from different angles, making sure the photos came out just right.
So far, the groups that performed were a dance team, another performed magic tricks, and another impersonated famous people. The group after was two people who juggled pins which you were very impressed by.
Then it was time for Jay and his friends to come up.
As soon as Beomgyu said their names, the three walked up and pulled up wooden stools in the middle. Beomgyu helped put a mic stand in front of Jay’s stool as Jake and Sunghoon held their own mics.
Jay had his guitar with him and he smiled as soon as he spotted you in the aisle. You looked back, smiling, a bit excited to hear what they were about to sing.
As the trio introduced themselves, Jay then strummed his guitar, a familiar tune starting to play. The whole audience started to gasp, immediately whispering to themselves.
You realized it was the song Say You Won’t Let Go.
As Jay sang the first part of the song, you started to snap photos- as in click the button as many times as you can. Seeing you already took a handful, you put your camera down to enjoy the performance.
Little cheers started to erupt as Jake took the chorus and Sunghoon took the part after. You started to cheer a little as Jay sang the second chorus, and the audience started to sing along.
After the boys finished, everyone cheered as you clapped. As Jay caught your eye you gave him two thumbs up as he laughed a little, smiling. “Someone’s a fangirl.” You then looked next to you as Taehyun also cheered. You just laughed it off, letting Taehyun have it this time.
“So what did you think?”
You and Jay sat at the corner convenience store, drinking milk tea together. After the show ended, he introduced you to Jake and Sunghoon. As you knew of Jake already from your Algebra 2 class from last year and Sunghoon from PE in freshman year, this was the first time you had a conversation with them. They were nice people and you were glad Jay was taken in by them when he first arrived.
The two figured Jay wanted alone time with you so they parted ways as soon as you guys got your drinks from the milk tea shop.
“You’re so good at singing?? I was really surprised.” You replied as you took a bite of your pastry.
“You didn’t think I would sound good?” Jay joked as you rolled your eyes. “Don’t get too cocky there Mr.”
“Thank you though for actually going, I thought you didn’t plan on going.” Jay smiled.
As you looked up at him, you felt your heart race faster- just like it did when you guys first hugged at the arcade. It was a strange feeling for you because not once did your heart ever beat like this for anyone else, heck it never beat like this when you had a crush on Heeseung either.
“It’s no problem. Think of it as a thank you for being such a great friend and also a good teacher to Won.”
“You are too sweet Y/N.” Jay took a sip of his milk tea as you poked to his cheeks. “Did I make you blush?”
“No!” Jay choked out a little.
“Aw, I made you blush.” You giggled as Jay shook his head. “You’re seeing things.”
Maybe you are starting to believe that Jay did have a little crush on you.
Jay still did not know his way around city- more like he just never got the chance to. With his uncle busy at the shop and his aunt still at home, taking care of his little cousins, he only knew the route to and from the school and the area around it.
You felt bad he never got to explore the area and decided to spend the entire day going to your favorite places. You thought it would be nice to unwind with Jay for the day- considering you both never went out on your before.
You put on your sneakers, looking at the mirror on the top of the shoe cabinet.
As soon as you saw a notification pop up from your phone and saw Jay’s message, you opened the front door.
You said a quick bye to your grandma who was currently watching a game show on the TV.
You walked outside, closed the front door, and saw Jay standing in front of your house. The both of you unknowingly color-coordinated today, both wearing dark blue and black jeans.
“Good afternoon,” Jay said as you smiled,waving back. “You ready to go?”
“Yup, let’s go. I’m excited to see what you have planned.”
The two of you walked then towards the bus stop by your house, waiting for the next bus to arrive. As soon as it came you both paid your fares and went to the middle as you took the window seat.
You rode a bit further down to the other side of the city. The two of you talked for a little, him asking you what building was what and which parts of the city you go to often.
You both then got off a few minutes after and stood in front of a beach walk.
“Oh wow, it’s pretty over here,” Jay said in awe.
“We can get some ice cream floats then walk on the beach. How does that sound?” You asked as he nodded his head. “You are in charge today, I’m just following you around.”
The two of you then walked towards the small shops by the beach walk and went straight into the ice cream parlor.
After enjoying large chocolate floats, the both of you walked on the beach as the breeze softly caressed both of your guys’ faces. You both decided to sit for a little and wait for the sunset.
“Ah, thank you for showing me your favorite part of the city today, I enjoyed it.” Jay thanked you.
You smiled in relief. “I’m glad. I didn’t know if you would like it or not.”
“I’m guessing you come here quite often?”
“Yup. I used to come here often with my parents.”
“What happened?” Jay asked as he leaned back a little.
“Well they just get busy that’s all. We don’t have time to go out anymore because they both work long-hour shifts. That’s how I figured out bus routes to certain places so I can take Won and me out whenever I have some free time.”
“You’re a really good sister, I hope you know that,” Jay replied. “I don’t have any siblings but I can tell that you care for Won a lot.”
“Thanks, Jay, I try, I do.” You sighed.
The two of you then looked at each other. You felt your cheeks burn a little as he sat a little closer next to you. You gulp as the sky slowly starts to turn a darker shade of pink.
As the sun slowly started to set, Jay leaned in closer and he turned his neck a little, leaving a kiss on your lips. You did not pull away as you both stayed in the same position for a few more seconds.
You both then sat aback, as a little smile left your lips. You tried not to show your smile, looking at your feet dig into the sand.
Jay was your first kiss,
And you felt like you were floating on a cloud, glad it was him who took it.
