indie + canon divergent spike roleplay blog for the tv series buffy the vampire slayer. oc/crossover friendly + multi-everything. mun/muse 21+ NSFW may be present
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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This blog is now archived - I’m HERE with my same boss ass URL
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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like for a christmas themed starter!
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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The world swayed and spun before the vampire’s eyes as he let another empty bottle tumble from his grip. The previous ones found resting places in pieces after he chucked them haphazardly across his motel room, so this latest bottle should consider itself lucky. He’d sung himself hoarse to keep his mind off why he’d gotten positively hammered in the first place, but now he was feeling despair and crushing heartbreak ready to swallow him whole again. His head fell into his hands as he sat on the edge of the bed. The banging at his door ricocheted in his skull and he groaned. What was that bitch yammering about?
“Oh SOD off. Like your life’s so bloody terrible,” he hollered back before falling back onto his bed and draping an arm across his face. “Poor you. Can’t miss the latest of Dawson’s bleedin’ Creek, can ya?” He could taunt all he wanted, but he was currently missing said episode of Dawson’s Creek because he’d thrown a fit and broken his own tele. Therefore, he wasn’t about to be the only one suffering around here. That was his line of logic about all this, at least.
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              Being nothing else but a damp, the motel held no big expectations to begin with ; and yet, as it was the best Faith could do, a certain amount of peace was all she asked for. The concept was good at its core, and yet Faith’s new neighbor seemed to hold no understanding of it. He kept making a drunken karaoke right behind her wall  ——  all of which, after several knocks to the wall led Faith to his door.  ❛  Hey, asshole!  ❜  She banged loudly at the door.  ❛  Turn that down a notch, would you  ——  some people are tryin’ to watch something.  ❜
@lovesbxtch THAT THING.
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
// i’m trying so hard to stay focused right now. waiting for the beau to text me about christmas plans + i get to see him tomorrow so like. i’m all kinds of spastically (is that a word??) excited. ahhhhhhhh!!!!
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
“It’s snowing!”
sentence starters; christmas edition.
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“Well I’ll be damned. Looks like it’ll be a white Christmas this year after-all,” Spike mused. He grinned down at the vampiress beside him before sticking his tongue out to catch a few flakes on his tongue.
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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like for a christmas themed starter!
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
@drusillawantstoplay // continued from: here
Spike could tell dawn was still a few hours away, and yet he felt utterly content where he was. No matter how wild their antics got and how much he craved the excitement and destruction, he still would trade it all for these moments of tenderness. Did it make him a poofter? Sure. Did he care? At the moment, no. Spike absently let his fingers brush through her soft tresses and watched the flames dance before them. The fire had been lit when they’d ‘borrowed’ the place from the previous inhabitants. Her smile warmed his dead heart. “What’s got my princess so entranced?” 
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
“You, my friend, are a Grinch. A real Scrooge.”
sentence starters; christmas edition.
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“Oh right, an’ you’re a regular bloody Santa’s helper, yeah? Pot, meet kettle, luv.”
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
“You, my friend, are a Grinch. A real Scrooge.” 🎄
sentence starters; christmas edition.
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“Well when you’ve lived as long as I have, Christmas really loses its charm...,” he trailed off, recalling the few Christmas Eve’s he’d enjoyed. “Well, ‘cept those years when it was just Dru an’ I.” Spike got a faraway twinkle in his blue eyes. “She was so happy that year we feasted on drunken party-goers and shagged each other senseless next to a roaring fire.” 
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
sentence starters; christmas edition.
“Would you like to make paper snowflakes with me? You’re going to help me clean up the mess, though!”
“You’re the worst at wrapping presents, do you want me to wrap them for you?”
“Come on, it’s Christmas! Cheer up!”
“I just want to make someone else’s Christmas special.”
“You should treat every day like it’s Christmas.”
“You can jingle my bells.”
“I made you some hot chocolate!”
“What’s your favorite Christmas movie?”
“Christmas is far too commercialized.”
“Merry Christmas!”
“Do you believe in Santa Claus?”
“You, my friend, are a Grinch. A real Scrooge.”
“I’m not kissing you, no matter how much mistletoe we pass under!”
“Look… mistletoe!”
“I love to drive by the houses at night and look at the Christmas lights; lights are something I’ve never had the patience for myself.”
“Wanna help me bake Christmas cookies?”
“I can’t afford much for Christmas.”
“I’ve had enough of Christmas songs!”
“That’s the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen!”
“What’s your favorite Christmas song?”
“I’ve always hated Christmas. I’ve always felt the need to buy something for everyone.”
“It’s snowing!”
“What’s on your wishlist this year?”
“I never really liked Christmas. I’m allergic to the Christmas trees, someone always spikes the eggnog… and I’m always alone on Christmas.”
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
my kink: beautiful women who could kill me with their bare hands
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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—  I see only reflections that belong to someone else … someone’s girlfriend, someone’s daughter, someone’s student, someone’s slave, someone’s victim -
                                   someone’s heartbreak
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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“If it’s my help you’re wantin’, ‘m gonna need a bit more  from you, ducks. You scratch my back, I scratch yours,  yeah? Money an’ smokes before I’ll listen.”
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lovesbxtch-archive · 8 years ago
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“Home sweet home.”
I just can’t stay away from Spike for long. The Big Bad is back and ready for some threads. Did a total ‘revamp’ on my blog (pun intended) and I really need some writing partners. Went on a massive unfollow spree + now my dashboard is sad and lonely.
Actively seeking Spuffy ships.
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