Ever since you shared a kiss with Jay, the two of you did everything together. It was to the point he and his friends also joined you guys at lunch in the cafeteria and even took the same bus going home.
The two of you would subtly brush your hands against each other while walking, sometimes he’d intertwine them and sometimes he’d draw circles in your palms.
Your friends already got the hint something was going on between the both of you; they just let things be, waiting for you guys to admit to whatever was going on.
You sat in the library with Ningning, Julie, Jay, and his friends. You guys sat at the large table, looking at your laptops reading each other’s college application essays.
It honestly did not cross your mind about applying to college so soon. You decided just to stay locally as Ningning and Julie wanted to go out of state. You were too attached to stay home and did not know whether you wanted to leave just yet- also because you did not want to leave Jungwon yet either.
“Where did you plan to go?” You asked Jay as he closed a tab on his laptop. He sighed and shook his head. “Honestly I don’t know yet. I was thinking of just staying here.” The others smiled to themselves as Ningning and Julie held a giggle to themselves.
“Oh, you’re considering on staying here too?”
“Yeah, why are you?”
“Mhm.” You nodded your head. “My parents are always busy with work, Grandma is getting old. I feel like Won will have no one, as much as he drives me off the walls, I don’t want him to be alone.”
Jay nodded his head. “Makes sense.”
“I’ll still apply though to other schools, it’ll be a second option if anything.”
“Tell me which schools, maybe we can go to the same ones,” Jay replied as you nodded your head, showing him your possible schools.
What you didn’t know was that Jay wanted to originally go to where Sunghoon and Jake were planning on going to- which was a school in Los Angeles. He planned to apply soon too but as soon as he heard you wanted to stay, he wanted to stay too.
He thought he was going insane when he made a choice so quickly but in fact, he probably fell in too deep when it came to you. He already had the change of scenery he wanted and he liked it here with you. He did not mind if he kept working at the music store and did not mind either if he had to stay with his uncle and his family still. He felt like it was just right to stay here.
“That leaves the two of you to stay here, won’t you guys miss us.” Julie sighed as you shook your head. “Think of it this way, wherever you guys go, it gives us a reason to visit.”
“Fair enough,” Sunghoon replied as he and Jake switched their laptops.
You and Jay looked at each other’s essays, pointing out some grammar mistakes and poking fun at the little typing errors.
You walked into the music shop to pick up Jungwon’s guitar. He and Jay inspected his guitar last week and figured it needed some quick repairs as some screws were loose. With Jungwon out on a volunteer trip for school, you decided just to pick it up for him.
It was the weekend after Thanksgiving and things were still calming down. You and your friends all submitted your college applications the week before, feeling a relief of calmness wash over all of you.
You decided to apply to 3 schools as Jay applied to 4. He also applied to a school back in Seattle just in case things didn't work out here.
You secretly hoped you both would be accepted to the nearby university which was 10 minutes away. Since everyone else was leaving, it would be nice just to have one person by your side-especially if it was Jay.
Now it was just a waiting game for the results.
“Hi, I’m here to pick up-Heeseung?”
As the boy turned around, he waved and smiled. “Hi Y/N, long time no see.”
“You’re back?” You replied in confusion.
“Oh no, I’m just visiting. I go back this Monday. I figured I’d say hi to Mr. Kim before I go back.”
“And you’re working here for the day?” You asked, setting down your phone on the table.
“One of the workers called in sick and he asked if I could help out. I had nothing to do anyways.”
Jay then walked out of the practice room, waving bye to his student. As he walked out towards the front, he saw you and Heeseung talking. With his guitar in one hand, he turned his head a little, realizing that it was the guy Jungwon was talking about.
He remembered his uncle saying that one of the old workers would take a shift for the day but did not expect it to be Heeseung.
Jay saw your doe eyes and how they lit up a little. He saw you smile intently as you asked Heeseung how he was doing and how university was for him. He held on to his guitar, thinking if he should interrupt but just walked back to the hallway towards the back room, feeling a bit unamused.
“Can you believe he joined their rugby team and is also part of the music department’s main singers for their events?” You said as you moved a few Christmas decorations to the living room.
Jungwon tuned you out a little as he focused on putting the Christmas tree together.
As your parents and your Grandma were out currently buying more Christmas decorations, you and Jungwon decided just to prepare the tree and put the stockings by the fireplace before they came back.
Setting down the last box, you sighed. “Won, did you hear anything of what I was saying?”
“I mean I did for the first half,” Jungwon replied as he put the plastic pieces on the stand of the tree. “But then I didn’t hear anything you said for the second half.”
“I just wanted to let you know how Heeseung was doing.”
“Mhm, about Jay, did you see him? He was working today.”
“Oh really? I texted him and he said he wasn’t there.”
“Interesting,” Jungwon mumbled as he tried the put the middle of the tree together.
“Why? I don’t like Heeseung like that anymore, it felt nice. It was like catching up with an old friend.”
When you saw Heeseung again, you felt a wave of nostalgia hit you. You felt like a lot of things changed since he left and you felt like your little crush on him disappeared. It was cause your heart is now with someone else.
And that someone is Jay.
“So are you openly admitting to me that you like Jay now?’ Jungwon’s eyes lit up. He waited patiently for an answer from you as you then threw a pillow at him from the couch. “I am not admitting to anything.”
“You’re boring.” Jungwon huffed as he then went back to fixing the tree.
You smiled to yourself, humming the beginning of the song Jay sang at the talent show.
“Yeah guys, it’s bad, I don’t know.” Jay sighed as he kicked the ball into the net.
He and the boys were at the park playing soccer. He called the boys as soon as he got a call from his mom in Seattle, saying that his grandpa had fallen ill and was rushed to the hospital. He and his uncle were thinking of making a trip back to Seattle after Christmas to visit.
“We just hope everything will be okay man.” Jake sighed. “Have you told Y/N?”
“Not yet. I sorta told her I could not hang out yesterday after I saw her talk to Heeseung, I feel like an idiot being a bit jealous right now.”
Jay took a seat in the middle of the field with the soccer ball and rolled it in between his arms. Sunghoon and Jake also took a seat next to him, grabbing their water bottles.
“You’re acting like you guys did not just kiss a week or two ago,” Sunghoon said. “We see the way she looks at you.”
“Yeah, she gets all smiley and giggly with you. There is no way she likes Heeseung like she used to.” Jake agreed.
“I don’t know. Maybe I’m just a bit skeptical about how things will end.”
“Enjoy for now then man, you got some time before Christmas,” Jake said as Sunghoon nodded his head. “You have some time, maybe you can finally tell her how you feel.”
“I mean, I want to but-”
“But what?” Sunghoon asked.
“What if I don’t come back you know?”
“You are acting like you can’t visit or whatnot!” Jake sighs. “Come on, we’ll support you no matter what happens, I bet that’s the same for Y/N too.”
“I’ll think of something…” Jay muttered. He wanted to make sure to spend a bit of time with you before he leaves. He was quite unsure whether his mom wanted him back home sooner than thought; he wanted everything to be perfect when it came to you.
Jay sat nervously in the practice room. He asked Jungwon and his friends to help decorate the practice room the night before. With his uncle’s permission, they decorated the practice room in fairy lights and plated your favorite cookies and desserts from the bakery across the street.
He had his guitar in his hands a bit nervous, shaking his head. He sang in front of a large crowd before heck, he’s done it so many times back at home for school events. Why was he so nervous with you just being his only audience?
Jungwon told him that you’ve played the song he sang at the talent show around the house and in the car. He told Jay that it was your favorite song at the moment and it’s been like that for weeks already.
Jay thought serenading you with the song would be a good idea. He asked his friends and your friends for their opinions and they all thought it was a sweet idea. And so everyone helped him with the past week's plan while Jungwon and his friends helped him decorate the practice room.
You thought Jungwon had lessons so you just dropped him off after class as per usual. You could not help but look at Jungwon on the bus as he was all smiles and giggles. You just figured he and his friends had a lot of fun in class beforehand.
As you got off the bus, the two of you went straight to the music shop. Mr.Kim was at the front desk and greeted you both.
You both went straight to the practice room as the door was closed. Jungwon took his guitar case from you and smiled. “I think you should be the one to go in.”
“Huh, what?” You replied in question.
“Thank me later.” Jungwon walked away towards Mr.Kim as you looked to him in confusion.
You opened the door as you saw Jay sitting right in the middle of the room. He was sat on the wooden stool and had his guitar in his hands. You gasped a little, closing the door behind you. “J-jay?”
“Y/N,um I wanted to do something special for you,” Jay said a bit nervously. “I hope you like the song I’m about to sing.”
Jay started to strum his guitar and you instantly covered your mouth in shock. It was the song he sang at the talent show.
You felt tears well up in your eyes, a bit overwhelmed. No one has ever serenaded a song to you or ever done something special like this before. It felt like you were in your little romance movie and you were the main character. You were lost for words and could not believe it.
Jay really did all of this for you.
As soon as Jay finished singing, he looked up towards you and put his guitar down. He stood up and pouted. “Why are you crying? You didn’t like it?” He wiped the tears off your face, shocked by your reaction.
You shook your head. “No, no. I’m just- no one has ever done this for me, thank you.”
“I know it’s obvious but Y/N I like you a lot.” Jay took in a deep breath as he then held both of your hands in his. “Remember the first week I was here? I said I hope you change your mind on some things?”
“Gosh, how do you remember that?” You laughed a little, biting your lip. You tried to hold in more of the tears that streamed down your face.
“I liked you the first time I met you. The more I got to know you and the more I got to be around you, my heart started to save a spot just for you. I know we have a long way to go but I want to be with you.”
“It’s so funny how I despised you at first for no reason.” You let out a small chuckle. “But now, I really want you to stay in my life Jay. I really do.”
“Can I be your boyfriend Y/N?” Jay asked.
“Yes, yes you can.” You smiled. “100 times yes.”
You swooped in and kissed Jay. He puts his hands on your cheeks and you can feel the tears subside. You did not want to let him go. He was all yours.
You sat with Jay on the bus, on the way to the mall. Your friend group wanted to go watch a movie and get some milk tea before finals next week.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something,” Jay spoke up.
“Mhm, what is it?” You asked.
“Well, you know how my Grandpa isn’t doing well? My mom wants my uncle and I to fly for a few weeks to go visit right after our break starts.”
“Oh wow Jay, don’t even worry, you need to go.” You replied.
“She’s been talking with my dad about me coming back…”
“Like permanently?” You asked.
“I don’t know to be honest.” Jay sighed. He took your hand in his as he looked to you with a weary smile. “I don’t want to just leave you guys.”
“There is always FaceTime and we can always visit each other if you do need to stay.”
You wanted Jay to focus on his time with his family. They needed him more than ever now and plus with him here, he could not give them his full support. He needed to be there.
“Thank you for being so understanding Y/N,” Jay said as he kissed your forehead.
“We’ll get through this.” You smiled as he put his arm around you. You got your earbud as you put one in your ear and the other in his. “Here, let me show you my favorite song right now.”
It has been around a month since you last saw Jay. He was currently in Seattle with his uncle to visit his Grandpa. You remember him putting his head on your shoulder, stressed about everything a day before he left. You reassured him that everything will be okay and that his Grandpa will recover soon.
You spent Christmas and New Year at your Dad’s side of the family in New Jersey and stayed there for the entire winter break. You and your friends all facetimed during New Year's, staying up just for Jay to reach New Year's at his place.
Jay did not come back in time for school to start. He was gone for the first and second week, telling you and your friends that his parents wanted more time with him before he came back. You admit you were a bit scared he would end up staying there. You did not want to say anything and just kept your thoughts and feelings to yourself. You just wish you had more time to do things as a couple if worse did come to worse.
It was a Tuesday afternoon and the snow started to fall outside. You heard your classmates rush to the window in awe, happy that the snow finally fell after so long. You look as the snow starts to cover the trees and bushes and the parking lot having white specks on the pavement.
With nothing to do in your free period, you just sat in the library, catching up on some schoolwork and some preparations for college. Ningning joined you as she had nothing to do in her free period either.
You decided not to tell Jay yet that you got accepted to all the universities you applied to and got into the one in the city. It was a perfect distance from home to school and you could just take the bus still. He did not mention anything yet to you about his applications so you waited until he’d come back.
“Wow, the snow finally came,” Ningning muttered as the two of you looked towards the large window pane by the side entrance. “It seems heavier than usual.”
“We can finally have a snowball fight with the others.” You smiled. “I need to show Jay.”
“He’s missing out that’s for sure,” Ningning replied as she looked back down to her work.
“I’m just relieved his grandpa is doing much better, Jay told me he can finally get some sleep.”
Jay’s grandpa made a recovery as soon as he and his uncle arrived. He assumed that his grandpa just missed him and what not. You were relieved knowing that his grandpa was doing better than before.
“Me too, that means he can come back to you.” Ningning cheered as she let out a cheeky smile.
“Yea, yea.” You smiled.
You admit you did miss Jay but knew he needed time with his family. He was appreciative of how understanding you were and felt bad you could not celebrate your first month together physically. He even bought a small cake for both of you and blew it on FaceTime as a celebration.
“Oh yea, don’t forget, we need to reply to the admissions offices to our chosen schools by the start of February.”
“Mhm, I’ll get that done soon.” You replied, going back to work on your essay.
“You decided on where you want to go?”
“Yeah, I think I’m going to stick to our local university.”
“I’ll miss you Y/N, we really been together for so long.” Ningning pouted.
“Don’t worry I will try to visit often and you need to give me a campus tour. We got a deal?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
You plop yourself on your bed, grabbing your phone from the top of your desk drawer. After helping your grandma load the dishwasher, you and Jungwon went up to your bedrooms to do some homework. You both were full from the delicious dinner your grandma made and could feel a nap coming in.
As Jungwon decided to stop lessons until Jay would get back, you were able to go home earlier and just work on homework. You both spent more time with your grandma, watching her favorite game shows. You and your friends would sometimes tag along with Jungwon and his friends to the arcade. Jake and Sunghoon were helping everyone get the stuffed animals they wanted you, Ningning, and Julie just sat back down, watching it all unfold.
You glance towards the Pompompurin Jay won for you on the top of your pillows. You smiled to yourself, thinking of him.
Jay has not texted since late last night. You wondered if everything was okay and decided to check on him. He usually was a fast replier too so you were curious if he was just busy with his family.
As you were about to text him, his Caller ID appears on your phone screen.
“Y/N, I am super sorry, I got busy.” Jay said on the other line. You can hear him panting a little like he was out of breath.
“Are you okay, you seem like you ran a marathon?” You asked as you sat up.
“Look out your window.”
You stood up from your bed and walked towards the window by your desk. You saw Jay on the side of the street, waving towards you.
He was here. He was right in front of your window.
“Oh my god-”
“Surprise!” Jay said as he waved, jumping.
“Stay right there, don’t move.”
You ended the call, immediately getting your winter coat. You ran down the stairs, grabbing your boots, telling your Grandma you’d be back in a few minutes. You opened the front door and ran down the porch as Jay appeared right in front of you. You ran to him and into his arms as he held you tightly. You kissed him out of excitement and pulled away, holding his face in your hands. “You’re not a figment of my imagination right?”
“No, I’m here.” Jay chuckled. “I missed you so much.”
“You’re here for good or you’re heading once we graduate?” You ask.
“Well… I wanted to tell you but I wanted to tell you in person.” Jay held you close. “I got into the university you wanted to go to. Well, more like we wanted to get into.”
“Jay, wait, you too?” You smiled. “Me too.”
“I told my Mom I wanted to stay and go to school here. I told her I didn’t want to leave you plus it was the change of scenery I needed away from home.”
“We are doing this?” You asked as he nodded his head. “I’m not letting you go that easily Y/N.”
You hugged Jay again, smiling.
You had your fair share of crushes and infatuations, but never did it lead to anything. Jay proved to you that you do deserve someone who loves you just as much as you loved them. He showed through his actions that he cared deeply for you and that he wanted to stay with you even if things were a bit rough at the start. With the snow starting to fall again, the both of you looked up and back at each other. He came right in time to experience the first day of snow with you.
“Come in, it’s freezing out here. I think my Grandma would like to meet you.” You smiled. “Lead the way,” Jay replied as you held his hand.
You both walked back to the inside of your house as Jungwon stood on the front porch. Not knowing if he stood there the entire time, you looked at him as he clapped his hands, calling out to Jay. He waved to Jay and immediately hugged him.
“Y/N move over, I missed my guitar teacher.” Jungwon joked as you laughed, letting him and Jay have their little reunion.
You then welcome Jay into your house as he meets your Grandma who instantly smiles upon seeing him remove his shoes. She greets him, telling him to take a seat. Jungwon stands next to him, immediately bringing over a baby photo of you from the top of the fireplace.
You closed the front door, removing your shoes. You looked towards the sight in front of you, smiling. Jay looked back at you, holding your baby photo, gawking over how adorable you were.
“Y/N, come here, I’m going to make you guys some hot chocolate.” Your grandma motions to you as she walks into the kitchen.
You nodded your head, removing your coat, and walking over to the living room. You sat next to Jay as he started to go on and on about your missing two front teeth in your baby photo.
You giggled to yourself as Jungwon brought more photos over to him.
Oh, how thankful you were for dropping Jungwon off to guitar lessons that one summer day back in August.
© loveyhoons , 2024
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#enhypen#enhypen au#enhypen x reader#park jongseong#park jongseong x reader#enhypen jay x reader#enhypen jay imagines#enhypen fluff#enhypen jay
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i am unwell. i am so unwell.
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eek hi everyone i saw enhypen last week i miss them 😔
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so nice to see another tbz writer!! we celebrate!! loved your hyunjae one 🥰
OMG HII aaa thank u for reading hehe ur too kind 🥹🥹 i’ll be sure to write more in the future ><
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my sweet darling juyo thank you for making my evening ⊹₊。ꕤ˚₊⊹

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eeee i finally published the prologue and the first chapter of my hoon fic 😅 will be working on starting chapter 2 and my jay fic over the weekend !! i hope you all are doing well <33
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pairing: park sunghoon x f!reader
synopsis: sunghoon never believed in love due to his biggest secret: having the disease hanahaki. when he meets you on a whim one night, he realizes he may have found his cure...you. will love be both in your favor, or will it all crumble before it even started?
word count: 2.7k words
warnings: cussing, alcohol consumption
taglist: OPEN! send in an ask or comment if you’d like to be tagged
The sun shone brightly on the sidewalk and the streets surrounding the area.
You and your best friend Chaehyun decided to check out the Farmer’s Market today, knowing the nice old lady who sold flowers would be back once again with more commodities.
In your shared apartment with Chaehyun, there was a flower vase that was the centerpiece of the dining table. As the flowers her boyfriend Heeseung got her were withering, she decided to replace them and get a fresh bouquet. You decided to tag along, needing a breath of fresh air.
It was a routine to always go to the farmer’s market ever since the two of you moved into your apartment back in freshman year. Now on your second semester of junior year in university, the two of you were always glued together-literally.
You walked through the rows of buckets, looking at the different flowers. Your eyes glistened as soon as you spotted your favorite flowers: Forget Me Nots. You bent down, looking at the blue and purple flowers bundled up in the bucket.
“Did you want to add those to the flower vase?” Chaehyun asked as she held a few of her favorite flowers in her hands.
You nodded, picking a few. “Sure, why not?” Standing up, you handed some of the flowers you chose and gave them to Chaehyun as she looked at the bouquet as a whole. “Wow, they added a nice touch with the sunflowers and tulips.”
You never really knew why Forget Me Nots were your favorite flowers. There was never a backstory to it; all you could say was that whenever you saw the flowers, they seemed to have a bigger meaning than thought. Maybe it was the hopeless romantic in you or the movies of the main leads finding their soulmates in the most random places- but for you, it just gave you the feeling of true love.
As Chaehyun went to pay, you walked down the sidewalk to find more vendors and other things to buy. You then stumbled upon one of your friends from your Photos class last semester, Jake Sim. As you both crossed paths, he waved from the side of the area he was in. He held a bag of fresh oranges, looking for the perfect ones to buy.
You and Jake talked often as he was notably one of the most handsome guys in your grade- also one of Heeseung’s closest friends. He, Heeseung, Jay, and Sunghoon- his entire friend group was known as the campus hunks per say. They were all known to be flirtatious- well minus Heeseung since he got together with Chaehyun.
They always showed up to the parties, knew almost everyone, had high grades, and overall just had a reputation that shone across the campus. It is known that they were never serious about one thing which was love.
Maybe that was why you were skeptical as soon as Chaehyun confessed to you she started seeing Heseeung. But soon enough, he proved himself worthy of dating your best friend.
“Hey Y/N, what brings you here?” Jake asked politely as you stood by the crate of oranges.
“Chae wanted to grab some flowers for the vase in the dining room.” You replied.
“There you are, you wandered off-” Chaehyun sighed as she glanced towards Jake, giving him a wave.
“Let me guess?” Jake smiled as Chaaehyun nodded her head. “The flowers withered.”
Chaehyun showed Jake the bouquet of flowers as he looked at each one, admiring how pretty the bouquet was. He then snapped his fingers, as if a lightbulb appeared on the top of his head.
“Wait, before I forget, you and Y/N are coming to Yeonjun’s party tonight right? It’s the first last party of the spring semester since he’s graduating in May.”
“Hee told me about that, I’ll tag along,” Chaehyun replied. She then looked at you and shook her head. “I don’t know about Y/N though.”
“You guys have fun,” You smiled. “I got assigned a paper already in my Sociology class.”
In honesty, the paper was not due in 3 weeks, you had another deadline: your article in the Campus Online Paper. As a journalism major, you must participate in the school’s online newspaper under an Alias for at least one semester in your last two years of university. No one knew it was you who wrote those articles, not even Chaehyun.
It was your little secret to keep, you wanted people to critique your writing because of skill not because it was you per say.
You decided to get it over with and participate this semester under the alias Forget Me Not (you had no clue what your alias should be) and write about Classics and Myths. As you had the creative freedom to choose a topic and stick with it for that semester, you decided to write about different stories that piqued your interest and analyze them.
You remembered the first day of your Intro to Classics and Myths, stunned by learning about the Narcissus flower.
The myth was about the nymph Echo and the hunter Narcissus. Echo was cursed by the goddess Juno, the Roman counterpart of the Greek goddess Hera. Echo was cursed to only repeat what someone had already said.
Echo then falls in love with Narcissus who rejects her; she does not give up, only for her body to then go to waste with only an echo of her soul to be heard. Narcissus then is punished by Nemesis, the Greek counterpart of Artemis, and curses him to only fall in love with no one but himself.
As Narcissus then stops by a nearby pond, thirsty, he sees his reflection in the pond, not realizing he is looking at himself. In pure bliss, Narcissus decided to lean closer and realized he could not fall in love with the reflection, falling into his death; the Narcissus flower then started to grow in his place.
After learning about the Myth and being intrigued by the story, you wrote about the piece and your thoughts. You felt like you just rambled in your article analyzing it and adding your feelings and how pitiful love could be for people.
Frankly, you were supposed to stay for just one semester. As the number of reads slowly increased after your first article, the student president of the paper, Choi Soobin, asked you to stay just for one more semester, promising to put in a good word with you for the broadcasting company he was currently interning at.
Now here you are, trying to pry your way out of an offer that you probably can’t refuse knowing it was going to be one of the biggest parties of the semester. Especially since Yeonjun moved into an apartment space that was larger than the last one he last lived in.
“See I told you.” Chaehyun chimed. “She’s a busy girl.”
“Ah, well I tried,” Jake replied. “But if you do change your mind, you should tag along. It’d be cool for you to hang out with everyone.”
“Wait, you haven’t even properly met Jay and Sunghoon,” Chaehyun said as she nuzzled up to you, smiling. “Okay, I guess you have to go now.”
“I can meet them another time-”
“Oh yea, they’re nice. Jay’s really funny and easygoing. Sunghoon’s a bit cold but he’s just reserved.” Jake replied. “Y/N, I still think you should come.”
“I’ll think about it.” You nodded your head.
The two of you then said goodbye to Jake, walking towards the vendor who was selling kettle corn at the end of the other side of the market.
You had no clue how you went from an “I’ll think about it” to sitting on Yeonjun’s couch, in the middle of Jake and Chaehyun.
Your best friend was too busy talking to Heeseung enjoying their time together as Jay sat on the other end of Jake sipping their drinks.
You could barely hear what anyone was saying or process what was going on as the strobe lights took over the entire area and loud music blared from the speakers placed near the couch.
Everyone was busy doing their own thing and you on the other hand, just wanted to go home.
You had just met Jay and he seemed very sweet and polite. You guys talked for a little bit earlier in the kitchen as they poured their drinks into their cups. You found out how he was a Business major alongside Sunghoon while Jake majored in Chemical Engineering and Heeseung majored in Music Therapy.
The three of you rambled about how much work your classes assigned in the first week and how slumped you all were, already waiting for the summer. You got along with them pretty nicely and you wondered if you’d get along with the last person in Heeseung’s friend group which was Sunghoon.
Sunghoon was one of the quieter guys in Heeseung’s friend group. You've seen him a couple of times and how he rarely had a smile on his face. He was the one you’d hear the most stories of in your classes and amongst girls in your classes.
You heard of stories of girls trying their best to get closer to him or asking for his number or how some would even gift him chocolates as a confession. He would then decline each request, leaving many in heartbreak and some in embarrassment.
He seemed to be the opposite whenever it came to parties and larger functions. His walls would crumble down only to be rebuilt the day after.
You did not want to judge his character since you did not know him at all but he was distinguishable from his friends personality wise.
“Dang he must have drank on his own or something,” Jake mumbled, looking around for Sunghoon. He looked at his phone, seeing that the message he sent to Sunghoon was still left unread.
You stood up and looked down at your phone. Seeing it was almost 10 PM, you needed some fresh air knowing the party wasn’t going to end anytime soon.
You lightly tapped Chaehyun’s shoulder, trying to get her attention. “Chae, you said there was a rooftop here?”
“Oh yes, you need to see it, it’s pretty! Just press the 5th floor and go straight down the left hall and there should be the entrance.” Chaehyun replied trying to talk loudly over the blaring music.
“Also if you see Sunghoon there, do you mind texting Chaehyun to let us know, I have a feeling he may be there.” Jake asked you as you nodded your head.
You then walked out, saying a bit of loud “Excuse Me’s” outside of Yeonjun’s apartment and towards the elevator in the middle of the floor.
Sunghoon lost count of how much he drank so far. He felt the flower petals start to grow in his lungs again. There was no one sitting by the balcony on the rooftop, it was just him and the alcohol keeping him company. He coughed a little as a few flower petals fell from his mouth.
He looked down towards the blue and purple petals. “Damn Forget Me Nots.” He whispered to himself.
As he shrugged off the flowers, he just sat and looked at the view of the city, sitting in one of the plastic chairs, trying to control his breathing.
Sunghoon was in a shitty mood, to say the least. Getting a call earlier today from his dad telling him to get over his disease and help his older brother with the family business was not what he wanted to wake up to. With his dad pestering him over an arranged marriage and possible “cures” to help him get “back on track with his life”,
Sunghoon was frustrated, wishing his dad would just stop.
He took another sip of the beer in his hands, feeling the wind blow its breeze lightly on his face.
You opened the entrance to the rooftop and sighed in awe. As the entrance was on the other side of where Sunghoon was sitting, you did not see him just yet.
You got your phone out of the pocket of your jacket and took pictures of the view. You took a deep breath, relieved of the fresh air. You felt suffocated, to say the least at the party and were finally happy to be alone for once.
The rooftop was decorated with hung lightbulbs in all four corners. You figured this was a spot people go to often to wind down and drink or have a midnight conversation at. It was decorated nicely, it was no wonder people liked to come up here.
You walked towards the other side of the rooftop to find someone sitting in a plastic chair alone. As you walk closer, you see a few bottles of beer with flower petals all over the area. You look in confusion, curious about where all the flower petals came from.
There were certainly no trees around unless this mysterious person was picking petals from flowers they brought up to the rooftop.
You then see Sunghoon sitting, staring at the view, sighing. As you took another step, he put down the bottle of beer he was drinking. You immediately text Chaehyun to tell Jake that Sunghoon is up on the rooftop.
“Jake, is that you?” Sunghoon asks softly with his back still turned towards the view.
“Oh, um, no.” You reply as you walk closer. “I was just here to get air.”
Sunghoon looked at you as he turned his head slightly. As you bend down, you pick up a blue flower petal and raise an eyebrow. “Forget-Me-Nots?”
“You-you know the petals of those flowers?”
“Yeah, actually they’re my favorite type of flowers.” You replied. “Where did you get so many of them to rip up these many petals?”
Sunghoon could not process what he was hearing. He just looked at you as you picked up some of the petals in awe. He did not reply, confused if he was hearing things correctly.
This was probably nothing but a small conversation, he thought to himself.
There is no way you would just show up in his life with the flowers that filled his lungs to be those favorite flowers of yours.
“Who hurt you?” You asked, looking up at him.
“It’s not a who it’s a what,” Sunghoon muttered as he looked back at the view, trying to deflect all the questions you asked.
You just looked at the petals in front of you, still in the same position. You picked up a petal, poking it with your finger, seeing it glisten under the lightbulbs that perched up above the both of you.
He then glanced back towards you who stood up, holding the petal in your hands.
You looked down at the petal in your hands and back up at Sunghoon, clicking your tongue. “It’s too bad you ripped them up. These flowers symbolize true love.”
Sunghoon started to feel his chest at ease. He held his chest a little, perplexed by this new still of calmness. He blinked his eyes quicker, thinking if his suspicions were just him unaware of what was going on at the moment. He put his hand down, sitting up a little. “Is that why you like those flowers?”
“Mhm.” You replied. “Oh, I’m Y/N by the way, Chaehyun’s best friend.”
As soon as Sunghoon was going to reply, Jake rushed in with Jay. The two looked a bit frazzled by the sight of the flower petals. You stepped back a bit as the two carried Sunghoon in their arms.
“Thanks, Y/N for letting Chaehyun know,” Jake said as he gently put Sunghoon’s left arm around him as Jay did for his right.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Tell Hee and Chaehyun we’re heading back to our apartment earlier. You’ll be okay here?” Jay asked.
You nodded your head, giving the boys a thumbs up. “No worries. Get home safely.”
Sunghoon felt too stunned as he turned his head back to you, feeling a bit defeated he didn’t properly introduce himself to you. He just kept his head down a little, feeling his chest start to tighten again.
As the boys bid farewell and walked back inside to the hallway, you glanced back at the sight in front of you.
You walked around the petals and glanced towards the view of the city in front of you. You slid the petal into your pocket, sighing. You then turned around and looked back at the rooftop, stunned by what just happened.
Sunghoon was the complete opposite of what you thought he would be.
And why did that intrigue you in the slightest bit?
prologue || 02
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FORGET-ME-NOT | prologue
pairing: park sunghoon x f!reader
synopsis: sunghoon never believed in love due to his biggest secret: having the disease hanahaki. when he meets you on a whim one night, he realizes he may have found his cure...you. will love be both in your favor, or will it all crumble before it even started?
word count: 1.4k words
warnings: cussing, alcohol consumption
taglist: (OPEN!, send an ask or comment to be tagged)
notes: it has begun, let me know what you guys think eeee :D
The one thing that Park Sunghoon envied was love. He envied people who could fall in and out of love without thinking of death. He envied those who could just feel the passion of a kiss from their significant other. He envied those who could fall in love at first sight and know that person would just be the “one” for them their entire lives.
Of course, Sunghoon had his reasons. Despite being one of the most popular and good-looking third-year students at his university, he was also known as the one with the cocky and playful attitude as others would say. He was not the one to fall for people at first sight but was more of the guy to kiss and tell at parties and do little hook-ups for that time being. He was a wreck as you can say, but it was not always like this.
Even though he may seem a bit tough, stubborn, and closed off at times, he did have his reasons.
At the age of 4, Sunghoon was diagnosed with a lung disease called Hanahaki.
Since birth, Sunghoon would experience strange coughs and strained breathing but there was no sign of his lungs having a problem or signs of asthma. X-rays would sometimes appear clear, making his doctor worried about what could be affecting Sunghoon.
As soon as Sunghoon threw up a pile of flower petals at the age of 3, his doctor figured that he would be 1 of the 5 people in the world to be diagnosed with the disease.
Hanahaki is a disease that affects a person’s lungs and their ability to pass air in and out of their body. The lungs are filled with flower petals that grow into piles and once it fills and fully consumes both lungs, the person dies immediately after. It is said that the flower petals are petals of the patient’s favorite flower, which they are “destined” to love—their soulmate.
With not much evidence of the disease being an actual problem and doctors poking at it like it was a joke, things would only start to escalate from there. More and more people started to become diagnosed with the disease and the death toll started to skyrocket. It made headlines in the late 80s to early 90s, throwing the world in a frenzy— how can a disease that seemed so unrealistic happen to such a world with no magic? It was mind-bending and unbelievable for people to even think about.
With more than enough medical attention being brought to the disease, doctors then successfully made a surgery procedure that could work. The downside to the surgery is that once performed, the person will no longer have feelings for their soulmate. They will have to either restart or “meet” that person again like the first time they met them or just move on with their lives, putting whatever they felt behind them. It was as if that person never existed in their life and seeing that person meant no affection given towards them.
With such a cure that seemed too good to be true, it left doctors to look for other possible cures around the world, hoping another method would work. It was bittersweet in a way, but doctors hoped it did not have to end in just one procedure— they wished for a miracle to happen instead.
When they did find a cure in Japan, it was a strange but interesting cure, to say the least. A man who had the disease had tulip petals growing in his lungs. He then met a girl whom he fell in love with at first sight. As time starts to pass by after meeting her, he can feel the flowers start to grow more and at times fade away faster as if nothing happened. It was an indescribable situation; it was as if things would only get better but worse at the same time.
Eventually, as the days started to pass by, his condition started to grow worse than expected. He decided to tell the girl the truth and almost died while doing so. As soon as she told him she liked him back, he was miraculously cured with no tulip petals left in sight. Doctors were astonished after seeing his x-rays and immediately started to look for other patients with similar cases.
As the cases started to look similar to that patient’s story, it was deemed as another cure for the disease.
Sunghoon felt overwhelmed from a young age not being able to live out his life. He decided to keep his disease a secret with only a few friends knowing and keep a fair distance from people he didn’t know or talk to. He suffered enough from going to the ER a lot due to the flower petals at times sometimes overflowing or even disappearing sometimes at no rate.
When his doctor told him that the petals that inhabited his lungs were Forget-Me-Nots, he was baffled. He had not met anyone yet who liked the flower petals that inhabited his lungs; it was strange, to say the least his condition was already like that specific patient’s story. He felt the flowers to be so specific, that he even wondered if he’d meet anyone at that point.
There was no medicine to cure him, there was nothing he could do about it. With his frustration getting the best of him, he started to shut off people, building walls around him, hoping it would be the way to stay alive.
He thought the entire soulmate cure was bullshit. He scoffed at the idea of someone falling in love with him to cure him. He did not want to believe in such a story no matter how true it was; he already lost hope and did not know how much longer he had left until the petals would overflow.
And that’s why he sits miserably on the couch of this random student’s house, drinking some alcohol in a red cup, next to a girl he doesn’t even know.
“One more drink!”
Sunghoon peers over to his best friend Jake who was having the time of his life. The guy started to chug a drink and people cheered as soon as he finished.
The only reason he went to a house party today was because of his roommates/best friends Jay and Jake. The two were always in the mood for a party and never missed one, excited to meet new people and play several drinking games. His other friend Heeseung was not present, on a date with his girlfriend Chaehyun.
Sunghoon only went to parties whenever Jay Jake or Heeseung would go. Since they technically are the only friends of his who know about his disease, they also would check up on him to make sure Sunghoon wouldn’t get too drunk.
When they first found out back in their senior year of high school, the two felt terrible not knowing what Sunghoon was going through. Even though they all knew each other since elementary school, they were in disbelief that Sunghoon had been diagnosed with the disease.
It was a pivotal moment in all 4 of their lives to go to the same university; the group could not be separated either way. They wanted to make sure Sunghoon would stay alive as long as possible.
They were scared of losing him.
The three of them made it a priority to look after Sunghoon at times too. What would someone think after seeing Sunghoon throw up flower petals? They did not want Sunghoon to be exposed to that; it was hard enough for the public to take such a disease so seriously.
The number of cases died down around the mid 2010s leaving the amount of records to perish of the disease. It would later on only become a myth that would relish as a 90s Fever Dream; only to be known as that and nothing else.
“Hey, let’s go upstairs.” The girl whispers in Sunghoon’s ear, giggling. She scoots closer to Sunghoon, smiling, unaware of all the alcohol she’s consumed. Feeling a bit woozy, and uncomfortable, he sat aback.
“Uh, maybe another time…” He stood up and walked away from the couch, hearing the girl curse at him from behind.
Sunghoon then threw the red cup into the trash and walked around the house to find Jay.
He felt like his lungs were about to be filled any second with the flower petals.
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